Inscrit depuis 7667 Jours
Tout pareil, en coop sinon rien.
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Inscrit depuis 7670 Jours

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The Dreadful Unit #16 ;)
vite vite Alan Wake, Operation Flashpoint 2, TDU2, R.U.S.E., Ghost Recon 4, CoD 6, BLUR, FORZA 3 .......

Inscrit depuis 6285 Jours
il sort quand exactement? vendredi dans deux semaines?
En réponse à
Inscrit depuis 7670 Jours
le 9/10
c'est sur la vidéo de GSY

tout le monde pense pas comme Nofrag
un mag Hollandais pense autrement
The game scores a 9 out of 10.

They are very very positive about the game.
The reporter can be trusted on his word!

Originally Posted by SpoonH
Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising is one of the most anticipated and talked about war shooters of recent years. And every time the same question came up: will Codemasters pull it off without Bohemia Interactive? Jan locked himself up with the review version for a week to give you the answer.

- Reviewer has never been in military service, but has shot some guns in the past. Says it's nothing like Killzone or CoD.

- He thinks OFPDR comes close to real warfare: it's dirty, tactical, deadly and split seconds can mean the difference between life and death. The game is hard, but satisfying.


- Choices may be the biggest selling point of OFPDR. Many options: approach a village from the front, rear or flanks? Take the sniper rifle or the machine gun? Formation of your troops, bullet type, fire rate, secondary grenades, you can all choose them yourself. But there's hardly any time to make those choices, cause the enemy will advance.

Camouflaged son of a bitch

- Enemies are the chinese.

- (Story)

- The island is big, expansive and dangerous. No corridors or limited environments with invisible walls.

- Trick is to stay moving and strategic. Recon before a mission is always a good idea. Sometimes your buddy will say 'Enemy, 300 metres, south!' but you can't see the son of a bitch cause he's in the bushes with a camouflage suit.

- The enemies aren't brainless kamikaze pilots but worthy opponents.

Circle of life

- Played Xbox360 and PC version, and though PC version looks a bit better, they aren't very different.

- Command dial may be overwhelming for console (controller) users, but you get used to it quickly.


- Most impressed with AI, teammates as well as enemies. Team will often see enemies before you do. Suppressing enemies works very well, they sometimes even flee the scene.

F*ck, this is good!

- As campaign progresses, tension rises, fights grow bigger with more vehicles. Reviewer still loves infantry action the most.

- It's hard, but it's good. Codemasters paid off.

Separate box

Codemasters, made a lot of promises, but what did they achieve?

- Open world: yes and no. You can go anywhere, but objectives are clear and straightforward so there isn't really a point to do so.

- One shot one kill: 100% true.

- Not dumbed down for casual gamer: Absolutely true.

- War isn't man to man: True. Long distance combat, not bunny hopping CoD style play.

- Stuff breaks: not entirely true. Stuff can break, but they will remain obstacles, no matter what they're made of.

- Realistic guns: True. Windage and distance really matter.

- Lots of variation in vehicles: not entirely true. Yes, there are different vehicles, but ArmAII has significantly more.

Yes guys you will love her, my mom just gave me a call for the conclusion and quote's here they are:

Final conclusion of PU:

Codemasters has kept its word, has taken her time and quite an war sim balance between a hardcore and intense gaming experience delivered. Furthermore, the console version hardly inferior to his big brother on the PC. we salute you!

They have reviewd pc and consoles.

'' F#uck this is so hard, F#uck what good''
'' Total Panic''
'' Codemasters have done it''
'' Adrealine roars through your body''
''With sweaty hands omklem I strictly my controller''
''Between all the tanks and vehicles immerse you in a real life war''

More quotes from Helios






En réponse à

The Dreadful Unit #16 ;)
vite vite Alan Wake, Operation Flashpoint 2, TDU2, R.U.S.E., Ghost Recon 4, CoD 6, BLUR, FORZA 3 .......

