Since 6427 Days
OMG I love this game already. I'm such a fanboy for this game.... ugh, to an embarrassing degree.

I'm getting teary eyed over the fucking music. Ugh, I'm so gay for this game.
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Since 7057 Days
he will stealth you from behind...
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Since 7044 Days
HOLY SHIT ... THanks for those impressions! ... DAMN! The game is looking SOOOOO AMAZING!!!! I CANT WAIT ANYMORE!!!
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Bring on Lost Odyssey!

Since 6427 Days
Posted by ManThatYouFear
he will stealth you from behind...
48 successful stealthings so far - this week.

heh heh!
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Since 7006 Days
Read that entire thing sepiroth good job :)
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Hironobu Sakaguchi is coming back to reclaim the throne :)

October 20th 2007 (A good day)

Don't ask any questions just shut up and buy Halo : Ghosts of the Onyx one of the greatest books ever.

pssh! more like electronic gay-ming monthly! amirite

Since 7057 Days
Posted by Optimusv2
Read that entire thing sepiroth good job :)
You see i feel bad when someone has made a good post and made it to big, because no offence sepiroth, i just loose track, due to my kids wanting attention i only have time for short bursts :(

so if some one would be so kind from now on, if yhou do a HUGE post (simon .....)
could you just give me a summary at the end ;) thank you darlings :D
In reply to


kenshin2418 - Junior Detective
Since 7089 Days
thanks for posting that persons impressions, sepiroth6.

Anyway, Feb can't come soon enough. The latest video by DJ was hilarious. Jansen reminds me a lot of Miroku from Inuyasha.
In reply to

Jeanne D'Arc is the Best RPG this year

Since 7006 Days
Posted by kenshin2418
thanks for posting that persons impressions, sepiroth6.

Anyway, Feb can't come soon enough. The latest video by DJ was hilarious. Jansen reminds me a lot of Miroku from Inuyasha.
Haha yes he does. Yea February suddenly seems so far away. I hope this game at least sells the way it deserves to cause it would be a shame for this title to end up great only for Mistwalker to be disappointed by the sales performance. I hope reviewers give it the time of day and don't just ignore it and crap all over it because they don't want to put it in the time to play a 4 DVD game. Latest 1up yours or something like that they were dogging the game pretty badly.
In reply to

Hironobu Sakaguchi is coming back to reclaim the throne :)

October 20th 2007 (A good day)

Don't ask any questions just shut up and buy Halo : Ghosts of the Onyx one of the greatest books ever.

pssh! more like electronic gay-ming monthly! amirite

Since 6843 Days
Thanx Optimusv2,kenshin2418 and ManThatYouFear(il try to make a summary next time).I hope as well the game sells well cause im in gaming because of games the Mistwalker(and squaresoft in the ps1 days) team makes.I will try to spread the word around as much as i can,so at least a dozen people that i know buy the game.I did the same with BD,so it shouldnt be too difficult...I hope all the people from here that like the game,will try something similiar.
In reply to

Lost odyssey is going to be the best jrpg ever made

Since 7006 Days
Posted by sepiroth6
Thanx Optimusv2,kenshin2418 and ManThatYouFear(il try to make a summary next time).I hope as well the game sells well cause im in gaming because of games the Mistwalker(and squaresoft in the ps1 days) team makes.I will try to spread the word around as much as i can,so at least a dozen people that i know buy the game.I did the same with BD,so it shouldnt be too difficult...I hope all the people from here that like the game,will try something similiar.
Oh believe me my friends are tired about hearing about these games from me by now :)
In reply to

Hironobu Sakaguchi is coming back to reclaim the throne :)

October 20th 2007 (A good day)

Don't ask any questions just shut up and buy Halo : Ghosts of the Onyx one of the greatest books ever.

pssh! more like electronic gay-ming monthly! amirite

Since 6997 Days
Wow just saw the best cutscene ever, was very sad, the tears in this game look amazing.

Damn I even had tears in my eyes..

Not seen emotion like this is a game since Final Fantasy 7.. :D
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Marumaro for the WIN !!

Since 7093 Days
I'm not expecting this game to get good reivew scores. I loved Blue Dragon despite its bad reviews. But personally LO looks like its going to be better than BD. I was worried about the graphics before but after seeing the videos I think my worries were baseless.

