Inscrit depuis 5750 Jours
I thought initially gears of war had amazing multiplayer and it was super exciting and fun. Then i realized how utterly broken it was and i stopped playing.
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Currently playing: Uncharted 2, CoDMW2 (PS3), Torchlight (PC)

Inscrit depuis 5782 Jours
HO;Y CRAP!! that looks AMAZING!! and still almost a year away!, man Gears always brings it, cant wait o see this monster in motion.
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Inscrit depuis 6976 Jours
My Baby returns!, those pics look amazing, pic 4 is my fav, as it really shows the diff between gow2 and 3 (so far) i mean gow2 looked great but the lighting in this game looks to have taken a huge jump, with the shadows and colors really popping out, cant wait to see this bad boy in action, i hope E3 they show a nice long slice of gameplay like they did with GOW2.
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** Yes We CAN!! **

SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Inscrit depuis 7139 Jours
Even more enemy variety! Wooo! The bane of action games right now is the same box of men approach, but Gears 2 blew me away in regards to its encounter variety, and this steps it up further. Awesome.

Cliffy B, for all his product, has a sharp damn head (not another comment on product). I've prolly said this a billion times but when he described Gears as Bionic Commando in a horizontal space, I knew he was into games more than AWESUM SHOOTARS WIF GANS!! You can clearly tell by the advances made in Gears 2 that gameplay is very much paramount.
En réponse à | Dominic and Simon - dyanamic games blog duo! - Follow me - Follow Mode-7

Inscrit depuis 6976 Jours
I have no doubt that GOW3 gameplay and SP will be even more brilliant, both Gears games have blown me away from beginning to end, and i'm sure this one will be no different.

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** Yes We CAN!! **

Inscrit depuis 6002 Jours
OMG!! Gears brings it yet again!

Pic number 3 how badass do thoes Lambent look!, and is that Jace (hair with the cornrows) from the books, i think it is?
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Prepare To Drop!!

Inscrit depuis 7059 Jours
The last picture at the bottom looks awesome :D visually nothing more than 2 but there only early scans i can imagine the finished product looking outstanding, and that "waterworld" esque boat looks great :)

Anything on MP yet? has anyone translated that russian garble? I want to hear "we have fixed MP greatly"
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I want my games room finished now :(

Inscrit depuis 6976 Jours
Posté par BLackHawkodst
OMG!! Gears brings it yet again!

Pic number 3 how badass do thoes Lambent look!, and is that Jace (hair with the cornrows) from the books, i think it is?
Yep i think it is Jace?

And yeah the Lighting looks awesome, Gears 3 will own yet again!
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** Yes We CAN!! **

Inscrit depuis 6002 Jours
Sweet Jace is cool!

Some rough mag translation.
"Almost every gun has its own unique execution now. Knife-bayonet (Pendulum War Lancer) you can cut the enemies throat (nasty, yes), with shotgun you can break the neck, with mortar you can squash the head, and with the flame thrower you can set people on fire...from the INSIDE."

"If you have a meatshield, you can put it to very good use. A grenade is placed inside the Locust' armor, followed by "this is Sparta" kick (yeah I added that), the grub flies to his comrades and explodes."

"There are three types of grenades. (Bolo/Frag, Ignitable, and Smoke) and they could be combined with one another. For example a Ignitable grenade followed by a Frag will create a fire-y hell in a closed environment."

"You can now swap weapons and ammo (love you muchly EPIC!). No more of "Don't touch my DAMN AMMO!" or "No, you picked up the last time. And give me that Mortar", "What you need Mortar for, you a noob that dies all the time." And of course 4 player co-op."
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Prepare To Drop!!

Inscrit depuis 7059 Jours
locust grenade = awesome :D
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I want my games room finished now :(

Inscrit depuis 6469 Jours
If they can fix the problems from Gears 2's MP, return horde mode, and keep the campaign as good as the first two, I have no reason to think Gears 3 won't be a very fantastic game.

