Inscrit depuis 6448 Jours
None of the others in the series can compete with what Reach offers - and that includes Combat Evolved.
Posté par KORNdog
since playing a few more levels, i've lost my appreciation for the AI, what i initially saw to be good AI, is just AI that avoids your crosshair whenever you line-up a shot.
Are you aware that that makes no sense whatsoever? Just letting you know.
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8 Bits - Games. Movies. Music. Stuff.

Inscrit depuis 6521 Jours
Posté par blmbox
None of the others in the series can compete with what Reach offers - and that includes Combat Evolved.

Are you aware that that makes no sense whatsoever? Just letting you know.
just because you can't grasp the idea, doesnt mean it doesnt make sense :P
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Inscrit depuis 6442 Jours
Posté par KORNdog
just because you can't grasp the idea, doesnt mean it doesnt make sense :P
Then again, just because you think it's so doesn't mean that everbody does :P
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"I still don't know if snakes make good pets, but at least they've got your f****g back."

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7117 Jours
Posté par Megido
Then again, just because you think it's so doesn't mean that everbody does :P
Or just because.. oh never mind. The AI is fine. Comparing it to other FPS campaigns this generation, and it stands far out ahead of the pack. It's a silly thing to complain about.
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SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Inscrit depuis 7140 Jours
Posté par blmbox
None of the others in the series can compete with what Reach offers - and that includes Combat Evolved.

Are you aware that that makes no sense whatsoever? Just letting you know.
Quoted, this sorta answers itself in a hilarious way. How about "one of the most iconic characters in gaming", how about "a genuinely fascinating alien world to explore", how about "the most satisfying, self contained story of the franchise", how about dozens of quotable lines, layers of lore to dig through, and the only proper climatic *gameplay* ending in any of these games? How about elements that, having created four games since, Bungie return to for their last stab at the franchise, simply because they were always superior to the extra nonsense they added along the way?

I would like to propose that the only game that stands stories tall above the rest in the series is inarguably the first Halo. Comparing ANYTHING that happens in Reach to Halo 1, both in terms of encounter setup (SILENT CARTOGRAPHER DAMMIT!) and meaningful plot events is utterly forfeit.

I'm a huge fan of Halo, I've played all of them including oft overlooked Wars and ODST and I derive genuine pleasure - just to different degrees - from them all, but Halo 1 really does tower above the rest and casts a long dark shadow impossible to get out from underneath with anything the franchise has thrown at us since. Everything is in essence derived from it, and the law of diminishing returns is hopelessly applicable.

Edit: This is all multiplayer aside, but.. that's probably abundantly clear. :P
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7117 Jours
^ Mostly agreed.

With the proper care, this could stand as my favorite in the series. It needs: more maps (more 4v4 maps, dammit.. even the "small" maps are actually quite large); Better playlists. The latter includes major (and minor) tweaks to available loadouts in standard games, and playlists that include pro slayer only and other dedicated playlists. It's still a brilliant package, but the lack of map variety in MP is seriously a bummer. I do love that there's actually an 8v8 BTB mode again, and that there's the wonderful thing called "Hemorrhage"--even if it's no Valhalla (nostalgia aside) when it comes right down to it!

But people are still drinking the hype kool-aid. It's still the best game I've played all year (though, honestly, Bad Company 2 comes in a very close second--and if it had more maps and better conquest layouts it probably wouldn't even have been a contest), but the hyperbole is amazing.

On the other hand, if you're talking about the package and not the campaign, I actually think he's mostly right. Halo CE can't compare to what Reach offers, or to what Halo 2 or Halo 3 offered for that matter. The Halo-Live experience has grown quite a bit, and if you're not on board, you're really missing what Halo is all about.

(in my opinion, since that's never taken as a given)
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Inscrit depuis 6448 Jours
Posté par GriftGFX
On the other hand, if you're talking about the package and not the campaign, I actually think he's mostly right.
I was, which is why I said 'with what Reach offers', rather than simply referring to the campaign - which I haven't even finished yet, so I can't really comment on it that much (other than to say that I'm having a blast with it so far).
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8 Bits - Games. Movies. Music. Stuff.

SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Inscrit depuis 7140 Jours
Posté par GriftGFX
On the other hand, if you're talking about the package and not the campaign, I actually think he's mostly right. Halo CE can't compare to what Reach offers, or to what Halo 2 or Halo 3 offered for that matter.
Oh absolutely. It feels like this massive piece of all encompassing entertainment when you come into the menu of it, a feeling not unlike the way Forza 3 sorta wraps around you and whispers promises that you can pretty much lose yourself in it indefinitely.

