Since 5500 Days
Posted by IRAIPT0IR
I wasn't implying that at all :/

I was saying that......oh screw it.
It's silly to complain about boobs when you're pulling out eyeballs with your bare hands and being drenched in blood and bludgeoning a certain someone's face in.
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Steam: Doomsong83
Xfire: doomsong83
DRM, the future of treating customers like THIEVES!

Since 5724 Days
Posted by Doomsong83
It's silly to complain about boobs when you're pulling out eyeballs with your bare hands and being drenched in blood and bludgeoning a certain someone's face in.
And also... why are we complaining about boobs? If you were asked if you would like to see a pair of boobs (rather nice ones) or not to see a pair of boobs, why would you say no? Its campy, goofy and a pretty hilarious scene (dialogue between the two girls watching is great). Also its been in every GoW game, I see no reason to get all up-in-arms about it.
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Currently playing: Uncharted 2, CoDMW2 (PS3), Torchlight (PC)

Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Since 6956 Days
You are comparing real boobs to pixelated boobs in a game? LOL, I prefer to see real boobs than that stuff in a game.
I tried many times to skip that scene but you cany, you have to fully go through all cutscenes which is BS!

It would be stupid if that scene was on and all of a sudden a family member or relative walks in your room and catches you on that stuff, it would be embarassing.

I am sorry but I dont fall easily on stupid gimmicks to let shit like that draw my attention to it, it didnt do anything with Rachel in NG1, nor will a full naked one.

The reason why Dante's Inferno had it was because one of the circles are Lust, you cant avoid that. They should atleast offer a skippable cutscene and choose "no" for sex game :S
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Since 7075 Days
Posted by Sath
I am sorry but I dont fall easily on stupid gimmicks to let shit like that draw my attention to it, it didnt do anything with Rachel in NG1, nor will a full naked one.
My comment has nothing to do with falling for "stupid gimmicks." I'm not saying one way or another whether I think the sex mini game is a good idea, but I still disagree completely with the notion that it is somehow less ridiculous to be mercilessly slaughtering innocent people than having off-screen sex and showing boobs. The idea that nudity and sex is so much more offensive than brutal violence is such a fucked up puritanical concept.
They should atleast offer a skippable cutscene and choose "no" for sex game :S
I agree.
Posted by RAPTOR
Yeah because in the angel attack mini game you get to have sex with the angels there right?

Not the same at all.
So shooting angels in their faces is somehow better than implied sex and breasts?
Posted by scoobs0688
Its campy, goofy and a pretty hilarious scene
That's just it. I find it funny more than anything, and I'm sure that's what they were going for. The only people I could imagine getting turned on by it are the same people who'd get turned on by Bayonetta/Rachel/any of the DOA girls(ie: big fat lonely losers).

Also, I've gotta say again, GoW3 is easily the best game I've ever laid eyes on. I'm in a constant state of awe while playing it. I've been trying to make sure I watch my roommate on his play through so I see everything I might have missed while playing. Watching Hephaestus is almost hypnotizing, and the Hades fight, while fairly small scale, was mind-blowing. I haven't seen much past that, but I simply can not wait to see more.

I really wish MS would throw some money at some devs to pump out some good games with such a high attention to detail accompanied by such great art.
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Zapp Brannigan: If we can hit that bull's-eye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards...Checkmate.

Since 5798 Days
I think my comment got misinterpreted,what I was saying its that shooting angels and having sex in minigames in an action game is out of place but they are not the same thing thats all,I dont hate them just Im indiferent to them.

I dont like the angel attack minigame I always trade the bullets anyway.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Since 6956 Days
They could have done it like Mass Effect, they did the sex stuff properly.
They dont have to show anything like vagina, ass or tits to draw attention, and yet the way they made the sex scene and the undressing is pretty convincing.

But thats just me. I dont mind if I could skip the cutscene and the sex game and get that shit over with without all the moaning and pixelated nonsense.

My first time I played GoW3, my sister saw the TV screen right when I was talking to Aphrodite and was about to have *sigh* sex and she said "wtf are you doing, what kind of a game is this? arent you ashamed, skip it! Mom look at what he is playing".
She literally said that.

Keywords...ashamed and skip it.

Yes I was ashamed because I had to go through this nonsense, and two, I was dissapointed I could not skip it (cutscene). It is understandable as a first timer, but on my second playthrough or more I should be able to skip the cutscenes, especially when they come in random places and sometimes too long that you dont want to watch and just play.

