Imax Impressions of Halo 3 showing last page.

Inscrit depuis 7227 Jours
You three are ALL WRONG. YES.

First of all, no one should ever even bring the idea of a Halo MP-only game.........don't even give them the fucking idea.

Optimus, you are wrong to say that Shadowrun flopped because it is MP only, it sucks because it sucks and that's all. I guess counter examples are simply unnecessary.

If Halo had not an SP campaign WITH MP, it would not be what it is today. Why? Simply because they would probably not have made another Halo. You are right with that Op.

Grift, you are wrong because you brought this crazy idea that is simply disgusting. That's just sick dude. And it wouldn't sell as a Halo with MP and SP. It just wouldn't. And I'm one that would not buy it :)

You are right in that Shadowrun is a flop simply because it is though.

Phaeton, you are wrong, and not only because of the double space after typing "What?"

Halo 2 outsold Halo 1 because of the whole package. You are in a way suggesting that if they had made Halo 2 MP only, it would sell as well as it did. It sold so well because of the incredible marketing, and because people wanted to finish the fight and all that, see more of the Halo world. I think it's crazy to think that people don't care about the SP part of Halo.

You are right that in that MP gives ANY game its long lasting appeal and replayability.

Overall, Halo is a game that needs BOTH parts to be the incredible success it is. If it weren't because of that, we probably would be left with a Halo......and that's it, not sequels.

Anyways, I'm wrong avatar says so :(
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Inscrit depuis 6997 Jours
Posté par GriftGFX

Halo's MP success has almost nothing to do with its campaign. Nothing.
You keep telling yourself that. The singleplayer story and the expectations of what that singleplayer story would be like especially after the first halo has and will always be the trojan horse and biggest contributer to why Halo is as big as it is now.

Halo would be nothing without its story and universe. If the first Halo launched without that singleplayer story and was an mp only game Halo most definitely wouldn't be the hot property that it is right now for Microsoft. Hell the Xbox itself probably wouldn't even have been nearly as successful. The MP may have been what got people sticking around on Xbox Live giving it so much more lasting appeal in Halo 2, but without the singleplayer story, characters, universe Halo would be a far more insignificant piece of intellectual property.

What you are suggesting is Halo without the SP would've been the juggernaut it is today even garnering more attention than the likes of quake, unreal or counter-strike if it wasn't for that SP story? Sorry I just can't see that. I'm not saying the MP isn't good, but I know very well why its as popular as it is today. Even right now the SP is whats carrying the majority of the excitement for Halo 3 not the MP. We've seen how people reacted to the "ever so precious" MP merely because it didn't meet their graphical expectations and I'm suppose to believe that very same MP would've gotten the attention it got if it were never for the Singleplayer? I say again no way jose. The SP MADE Halo the MP just gave people a reason to stick around.

I agree Lebato. Maybe Shadowrun sucked for other reasons then =P
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Hironobu Sakaguchi is coming back to reclaim the throne :)

October 20th 2007 (A good day)

Don't ask any questions just shut up and buy Halo : Ghosts of the Onyx one of the greatest books ever.

pssh! more like electronic gay-ming monthly! amirite

Inscrit depuis 7227 Jours
Posté par Optimusv2
You keep telling yourself that.
I don't think Grift is all his senses today. I would say [and hope] his account got jacked by a mad man.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7105 Jours
What's wrong with MP only games? I was with you on the whole MSG:Online issue--but the concept of a MP only game built from the ground up as such and not accompanied by a separate single player product isn't disgusting idea at all. Are all of the Battlefield and UT games disgusting products to you? If the game ships with enough content to warrant such a release, what exactly is the big deal?

And it may not sell as well, but it would still sell a million+ copies. I did not once suggest that the campaign did not factor into Halo's success--but I am suggesting that "Halo: Arena" could still be a very big hit.

Sure, they're adding SP to UT on consoles, but it's not going to be a serious campaign. It will be some tacked on nonsense to help try to make the product more successful with that audience--but I don't believe that's why UT hasn't sold well on consoles in the past. The problem is that there are fundamental issues that make it a PC game.. which isn't what console gamers are looking for. I think the fact that they're giving the control/gameplay more console love this time around gives it more of a chance than the proposed campaign mode does. Adding SP to Unreal Tournament is like adding a tacked on MP mode to something like The Darkness--it's not why people are going to play the game and personally I'd rather they didn't waste their time. It's only there to support the concept of additional value, but falsely so.