And in the case of mp, I have felt compelled to get on board with that stuff with Reach, but as I've previously stated, that type of activity usually comes bundled with anxiety for me since I have all these other games I wanna keep up with. Spending time with something endless is really, really diffcult for me psychologically. Prolly has to do with my "proffession" aswell, since I don't have proper work hours, any time of day could be "doing something productive" time instead of "playing match 963 out of ONE BILLION BILLION" time.

But we'll see if I can wrestle my OCD issues. :)
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7117 Jours
Posté par SimonM7
Oh absolutely. It feels like this massive piece of all encompassing entertainment when you come into the menu of it, a feeling not unlike the way Forza 3 sorta wraps around you and whispers promises that you can pretty much lose yourself in it indefinitely.

And in the case of mp, I have felt compelled to get on board with that stuff with Reach, but as I've previously stated, that type of activity usually comes bundled with anxiety for me since I have all these other games I wanna keep up with. Spending time with something endless is really, really diffcult for me psychologically. Prolly has to do with my "proffession" aswell, since I don't have proper work hours, any time of day could be "doing something productive" time instead of "playing match 963 out of ONE BILLION BILLION" time.

But we'll see if I can wrestle my OCD issues. :)
I'm feeling that right this second. The work part. I couldn't care less about other games right now. It's all about Halo for the time being. But, it's 6pm, I already put a couple of hours into MP today, and I have work to do. All I want to do is go back to Halo, but I really shouldn't--I won't! For at least four or five more hours! I promise!
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Inscrit depuis 6442 Jours
is there some way of searching for spevific game types? The match making interface seems awfully...dumb so far :P
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"I still don't know if snakes make good pets, but at least they've got your f****g back."

Inscrit depuis 6448 Jours
Posté par Megido
The match making interface seems awfully...dumb so far :P
I keep getting the choice of gametypes that I don't particularly want to play. :/
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8 Bits - Games. Movies. Music. Stuff.

Inscrit depuis 6442 Jours
I want to play the zombie mode, it's a lot of fun, but hoping for a vote is kind of dubious, everybody jsut wants to play bloody slayer.

Also, isn't the goddamn needler a bit imbalanced? Come near a fucker with a needler and you are DEAD. I mean, it's such a 0-skill weapon, just point it somewhat in the direction and let that swarm loose.
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"I still don't know if snakes make good pets, but at least they've got your f****g back."

Inscrit depuis 6448 Jours
Posté par KORNdog
since playing a few more levels, i've lost my appreciation for the AI, what i initially saw to be good AI, is just AI that avoids your crosshair whenever you line-up a shot. kinda lame really.
Playing the campaign right now on Heroic, this comment makes me laugh quite a lot.
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8 Bits - Games. Movies. Music. Stuff.

Inscrit depuis 6618 Jours
Posté par Megido
Also, isn't the goddamn needler a bit imbalanced? Come near a fucker with a needler and you are DEAD. I mean, it's such a 0-skill weapon, just point it somewhat in the direction and let that swarm loose.
Yeah, it shouldn't be a starting weapon. Just had an Elite Slayer game where the majority of times I'd die from a needler at relative close range. I couldn't even strafe enough to avoid getting blown up after I put the 5th shot in his head.

It's also a super lame kill stealer because it super combines with the Needler Rifle. They kept respawning for single cheap kills and I almost couldn't keep up the pace.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7117 Jours
The Needler is a bit nuts. Does it track better than Halo 3? It sure seems like it. I guess they may have had to improve its tracking since people can move so quickly now, or maybe I'm just imagining things (it's definitely an option). They definitely need to do some tweaking, but I like that there are fewer useless weapons than in Halo 3. I mean, honestly, apart from the AR, the Spiker, and the Plasma Rifle, I think everything is okay. I'm not nuts about the Grenade Launcher or Concussion Rifle either but I don't think they're terrible. Oh, and I'm not crazy about the Focus Rifle. Maybe it is just as bad. Oh well, at least dual wielding is gone!

I actually could have gone without the old Spiker and Plasma Rifle all together. They seem like a waste of space to me.
Posté par blmbox
I keep getting the choice of gametypes that I don't particularly want to play. :/
Pick a different playlist maybe? The voting system in Reach is so much better than the Veto system from Halo 3. I'm finding this much better, overall, in terms of variety at launch. That says something, since Halo 3 had a great variety of maps of any given type.
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Inscrit depuis 6442 Jours
Wahat i don't understand is why you can't search for specific game types and maps. I't completely bonkers that i can't play a game of Infection on a specific map unless i manage to get enough friends together, or have the luck to find that combination at random :P
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"I still don't know if snakes make good pets, but at least they've got your f****g back."

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7117 Jours
Posté par Megido
Wahat i don't understand is why you can't search for specific game types and maps. I't completely bonkers that i can't play a game of Infection on a specific map unless i manage to get enough friends together, or have the luck to find that combination at random :P
Welcome to match making? I'm not crazy about the lack of a filter or custom games browser, but it's been pretty apparent for a long time that Bungie is. We're never getting that in Halo, unless Microsoft's next game mixes it up quite a bit (or there's an eventual PC release several years down the line!).
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Inscrit depuis 6442 Jours
No i didn't really expect much, i did play Halo 3 after's still really annoying.
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"I still don't know if snakes make good pets, but at least they've got your f****g back."

Inscrit depuis 7091 Jours
Posté par Megido
No i didn't really expect much, i did play Halo 3 after's still really annoying.
And annoys me the hell out of it to. I hate matchmaking. I hate it when they put it on gears 2 and every other game for that matter *cough*MW2 on pc*cough*

I dream with a day that a halo game have a custom games browser.
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Inscrit depuis 6976 Jours
5 levels in and loving it, the AI is unmatched and the game is just fun as hell.
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** Yes We CAN!! **

Inscrit depuis 6188 Jours
Wish they'd redesigned the multiplayer a bit, but it suffers in exactly the same places Halo 3 did. When players leave a team game they are lost for good, so you are at a huge disadvantage until the game ends, they should let players drop into running games or penalise teams that have full teams vs not full.

Also, this has to be one of the worst games for spawn camping, you give a team vehicles and theres next to nothing that can take them out except other vehicles, so whoever gets the first vehicle kill has a huge advantage. This often turns into a spawn camp session where they can then commandeer any additional vehicles that spawn, so not only do you have to deal with 1 tank, but 2.

Also, im gettin might sick of paradiso and the blood gultch map, seem to be played 9/10 games one of those 2.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7117 Jours
Posté par Tomarru
Wish they'd redesigned the multiplayer a bit, but it suffers in exactly the same places Halo 3 did. When players leave a team game they are lost for good, so you are at a huge disadvantage until the game ends, they should let players drop into running games or penalise teams that have full teams vs not full.

Also, this has to be one of the worst games for spawn camping, you give a team vehicles and theres next to nothing that can take them out except other vehicles, so whoever gets the first vehicle kill has a huge advantage. This often turns into a spawn camp session where they can then commandeer any additional vehicles that spawn, so not only do you have to deal with 1 tank, but 2.

Also, im gettin might sick of paradiso and the blood gultch map, seem to be played 9/10 games one of those 2.
I do think it's sorta ridiculous not to include anti-vehicle weapons in the bases. Valhalla had rocket pods in both bases, and the vehicles weren't nearly as threatening as they are in Reach!

Granted, Scorpions aren't actually hard to kill, and technically, hand grenades and plasma pistols are AT weapons in this game :P
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Inscrit depuis 6188 Jours
True, but in a spawn camp situation you usually aren't close enough, or alive long enough to do anything.
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Inscrit depuis 7102 Jours
Posté par Tomarru
When players leave a team game they are lost for good, so you are at a huge disadvantage until the game ends, they should let players drop into running games or penalise teams that have full teams vs not full.
Then you'd get people bitching and moaning about how they were added into a losing team.

I do like that players are penalized for quitting too many games by way of temporary(15 min) ban.
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Zapp Brannigan: If we can hit that bull's eye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards...Checkmate.

Inscrit depuis 6188 Jours
I do and I don't, I'm quitting more and more, i don't have the patience to be cannon fodder for 10 minutes until the game ends. All I ask for is a fair fight, but the way the game works is so far from that, tbh, i'd rank it even below MW2 which is an absolute mess to begin with, but at least it tries to be fair by moving spawn points around.

Just spent an hr playing big team battle, lost every single game, was outnumbered in every single one, and 3 of them turned into spawn camping sessions while we were trying to avoid banshees, tank and warthog fire every time we spawned in the exact same places.
Finally turned it off when it started a game and immediately went to switching host and stayed there for over 4 minutes, oh how i miss dedicated servers.
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