Jolli finally buys a 360 game!

Acert93 - Mr. Bad Cop
Inscrit depuis 7082 Jours
FFXI nears release

Get excited Jolli, your first game is nearing release! I am kind of shocked you bought a 360 and never got a game, but that will all change soon. Hopefully you can give us some updates on the game. Seems like a decent deal as it has all 3 expansion packs included, hopefully you enjoy playing your 360!
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I am too poor to own a 360... therefor I play with paper statistics. The results of my indepth scientific anaylisis determined the most important benchmark is Pi. As in The Ring of Light.

Inscrit depuis 7003 Jours
I still refuse to believe he's never played his 360.
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[b] Never judge a game too harshly via screenshots or videos, because they are in no way capable of properly representing what the game truly looks like were you to see it running in front of you on a 360 [/b]

Inscrit depuis 7003 Jours
Oh okay its true he only has 25 gamerpoints all he has played is bejeweled... unless his 360 isn't connected to the internet while he's playing :) I don't see how this its possible he hasn't played a single official game yet.
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[b] Never judge a game too harshly via screenshots or videos, because they are in no way capable of properly representing what the game truly looks like were you to see it running in front of you on a 360 [/b]

Inscrit depuis 7089 Jours
Yawn...he should just sell his XBOX 360 and wait for a PS3.
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Inscrit depuis 7097 Jours
Yawn...if he's gonna play games like this over PGR3 GRAW Oblivion, he should go get a PS2.
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Inscrit depuis 7128 Jours
Thats the thing, for all his complaining about ports the game he is most awaiting is a ... port?

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Acert93 - Mr. Bad Cop
Inscrit depuis 7082 Jours
Hey guys, this is not a bash Jolli thread! ;) I was trying to give Jolli some good news! His long awaited game is coming--with 3 included expansion packs. I admitt it is odd buying the 360 only to... not play it! Especially with some good games out, but hey everyone has different tastes and disposable income levels. If you wants to hang with us and only play JRPGs and platformers, well, so be it.

And while he is off playing we can all get on Live and giggle behind his back ;)
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I am too poor to own a 360... therefor I play with paper statistics. The results of my indepth scientific anaylisis determined the most important benchmark is Pi. As in The Ring of Light.

Inscrit depuis 6994 Jours
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Inscrit depuis 6994 Jours
Posté par Scarface
Yawn...if he's gonna play games like this over PGR3 GRAW Oblivion, he should go get a PS2.
Why ?? besides i already have one.
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Inscrit depuis 6994 Jours
Double post..
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Inscrit depuis 7039 Jours
try triple lmao
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One day you will be mine Ms Portman!

Inscrit depuis 7123 Jours
Lets all bash Jolli, Woot!!!

Jolli you suck.

J/K :P
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Inscrit depuis 7003 Jours
Final Fantasy XI can be seen as the ultimate 360 port they didn't even try to upgrade the graphics.... sure it comes with new content and it could mean some nice sales boosts for the 360 in japan and more importantly sales for squaresoft (that will force them to release their other games on the 360)

Hell maybe this game's sales on the 360 will influence square's decision regarding dragon quest and final fantasy 360.

Then again NOTHING is as bad as the embarassment that is dyNASTY warriors.
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[b] Never judge a game too harshly via screenshots or videos, because they are in no way capable of properly representing what the game truly looks like were you to see it running in front of you on a 360 [/b]

Inscrit depuis 6994 Jours
I think SE are expecting bigger sales in Europe than Japan, because it was never released for the PS2 in Europe.

That's part the reason why Ubisoft are publishing it in europe to hit the demand for the game.

Yet i can't see it doing that well.

I don't think this will sway Japanese consumers to buy the 360, a) because the PS2 version will work on the PS3 and b) i think SE plan to release it for the PS3.
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Inscrit depuis 7092 Jours
I think the 360 version has the longest draw distance out of the other platforms... that counts doesn't it?

Anyways... Horray for Jolli!
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Inscrit depuis 7003 Jours
The game will most definetly cause a sales spurt in japan like rumble roses did (go figure that crappy game causes a nice jump in 360 sales in japan)

Anyway yea Europe is the place I'm hoping will bring the game the succeess it needs.
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[b] Never judge a game too harshly via screenshots or videos, because they are in no way capable of properly representing what the game truly looks like were you to see it running in front of you on a 360 [/b]

roxwell - PuS3Y
Inscrit depuis 7059 Jours
Honestly must have D/L some demos from the Market!
What do you think of the 360 now??
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Don't touch that Squirrels nuts!

Inscrit depuis 6994 Jours
Of course i have, people seem to have the idea that i hate the 360 for some reason...

It just doesn't have many games for it that i want at the moment, there are a lot of games that i will want, i duno why everone is so concerned though.

Plus im being tight with my money at the moment cause i'm saving for a projector.. :)

Edit:- Oh yea the 360 is great .. :S
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Inscrit depuis 7039 Jours
£500 for a decent projector :\ long wait man.

A lot of people are buying games because of the lack of variety for the moment. That is mainly why so many 360 games are being traded in because people never really wanted them in the first place.

Your doing the smart thing billy.

I bought all the games i wanted PDZ GRAW Oblivion and PGR3. All good games. now im just waiting for the other good games to come out, like you.
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One day you will be mine Ms Portman!