And no, my senses are perfectly intact. I did not say that Halo's campaign did not contribute to its success, and I am not suggesting that in the least. But it is not a significant factor in the success of the game as a multiplayer juggernaut. The success there comes from its gameplay, and it's features that support Xbox Live like no other game does.
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Inscrit depuis 6849 Jours
Posté par LEBATO
You three are ALL WRONG. YES.

First of all, no one should ever even bring the idea of a Halo MP-only game.........don't even give them the fucking idea.

Optimus, you are wrong to say that Shadowrun flopped because it is MP only, it sucks because it sucks and that's all. I guess counter examples are simply unnecessary.

If Halo had not an SP campaign WITH MP, it would not be what it is today. Why? Simply because they would probably not have made another Halo. You are right with that Op.

Grift, you are wrong because you brought this crazy idea that is simply disgusting. That's just sick dude. And it wouldn't sell as a Halo with MP and SP. It just wouldn't. And I'm one that would not buy it :)

You are right in that Shadowrun is a flop simply because it is though.

Phaeton, you are wrong, and not only because of the double space after typing "What?"

Halo 2 outsold Halo 1 because of the whole package. You are in a way suggesting that if they had made Halo 2 MP only, it would sell as well as it did. It sold so well because of the incredible marketing, and because people wanted to finish the fight and all that, see more of the Halo world. I think it's crazy to think that people don't care about the SP part of Halo.

You are right that in that MP gives ANY game its long lasting appeal and replayability.

Overall, Halo is a game that needs BOTH parts to be the incredible success it is. If it weren't because of that, we probably would be left with a Halo......and that's it, not sequels.

Anyways, I'm wrong avatar says so :(
I agree, seriously, not in a million years would halo be as successful as it is without its SP, Lets not forget why Halo 2 sold so much, it was because of the SP in Halo 1 not its MP and i doubt that even half of the people who own halo 2 play on XBL.

p.s. Shadowrun flopped because the game sucks
En réponse à
GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7105 Jours
Just because it wouldn't be as large a success does not mean it would flop, like Optimus suggested! Wouldn't happen, not in a million years!
What you are suggesting is Halo without the SP would've been the juggernaut it is today even garnering more attention than the likes of quake, unreal or counter-strike if it wasn't for that SP story? Sorry I just can't see that.
What? No.
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Inscrit depuis 7078 Jours
Posté par Optimusv2
Nope sorry I think you're the one thats wrong here. Say whatever you want, but I think Halo would be just another random shooter that isn't much of anything special without the amazing singleplayer experience that has made it such a popular franchise. The multiplayer has been a runaway success as a direct result of the awesome singleplayer universe that was used to pull people in.

You want to see a Halo game flop? A multiplayer only version of it would probably be just that. It isn't quake and it isn't unreal. I don't think it would fare too well in the mp only arena. Shadowrun is as big a flop as it is BECAUSE it was an mp only shooter title.

The best chance of success a MP only Halo would probably have is on the PC, but compared to what could've been with an epic singleplayer story to compliment it it would pretty much be as good as a flop.
i agree with opt on this and pretty much everything else :p

if halo came out like shadow run did with no story or history about the Halo universe, i think it would have tanked.
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Finish The Fight Sept. 25th

Halo 3 Bitches!!!

Beware, Heretic is on the prowl!!!

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7105 Jours
WTF are you guys on? Seriously. I'm not trying to go back in time here and erase the Halo campaign story and success. Reading comprehension FTMFW.

Simply put--as it stands now--if there were no Halo 4, a "Halo: Arena" game would sell well. Perhaps it would not sell as well as the previous entries in the series, but it would still become immensely popular, with a good deal of help from the success of the previous entries in the franchise.

Holy crap.
Posté par Heretic
if halo came out like shadow run did with no story or history about the Halo universe, i think it would have tanked.
Yes. It would have. But we're not talking about the past.
We've seen how people reacted to the "ever so precious" MP merely because it didn't meet their graphical expectations
And yes, we have seen the reaction, that reaction being millions of games of the beta played. Not everyone was online bitching--some of us were too busy having fun.
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Inscrit depuis 6997 Jours
Nah thats not what I'm trying to say Grift I love battlefield. I love Counter-Strike I was there day one when steam came out of beta trying to get myself a low steamid like the low wonid I use to have and played with a number of competitive teams in counter-strike for years ever since beta cause I loved the competition of it all so much.

