Since 6442 Days
Posted by ManThatYouFear
Cant say i am repressed sexually, my last encounter with the misses involved 3 holes a rampant rabbit nurse outfit batman mask and a build your own spitfire.
lol, why the fuck did you think ANYONE needed to know that...

I'll be sending you my therapy bill
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Since 6848 Days
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Oooh, Profound, isn't it?

Since 5500 Days
LMAO @ ManThatYouFear, point taken.
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Steam: Doomsong83
Xfire: doomsong83
DRM, the future of treating customers like THIEVES!

Since 5797 Days
That man is insane I tell you!!
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Since 7075 Days
Posted by Frozpot
Comparing it to violence is equally ridiculous because A, it isn't in a realistic context, and B, it doesn't relate to personal feelings and experiences.
I disagree completely with this. If grabbing a peasant and stabbing him through the chest a few times isn't in a realistic context, then I don't see how implied sex while two topless chicks watch somehow is. And really...who is going to play the mini-game and relate it to personal feelings and experiences? If someone did relate an obviously cheesy, tasteless mini-game to their own experiences, then that's a lot more sad and pathetic than the actual inclusion of the mini-game itself.
Posted by Sath
You are too busy to watch out for button icons that you cant fully sit back and watch the whole thing.
I already addressed this. The button placement on screen corresponds to their location on the controller. Let your peripheral vision take care of it.
I am sorry but having sex in virtual world isnt my thing.
It's not mine either, but I still don't like the implication that if someone doesn't have a problem with a harmless bit of cg boobs, it all of a sudden makes them some kind of pervert deviant who gets off to video game nudity. It is possible to not be offended by nudity or sex while simultaneously not get turned on by it.
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Zapp Brannigan: If we can hit that bull's-eye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards...Checkmate.

Since 6848 Days
I meant sex and violence in general as relatable to people. Didn't say it ruins it for me, just said I think its tasteless and juvenile, and the reason people have such negative reactions is because it is more relatable. Its the cheapening and over-macho douchbag thing that is embarassing. The virtual relation is moot as long as its an acurate representation of the female. It's no different than being turned on by the Victoria's Secret model. The two are just as real for all intents and purposes- what turns someone on is what she looks like, not whether she's real or not...
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Oooh, Profound, isn't it?

Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Since 6956 Days
Posted by Ronsauce
I already addressed this. The button placement on screen corresponds to their location on the controller. Let your peripheral vision take care of it.
Or find one of the Godly Possessions that lets the game automatically do ALMOST all QTEs for you, I loved that. Enjoyed watching the animations more.

But ah well, I still say the sex mini games are pathetic, but its all good.

I just want my awesome NG3!
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Since 7075 Days
Posted by Frozpot
the reason people have such negative reactions is because it is more relatable.
I still don't think that's true for everyone. I have absolutely no doubt that a lot of negative reactions are a result of sex and nudity being more taboo than violence. This isn't some foreign concept. Network tv has been demonstrating this for a while.
Posted by Sath
But ah well, I still say the sex mini games are pathetic, but its all good.
I personally find the conversation going on in the Bayonetta thread more pathetic, but hey, it's all good!
I just want my awesome NG3!
A NG game with GoW3 graphics(tech and consistent art style), a cohesive, sensical story, and less cheap bullshit that was in NG2 would be absolutely epic. One can dream....
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Zapp Brannigan: If we can hit that bull's-eye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards...Checkmate.

Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Since 6956 Days
Well as long as NG doesnt lose that great polished combat in all the games I am fine.
Just add some magical abilities for Ryu like what you can see in Onimusha games, amp up the graphics its all good.

My guess is that Hayashi is going to do something unique with NG3, his direction shows in NGS2 and NGDS on how his mind works for NG series, so NG3 should be interesting ;)
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Since 7075 Days
Posted by Sath
Well as long as NG doesnt lose that great polished combat in all the games I am fine.
Well, I believe great gameplay and great graphics aren't mutually exclusive....especially if the groundwork for the gameplay has already been laid down.
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Zapp Brannigan: If we can hit that bull's-eye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards...Checkmate.

Since 5797 Days
What the hell Ronsauce no need to throws us shit at us,if you are arguing keep it here no need to involve us.

And dont say you didnt say names A_M and I are the only ones having that conversation that you find pathetic.

If GoW3 doesnt come even close to Bayonetta that doesnt means you have to hate it
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Since 6442 Days
I think the graphics in Ninja Gaiden are fine, especially for it's high speed action and considering it has, in most hardcore action gamers' opinions, by far the most fluid, rewarding, and challenging gameplay.

It might not have the cheap bells and whistles of other major games, but it's core gameplay makes most other action games look quite lame by comparison. IMO of course.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Since 6956 Days
Posted by Nietzsche
I think the graphics in Ninja Gaiden are fine, especially for it's high speed action and considering it has, in most hardcore action gamers' opinions, by far the most fluid, rewarding, and challenging gameplay.

It might not have the cheap bells and whistles of other major games, but it's core gameplay makes most other action games look quite lame by comparison. IMO of course.