Inscrit depuis 7670 Jours
toujours du même magazine

Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising

Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising is one of the most talked about shooters from the past years. And again, and again, the question rised if Codemasters could pull it of without the help of Bohemia Interactive. Jan locked himself up in his room for a week with the review-version to give you guys the final word.

I have never been in the army, and I have no idea what it is like to fire a weapon in a combat situation. And lets be fair, playing games doesnt make you a soldier.
On several occasions I did fire a gun once or twice, and i assure you that has got nothing to do with the shooting in a game as in Call of Duty, Rainbow Sic or Killzine.
Still I feel that after playing Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising (A game being hunted with delays) I have gotten a feeling how modern warfare works.

It is filthy, it is tactical, it is deadly and a split second could be the difference between life or death. No this game isnt for softies. This game will cost you blood, sweat and tears, but eventually the statisfaction is immense.


Choices. Its might be the best thing in Dragon Rising. Because you will get them alot as a player in the intense campaign, which will let you sit on the top of your seat untill the last bullet has been fired.
The choice to attack a village from the left, right, front or back. The choice to switch your weapons and explosives at the munitiondepot. Will you take the sniper-rifle or will you keep the heavy machinegun? Sometimes you will have to decide quickly if you want your men to supress the enemy or flank them.
If you have decided to bomb a village, you get to choose from 4 kinds of bombs, Segmented, Centrated or Spread.
De formation of you squad the types of bullets in your gun, the speed of the bullets when exiting your weapon, which grenades you will have as a secundary fireoption, its all your choice. Choices, Choises, Choises, it doesnt stop. And you hardly have the time to make them, because the enemy is advancing.

Camoflaged Bastar d

Your enemy in this game? The Chinese who took posession of Skira because of the Oil-supplies. China looks at the history of the island, and they determine that they are the rightfull owners of the island. Russia however has an other opinion. America the self acclamed police-officer of the world gets involved in this matter, because its about oil non-the-less.
And this is how you get on Skira as an american soldier. This island is large, vast and dangerous. No hall to hall combat or invisible walls here. You enjoi the unlimited freedom to choose which way you should get to the enemy or objective. Most of the times this doesnt go well and you will die, and then you will try it again with a different tactic.
Will you go up that mountain? You will have a good view, but you cant stay there for long, so you dont become a sitting duck.
It doesnt take you long to figure out that you have to keep moving and take strategic points as fast as possible. It also is of great importance to control your teammates as good as possible.
You will also discover that it is wise to recon the area really well before blowing up an enemy target. Logically an explosion gets a reaction going and then there is no way back.
Sometimes you will hear bullets fly past your ears and hear your teammates yell: "Enemy, 300 metres, south!". But there is nothing to see, because the bastar'd is hiding in the bushes with his ACU (camouflage).
There are no enemies who will charge in front of your viser like a kamikazepilot, no, your advisery is a fullyblown enemy being controlled by amazing AI, who work at the blades edge.

Circle of life

I played Dragon Rising on the PC and on the Xbox 360 and I was supprised to see how well the consoleversion does im comparison with the PC. Ofcourse the PC-graphics can handle more and the game looks better on a PC. But the expirience, atmosphere and tension is just as good on the console as on the PC.
When you are used to playing on console and PC, the PC has a large advantage over the console when it comes to controls. Console-only players will probaply be overwhelmed with the amount of buttons you use to call out orders and use functions, the PC version however has all the functions layed out nicely over the keyboard, so I could quickly switch orders.
On the Xbox 360 and the PS3, the same actions are available but layered under many buttons. Which means that JJ (Another reviewer) was fiddeling with the controls for about 2 hours. But dont let that scare you, because after a little while the controls on the Xbox 360 works really well too. With a press on the right bumber a menu comes up with subjects. When you have picked a subject another menu appears, examples with this are: Airsupport, Different Attacks, Defences and formations.
After a little while you get through the menu's pretty quick. You will have to, because the right command will determine if you life or die. Dragon Rising makes me think of Brothers in Arms, but then with 10 times as amny options.