I absolutely adored Quake III. I love a lot of MP only games, but I think we've hit a stage now where its extremely difficult (especially on consoles) to establish new mp only properties and have them go on to major commercial success without some sort of hook or trojan horse. In Halo's case I like the universe so much that I feel its the one thing that makes Halo unique and seperates it from everything else out there. Without it I think Halo loses a major advantage.

I say Bungie continue facilitating their growing online gaming community by packaging upgraded iterations of their MP with epic singleplayer components. It has worked wonders for them so far. I don't want to see Halo come down to the same level playing field as games like UT. As you said UT's single is tacked on. Pretty soon we could end up seeing tacked on Halo SP's if the MP doesn't take off the way they expect and I'd hate to see that happen to the franchise.

I loved (past tense) the UT games I think they are old news for me now I've played the same game for years and now it has more vehicles, weapons and better graphics. Thats what I think of UT now not sure why it lost its luster for me.

Pretty much maybe its because I've become such a big fan of the Halo universe and the SP and its characters that the very thought of it losing that aspect seems like a disaster to me. I'm not saying MP only games can't work I just think Halo MP only probably wouldn't work nearly as well as some might hope because we've gotten so use to the SP component. I think other MP only games can work just fine its halo specifically that I thought it would be a bad move for.

Shadowrun the FPS MP only move on that sorta annoyed me too because I don't think thats what it deserved to be. It deserved a lot better than that. Its like what should've been really cool ended up seeming like a low budget title.

Perhaps Halo MP only would have some sort of shot at success, but like.. anything less than 1 or 2 million might not be a flop in traditional sense, but compared to what Halo is pulling in now it would be a major disappointment for the series. I'm just going on the very fact that I would've personally completely ignored Halo if the SP component had never been there. We wouldn't even have the books could you imagine the horror? =P
En réponse à

Hironobu Sakaguchi is coming back to reclaim the throne :)

October 20th 2007 (A good day)

Don't ask any questions just shut up and buy Halo : Ghosts of the Onyx one of the greatest books ever.

pssh! more like electronic gay-ming monthly! amirite

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7105 Jours
Posté par Optimusv2
Nah thats not what I'm trying to say Grift
I know. It seems like you're replying to comments obviously directed towards Lebato's reply. Guess I should have quoted him.

But go on, keep misinterpreting what I said, and keep suggesting that I'm implying ideas that I am not. You'd think I wasn't writing in plain English.
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Phaethon360 - Mr Pant<s>s</s>ies
Inscrit depuis 6951 Jours
What I'M saying is that if there were an MP only Halo game, and it were released after Halo 3, it would definitely be more successful than Shadow Run .
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Phaethon, the forum Spectre.

Inscrit depuis 6997 Jours
Posté par Phaethon360
What I'M saying is that if there were an MP only Halo game, and it were released after Halo 3, it would definitely be more successful than Shadow Run .
Yea thats definitely true, but I suspect it would definitely have a negative effect on the perception of the series from that day on. It would seem as if it is no more and now they are attempting to milk it.

I actually started agreeing with you grift since my last post. I cleared up the misconception that it was a MP only game hate campaign that I was on. (I know you didn't say that directly, but who knows it might've led to that)

I was actually pc only gamer ever since 6th grade all the way up to 2005 when the 360 came out is when I started losing interest in pc gaming. It obviously had a lot to do with the fact that I totally want to spend all my time with sakaguchi's titles. Guy hasn't made games in forever and when I saw him back that was it :) I use to OCCASSIONALLY go to consoles for specific games, but when I was done with em it was right back to the pc.
En réponse à

Hironobu Sakaguchi is coming back to reclaim the throne :)

October 20th 2007 (A good day)

Don't ask any questions just shut up and buy Halo : Ghosts of the Onyx one of the greatest books ever.

pssh! more like electronic gay-ming monthly! amirite

Inscrit depuis 7090 Jours
Yeah, I'm gonna have to go ahead and agree with Grift on this. All of you are taking his comments waaaay out of context.