NGS2 has good graphics, but seems not to be about visuals anymore like how it was on Xbox when it appeared.
Its now about proper gameplay to be focused on and by todays standard its visuals are lacking, but, gameplay>>>>>>>>graphics.

Sure I can dream and say...NG combat + Uncharted 2/GOW3 visuals = One of the best games ever!

But until then I will be realistic and say that they should focus on the combat as much as possible and evolve it until they are ready for a new graphics engine. I dont want them to throw in alot of resources on engine and then see the combat is lacking compared to previous titles, that would be a shame to the franchise.

I mean sure, I hope the graphics are improving, but as long as the gameplay and combat continues to be spot on then thats what matters, thats what draws me to NG.

Fast, fluid, rewarding and extremely polished in combat with each weapon has a fresh look and set of moves when you upgrade them. Though I wish they could exagerate some extra visuals effects and animations in the game, add the style of Ultimate Techniques into regular combos would be fantastic and still have seperated UTs.

All this talk makes me want to see what they can come up with for NG3!

GOW3 has one thing no other game in the genre has...visuals, epic boss battles, scale.
But as I mentioned before, such things can be done easily, but whats the point if the gameplay is lacking the fun, polishness and replayability. Combat is important in this genre, GOW has decent combat compared to what I have played.

Games such as NG and DMC lacks the visuals and scale of GOW3, GOW3 lacks the combat depth and polishness of those two titles.

Just my opinion as a fan of the genre.

PS. I hope they bring that the adventure part in NG3 like it was in NG1, I truly miss it :(
If the combat in Sigma 2 was in NG Sigma, I would always play NG Sigma, best of everything :D
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Since 5797 Days
I love how you leave Bayonetta out and it beats all of them combined in the gameplay/combat department.

But hey we are all fans of the genre here.
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Since 7075 Days
Posted by Nietzsche
I think the graphics in Ninja Gaiden are fine, especially for it's high speed action and considering it has, in most hardcore action gamers' opinions, by far the most fluid, rewarding, and challenging gameplay.
I never said otherwise. I think some of the later levels in NG2 are great looking. Doesn't mean I can't wish for a NG game that looks top-notch, both in terms of the tech behind it and the art style. And even though it's obvious enough to me to not warrant mentioning that I'd want the same great gameplay, it seems some people think that wanting/liking/a game having good graphics means gameplay is an afterthought.
It might not have the cheap bells and whistles of other major games.
What are these cheap bells and whistles you speak of?
Posted by Sath
GOW3 has one thing no other game in the genre has...visuals, epic boss battles, scale.
But as I mentioned before, such things can be done easily
If it was so easy, I'd expect more games to feature such things.
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Zapp Brannigan: If we can hit that bull's-eye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards...Checkmate.

Since 6442 Days
Ron, I think we all get that the two are not mutually exclusive, I was just saying that due to it's peerless (imo) gameplay, the lack of OMFG!!!! graphics are no big deal to at all. But I'm also that rare gamer that doesn't pay much attention to graphics unless they are REALLY bad. God of War 3 never once made me stop and appreciate the scenery. The game looks great, one of the best this gen for sure, but I just don't think it really added much to my personal experience. The lack of deep combat, amazingly annoying Kratos, horrible QTEs, and puzzles that felt like chores rather than a fun challenge caught my attention more than scale or pretty textures. Don't get me wrong, that sounds harsh as hell I realize, I'm not saying the game was bad, far from it, I just don't think the game is nearly as impressive as many seem to make it out to be.

I thought Darksiders was far more enjoyable, rewarding, and interesting. It didn't have the same quality of story or graphics, but it was just more fun to actually PLAY the game. But i'm also a huge puzzle dungeon fan and I thought the puzzles and platforming in Darksiders was far better developed than the shallow after-thought type stuff in God of War.

But God of War is basically just not my style of game so please don't think I'm trying to make an argument for the game being "overrated" or something stupid like that. I realize why it's enjoyed by so many, I'm just trying to better explain how I view action games.

Would GoW3 graphics be nice in a NG game? of course. But I can honestly say that by the middle of the third level I can bet you that I'd get used to the look of the game and completely stop paying attention to the graphics and just get into the gameplay, like I did with the first NG that was so above average looking for the first xbox.

As for "bells and whistles", I meant that some boss fights seem more based on scale or visual design than actual gameplay patterns that are unique, fun, or interesting. GoW3 had some really visually impressive fights as well as scale was intense, but the core gameplay of most boss fights in that game were, imo, seriously lacking in the actual gameplay department. Too easy and far too predicable.
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Since 7075 Days
I get that it's not your type of game, and I'll just leave it at that as I couldn't possibly disagree more with almost everything you said.
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Zapp Brannigan: If we can hit that bull's-eye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards...Checkmate.