The thing that probapply impressed me most was the AI. Becasue the behavior of my teammates and the enemy is intelligent and convincing.
Your teammates often see an enemy before you, which makes you feel a bit daft, using the binoculares and taking advantage of the eviroment is a good advice I can give you.
But the enemy also doesnt mess around. When they have noticed where you and your men are, they will do anything to pin you down and smoke you out.
Your actions in the campaign will also determine the morale if your squad. At first I was a bit impatient and took a gamble to attack a bit to much. Several times my squad escaped death, if not wounded. So when I threw my men in another dangerous situation one squadmember just took off. This however also works with the enemy. Because when you shoot at a lonely Chinese soldier and pin him down, he will run like the wind! And believe me, those moments are gold!

F*ck this is good
As the campaign progresses, the tension gets up and the battle scale increases. Vehicles like jeeps, tanks and combathelicopters will play a bigger role, but still I enjoyedth action on the ground the most. Its an enormous rush when you are in the middle of a tank battle, and you and your squad flank to blow up some anti-vehicle stations. You really think your in the middle of a war.
Whilst on the background there are shots being fired and clouds of smoke fill the skies, I yell yo my men to follow me to the next objective. The adreneline rushes trough my vanes and with sweaty hands I tighten the grip around my controller. F*ck this is heavy and f*ck this is good! Codemasters have done it.

Yes guys you will love her, my mom just gave me a call for the conclusion and quote's here they are:

Final conclusion of PU:

Codemasters has kept its word, has taken her time and quite an war sim balance between a hardcore and intense gaming experience delivered. Furthermore, the console version hardly inferior to his big brother on the PC. we salute you!

They have reviewd pc and consoles.
En réponse à

The Dreadful Unit #16 ;)
vite vite Alan Wake, Operation Flashpoint 2, TDU2, R.U.S.E., Ghost Recon 4, CoD 6, BLUR, FORZA 3 .......

Inscrit depuis 6731 Jours
Bon bah pour le coup je vais devoir voir ca en magasin pour pouvoir me faire une idée précise par moi meme, le jour de la sortie.
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Team Ninja Forever !

Inscrit depuis 7670 Jours
bon en multi on va pouvoir traverser toute la carte ?
non ca sera trop grand mais on aura des morceaux d'île :)
oui mais grand ou petit morceau ?

I know a few people were wondering how large the map sizes would be in MP, so I've managed to acquire these below images which should help show off the scale of the maps you will be playing on in PvP MP in the game.

The 3 images show different zoom levels of the same play area.

PC users will be able to move the square play area on show in the first image to wherever they like on the map to create their own custom MP PvP play areas

En réponse à

The Dreadful Unit #16 ;)
vite vite Alan Wake, Operation Flashpoint 2, TDU2, R.U.S.E., Ghost Recon 4, CoD 6, BLUR, FORZA 3 .......

Inscrit depuis 6285 Jours
Difficile de se faire une idée même avec ces screens. en gros la map fait 2km2, je ne me rend pas bien compte, me semble que c'est pas énorme.

ha et merci pour la date, ça sera donc session tout le vendredi soir :P
En réponse à
Inscrit depuis 7138 Jours
pour du multi ça suffira, sinon le risque c'est de passer des heures à se chercher.
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mymusic : http://www.myspace.com/knoiser

"si on était pas intelligents, on serait moins con"

Inscrit depuis 5951 Jours
Posté par CraCra
tout le monde pense pas comme Nofrag
Oui, et j'ai envie de dire heureusement parfois. De toutes façons, si c'est un jeux console , tu peux être sûr qu'ils vont le descendre comme pas possible.
J'aime bien nofrag, mais leur guerre perpétuelle contre les jeux consoles me fatigue au plus haut point.
En réponse à
Inscrit depuis 7667 Jours
Oui, en même temps, y'a beaucoup de second degré, et il ne sont pas tendre avec les jeux PC non plus. Mais j'aime bien le côté percutant de leur remarque, comme une caricature, ils sont souvent dans le vrai en amplifiant certaine choses qui ressortent.
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Inscrit depuis 7655 Jours
le mec de NOFRAG est un dangereux psychopathe qui ne supporte pratiquement rien a part arma 2 et qui crache sur les joueurs de consoles qui sont (d'apres lui) de pauvres connards qui n'ont rien compris a la quintessence du jeu video qui ne se pratique qu'avec un clavier souris.
ce mec doit être aigri grave ... un probleme physique peut être qui l'emp^che de sortir de chez lui ou d'avoir des rapports avec la gente feminine.
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DIRT2+FM3+SHIFT+OF2+CODMW2 = bonheur et pauvreté