In one of his posts, he clearly alludes to the fact that there's a HUGE install base of Halo fans out there, plenty of whom play the MP, and that a MP-only Halo would do well because there's *already* a large audience for it. To try and claim that if Halo had been MP-only and as a result would have failed is to completely circumvent what he was talking about.
En réponse à
GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7105 Jours
^^ Thank you Ron. You get an "A."

On another note:

Too rich for my blood. But I'm sure Heretic will buy two laser rifles so he can dual wield. After all, one is useless! All the money I'm saving on Halo merch, I think I'll buy another 360!
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Inscrit depuis 6997 Jours
Posté par Ronsauce
Yeah, I'm gonna have to go ahead and agree with Grift on this. All of you are taking his comments waaaay out of context.

In one of his posts, he clearly alludes to the fact that there's a HUGE install base of Halo fans out there, plenty of whom play the MP, and that a MP-only Halo would do well because there's *already* a large audience for it. To try and claim that if Halo had been MP-only and as a result would have failed is to completely circumvent what he was talking about.
Well I don't want to get back into it , but I'll leave by saying certain comments the way they were delivered made it look like SP wasn't a big part of the game's mp success.


Halo's MP success has almost nothing to do with its campaign. Nothing."

What others were trying to say is that Halo SP did have a lot to do with the success of MP and thats where things spiraled out of control for a bit then we went on to state just how important SP has been to the game establishing itself the way it has today and sought to put into context what Halo's success would've been without the SP as a way of conveying what the likelihood of a halo MP this successful without the trojan horse that is SP. In my opinion I don't think there was much misunderstanding of what was said.

I think maybe my introduction of Shadowrun into the convo might've caused a bit of confusion, but other than that I thought responses for the most part were approriate. Thats all I'll say on it for the rest of the thread really gonna move on to other things.
En réponse à

Hironobu Sakaguchi is coming back to reclaim the throne :)

October 20th 2007 (A good day)

Don't ask any questions just shut up and buy Halo : Ghosts of the Onyx one of the greatest books ever.

pssh! more like electronic gay-ming monthly! amirite

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7105 Jours
You don't want to get back into it--yet you bring it up again--so basically you just want the last word. Fair enough.. since you're not actually listening to anything I say, I can deal with that.
En réponse à
Phaethon360 - Mr Pant<s>s</s>ies
Inscrit depuis 6951 Jours
Posté par Phaethon360
Halo 2 didn't outsell Halo 1 just because of the singleplayer.
Posté par LEBATO
Halo 2 outsold Halo 1 because of the whole package. You are in a way suggesting that if they had made Halo 2 MP only, it would sell as well as it did. It sold so well because of the incredible marketing, and because people wanted to finish the fight and all that, see more of the Halo world. I think it's crazy to think that people don't care about the SP part of Halo.

You are right that in that MP gives ANY game its long lasting appeal and replayability.

Overall, Halo is a game that needs BOTH parts to be the incredible success it is. If it weren't because of that, we probably would be left with a Halo......and that's it, not sequels.

Anyways, I'm wrong avatar says so :(

Didn't I say exactly what you just said?
En réponse à

Phaethon, the forum Spectre.

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7105 Jours
What I love about that post, is that (like some directed at me in this very thread) he takes your words and bends them to mean something completely different. At least he's consistent in his point, though.
You are in a way suggesting that if they had made Halo 2 MP only, it would sell as well as it did.
Where you suggesting that Phaethon? Was I? I'm pretty sure we weren't. Just like I wasn't suggesting that any installment of the Halo franchise wasn't driven in part by the success of the campaign. But the popularity of MP isn't based completely on the success of the campaign either. I would suggest (and with confidence) that it has a lot to do with the solid gameplay that the multiplayer mode represents.

But then again, I already said that.. like six times now. So I give up.. I just wanted to make sure I had your back. Not like that time I shot you in the back with the Spartan Laser. That's different.
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Inscrit depuis 7078 Jours
Posté par GriftGFX
^^ Thank you Ron. You get an "A."

On another note:

Too rich for my blood. But I'm sure Heretic will buy two laser rifles so he can dual wield. After all, one is useless! All the money I'm saving on Halo merch, I think I'll buy another 360!
dude! those are so sweet and i'm so getting 2 of those!

i already have my Halo 360 reserved too :)
En réponse à

Finish The Fight Sept. 25th

Halo 3 Bitches!!!

Beware, Heretic is on the prowl!!!