I had to mute the TV when I was doing the sex thing just so I wouldnt hear the moaning, too bad I couldnt change a channel because I accepted the sex for the trophy *sigh*.
But now everytime that shows up I change the channel and wait like 10 minutes or so.

I know its been like this since GoW1, but stuff like this doesnt mean it has to stay as a tradition, and I seriously dont think GoW fans will miss it if the sex mini game wasent in it. If they did then I feel sorry for them.

I thought Rachel in NG1 and the whole boobs shaking sixaxis in Sigma 2 was bad but this stuff tops it.
Atleast Team Ninja doesn't shuv like that in our faces, there are alternates (except for Rachel LOL).

I am talking about Ninja Gaiden series alone, not DOA or DOAX or DOA Paradise.

I am just glad its not as bad as Dante's Inferno because that was all over the place LOL!
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Since 7075 Days
And your sister doesn't have any problem with the violence? Ripping off Helios's head....what does she think of that?

My point isn't that the mini game is good or bad or should be in the game or shouldn't... it's that I don't see boobs and moaning as being any worse than tearing peasants in half or pulling dudes' heads off.
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Zapp Brannigan: If we can hit that bull's-eye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards...Checkmate.

Since 7033 Days
I find these sexual mini games degrade the actual quality of the game in my opinion that is, when the sex scene in mass effect kicked in (yes i went out my way for it... thats besides the point lol) i kind of lost some respect for the game, it was cheap
Same as the mini games in the god of wars i just felt it was just....sad.
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I think i have stood in poo

Since 5798 Days
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Since 6956 Days
But its a action game isnt it. Action is pretty much violance, so you cant make an action game and not have violance in it.

About the Helios head, she thought it looked pretty disgusting, must be the good detail in the ripping part :P

The thing is, I dont mind if the mini game, or the revealing naked bodies being in them. But keep those minimum or just let us gamers choose.

For example in Mass Effect.
We can choose to have sex or not. If we do, we dont see any special body parts like ass, dicks, tits, vagina...but yet they have done it in a way its good enough without showing anything like that (unless my memory isnt wrong).
If we dont, we can happily skip it simple.

With GoW3, not only did they gave us a long cutscene with a naked pixelated character, but we cant even skip the cutscene. Atleast the mini game is optional, but stupid for it being a trophy section.

What if someone doesnt want to do the sex mini game but is collecting all HAVE to go through without. Now only that, but you have to watch because of the stupid QTE added.

The other one is the half naked slave girl you have to escort.

The half naked girls are a gimmick to show this game is mature, like all the violance the game had isnt enough.

I cant take this serious nor funny as you put it. Its just sad.
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Since 7033 Days
Sath in 1 and 2 you can completely avoid the sex scenes (which only done the first one due to i wanted my platinum lol) in the second game i never even looked at it, but to be forced into that scene.. thats slightly sadder.
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I think i have stood in poo

Since 6494 Days
tbh i think six axis controlled boob shaking is far more gimmicky and is definately in there to entice the teens into giving the game a go. GOW it's in there becasue imo, it makes sense. the greeks where a pretty sexually rampant people, granted, sparts prefered other men as partners...but it fits the setting...sure it's embarassing if you're too young to be ashamed of such things, but it's just a bit of fun. it isnt like people are rushing out to buy GOW3 cos it has "Z()MG B00BI3S" for a total of 30 seconds. i am fairly indifferent when it comes to the sex minigame personally. it isnt like a get off on it, but i'm not 100% uposed to it like some god fearing christian "mothers against video games" member would be. and ultimately, it's a traditional feature of the GOW games. you dont HAVE to partake in the if you are offended by it, dont do it. (i find it incredibly odd that someone who is so against it STILL did it anyway)

now if they where true to the greek ways and it was some same sex orgy going on (guys) sure it'd be a bit awkward, but no more so then seeing the guys shlong in GTA : lost and damned. it makes sense in the context of the game and that is what it boils down to. if this was in halo, sure, i'd be pretty confused as to why it was included. but GOW? not really. i have no issues with it, but then i'm old enough to accept it for what it is. a bit of harmless fun.
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Since 7033 Days
Korn we was having a lovely discussion about game sex and you bring homo into it... GTFO! :) lol
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I think i have stood in poo