While I am not expecting this game to sell like pancakes immediately, in the long run I think it will pick-up. Despite having no multiplayer, JRPGs are quite timeless since what matters more is the execution and the story and I think LO has that covered quite well.
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Since 7006 Days
Posted by wuffyx
I'm not expecting this game to get good reivew scores. I loved Blue Dragon despite its bad reviews. But personally LO looks like its going to be better than BD. I was worried about the graphics before but after seeing the videos I think my worries were baseless.

While I am not expecting this game to sell like pancakes immediately, in the long run I think it will pick-up. Despite having no multiplayer, JRPGs are quite timeless since what matters more is the execution and the story and I think LO has that covered quite well.
Very well said I think it looks like its going to be better than BD as well. I would hope reviewers treat it with some respect and judge it on its merits, but whatever that isn't important :)

Music to my ears jolli music to my ears!
In reply to

Hironobu Sakaguchi is coming back to reclaim the throne :)

October 20th 2007 (A good day)

Don't ask any questions just shut up and buy Halo : Ghosts of the Onyx one of the greatest books ever.

pssh! more like electronic gay-ming monthly! amirite

Since 6997 Days
Anyone know of any good capturing software, for use with hardware capturing ?
In reply to

Marumaro for the WIN !!

Since 7006 Days
Another set of impressions careful minor spoilers, but nothing we couldn't guess I assume.

The biggest spoiler is a small one sentence summary of one of the thousand years of dreams.

It isn't at all that bad, but I spoilered it for people that don't wish to see it.
It is a hardcore Fantasy / Sci-Fi story with adult characters. The story is only really starting to get going (and whom I presume is the the main villian is super easily telegraphed from the start, although it is all built around that), and I was worried it would suffer under the weight of four (count them) characters who has all lost their memories (most beaten to death cliche in gaming, esp RPGS - and I've been thrown in a jail cell already, before you ask) but the novel sections alone are worth the price of admission story wise. They do a fantastic job of using both events and metaphor to describe what it would be like to live for 1000 years and, though they feel a little like cheating as I said before, give Kaim dimentions impossible in any RPG not using this technique.

One of my faves is one in which Kaim returns every year to a village in which a tragedy occured long ago, seeing how the memorial for that day (which also holds a special meaning for him) changes from one of sorrow for the dead to one of celebration of recovery over a hundred or more years.

Yeah, the Ring Recipes appear in your list as soon as you find the key ingrediant and can be made on the spot. And yes, you can make multiple ones to have equipped on more than one character at once, but once you have made one you never lose it unless you use it in a recipe for another ring. You can't even sell or delete them.

One thing about the second boss - no spoilers but there is a big OMG moment halfway through the battle. I can't think of many RPGs that go so hardcore so quickly and then asks you to do it with no power levelling.
In reply to

Hironobu Sakaguchi is coming back to reclaim the throne :)

October 20th 2007 (A good day)

Don't ask any questions just shut up and buy Halo : Ghosts of the Onyx one of the greatest books ever.

pssh! more like electronic gay-ming monthly! amirite

Since 7057 Days
This game is destined to fail on 360, no matter how fantastic it is, it shares the same fate as blue dragon and viva pinata, wrong console, majority of 360 player are just into mindless violence with guns, not emtionly driven storys

It will be a fantastic game that only a few (600k) will play, and they will be final fantasy players who are needing a fix until FF13
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Since 7006 Days
Posted by ManThatYouFear
This game is destined to fail on 360, no matter how fantastic it is, it shares the same fate as blue dragon and viva pinata, wrong console, majority of 360 player are just into mindless violence with guns, not emtionly driven storys

It will be a fantastic game that only a few (600k) will play, and they will be final fantasy players who are needing a fix until FF13
I highly doubt this game will sell 600k sadly :(

I don't even think it will get 400k. Pretty sad too. 360 gamers are definitely into emotionally driven stories, but apparently not japanese rpg fantasy/sci-fi ones such as this. It has the dreaded turn-based that many can't bring themselves to bother with and it has random battles.

I think Blue Dragon deserved at the very least 800k and it didn't get it and looking at lost odyssey so far it looks like its one of those titles that could easily hit over 2 million with the final fantasy name attached to it lol. Best case scenario for lost odyssey is a nice 800k- 1 million, but I'm expecting more like 300k at best if even that. I'm interested in seeing what reviewers say about the story and if they'll have bad things to say about the 1000 years of dreams because from what I've seen so far this successfully seems to remedy a lot of the things reviewers found to be faults in blue dragon. I didn't see them as faults, but they did so we'll see what they think of Lost Odyssey's different approach to things.