Inscrit depuis 6997 Jours
Posté par GriftGFX
You don't want to get back into it--yet you bring it up again--so basically you just want the last word. Fair enough.. since you're not actually listening to anything I say, I can deal with that.
You seem to be getting a bit touchy over such a simple discussion.. Was it really that serious? You made comments people responded to them and you seem to be getting unnecessarily mad about the whole thing. Nobody put any words in your mouth you were quoted directly.

I simply clarified with ron what was said I'm not trying to get in some last word. What I was saying was fairly easy to backup your statements on the otherhand were a bit higher on the difficulty scale and judging by the animosity I guess you didn't handle it so well. [img]
En réponse à

Hironobu Sakaguchi is coming back to reclaim the throne :)

October 20th 2007 (A good day)

Don't ask any questions just shut up and buy Halo : Ghosts of the Onyx one of the greatest books ever.

pssh! more like electronic gay-ming monthly! amirite

Inscrit depuis 7090 Jours
I do agree that saying that the SP played no part in the success of the MP is stretching it a bit. I mean, the first Halo created an insane amount of brand recognition, and I don't doubt that plenty of people bought Halo 2 for the SP and were pleasantly surprised by the MP. However, to think in any way that a MP-only Halo wouldn't clean up seems extremely short-sited.

How many people were horribly turned off by Halo 2's story(for lord knows what reason...) and after one playthrough turned to the MP? How many people *still* play Halo 2 online? How many people bought/rented Crackdown just to play the MP-only Beta?

Then you have all the people who bitch about games not being worth their money if there isn't a MP mode. Those people probably ONLY buy games for the MP as for them, MP=value. A super-refined, feature-rich MP-only Halo would "flop" as you put it? Not a chance.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7105 Jours
Posté par Optimusv2
Nobody put any words in your mouth you were quoted directly.
What you are suggesting is Halo without the SP would've been the juggernaut it is today even garnering more attention than the likes of quake, unreal or counter-strike if it wasn't for that SP story? Sorry I just can't see that.
Okay--well--good job at reading those statements clearly then.
What I was saying was fairly easy to backup
Like saying that a MP only Halo game would flop, right?
We've seen how people reacted to the "ever so precious" MP merely because it didn't meet their graphical expectations and I'm suppose to believe that very same MP would've gotten the attention it got if it were never for the Singleplayer?
How about backing that one up? Explain the popularity of the MP beta then, if people were so turned off by the games graphics. Was that because of the campaign as well?

What I said was pretty straight forward, and not really open to vast misinterpretation. Simply put: A multiplayer only Halo game, in the absence of Halo 4, would sell. Would it be as big of a hit? Perhaps not--but it would still sell and it would be far from a flop. I also think the success of MP is nothing without the quality of MP being up to the high standards that Bungie has set for themselves from day one. Even without Xbox Live support, Halo 1 was immensely popular as a multiplayer game.. and Halo 2 (single handedly) made Xbox live what it is today. The idea that Halo wouldn't be what it is today without a campaign really has absolutely nothing to do with what I was getting at.. and I agree, although it wasn't the campaign that made Halo what it is today.. it was the entire package.

There also seems to be very little reason to clarify anything for Ron, since he's the only person who seems to be following the conversation.
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Inscrit depuis 6965 Jours
WOW just WOW to the last page and a half.
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Halle Berry: Delgado i am feeling really reall dirty tonight, shall i call Jessica Simpson for a threesome?

Delgado: HALLE what have i told you about bothering me when i'm playing Mass Effect!!! now get out and dont come back for 2 months!! (Slams door

Inscrit depuis 6997 Jours
"Like saying that a MP only Halo game would flop, right?"

Like I said... far easier to backup than

Halo's MP success has almost nothing to do with its campaign. Nothing."
Halo's MP right now is considered a really big deal in the console space as a direct result of the amazing buzz created from the game's SP story, characters and universe. So when you say things such as..

Halo's MP success has almost nothing to do with its campaign. Nothing."
this is what you are basically saying.
What you are suggesting is Halo without the SP would've been the juggernaut it is today even garnering more attention than the likes of quake, unreal or counter-strike if it wasn't for that SP story? Sorry I just can't see that.
Saying Halo's MP success had nothing to do with its campaign is suggesting exactly that.
The idea that Halo wouldn't be what it is today without a campaign really has absolutely nothing to do with what I was getting at
It sorta does when you say this..