Since 5798 Days
Posted by ManThatYouFear
Korn we was having a lovely discussion about game sex and you bring homo into it... GTFO! :) lol
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Since 6956 Days
Posted by ManThatYouFear
Korn we was having a lovely discussion about game sex and you bring homo into it... GTFO! :) lol
Posted by KORNdog
now if they where true to the greek ways and it was some same sex orgy going on (guys) sure it'd be a bit awkward, but no more so then seeing the guys shlong in GTA : lost and damned. it makes sense in the context of the game and that is what it boils down to. if this was in halo, sure, i'd be pretty confused as to why it was included. but GOW? not really. i have no issues with it, but then i'm old enough to accept it for what it is. a bit of harmless fun.
The thing in NGS2 is gimmick, but this isnt? you see this as fun and you think you are old enough to accept it? LOL whatever floats your...ehm, controller? :P
Atleast in NGS2, shit like that isnt forced in anyway (again, except Rachel with her slutty S&M outfit). Sure the boobies shake when they move, but atleast thats funny.

True, sex was quite big in greek and roman times, but dont compare what was in real life to gaming.

Ah well, I am not a big GoW fan anyway, I am just hoping not more games in this genre has this type of stuff. I am completely fine with the typical skimpy outfits we usually see in MMO fantasy artworks, but thats end of the line, for me anyways.
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Since 6848 Days
The difference is in real life, violence isn't a relatable thing for most people. Not that kind of violence. Sexuality is a part of every day life and is thus more personal...
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Oooh, Profound, isn't it?

Since 7075 Days
Whatever. I'm neither for or against it, but I think being upset by the inclusion of the mini-game is just as immature as being turned on by it.
Posted by Frozpot
Sexuality is a part of every day life
That's precisely why it shouldn't be a big deal.
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Zapp Brannigan: If we can hit that bull's-eye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards...Checkmate.

Since 6443 Days
I don't mind the sex mini-game, just something they put in there to further appeal to the young teens who giggle at boobies. I am FAR more offended by all the god-awful QTEs they force on the player. I think those are the worst part of GoW by far and annoy the shit out of me. They should make it just one button press and let you sit back and enjoy the animation. You are too busy pushing all the buttons to really watch the crazy shit Kratos is doing.

But I don't think the sex minigames are a big deal, I just think it might be a little fucked up for kids to be seeing it, but they shouldn't enjoy ripping bodies apart so much either. I think these games really show us the parts of ourselves we are least proud of sometimes.

Due to the nature of God of War's content and how amazingly low-brow and cheesy it is though, always keeps me from liking the game nearly as much as far more clever and witty games like Uncharted or Mass Effect. God of War feels like getting hit in the face with a retarded sledge hammer. It's just a little too shameless to not get annoyed by.

on a side note, anyone else get really annoyed by the sounds of the chains in this game? It just sounds like little tiny chains, not heavy powerful sounds at all. Not sure why, and it's a minor gripe, but that just bugged the hell out of me the entire game. when using them at least.
In reply to
Since 5500 Days
Wow some of you are so sexually repressed. You'd fit right in any of the Bible Belt States here in the US.

You're always so concerned about what your male characters look like and you're offended by boobs in a game?
In reply to

Steam: Doomsong83
Xfire: doomsong83
DRM, the future of treating customers like THIEVES!

Since 7075 Days
Posted by Nietzsche
I am FAR more offended by all the god-awful QTEs they force on the player. I think those are the worst part of GoW by far and annoy the shit out of me. They should make it just one button press and let you sit back and enjoy the animation. You are too busy pushing all the buttons to really watch the crazy shit Kratos is doing.
I don't mind them at all. The button placement on the screen corresponds to their location on the controller, so you can catch them with your peripheral vision and focus on the action.
But I don't think the sex minigames are a big deal, I just think it might be a little fucked up for kids to be seeing it
Well, kids aren't supposed to be playing it.
Due to the nature of God of War's content and how amazingly low-brow and cheesy it is though, always keeps me from liking the game nearly as much as far more clever and witty games like Uncharted or Mass Effect. God of War feels like getting hit in the face with a retarded sledge hammer. It's just a little too shameless to not get annoyed by.
I'm glad I don't share the same perspective or there would be a LOT more games I would get annoyed by.
In reply to

Zapp Brannigan: If we can hit that bull's-eye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards...Checkmate.

Since 6443 Days
Ronsauce, well that's great you don't get annoyed by them but they still annoy the shit out of me, and even if they don't bother some people, I still don't see how they contribute to the game at all.

As for my perspective, I can't think of very many games that are nearly as over the top and blatant about gore as god of war is. And I don't even mean it as a bad thing, it's just my personal taste. But there are a LOT of games I get annoyed by, but like god of war, it doesn't stop me from playing the game or even having fun with it. I also think it has to do with how much I dislike the Kratos character.

