Acert93 - Mr. Bad Cop
Inscrit depuis 7086 Jours
Everything in Halo 3 is built specifically with the Halo-centric fan in mind. Everything from the gunplay to the story arch/expectations. Halo 3 is the best thing since sliced bread to the 8M Halo fans. Bungie did everything they set out to did...

Except finish the fight. Legendary ending FTW! Yet I totally understand why shooter fans, in general, are going "WTF" instead of "FTW". That is one fight that may never end, and it seems based on SP alone critics aren't even sure it is the best SP shooter on the 360 in 2007... so this is a fight that won't be ending any time soon.
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Bannable Insults: "Get new glasses" "Open your eyes" etc. Insinuating an insult and flaming are no-nos. If you feel like being a "true fan" then go be a true fan on the companies fan forums. Boulets are for off topic/inappropriate/bickering posts. Ignore

SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Inscrit depuis 7138 Jours
I don't get why you're engaging ME in this debate. I simply stated what I feel is the truth, you obviously just don't agree with it. Instead you provide a bunch of new statements I'm somehow expected to take responsibility for.

You didn't find the campaign stunning, but then you never found any Halo campaign stunning. I was a big fan of 1, much less a fan of 2, and this totally redeemed the latter's flaws by being a fantastic ending. This is fact to me, even though it might not be to you. The way you put it suggests I'm wrong because you didn't like it, that all those great moments in the story that I experienced, lines that sent chills down my spine are undone because you didn't feel the same.

Somehow you wanna call all these other variables in to invalidate my opinion of the single player shooter experience being the best money can buy, and I don't even know why.

I think you're doing yourself a disservice by bringing up PDZ by the way. It doesn't lend you much credibility to constantly put down a game you've barely touched.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7115 Jours
Posté par Acert93
Everything in Halo 3 is built specifically with the Halo-centric fan in mind. Everything from the gunplay to the story arch/expectations. Halo 3 is the best thing since sliced bread to the 8M Halo fans. Bungie did everything they set out to did...

Except finish the fight.
See, I wish you could play this game right now Ace, so I could actually have someone to DISCUSS the game with. Instead everyone insists that everything has to be a DEBATE, even though I'm simply trying to open up a dialog.

Whatever you do, don't challenge its position as the best game ever. It gets the natives angry.
Posté par SimonM7
I think you're doing yourself a disservice by bringing up PDZ by the way. It doesn't lend you much credibility to constantly put down a game you've barely touched.
Hey at least I tried it. I'm not the sort of guy who plays through a game that I initially think is garbage just so I can continue to trash it with a more valid perspective. If I were a critic, I would.. but I'm not. There are plenty of people on this very board that will tell you just how bad Resistance is without ever having touched a PS3 controller.

And I already told you -- It's my fault for assuming we could have a discussion on the subject of "best FPS ever" -- you've got your mind made up so it might as well be written in stone. Sorry I even bothered. Not that I was trying to change your (or anyone elses) mind or invalidate your opinion -- just offer a little perspective on it. The way I see it, the better a game is the more analysis and criticism it warrants, and there's plenty of room for both in this game.. even in the campaign that so many seem to see as flawless.

Just for the record though, I never suggested your opinion was wrong -- simply that assuming that no other game comes close enough to enter that discussion is ridiculous, and that there are other elements worth mentioning when reviewing what makes this game so good.. and more to the point.. what would make a game the best FPS ever. I only replied to you because you suggested that you couldn't understand how anyone could even question its position as such, and offered a pretty straight forward explanation as to why that's really not so difficult.

So lets not bother with this. You've obviously misunderstood my intentions from the beginning.. so like I said, sorry for wasting my virtual breath. I'd rather be playing Halo than arguing about it. I should have been more clear anyway -- I wasn't simply addressing your post and opinion alone (which was very specific, in stating it's the best co-op campaign ever, something that leaves it very little competition) but rather the concept of Halo as the best FPS ever. I mistakingly thought you'd be the right person to start a dialog with on the subject.
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Inscrit depuis 6998 Jours
Well people see gaming differently, so to some this will be the best FPS ever, for others it won't.

You two have very different expectations from Halo 3, one multiplayer and the other Solo.