Halo's MP success has almost nothing to do with its campaign. Nothing."
and I agree
Apparently you don't..

Halo's MP success has almost nothing to do with its campaign. Nothing."
although it wasn't the campaign that made Halo what it is today.. it was the entire package.
I'm glad you believe that, but you clearly suggested otherwise earlier..


Halo's MP success has almost nothing to do with its campaign. Nothing."
That sounds to me like you are discrediting a major aspect of that package. I'm just interpreting what you said Grift how else would you have me look at it? Halo MP is obviously apart of what makes it a success and I believe strongly the campaign is the biggest reason for the MP's success so when you suggest the Campaign has almost nothing to do with the MP's success that to me translates as you heavily discrediting a major piece of the entire package. So for you to suddenly speak about the total package now in a way goes against what you said earlier.

I feel you were totally fine when we were just disagreeing on the likelihood of an extremely successful MP only Halo game, but you went and stated the campaign had nothing to do with the MP's success and thats what caused further disagreements. That isn't in any shape or form misquoting what you said.

And in regards to backing up the MP complaints comment despite the number of people that played it online it was generally viewed by a great deal of people as disappointing and even left some underwhelmed or bummed about the SP (I surely wasn't one of em). Suddenly SP info starts rolling in and suddenly more and more comments such as "concerns left by MP are unfounded" "worried after playing beta? No need" are popping all over suggesting the MP beta was a disappointing for quite a few.

Yes the multiplayer may be a very key aspect to halo's success and it will continue to be, but SP is very clearly the main event. If roles were switched and Halo released with no MP Halo 2 would still have been a major success even without MP (although not as much). Its the MP portion of the game if left campaignless from the first Halo that would've had trouble cementing itself as a major franchise.
En réponse à

Hironobu Sakaguchi is coming back to reclaim the throne :)

October 20th 2007 (A good day)

Don't ask any questions just shut up and buy Halo : Ghosts of the Onyx one of the greatest books ever.

pssh! more like electronic gay-ming monthly! amirite

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7105 Jours
Halo's MP success has almost nothing to do with its campaign.
Reading comprehension. Try it. MP success != Halo's success.
Saying Halo's MP success had nothing to do with its campaign is suggesting exactly that.
No, no it's not. It's simply implying that the multiplayer components popularity has everything to do with the multiplayer game mode, and how good it is. How difficult is that to understand, especially when said, over, and over again?
Halo's MP right now is considered a really big deal in the console space as a direct result of the amazing buzz created from the game's SP story, characters and universe. So when you say things such as..
And I'd argue it has just as much to do with the gameplay of multiplayer itself. Halo MP would not be the popular game it is today, if it weren't as good as it is. But keep running in circles around the same statement and extrapolating ideas (and putting words in my mouth) that weren't there to begin with.

I even agreed, several times, that MP game would not be successful without the campaign (in Halo 1-3)--but you chose to ignore that--and keep harping on the same comment over and over again. And it's you, not I, that suggested the scenario that you made the centerpiece of this conversation: That I believe Halo would be as successful as it is today, without a single player component.

Not only did I not say or suggest that, I think that suggesting that I did is absurd.
So for you to suddenly speak about the total package now in a way goes against what you said earlier.
Right, keep thinking that, but in the context of this conversation, that was never even implied. Say it with me--the multiplayer modes popularity has everything to do with the successful multiplayer gameplay that bungie has crafted--that does not imply in anyway that the success of Halo as a package has nothing to do with single player. You're just reading entirely too much into my statements, instead of taking them for what they are. Plain English.

The fact that I even took the time to clarify this, and yet you continue to insist that I'm suggesting things that I've stated pretty clearly that I'm not, is pretty sad. So please, stop.
Like I said... far easier to backup than
Easy to back up.. just change the definition of flop!
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  • Driftwood

    Driftwood Nouveau live sur Returnal à 14h30 aujourd'hui. (il y a > 3 Mois)

  • Driftwood

    Driftwood Le stream via Twitch, ici : [url] (il y a > 3 Mois)

  • Driftwood

    Driftwood Le stream maison ce sera ici : [url] (il y a > 3 Mois)

  • Driftwood

    Driftwood Rendez-vous à 17h00 pour un direct de 40 minutes sur Returnal (il y a > 3 Mois)

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