Since 6442 Days
Well I think you have made it clear you are a HUGE fan of this game going by how seriously you defend it. It's cool, we all have different tastes, and it seems like this is one of those genres that really divides people in a big way in terms of personal tastes. Games like God of War, DMC, NG, Bayo, these are all often "love it or hate it" type games. I usually can enjoy them all to some degree, but we all have our own unique tastes.

I just wanted to point out my gripes with the game but was afraid of coming off as someone just out to bash the game, as I do think it's still a very enjoyable game. I just wanted to make sure my points were clear, I wasn't trying to drive home some point trying to convince anyone the game is flawed, as it's just a matter of taste.
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Since 7075 Days
With the exception of DMC, I've enjoyed all of those games as well. NG was one of my favourite Xbox games. NG2, despite being horribly cheap in parts, is always an absolute blast to play, and even though I don't dig the cheese of Bayonetta, it was still fantastic. And while I've been enjoying GoW3 a lot, I'm not some crazy uber-fan for it anything. I just happen to think it has the best visuals of any game I've seen while still delivering a solid gameplay experience. Unlike you, who doesn't pay attention to graphics, I absolutely love them. You talk about getting used to the look of a game, but that doesn't happen to me. I've been in a state of constant awe while playing GoW3...just like I was with Gears...or even Dead Space. I love seeing new environments and enemies and effects and lighting and animation and how it all comes together.

As for defending it, if I think the criticism is trivial or incorrect, I can't help it. This isn't just a GoW thing though..I've been doing my fair share of defending SC:C as well.

Also, I really didn't get this:
I thought Darksiders was far more enjoyable, rewarding, and interesting. It didn't have the same quality of story or graphics, but it was just more fun to actually PLAY the game. But i'm also a huge puzzle dungeon fan and I thought the puzzles and platforming in Darksiders was far better developed than the shallow after-thought type stuff in God of War.
I mean, I realize it all comes down to personal preference, but Darksiders didn't have a likeable protagonist, it's combat was shallower that GoW's, the platforming really wasn't any better than GoW's either, and I really didn't find the puzzles that much more engaging. Plus, there was a lot more backtracking through the same ol' areas.

Anyways, as much as I'm sure a lot of people would love to express their discontent with aspects of games others like without being subjected to people jumping to the games' defense, I would love to express how impressed I am with one aspect of a game in its own thread without people taking the opportunity to marginalize that one aspect.
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Zapp Brannigan: If we can hit that bull's-eye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards...Checkmate.

Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Since 6956 Days
Posted by IRAIPT0IR
I love how you leave Bayonetta out and it beats all of them combined in the gameplay/combat department.

But hey we are all fans of the genre here.
Well I did say Bayonetta has a great combat, but that is as far as I go, I can't stand that style nor the character.

Visuals are important, but what good is it if the gameplay and combat isnt on par with one of the best out there.

I am even going to trade in GOW3 today for some value.

I am just hoping Castlevania is awesome and has enough combat content like new game+, arena mode, various weapons, outfits, platforming, polished combat.
I already know the visuals are going to be good and the music and voice acting. Story seems pretty neat too about the mask and all.

Anyways, I hope you guys can last longer with GOW3 than I did and enjoy it more :)
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Since 7075 Days
Posted by Sath
Visuals are important, but what good is it if the gameplay and combat isnt on par with one of the best out there.
And here's where I disagree. I can't expect every game's gameplay and combat to be on part with the best out there. There'd be no such thing as the "best" if this were the case. If a game's going to have decent gameplay instead of some of the best, then you can bet your ass I'd prefer it to have the best visuals it can.
Posted by IRAIPT0IR
I love how you leave Bayonetta out and it beats all of them combined in the gameplay/combat department.
Aside from the bullet time and the lack of cheap boss fights, I prefer the combat in NG2.
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Zapp Brannigan: If we can hit that bull's-eye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards...Checkmate.

Since 5432 Days
I never got to play GOW games, so this is good news for me.
Now, Sony, let's make revamped versions of ICO and Shadow of the colossus before Last Guardian hits the shelves :P
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Since 6494 Days
Posted by williamsmith
I never got to play GOW games, so this is good news for me.
Now, Sony, let's make revamped versions of ICO and Shadow of the colossus before Last Guardian hits the shelves :P
i'd love for them to do that, it'd give me an excuse to play them again...not that i particularly need one.
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Since 7033 Days
ICO and last gaurdian would be nice but personally...

FINAL FANTASY 10 and part 2 on one disk :D (and 12 on a other...) what makes me laugh is people will slag me off for enjoying the combat in 10x2 but these same people enjoyed 13, you have NO idea how much they share in common with each other changing clothes = paradgrim thingys same deal and fast paced combat timers (but control 3 chars instead of 1)

Oh and it was better story...

and characters were more fleshed out..

and it had Cat Nip.
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I think i have stood in poo

Since 5500 Days
I'd be more humiliated if my parents walked in on me playing Wii if I still lived with them.
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    Loakum Ugh….scratch that previous comment. The upcoming Game of Thrones video game is a F’in mobile phone game. Why can’t they came an open world GoT game, like Witcher 3 or God of War? (6 Weeks ago)

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