Inscrit depuis 7003 Jours
We are concerned because you are the chosen one.... If you don't enjoy your 360 then we can't either. We look to you for guidance. If you tell us not to buy blue dragon or lost odyssey, too human, mass effect, halo 3, ninja gaiden 2 we wont :P

If final fantasy VII is exclusive to 360 and so is gta and halo 3 has the most impressive graphics ever and you tell us to buy all of them then the moment we get outside to throw them in the garbage then go back inside and buy a ps3 we'll do it :)

If you're wondering why you weren't told you were the chosen one sooner its because you just became the chosen one this week. There is a new chosen one every week last week it was myro and the week before that it was plumb and the week before plumb was the chosen one it was acert now its your turn to ascend and accept your role as our new leader.

If you're wondering who decides who gets to be the chosen one each week its blim. If he responds to one of your comments you are automatically the chosen one for next week and the pattern continues on. If by chance he responds to you WHILE you are the chosen then you'll be the chosen one for 2 weeks straight, but blim runs a tight shift to make sure such a thing can't happen as the chosen one might become too popular rise up and overthrow blim from his position of power. Now you're probably wondering how exactly would we adhere to your demands if come next week you are no longer the chosen one... well we have a rather intricate system in place for such a situation. We'll always meet the demands of the previous chosen ones unless something a newer chosen one says specifically goes against what a previous chosen one has said.

Seeing as how every single demand made so far has been contradicted by each and every chosen one week after week we aren't obligated to listen to anyone =P Except blim, plumb, manager or any other that might hold a position of power till they are overthrown of course muhahahha! (The overthrow thing is all roxwell and myro's idea punish them both with great vengeance.) wuffyx and acert could be in on it too, but I don't have enough proof as of yet.
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[b] Never judge a game too harshly via screenshots or videos, because they are in no way capable of properly representing what the game truly looks like were you to see it running in front of you on a 360 [/b]

roxwell - PuS3Y
Inscrit depuis 7059 Jours
try understanding your 360's needs Jolli. Listen to it, take it out for a nice dinner for two. plenty of wine, and a slow sensual massage after. Connect with each other...Live your Final fantasy by putting that shiny, skinny little disc of yours inside of know you want too :)
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Don't touch that Squirrels nuts!

Inscrit depuis 7089 Jours
Put it this way...

If you expect Playstation like games (namely JRPGs and Square Enix titles), then you're better off with a PS3.

While I understand the 'power' that Square Enix may hold on certain gamers, quite frankly, I'm a little sick of people who think that whatever they make is gold.

If you're a JRPG fan wanting to play more games on the XBOX 360 then you're out of luck. While it may have 1 or 2 great JRPGs (Mistwalker games come to mind) it will not have 100 more mediocre JRPGs to tide over the 'incessant' demand for these things.

The strength of the XBOX 360 dose not lie in having tons of Japanese support or JRPG support. If people can't look past the fact that there are less Japanese devs or JRPGs on the console and see the other great games that it has to offer...then they better do themselves a favor and start saving up for a PS3 because no way in hell will it be cheap.
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Inscrit depuis 6994 Jours
Um yea i see your point kind of, but i plan on gettng all 3 systems so it really doesn't matter to me.

I still want to see more JRPG's on the 360 though.

If i did what you recommended and bought a PS3 only, i would be missing out on BD, LO, Huxley and Viva Pinata and other games.

Something i find odd is that Xbox fans are wanting the 360 to do well yet the first thing they say is well if you don't like it get the PS3 instead, no wonder the PS3 has more fans with that attitude.

I expect JRPG's on the 360 for the simple fact that its a games console, it shouldn't matter which one it is, all genre's should be covered.
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Acert93 - Mr. Bad Cop
Inscrit depuis 7082 Jours
Posté par Jollipop
Something i find odd is that Xbox fans are wanting the 360 to do well yet the first thing they say is well if you don't like it get the PS3 instead, no wonder the PS3 has more fans with that attitude.
Well, the same applies to the PS as well though. e.g. If you want a lot of quality FPS you need to get an Xbox. Sure, Sony had a couple, but even in the last year MS's box had a ton more quality FPS than Sony, not to mention a strong online network to play them on..

Each console has strengths. There are areas with overlap (e.g. sports) and other areas where they each shine. So far MS has had an edge in FPS and online, with Sony and Nintendo having a distinct edge in JRPGs and Platformers.

Personally I have no problem suggesting a platform that best meets a gamers needs. As for covering all genres, I think every console covers them... the question is whether that covering is thin or thick.

From the announced titles, it appears the 360 will be Western RPG and MMO rich, but JRPG poor. Coverage, yes, depth is another question.

Alas, as a Nintendo gamer I am comfortable with the fact that certain franchises are pretty much exclusive, and pining after them on the PS3 or Xbox 360 is pointless. They ain't coming, so I might as well enjoy what is there if I choose to by one. But that is my way of looking at it.
En réponse à

I am too poor to own a 360... therefor I play with paper statistics. The results of my indepth scientific anaylisis determined the most important benchmark is Pi. As in The Ring of Light.

Inscrit depuis 6994 Jours
I think the PS3 will have more in the way of FPS, most of the 360 (ubisoft and EA) titles will be multiformat.

So i don't really agree with that ..

Sure the PS2 lacked decent FPS but it did have some but like i say above i think next/this gen will be different mainly because the PS3 will be more capable
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