But, more than anything, I just really want more Horde mode. God I loved playing that.
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Inscrit depuis 6618 Jours
Posté par Ronsauce
There's just something wholly mechanical and inorganic about how the game plays that makes extended play boring to me; nothing cool or unexpected seems to happen. As much as I enjoyed the SP campaigns the first time through and Horde mode for a bit, it was easy to quit playing.
Nahh, it just never clicked with you, that's all. Once you find out how to move smoothly and time your shots it's a pure joy to play. Despite all the flaws of the first game I regularly played it for well over a year. There is no MP game that makes a kill as satisfying as Gears did, and I'm talking about Warzone and not that respawn shit.

Killing someone in a 1 on 1 is something special. Killing your Nemesis, someone who was taunting you or even better the host in these situations, makes you feel all bad ass. Mowing down multiple enemies in short succession is just an adrenalin rush you simply don't get in other games. Well actually there is a game that made me feel similar and that was eve online. The PvP aspect of it made me shake in excitement (most people share the same experience), it was actually scary until I could control it.
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Inscrit depuis 6447 Jours
It's looking sexy already - the lighting is fantastic.

But, naturally, I can't wait to see it in motion.
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Inscrit depuis 6469 Jours
Posté par Viginti_Tres
Nahh, it just never clicked with you, that's all. Once you find out how to move smoothly and time your shots it's a pure joy to play. Despite all the flaws of the first game I regularly played it for well over a year. There is no MP game that makes a kill as satisfying as Gears did, and I'm talking about Warzone and not that respawn shit.

Killing someone in a 1 on 1 is something special. Killing your Nemesis, someone who was taunting you or even better the host in these situations, makes you feel all bad ass. Mowing down multiple enemies in short succession is just an adrenalin rush you simply don't get in other games. Well actually there is a game that made me feel similar and that was eve online. The PvP aspect of it made me shake in excitement (most people share the same experience), it was actually scary until I could control it.
jesus christ, i wish i could feel that engaged in games.
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Inscrit depuis 5824 Jours
Posté par Nietzsche
jesus christ, i wish i could feel that engaged in games.
I feel that in action games against the computer though,in MP games against other people its boring to me because it becomes really easy for me and then Im acused of cheating.

I get the most satisfaction in finish a game in the hardest diff and with 100% and prove the devs that their game was conquered by me!!!

Yeah baby!!
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Inscrit depuis 6520 Jours
Posté par IRAIPT0IR
I feel that in action games against the computer though,in MP games against other people its boring to me because it becomes really easy for me and then Im acused of cheating.

I get the most satisfaction in finish a game in the hardest diff and with 100% and prove the devs that their game was conquered by me!!!

Yeah baby!!
anyone can be great at a single player tho since no matter how good AI is, it becomes a case of learning AI routines and knowing how it reacts in a certain situation. not so with MP. it's too unpredictable for someone to be consistantly amazing.

liking the sound of the new features. i hope i like this one. it's the one series i wish i enjoyed becasue there is clearly a strong community behind it and it looks so very nice (for a UE3 game) but i kinda feel the same as ronsauce on this one. looking forward to see what the third game is like tho. it's a very good co-op game.
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Inscrit depuis 5824 Jours
Not anyone can finish DMC,Ninja Gaiden,Bayonetta in the hardest diff?hell any game in the hardest diff.

And I see it completly the opposite for me MP its too predictable,a couple of weeks playing a MP game and you already know what the other players will be or do.for example anyone could became good at MW2 and MW for that matter,but beating Mile High Club level in Veteran was another thing completly.
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Inscrit depuis 6520 Jours
Posté par IRAIPT0IR
Not anyone can finish DMC,Ninja Gaiden,Bayonetta in the hardest diff?hell any game in the hardest diff.

And I see it completly the opposite for me MP its too predictable,a couple of weeks playing a MP game and you already know what the other players will be or do.for example anyone could became good at MW2 and MW for that matter,but beating Mile High Club level in Veteran was another thing completly.
how can you say a persons actions are more predictable then enemy AI. thats utter bullshit...sorry, but it is.

AI is AI, by nature it is limited to how it can react in a situation, and thus you take advantage. a boss in a game, whether you play on 'normal' or 'extreme-super-duper-legendary-eat-your-own-face' difficutly mode is based entirely on paterns and predefined behavior. learn the patern, beat the boss. easy. that simply isnt the case with a human opponent, since we as humans are unpredictable.
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Inscrit depuis 5824 Jours
Yeah well "THAT" not everybody can do it "BUT" anybody can become good at MP if you paly enough matches thats my point,for me yes persons in MP are too predictable sometimes you encounter some players that are erratic in their movements and are skilled but you can overcome them eventually but almost all the people I have encountered in MP games are yes predictable no matter what game it is.