Honestly I don't think people waiting for the ff13 fix will get this either. I've been talking to many of them over the past couple days and its like regardless of how impressive lost odyssey looks a lot of them have zero interest. I'd be like you going to buy ff13? They are like hell yea! I'm like so why no interest in lost odyssey? They said it just doesn't appeal to them and I'm thinking "damn how is that possible because it looks as interesting as pretty much any final fantasy, but more hardcore than the ones we are use to seeing lately"

Hate to say it, but Lost Odyssey's hopes rest in the hands of reviewers *shivers* If they give it really good reviews it'll get close to what it deserves if it gets shitted on like BD then nothing. The main reason I'm concerned is because I don't want this Blue Dragon and Cry On to be Mistwalker's last serious jrpgs on the console. Lost Odyssey may end up being a franchise similar to final fantasy just new story and universe each time around the the name lends itself to that really well I think. Microsoft better keep backing Mistwalker.
In reply to

Hironobu Sakaguchi is coming back to reclaim the throne :)

October 20th 2007 (A good day)

Don't ask any questions just shut up and buy Halo : Ghosts of the Onyx one of the greatest books ever.

pssh! more like electronic gay-ming monthly! amirite

Since 7057 Days
It wont sell Op because MS wont advertise, cause they suddenly stopped funding the 360, and just left it to float on its own and fend for its self, word of mouth only gets you so far, specially with new IP, looks a Mass Effects sales which was all word of mouth apart from "web skins/banners) compared to assasins creed,

Now tell me this which game has to rely on word of mouth for the sequal to sell, not mass effect cause that still unkown to most, Assasins creed can afford to suffer from very little advertising for its sequal
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Since 7006 Days
Yea you may be right. Shame on Microsoft they have the software selling beast of a console and yet they are doing nothing to help the jrpg they publish to sell well on the console.

They don't seem to have much confidence in the games. I atleast hope lost odyssey's performance in Japan or Blue Dragon's performance in Japan alone will be a wakeup call for them to realize "hey Blue Dragon and Lost Odysssey are the most successful games Microsoft has ever released in Japan easily"
In reply to

Hironobu Sakaguchi is coming back to reclaim the throne :)

October 20th 2007 (A good day)

Don't ask any questions just shut up and buy Halo : Ghosts of the Onyx one of the greatest books ever.

pssh! more like electronic gay-ming monthly! amirite

Since 7093 Days
I think there is an idea that turn-based JRPGs are niche markets. It's probably true. Just look at how many people here posted negatively when it comes to turn based combat. With the exception of Japan, more recent JRPGs don't tend to sell that much. Although a very strong marketing push from Microsoft can change that. For whatever its worth, the game is coming out in western territories by Feb 2008, that should give them around a month's time to advertise this game well.
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Since 6763 Days
I just can't get over how amazing the music is. It's almost too good. Uematsu has really outdone himself with this soundtrack. Anyone know if they released the soundtrack in Japan or if they plan to?
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Since 6974 Days
Looks like your right ops!! the reviews i think are going to be harsh, still picking this game up anyway, as i have always wanted to try a jrpg out and this ones mature story setting is more my type game.

some quotes:

In the six hours that I've played so far, Lost Odyssey has been a technical mess, with framerate problems in just about every cinema and on most maps, an animation system that looks like it was ported straight from a PS2 engine, and frequent, inconsistent load times accompanied by visual stuttering as new data loads in.

Barring a dramatic shift past the six hour mark, Lost Odyssey isn't going to blow people away with its visuals or presentation. But, aside from a few cliches here and there, all signs do point to an otherwise solid Japanese RPG.

I'll have to play to the end to see if the game's storyline can match the brilliance of the short story collection. At the very least, the game's story has grabbed my interest, in large part due to the hilarity of Kaim's early companion Jansen, voiced enthusiastically by Michael McGaharn. There have already been a number of awkward, juvenile dialogue situations, however, that I hope will be avoided as the story develops.