I for one won't play much of the multiplayer just because its not my thing, plus im crap at FPS :P (ask ManThatYoufear :D), although i did enjoy the multiplayer ascept its not really what i look for in any game.

So from my point of view multiplayer doesn't really make the game any better or worse as its not something I engage in.

But I can totally understand where you are coming from Grift as you are very much into your multiplayer gaming.
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Marumaro for the WIN !!

SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Inscrit depuis 7138 Jours
Definitely, and had you approached me differently I might not have been so defensive.

Not once in any of these posts of mine do I talk about anything other than the campaign. It's crystal clear in essentially every paragraph that all of my comments concern that and that alone. I'm of the firm belief - I'd like to think BEYOND opinion in fact - that it is the best single player fps experience you can have right now from a gameplay perspective. Since that is all I've said, I naturally assume you challenge that statement when you direct your comments towards me specifically.

About PDZ, I think I might be the only one to take offense but it just makes it harder for me personally to truly respect your opinion - which I do! - if you discredit games based on basically non-existant play time and beyond that mere hearsay. Especially when you challenge a critic like Greg Kasavin based on that limited experience with it.

I like the game yeah, but that's not so much the problem here. I just wanna be able to put weight behind your words when we discuss stuff, regardless of what your stance may be.

Also, slapping me in a category of "native who gets ticked off at the mention of Halo 3 not being the best game ever" is just insulting. I've never responded to any criticism geared towards the game in this thread or any other. I've basically kept my posts entirely self contained, simply stating my opinion. When you invited me to read - and I assumed respond - to your post I did, but in no way did I go ballistic from opinions that differ from mine.

And you're not wrong in assuming we can have a discussion on best FPS ever, you were just wrong in your assumption of what I meant when I expicitly talked about the single player game. I merely use single/co-op together to convey my point that this is the campaign I'm talking about.

As for the discussion you're trying to pursue, I'm not sure it's possible to determine what the best overall FPS package is. There such a gaping abyss between console gamers and pc gamers, FPS traditionalists and um, gamepadawans. So many obstacles separate from the core quality of the experience that makes everything impossible to really grip firmly. Mods? Those count? Cause then you're not even dealing with a constant anymore. You're not really talking about the same game even - or are you? Action Quake 2 is still among the most enjoyable games I have ever played, Rocket Arena 2 clawing at its heels. Does that mean Quake 2 is subsequently one of the most enjoyable games I've played?

Multiplayer depends so much on the people you play with too. The circumstances you play in. Slow modem, fast broadband, LAN? 4 players, 16 players? How do you really compare a HUGE team based effort to something closed, confined, arcadey and ladder driven?

I just.. I could go there with you but it'll feel like one of those rediculously large rooms in Serious Sam where they seemed to have forgotten to put enemies.
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Inscrit depuis 6447 Jours
halo 3s the most fun i have had in a long long time
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Inscrit depuis 7059 Jours
simon it rules, the game jst fricken rules

they cant see that ? there loss dont worry, i gave up on them.

anyway played normal yes NORMAL with all skulls on (i think all skulls) holly sweet mother of god is that shit hard, i DREAD trying legend with them ... and oh, i am going to :D
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My comments on this game/machine been good or bad does not mean i like/hate the machine i am not a fan nor a hater, just i have a opinion and wish to share it.

Inscrit depuis 7007 Jours
What I can say firmly about Halo 3 is despite the fact that I've beaten the game on heroic. I'm actually just as excited to play through this thing again as I was before I even touched it.

The game is just that enjoyable. Which is pretty surprising because I intended to go right back to bd and play through that again after beating halo 3. I've actually still yet to touch the multiplayer which I'm dying to do, but I gotta finish the fight again :)

What do these skulls do exactly? How exactly do they make the game harder? More enemies? More people attack you? Their aim is better? What is it?
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Hironobu Sakaguchi is coming back to reclaim the throne :)

October 20th 2007 (A good day)

Don't ask any questions just shut up and buy Halo : Ghosts of the Onyx one of the greatest books ever.