That is my view of the matter and personal experience though it doesnt have to be the same way for everybody,maybe to you they are more impredictable or something,but I do find more satisfaction in beating the hardest diff or 100% a game than killing in MP,I cant for the life of me feel engaged in a MP match or something but I already know that MP games are not for me so I cant make a good argument about that.
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Inscrit depuis 7101 Jours
Posté par Viginti_Tres
Nahh, it just never clicked with you, that's all.
"Clicked" in the sense of becoming engaging.
Once you find out how to move smoothly and time your shots it's a pure joy to play.
I'm pretty sure I never said anything that would imply I didn't know how to play the game, but thanks for the condescension anyways.
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Zapp Brannigan: If we can hit that bull's eye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards...Checkmate.

Inscrit depuis 6520 Jours
Posté par IRAIPT0IR
but I do find more satisfaction in beating the hardest diff or 100%.
and that's fine and dandy, people get satisfaction from getting crapped on, who am i to stop them. but fact is, human opponents are less predictable then matter what game it is and no matter your experience on the matter. why do you think there was so much buzz about online gaming when it first hit consoles? becasue it stopped being a bot-a-thon in split screen, and became more challenging, more personal, and less predictable.

AI is lines of code telling the on-screen enemy to react in one of only a few different ways. human behavior alows you to take the actions that are avaliable to you, and use them however you want in an unpredictable manner. at any one given moment someone online could duck, jump, shoot, crouch, throw a frag, throw a smoke bomb, drop a mine, drop a deployable turrent, hide in a corner, take advantage of the maps strenghts and weaknesses, exploite problems with the maps/weapons or a combination of all of those things and more. all those things can happen within a single second of any MP game.

Ai however can only do so much, and the moment it reaches that barrier, you see holes in it's routines and behavior. you can exploit it, take advantage of it, and ultimately kill it. you see an enemy raise his sword and you know to block, you see an enemy move a certain way and you know he's open for an attack or parry. in FPS's (some of them) you know the enemy has been given the ability to flank you, so you anticipate it. you know an enemy will poke his head out of cover every so often, and so you anticipate it (and shoot him in the face) a human opponent wouldnt be that scripted and that predictable. they're human afterall....human, human, human, human, human, human, human.... afterall.
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Inscrit depuis 6976 Jours
[quote=BLackHawkodst]Sweet Jace is cool!

Some rough mag translation.
"Almost every gun has its own unique execution now. Knife-bayonet (Pendulum War Lancer) you can cut the enemies throat (nasty, yes), with shotgun you can break the neck, with mortar you can squash the head, and with the flame thrower you can set people on fire...from the INSIDE."
love it!! gow2 is the best all out action game i have played this gen, i know gow3 will raise the bar in every way.
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** Yes We CAN!! **

Inscrit depuis 6520 Jours
Posté par dcdelgado
love it!! gow2 is the best all out action game i have played this gen, i know gow3 will raise the bar in every way.
god of war? :P
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SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Inscrit depuis 7139 Jours
SP is a test, a predefined test. It has variables that shift, but you can get great at it and feel yourself lock in place and dominate the experience. There is still dynamism there to, to an extent, get infinitely better at a game with good enough mechanics and flexible enough measuring of your skills, but it is ultimately about practicing to run a distance faster or to.. wall climb or whatever, a challenge that does remain static, predefined.

MP is pitching one person's skills against another, it is, if you will, a sentient test that is a mirror image of you.

Assuming Raptor's arguments are well thought through, I don't think "predictability" is a comment on the player's behavior, but rather the proxy through which he operates. In an MP game the enemy you face over and over is for all intents and purposes a variation of yourself, which is to say an avatar in the environment that moves based on the same rules as you and from which you draw a line that a projectile of some sort travels across.