Inscrit depuis 7667 Jours
Et toi, tu dois être obtus pour passer à côté de tout ce second degré... Clairement pas tout public ce site. Mais interessant.
Et en ce qui concerne le jeux, au final, dans le forum, il dit que c'est quand même sympa.
En réponse à
Inscrit depuis 7655 Jours
du second degré sur Nofrag ? je le lis depuis des années (avant que je passe sur console) et je peux te dire que c'est pas du second degré. peut être du 5eme ou 6eme....
En réponse à

DIRT2+FM3+SHIFT+OF2+CODMW2 = bonheur et pauvreté

Inscrit depuis 7667 Jours
Pareil, je lis depuis un paquet de temps, mais une chose est sur, ils ne se prennent vraiment pas au sérieux, sont très caustique, et effectivement, abuse du 20ème degré. J'adore.
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Inscrit depuis 7670 Jours
si j'ai bien compris la zone devrait faire 4 km²
la partie grisse c'est une zone qui prévient que l'on va sortir de la Zone de jeu (pas de pénalitée comme dans BF)

et petite vidéo qui prouve bien que la balistiqe sera de la partie
En réponse à

The Dreadful Unit #16 ;)
vite vite Alan Wake, Operation Flashpoint 2, TDU2, R.U.S.E., Ghost Recon 4, CoD 6, BLUR, FORZA 3 .......

Inscrit depuis 7670 Jours
codemasters balace des images ingame

En réponse à

The Dreadful Unit #16 ;)
vite vite Alan Wake, Operation Flashpoint 2, TDU2, R.U.S.E., Ghost Recon 4, CoD 6, BLUR, FORZA 3 .......

Inscrit depuis 7670 Jours

En réponse à

The Dreadful Unit #16 ;)
vite vite Alan Wake, Operation Flashpoint 2, TDU2, R.U.S.E., Ghost Recon 4, CoD 6, BLUR, FORZA 3 .......

Inscrit depuis 6905 Jours
haaaa,que cela va etre bien ces petites balades champêtres
En réponse à

The Deuxième Unit #23

Inscrit depuis 6285 Jours
sortez couvert les gars quand même, ça craint dehors
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Inscrit depuis 6877 Jours
Ces screens sont vraiment tres beau je trouve.. allez, encore quelques semaines à tenir!
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the day the world went away

gamertag: DEXT3R xX FR Xx

Inscrit depuis 7670 Jours
le mag officiel 360 donne 8/10

En réponse à

The Dreadful Unit #16 ;)
vite vite Alan Wake, Operation Flashpoint 2, TDU2, R.U.S.E., Ghost Recon 4, CoD 6, BLUR, FORZA 3 .......

Inscrit depuis 7670 Jours
En réponse à

The Dreadful Unit #16 ;)
vite vite Alan Wake, Operation Flashpoint 2, TDU2, R.U.S.E., Ghost Recon 4, CoD 6, BLUR, FORZA 3 .......

Inscrit depuis 7670 Jours
le genre d'info qui est la juste pour remonter le topic ^^

quoi que y a effectivement un truc marrant

IGN a fait un sondage express histoire de voir sur quel support nous allions jouer à OpF DR
ils s'étonnent même de voir le PC si loin alors que c'est la seule version qui aurait l'éditeur, des contrôles avancés et un graphisme supérieur (gros PC)

Xbox 360: 670
PC: 353
Playstation 3: 215

Total: 1238

Comme ils avaient rien d’autres à faire ils ont demandé aussi ce que les joueurs allaient faire en premier avec le jeu

Single player Campaign 30.00%
Co-op Campaign 20.00%
Multiplpayer 16.67%
Mission Editor (PC Only of course) 3.33%
Game Options/Settings THEN one of the above 30%

voila je retourne chercher des infos a la con espérant tomber sur un truc sympa ^^
En réponse à

The Dreadful Unit #16 ;)
vite vite Alan Wake, Operation Flashpoint 2, TDU2, R.U.S.E., Ghost Recon 4, CoD 6, BLUR, FORZA 3 .......