pssh! more like electronic gay-ming monthly! amirite

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7115 Jours
Posté par ManThatYouFear
they cant see that ? there loss dont worry, i gave up on them.
You could say that about uhm, just about anything you think is amazing and someone else doesn't. It doesn't actually make it a loss for them though. I'm not sure why you get so worked up over the fact that some people didn't enjoy the campaign as much as you did.. that's uhm, your loss?
Posté par Optimusv2
The game is just that enjoyable. Which is pretty surprising because I intended to go right back to bd and play through that again after beating halo 3. I've actually still yet to touch the multiplayer which I'm dying to do, but I gotta finish the fight again :)

What do these skulls do exactly? How exactly do they make the game harder? More enemies? More people attack you? Their aim is better? What is it?
How can you be dying to do it and not gotten there yet, it's almost been a week! Most of us did both on day 1 :P The good news is, that everyone who is any good will have leveled up by the time you get to it.. so match making should be a walk in the park for a while once you do.

I still need to go skull hunting though. I sorta think the final armor is fugly, but it's just one of those things you're like, supposed to have anyway.

I'm starting to really like Construct deft.. which is good.. because now there really isn't a single map that I don't like. I had a ridiculous game earlier in regards to lag, it made me wish we could ya know, have dedicated servers. That would probably mean we'd need more big maps too though, since there are only really two large maps looking back now.. and Sand Trap isn't really as big as I thought. Anyway, I sent you a clip of myself dying out of no where, without an enemy in sight -- try to figure out who killed me -- because I sure can't.

I played a lot of Team Slayer games earlier with random people. I think I need to stop doing that, because my stats have really suffered as a result. I managed to gain 10 levels in that period, but lost a whole 10th of a point off my k/d ratio too. Bastards. Now that was a hard fight.
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Inscrit depuis 7059 Jours
optimus the best one (dont know its exact name) makes the grunts heads pop open when you get head shot and all paper comes out with kids cheering (viva pinata)

also my loss i did not enjoy campaign ? yeah...ok, i aint arguing no more with you guys, maybe you enjoy trying to have the last say grift but i dont care *goes to play halo 3 again* enjoy been a cynic.
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My comments on this game/machine been good or bad does not mean i like/hate the machine i am not a fan nor a hater, just i have a opinion and wish to share it.

roxwell - PuS3Y
Inscrit depuis 7063 Jours
Jollipop has bought Halo? *falls over*
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Back, sack and crack

deftangel - Hot stuff!
Inscrit depuis 6983 Jours
I've bailed on Team Slayer as all we get is Shotty Snipers. Using Green thumb, I suck at sniping compared to most so I spend much of those games getting owned.

I did yesterday earn an "Extermination" medal on my way to ranking up to Officer that I'm very proud of. What does that mean? It means I killed the ENTIRE opposition team with an overkill :D

Getting a clip of that later for sure
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XBL/PSN: deftangel. Views are my own and not representative of my employers. Boulets aren't the end of the world, you will get over them! Reading and constructive discussion classes are available, enquire via PM :)

roxwell - PuS3Y
Inscrit depuis 7063 Jours
I'm sending that De4throw dude a friend request straight away :D
En réponse à

Back, sack and crack

Inscrit depuis 6998 Jours
Posté par roxwell
Jollipop has bought Halo? *falls over*
Yes i told you i would 12 months ago, I'm still waiting for that game invite :\
En réponse à

Marumaro for the WIN !!

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7115 Jours
Posté par ManThatYouFear
also my loss i did not enjoy campaign ? yeah...ok, i aint arguing no more with you guys, maybe you enjoy trying to have the last say grift but i dont care *goes to play halo 3 again* enjoy been a cynic.
Uh, I didn't say that. I said it was your loss that you get so worked up over the fact that not everyone loved the campaign as much as you. Not a single person is trying to effect the amount that you enjoyed the game. Not-a-one. In fact, not a single person is trying to argue with you. You've demonstrated the fact that you're incapable of discussing it, so I'm not sure why anyone would try. Certainly not trying to have the last word, since there hasn't exactly been an open dialog running between us at all -- I don't even know what the first word is.

Enjoy being so easily pissed off at others, and unable to express yourself without being hostile. I'm off to go play Halo! :/
Posté par deftangel
I've bailed on Team Slayer as all we get is Shotty Snipers. Using Green thumb, I suck at sniping compared to most so I spend much of those games getting owned.
They need to fix that ASAP. I love shotty snipers but it seems to come up like every other game, and I've played it as many as four times in a row. Lag is really something else -- the game is fine most of the time but when it hits it has weird effects on the game, like that clip I sent you. Another thing that pisses me off is it seems like some people are just always capable at beating you to the punch, literally, in certain scenarios. Example: you both have shotguns and you both go to pull the same thing on each other, a shotty/melee combo -- yet there's one dude who always seems to get it off before anyone else -- I can't help but feel like this is an example of host advantage in action.
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roxwell - PuS3Y
Inscrit depuis 7063 Jours
Posté par Jollipop
Yes i told you i would 12 months ago, I'm still waiting for that game invite :
When I finish Solo (which should be in the next couple days) I'll be full on MP and your invite will be on it's way. I use the tactic of firing off every thing I have in the first few seconds - die -repeat.

I'm also rubbish at sniping.
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Back, sack and crack

FireWire - IEEE 1394
Inscrit depuis 7116 Jours
Posté par deftangel
I've bailed on Team Slayer as all we get is Shotty Snipers. Using Green thumb, I suck at sniping compared to most so I spend much of those games getting owned.
The worst thing is it's not only on slayer it's on team tactical 2!

And the thing Grift commented on: The "we both do the same but the other guy always gets the kill" thing also pisses me off big time!
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"Let me explain something to you. Um, I am not "Mr. Lebowski". You're Mr. Lebowski. I'm the Dude. So that's what you call me. You know, that or, uh, His Dudeness, or uh, Duder, or El Duderino if you're not into the whole brevity thing. "

Inscrit depuis 7753 Jours
Posté par GriftGFX
I can't help but feel like this is an example of host advantage in action.
Listenservers FTL!

MS really need to start hosting dedicated servers on XBL.. No more of these host-advantage issues, and less lag.. And then they can finally get rid of some stupid restrictions aswell (like limited playercount in games and no more then 2 people in privatechat etc)..

But the way it's now it's a lot cheaper for them, so I understand why they are stalling..
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Inscrit depuis 6859 Jours
Man, I love the pistol, I can happilly play slayer with just the pistol and do well, it feels great especially on 'The pit'.
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How Do You Silence the Millions of haters out there?

Create the Greatest game ever made...

Halo 3... Believe.

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7115 Jours
I love the pit, but I don't get the love for the pistol. It's the worst Halo pistol ever imo. It's like the magnum, but slow and clunky. I'd take less damage and a higher rate of fire any day. I know they're not going for realism in Halo, but the idea that a pistol would have such a big delay between shots is just unreal.
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Inscrit depuis 6859 Jours
Yeah but its that delay that i enjoy the most, it helps you accurately aim(Allows you to practically pick your shots) and it kills just as fast as most weapons, you'd be suprised. Its definately better than the AR.
En réponse à

How Do You Silence the Millions of haters out there?

Create the Greatest game ever made...

Halo 3... Believe.

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7115 Jours
Posté par Jin187
Yeah but its that delay that i enjoy the most, it helps you accurately aim and it kills just as fast as most weapons, you'd be suprised. Its definately better than the AR.
Oh for medium-long range combat I definitely agree it's better than the AR. The thing that the AR is really good at imo is close range combat, since like 1/3rd a clip + a melee takes someone down.
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Inscrit depuis 6859 Jours
Posté par GriftGFX
Oh for medium-long range combat I definitely agree it's better than the AR. The thing that the AR is really good at imo is close range combat, since like 1/3rd a clip + a melee takes someone down.
Yeah definately, but i even prefer it to the BR some times as it has better accuracy.
En réponse à

How Do You Silence the Millions of haters out there?

Create the Greatest game ever made...

Halo 3... Believe.

Inscrit depuis 6638 Jours
Earlier today I killed some guy using a needler using a single magnum:) It was a medium range battle and he was dead before he knew what was going on but I think the pistol in this game is a lot stronger and more useful than the one in halo 2 but not quite as strong as halo 1 (a good medium imo). Bungie did a good job with the pistol.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7115 Jours
Posté par jioann00

i hope it isnt true!!!!
come on microsoft
what are you playing at..!!
microsoft still owns halo...
bungie make halo fun :(

my quesiton to you guys is,

who would you like to see making PG5 and halo 4 now theres no bizzare or bungie (potentially)
Since you guys actually want to discuss this, do it here.
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