In case you were wondering (I certainly was), despite having an immortal protagonist, it is possible to see a game over screen in Lost Odyssey. Kaim and the other immortal characters don't actually die. When disabled in battle, they'll automatically revive themselves, with a small percentage of their HP, after a few turns. The game ends only if all members of the party are disabled at any given time. This actually happens quite a bit, as the game can be pretty tough as far as RPGs go, especially if you don't properly use the wall system and the pay attention to elemental properties of your foes
In reply to

Mass Effect - Nov 07 - Start the Fight!!!


Since 6670 Days
Posted by dcdelgado

In the six hours that I've played so far, Lost Odyssey has been a technical mess, with framerate problems in just about every cinema and on most maps, an animation system that looks like it was ported straight from a PS2 engine, and frequent, inconsistent load times accompanied by visual stuttering as new data loads in.
Just another sonyboy?

This is what neogaf people writing
I'm about 9 hours down the road - yes, it all I have done today - and am enjoying it. Did it shatter the very earth upon which I stand? Not at all, but such a highly polished experience with obviously massive production values doesn't come along every day, and that's something to remember.

So, the bare bones. The lip sync issue sucks, the cutscenes look odd in Japanese but I tried the English voices briefly and then quickly switched back. If I go through again (fingers crossed for a New Game + that doesn't have to be downloaded) then I'll play with English voices second time. This isn't a concern for those of you who only want to play the game in English, anyway, and it will be nice for you guys to have it lip synced properly.

Super story heavy, too. You start the game at level 10, and after all day played I am now only level 18 (although more on that below). Often you simply move across a room or enter a new location and another cutscene starts. It took three hours before I even really got to see the battle system properly, and it is only really now that I'm starting to the potential in it. I've still only got three characters. Story and Japanese script and voice acting are top notch, however, (and whatever you think of the story of BD, the second two of these were fantastic in BD, so here's hoping you get a decent translation of them).

The short stories scattered throughout are simply put, amazing. Really, really nicely written. No exposition, no events that we will come back to later, just a total of 30 (I've seen about 8 so far) incidents in the life of a man who has lived for 1000 years. It feels kind of cheap creating such a rich character in Kaim through these (his in-game persona is little more than cool, quiet, moody ROG stereotype A) but the stories are beautifully done. The text appears in interesting ways, floating onto the screen, with key words appearing and key phrases remaining after the other text fades, and they have music and backgrounds that change according to what is happening. I wasn't sure if I would enjoy these (and each is quite long) but they are wonderful. My wife asks to be called into the room when I reach a new one ^-^

Combat appears super-by-the-book to start with, but there are some nice twists. The circle which appears on the screen is all about performing special attacks. First you need to find items (generally either picked up or got from monsters in battle) to make "Rings" which can then be equipped in addition to your weapon. These Rings give your attacks abilities like "Poision" etc. When your character attacks you hold down the right trigger and the second larger ring starts to shrink in around the smaller one. Let go of the trigger when the two rings meet and the effect of whatever Ring you have equipped is triggered.

Seeing as you are free to change your Rings when your turn comes around, you essentially have a stock of special attacks that you can pick and choose from depending on the next enemy you want to attack.

The wall system seems nice too - characters in the back are basically dead if attacked once the wall is gone - and the Skill Linking system (rather than getting skills from leveling up, Immortal characters have to link with a non-immortal to learn their skills) is nice too, although right now the points required to learn each skill are so low it is easy to just have them all.

Fixed skills for the human characters and severe variance in player stats also mean something lacking in most recent RPGS - truely unique characters. Rather than the "jack of trades" bunch games like BD and more recent FF games have seen, in which toward the end of the game everyone can do everything and all be exactly the same if you like, here (non-Immortal, at least) is walking a set path, and from their fixed pool of skills you then pick and choose which to give to your Immortals. I'm looking forward to this system flowering once I get more characters.

Also, EXP seems to be tightly controlled. You always seem to need only 100 for the next level, but I quickly noticed that after a couple of battles in the same place the enemies basically stop giving you EXP altogether, or only 1 or 2 points. Doing 50 battles to get one more level is pointless, and this "level cap" system means bosses should retain their difficulty.