Just my opinion, I don't think the game needs defending. I'm not trying to convince anyone to dislike it.
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Since 5724 Days
Posted by Sath
They could have done it like Mass Effect, they did the sex stuff properly.
They dont have to show anything like vagina, ass or tits to draw attention, and yet the way they made the sex scene and the undressing is pretty convincing.

But thats just me. I dont mind if I could skip the cutscene and the sex game and get that shit over with without all the moaning and pixelated nonsense.

My first time I played GoW3, my sister saw the TV screen right when I was talking to Aphrodite and was about to have *sigh* sex and she said "wtf are you doing, what kind of a game is this? arent you ashamed, skip it! Mom look at what he is playing".
She literally said that.

Keywords...ashamed and skip it.

Yes I was ashamed because I had to go through this nonsense, and two, I was dissapointed I could not skip it (cutscene). It is understandable as a first timer, but on my second playthrough or more I should be able to skip the cutscenes, especially when they come in random places and sometimes too long that you dont want to watch and just play.

I had to mute the TV when I was doing the sex thing just so I wouldnt hear the moaning, too bad I couldnt change a channel because I accepted the sex for the trophy *sigh*.
But now everytime that shows up I change the channel and wait like 10 minutes or so.

I know its been like this since GoW1, but stuff like this doesnt mean it has to stay as a tradition, and I seriously dont think GoW fans will miss it if the sex mini game wasent in it. If they did then I feel sorry for them.

I thought Rachel in NG1 and the whole boobs shaking sixaxis in Sigma 2 was bad but this stuff tops it.
Atleast Team Ninja doesn't shuv like that in our faces, there are alternates (except for Rachel LOL).

I am talking about Ninja Gaiden series alone, not DOA or DOAX or DOA Paradise.

I am just glad its not as bad as Dante's Inferno because that was all over the place LOL!
I think you're missing the point here... GoW isn't trying to make serious emotionally involved sex scenes, they're just a running joke that has been in every GoW game. They're supposed to be funny and bring a smile to your face, which they have each time. This one is actually my favorite yet :) Its okay to look at sex in games as comedic, not serious and thats what GoW does.
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Currently playing: Uncharted 2, CoDMW2 (PS3), Torchlight (PC)

Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Since 6956 Days
Posted by Doomsong83
You're always so concerned about what your male characters look like and you're offended by boobs in a game?
LOL, always?
Give me a few examples where I have "always" said this.
I dont like when a character looks and acts like an idiot. I am sorry, but I want games were I can take them seriously. Maybe I lack the crazy humor you guys have to laugh at such things.

And I agree with Nietzsche. QTE is so annoying!
You are too busy to watch out for button icons that you cant fully sit back and watch the whole thing.

Ninja Gaiden, Darksiders made it right. One button to "activate" the sequence and then just watch the show.

Maybe you guys play these type of games alone with a shut door?
But have you guys ever played the sex mini games with high volume and have a family or relative come in and see what you are playing, and it just happens you are virtually having sex with a character?

I must say it is embarassing.

Like I said, I wouldnt have a problem if we could skip stuff like this. I am sorry but having sex in virtual world isnt my thing.
In reply to
Since 6848 Days
Posted by Doomsong83
Wow some of you are so sexually repressed. You'd fit right in any of the Bible Belt States here in the US.

You're always so concerned about what your male characters look like and you're offended by boobs in a game?
Hmm, sexually repressed. Perhaps some of us attach more value to it than you do? I'm not religious at all, was a total man-slut in my younger years, and I still think boobies in a game without any real relevance is juvenile and tasteless. It's how it's handled, and you thinking we should walk around without any kind of standard because adults can fuck is ridiculous. The creatures being topless in game-play isn't a big deal, it fits naturally and doesn't force you into a situation that makes you feel awkward. Comparing it to violence is equally ridiculous because A, it isn't in a realistic context, and B, it doesn't relate to personal feelings and experiences. Why do you think such a big deal was made of Manhunt? It had you doing these disturbing things in a very realistic fashion. People played it, but it made them uncomfortable...
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Oooh, Profound, isn't it?

Since 7033 Days
Posted by Doomsong83
Wow some of you are so sexually repressed. You'd fit right in any of the Bible Belt States here in the US.

You're always so concerned about what your male characters look like and you're offended by boobs in a game?
Cant say i am repressed sexually, my last encounter with the misses involved 3 holes a rampant rabbit nurse outfit batman mask and a build your own spitfire.
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I think i have stood in poo

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