Inscrit depuis 6877 Jours
Posté par CraCra
le mag officiel 360 donne 8/10

"As close as you want to get to war"

Voilà pour moi le gros point positif du jeu et voilà pourquoi je l'attends de pied ferme. Je sais que bien entendu il y aurra des imperfections, des bugs et de quoi s'arracher les cheveux (enfin, quand on en a encore.. si vous voyez de qui je veux parler) mais le côtés réaliste / immersif qui va nous poussez à faire gaffe à notre cul à chaque instant, cela nous promet des moments tres forts.

Parce que ca va être la guerre soldat!

Finis la rigolade, on ne courra pas tout nu à travers les champs la fleur au canon (...) ou comme dans la grande majorité des FPS en y allant comme un bourrin en foncant dans le tas: il faudra progresser à la vrai!

Vivement qu'il sorte celui-ci afin d'apporter un peu de nouveautés! COD4 "commence" me saouler grave..
En réponse à

the day the world went away

gamertag: DEXT3R xX FR Xx

Il faut etre identifie pour participer au forum !

135 $ de 400 $ par mois

Quoi de neuf ?
  • reneyvane

    reneyvane plus proposer 2 modes d'affichages. Pour viser le 60fps, il faudra souvent faire des compromis (résolution dynamique ou bloqué <1080p). Pas de miracle avec même cpu et la même quantité de mémoire. (il y a 4 Jours)

  • reneyvane

    reneyvane @zero2lyon: LoL, avec l'autre news de DF que je relaye sur le forum ou X jeux PS5pro pourrait être calculé en résolution hybride (840p/60fps), ça montre l'usine à gaz, de studio qui ne pourront (il y a 4 Jours)

  • zero2lyon

    zero2lyon @reneyvane: ah dommage j'aurai vraiment aimé que ce soit celle de la PS3 :) (il y a 4 Jours)

  • reneyvane

    reneyvane Digital-Foundry à récupérer la présentation de la PS3 en très haute qualité, 65go et se lance dans une nouvelle analyse. [url] (il y a 4 Jours)

  • Driftwood

    Driftwood @face2papalocust: je te laisse imaginer dans quel état je suis... :) (il y a 5 Jours)

  • face2papalocust

    face2papalocust @Driftwood: j'ai trop de retard déjà le rythme de septembre est fort! (il y a 5 Jours)

  • Driftwood

    Driftwood Deux reviews (vidéo) à venir en fin de journée demain, faites leur honneur ! ;p (il y a 5 Jours)

  • Driftwood

    Driftwood Il est de nouveau possible de télécharger les vidéos sur le site. Désolé pour le mois et demi de panne. (il y a > 3 Mois)

  • Driftwood

    Driftwood Retrouvez notre review de Rift Apart dès 16h00 aujourd'hui, mais en attendant Guilty Gear -Strive- est en vedette en home ! (il y a > 3 Mois)

  • Driftwood

    Driftwood Le live commence d'ici 30 minutes, voici le lien GSY [url] et celui de Twitch [url] (il y a > 3 Mois)

  • Driftwood

    Driftwood Nouveau live sur Returnal à 14h30 aujourd'hui. (il y a > 3 Mois)

  • Driftwood

    Driftwood Le stream via Twitch, ici : [url] (il y a > 3 Mois)

  • Driftwood

    Driftwood Le stream maison ce sera ici : [url] (il y a > 3 Mois)

  • Driftwood

    Driftwood Rendez-vous à 17h00 pour un direct de 40 minutes sur Returnal (il y a > 3 Mois)

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