Enemies in a great action game have obvious systems for taking them down, ie you know what to do, but variety in those systems - making each of them rich and interesting to engage - and mixing them up in a hand crafted way creates a solid base for interesting mechanics to move beyond that core human battle of wits. Purely mechanically, I want to stress, that's not to say they're unpredictable. A game like Bayonetta is to an extent extremely predictable. It's not about not knowing what's coming at you or what it'll behave like - any measure of randomness would just lead to frustration - on the contrary it's about knowing what to do ASAP and then the mechanics of it is like a language you learn and become fluent in.

--- Edit: Okay, upon reflection I think I got a bit derailed here and the rest is mostly my train of thought chasing Harrison Ford through the woods. :O ---

When the enemies themselves are essentially that MP avatar but with the associated AI routines that are set to offer a challenge but not actually rape you the way that many enemies on your level of "AI" would, games quickly descend into utter tedium. That's what I keep refering to as "box of men" and I think it's one of the least flattering trends in gaming as stories become more *realistic* or whatever and there's no actual room to create enemies that are interesting to face. Conviction has enough zany things to tinker with and an analogue enough encounter system that it can mostly keep things fresh throughout, but my biggest gripe with it is definitely its tendency to be about shooting the same guy a bajillion times. And no, putting helmet on dude does not equal not shooting the same guy a bajillion times. It's the same guy with a helmet! If anything you're removing something from the encounter by docking a point of weakness.

Thematically Gears has never really connected with me, particularly. I think Gears 2 is infinitely more interesting than Gears 1 purely in terms of imagery (The Hollow is reminiscent of Unreal in a wonderful way) but it's still pretty low on my excitement meter. Alright Marcus new fluffy sideburns has me pretty excited. But more to the point! It does, however, have the monsters and tech in it that allows you to do more than "it's this dude, he's back from having been killed a bajillion times and now he has body armor!"

Where games were once governed by the trippy drug induced ramblings of a mad japanese game designer and you could have turtles and mushrooms and fucking.. cannonballs with angry faces on, games have now become slaves to realism and consistency. You see people throwing a fit when a new enemy is introduced and they're all "WHY DIDN'T WE SEE ANY OF THIS GUY IN GAME.. THAT... CAME BEFORE THIS GAME!?" And there's validity to that now that it's about universes and trilogies and prequels and all this story stuff, but it kinda took a dump on games as videogames.
En réponse à | Dominic and Simon - dyanamic games blog duo! - Follow me - Follow Mode-7

Inscrit depuis 6520 Jours
Enemies in a great action game have obvious systems for taking them down, ie you know what to do, but variety in those systems - making each of them rich and interesting to engage - and mixing them up in a hand crafted way creates a solid base for interesting mechanics to move beyond that core human battle of wits. Purely mechanically, I want to stress, that's not to say they're unpredictable. A game like Bayonetta is to an extent extremely predictable. It's not about not knowing what's coming at you or what it'll behave like - any measure of randomness would just lead to frustration - on the contrary it's about knowing what to do ASAP and then the mechanics of it is like a language you learn and become fluent in.
very true, and that is obviously where raptor gets his satisfaction. it's where i too get my own. but it's still an incredibly predictable affair playing SP games, but then, in a lot of ways, they're suposed to be. as you said, it'd be frustrating if they wernt. but at the same time, devs are continually striving to create more lifelike AI, at least in first and third person shooters. but in those cases i think the more human the better. i dont want cover based shooters to be a glorified duck shoot where the enemies stay still and just pop their head out every now and then. killzone 2 and uncharted 2 made it feel better since the enemies moved behind cover and popped out in different ways, esentially making it less predictable. and i appreciate them trying, but it's still a far cry to how humans behave when you get online.

the best example of just how lacking AI is in relationg to a human, would probably be SF4. i can rape that game on the hardest difficulty with little to no trouble becasue the AI is predictable. even seth, or sath, or whatever it's name is. but when i go online my consistency flys out of the window along with any tactics i had in the single player becasue they no longer work. you simply can't apply the rules of engagment fighting AI to figing a human opponent. it's like going to war with nothing more then a breadknife. suicide. why? becasue you can't predict how someone on the other side of the world is going to use the tools at their disposal. whether it be a fighter, an FPS or anything.
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