Indeed, overall, the game is quite tough, the bosses in pariticular. As the game progresses this may loosen, but seeing as power / unintentionally over levelling due to exploring does not seem possible this time out hopefully bosses will prove a challenge right up until the end. Regular monsters have done for me a few times because of the classic "I don't need to heal my half dead characters until they are nearly dead" RPG mentality - the strength of the Wall is determined by total HP of the front rank characters when the battle starts, so the closer to max HP you keep your party at all times, the better.

So, to sum up - and for those who skipped to the end - quality around every corner, lovely music, lovely visuals, and a very adult, serious story with a seemingly simple but actually nice and deep combat system to play around with. I've cleared my schedule to enjoy this one in a concentrated burst so I'm sure I'll be back around here soon ^-^

It is a hardcore Fantasy / Sci-Fi story with adult characters. The story is only really starting to get going (and whom I presume is the the main villian is super easily telegraphed from the start, although it is all built around that), and I was worried it would suffer under the weight of four (count them) characters who has all lost their memories (most beaten to death cliche in gaming, esp RPGS - and I've been thrown in a jail cell already, before you ask) but the novel sections alone are worth the price of admission story wise. They do a fantastic job of using both events and metaphor to describe what it would be like to live for 1000 years and, though they feel a little like cheating as I said before, give Kaim dimentions impossible in any RPG not using this technique.

One of my faves is one in which Kaim returns every year to a village in which a tragedy occured long ago, seeing how the memorial for that day (which also holds a special meaning for him) changes from one of sorrow for the dead to one of celebration of recovery over a hundred or more years.

Yeah, the Ring Recipes appear in your list as soon as you find the key ingrediant and can be made on the spot. And yes, you can make multiple ones to have equipped on more than one character at once, but once you have made one you never lose it unless you use it in a recipe for another ring. You can't even sell or delete them.

One thing about the second boss - no spoilers but there is a big OMG moment halfway through the battle. I can't think of many RPGs that go so hardcore so quickly and then asks you to do it with no power levelling.

First disc ended at 12:49. That was with reading all the novel extracts I found, talking to most of the towns people and searching every area for items ect (I want the All Chests achievement). However bosses killing me (happens a lot) and reloaded rather than continuing would have boosted the actual play time a little more than this.

My Xbox is two + years old and takes a real beating, especially in light of the recent slew of games, and so recently I've noticed the drive is taking slightly longer to load things than it did before. Still, the load times here are long - when a battle starts you are treated to magical cogs revolving, then the scenery you are going to be fighting in, then one of your characters saying something, then a full shot of your party getting ready to fight and then the camera spins to show your enemies and combat begins. It hasn't really started to annoy me yet though ^-^

What is annoying is when a boss kills you and you have to sit through mulitple "load-and-multi-part-skip" cutscenes to get back there. Anyone who failed the first shooting section in BD will know what I mean by this.

The split in the character types is really fantastic. The human characters are much weaker than the Immortals, and obviously run a fixed path. At some points they feel like nothing more than cattle for the Immortals to rob skills from ^-^ Not that they aren't useful in battle, but when one of them learns a new skill or you find a new accessory you have four characters (I have three of them now) who can then take that skill and mix it with every other skill there is. So you bascially get old school and totally customizable characters together.

The level cap system also means no one character can walk over every enemy that shows up. You know how after a while your Melee characters start to kill everything in one hit? (I'm looking at you Shu) Not happening here. Everyone is useful and the dyanmic with five characters in combat is just fanastic. Once I have all four Immortals I think my head might explode.

There is no limit on the number of skills a character can learn, but there are limits on how many they can have equipped. You need slots to equip them, and items called "Slot Nut" increase the number of slots. You can choose who to give these too and just find them in chests etc. so not sure if there is a maximum number of slots yet. Maybe but it looks high (I have 7 slots each for Kaim and Seth already.) The overall concept of having to raise the human characters to make your Immortals better is fantastic, too - when they learn a new skill it isn't just great for them, it opens up a whole new load of possibilities.

Anyway, I'm off to get back to it!
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Hironobu Sakaguchi is coming back to reclaim the throne (c)

Lost Odyssey-Too Human-Cry On-Archaic Sealed Heat-Metal Gear Solid 4-Devil May Cry 4-Ninja Gaiden 2-Resident Evil 5-Tomb Raider Legend 2-Alan Wake

Since 6974 Days
It is a hardcore Fantasy / Sci-Fi story with adult characters.
That bit had me sold.
In reply to

Mass Effect - Nov 07 - