Since 7058 Days
Posted by GriftGFX
Lol, you should not be (even though your using sarcasam) but it just was not the Reach I was hoping for :(
But in fairness to the game, i only played it cause the misses bought it me and i felt i had to, i spent most the game going " really want to finish my new book" so it kinda ruined the vibe for me.

Music was fantastic as usual though, but thats what i expect from donnel.
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I want my games room finished now :(

Since 6974 Days
Posted by roxwell
Okay Acert, I'm ready ;)
Make sure you video some of these Mod matches, it would be great to see you guys playing, but my monies on Pants360 ;)
In reply to

** Yes We CAN!! **

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7114 Days
Posted by ManThatYouFear
(even though your using sarcasam)
I know. The Reach that you were hoping for was on PS3.
Posted by dcdelgado
but my monies on Pants360 ;)
Woah, don't gamble, man!

Today's daily challenges are stupid easy and stupid profitable! It's like they're trying to make up for how little we could have acquired yesterday. Love it, especially since I didn't really play last night :)
In reply to
GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7114 Days
Wait, one of today's challenges is to survive three rounds in firefight matchmaking--and every game of firefight matchmaking I've ever played is over after one round. How is this challenge even possible?
In reply to
deftangel - Hot stuff!
Since 6982 Days
Posted by MartyThatYouFear
Music was fantastic as usual though, but thats what i expect from donnel.
At least get the bloke's name right, it's O'Donnell
Posted by GriftGFX
Wait, one of today's challenges is to survive three rounds in firefight matchmaking--and every game of firefight matchmaking I've ever played is over after one round. How is this challenge even possible?
You've got to do it three times over as many games as it takes, not in one game.
Posted by Bungie
One Spartan Army
Kill 400 enemies in Firefight Matchmaking.
0d20h58m14s 2000cR

Be Their Huckleberry
Kill 40 enemies in Firefight Matchmaking with the pistol.
0d20h58m14s 900cR

Going Outpost-al
Kill 100 enemies on Outpost on Heroic in Firefight Matchmaking.
0d20h58m14s 800cR

Complete 3 Rounds in a Firefight Matchmaking game without dying.
These are full of win as far as I'm concerned. played at least 11-12 games last night and made about 12-13k cR tops and that's only because I got some bronze commendations. I'm still only half-way through Warrant Officer Grade 2 :( It's a bloody slog!
In reply to

roxwell - PuS3Y
Since 7062 Days
''Problem is, we got alien bastards in the house. Each new wave means more bad guys. Five waves make up a round. Three rounds in a set. Sounds easy, huh? Wrong! See these skulls? When they activate, they turn a casual Covenant make-out session into a full-on test of your manly prowess!"
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Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity.

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7114 Days
Posted by deftangel
You've got to do it three times over as many games as it takes, not in one game.
Complete 3 Rounds in a Firefight Matchmaking game without dying.
It resets after every game, so, no. Still impossible. Bungie challenge fail :/
Posted by roxwell
''Problem is, we got alien bastards in the house. Each new wave means more bad guys. Five waves make up a round. Three rounds in a set. Sounds easy, huh? Wrong! See these skulls? When they activate, they turn a casual Covenant make-out session into a full-on test of your manly prowess!"
There's only one round in matchmaking though. :/
In reply to
deftangel - Hot stuff!
Since 6982 Days
Ha, that's what you get from giving them the benefit of the doubt! I assumed it'd be accumulative. Fixed now though;-
Posted by Bungie
Some of you noticed that today's Daily Challenge, Bulletproof, was so challenging that it was downright impossible. It's all better now. Instead of completing three insurmountable rounds in Firefight Matchmaking without dying, all you have to do is finish one with zero deaths. Good luck!
I'm going for a beer, but I'll be on later :)
In reply to

Since 6873 Days
too bad that is still hard unless you hide for the whole thing. It is SOOO easy to be out-flanked. I've got the others already. It's amazing how quickly you can rack up kills in firefight. I really liked the Be their Huckleberry one...
In reply to

Oooh, Profound, isn't it?

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7114 Days
Posted by Frozpot
too bad that is still hard unless you hide for the whole thing. It is SOOO easy to be out-flanked. I've got the others already. It's amazing how quickly you can rack up kills in firefight. I really liked the Be their Huckleberry one...
It's really easy to survive gruntpocalypse dude!
Posted by deftangel
Ha, that's what you get from giving them the benefit of the doubt! I assumed it'd be accumulative. Fixed now though;-
Well deftangel, that's what you get for your shitty "glass is half full" attitude!


Glad they fixed it.
In reply to
Since 6445 Days
Infection is fucking boring now. I wish people would stop picking it.
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8 Bits - Games. Movies. Music. Stuff.

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7114 Days
Posted by blmbox
Infection is fucking boring now. I wish people would stop picking it.
Infection was always boring. Shit needs its own playlist. It ruined rumble pit, and it's far worse than SWAT in Team Slayer.

Too bad bungie doesn't seem to care (yet) :(

Holy hell! they lowered the last challenge to 450 cR? Weak!
In reply to
Acert93 - Mr. Bad Cop
Since 7085 Days
Posted by roxwell
Right, well i'm getting about 1500 credits in one match.

So be very scared or try to contain your laughter.
Okay Acert, I'm ready ;)
Bring it on.

I average 3500 - 8000 per Fire Fight round that doesn't lag.
In reply to

Pwn'd by Phaethon360.

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7114 Days
Posted by Acert93
per Fire Fight round that doesn't lag.
So like, never? :P
In reply to
Acert93 - Mr. Bad Cop
Since 7085 Days
I made a custom race track that is a huge loop on Hemorrhage+ the far cave and am now trying to make a custom game type that is full of revenants and each vehicle can take 3-4 shots.

I am looking for a detailed manual explaining ALL the Custom Game options / types and how they work. There are a lot of options and it is hard to know what you need. e.g. In a race game you need to set the sequence of the hills and label them as race_point or whatever to make the game work.

The basics are here:

But I am looking for something in depth. Further, some major missing items:

Alright, they may have added some new things, but what they took away is more important.

Things in Halo 3, but not Reach.
1. No Alpha Zombie.
2. No option to change active camo to halo 3 settings.
3. No option to make next zombie random, leader, or chump.
4. No VIP.
5. No instakill.
6. No option to pick percentage of zombies to start a round.
7. You need to give people 25% damage to splatter, so almost all vehicle games (Ice Cream Man, monster trucks...) need honor rules.
8. Infection with 1-life doesn't work. When the zombie dies the game doesn't end.
9. You can't set the points for objective gametypes. You cannot make a neutral territories map so that when you capture them all you win. The scoring is like king of the hill for each one.
10. No way of setting the game to elites/spartans only, like in matchmaking.
11. They made classes for elites and spartans in infection, shouldn't it be for zombies and humans?
12. Removal of a 1-10 scoring system. (Now its 1/2/5/10) Was it really that hard to add in a few more numbers?
13. Overshields are hardly noticeable.
14. Free-For-All style chat is terrible. You can't even plot without the zombie hearing, and vice versa.
15. No grenade regeneration setting.

Things that were not in Halo 3 but would be nice in Reach
1. Zero second respawn.
2. To be able to set armor abilities to have double or triple the amount. Not just on, off, and infinite.
3. Add Player Traits in Loadouts. (player speed, Immune to assassinations, ect.)
4. Setting to control how much bloom a weapon has, or take bloom off all together.
5. Zombie loadouts.
6. Force zombies as elite/spartan.

I have no idea why they would take these settings away, especially since they are supposed to improve on their last game settings. With these gone, many of the most popular custom games go with it. I thought infection would be bigger and better than ever. Guess it's the opposite.

As more things missing are found, I will update the list.

Thanks to Bdnndb for finding a lot of them.

P.S. This was the original thread to address all of the problems with custom games, so please no "Search Bar" comments.
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Pwn'd by Phaethon360.

Since 6873 Days
Posted by Acert93
Bring it on.

I average 3500 - 8000 per Fire Fight round that doesn't lag.
Points or credits. If it's credits, I don't know how you do it. I seems like it barely gives me any credits (400-700), even when I average around 6000 points, unless I get a challenge. The highest credit's I've had from anything so far was 3500 in one game...
In reply to

Oooh, Profound, isn't it?

roxwell - PuS3Y
Since 7062 Days
Please be points, please be points :D
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Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity.

Since 6873 Days
Posted by GriftGFX
It's really easy to survive gruntpocalypse dude!
Yeah right, I almost made it once, but I got cornered by a Gold Elite with a fuel Rod Cannon. Grunts I can handle, it's when the dropships drop a shit-ton of Brutes/Elites with Fuel rods. I always seem to get killed at least once by a teammate too. Still, solution for Brutes=needler/needle rifle...
In reply to

Oooh, Profound, isn't it?

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7114 Days
Posted by Frozpot
Yeah right, I almost made it once, but I got cornered by a Gold Elite with a fuel Rod Cannon. Grunts I can handle, it's when the dropships drop a shit-ton of Brutes/Elites with Fuel rods. I always seem to get killed at least once by a teammate too. Still, solution for Brutes=needler/needle rifle...
Score attack is the easiest way to do it legitimately (and not just hide). Sniper attack/grunpocalypse are the easiest for me. Even w/ all grunts, you can get stuck or railed by a fuel rod cannon, which is frustrating, but it's definitely a lot easier. The fact that they dropped it all the way down to 450 cR makes it mostly worthless though. I mean, it's a bonus, but just not much of one.
In reply to
Acert93 - Mr. Bad Cop
Since 7085 Days
Posted by roxwell
Please be points, please be points :D
No, what you should be hoping is Grift and I are on your TEAM.

And on that note lets coordinate a Mods versus Posters game. Friday night maybe?? When are you guys free? I am free after 7pm PST tomorrow.

Team Mods
Deft Angel

Are there even 4 active forum posters who would date challenge the above group in Reach??
In reply to

Pwn'd by Phaethon360.

Since 6720 Days
I would be down for playing but I'm not free on friday night (UK time).
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Band myspace =

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7114 Days
Posted by Acert93
No, what you should be hoping is Grift and I are on your TEAM.

And on that note lets coordinate a Mods versus Posters game. Friday night maybe?? When are you guys free? I am free after 7pm PST tomorrow.
I'll try to be available, but I sometimes go out on Friday nights. It's usually the only day of the week I get out, so, we'll see what happens. Also next week I'm going to be away quite a bit for a wedding.
In reply to
Acert93 - Mr. Bad Cop
Since 7085 Days
OK, so we may need to plan this some. But I say we make this happen in the next month or so. Are people game to this idea?

A Saturday night works for me most weeks if it is later. Sundays during the day as well.
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Pwn'd by Phaethon360.

Since 6445 Days
I'm ready to take you bitches on. Any time, any place.
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8 Bits - Games. Movies. Music. Stuff.

Since 6873 Days
I'd really like that, Acert. Weekends are kind of rough sometimes( hell, any day is, so planning is good)- If I don't have Drill with the Reserves( blech), then my band is playing out( hopefully not on the same weekends!). Still, I'd love to get in some play-time with you guys.

@Grift- I've never tried score attack. Gruntacolypes sounds like a blast though( HEADSHOTS!!)...
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Oooh, Profound, isn't it?

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  • Loakum

    Loakum Ugh….scratch that previous comment. The upcoming Game of Thrones video game is a F’in mobile phone game. Why can’t they came an open world GoT game, like Witcher 3 or God of War? (9 Weeks ago)

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    Driftwood @Loakum: enjoy, the one Sony sent us will be there on launch day. Coverage will follow asap. (> 3 Months ago)

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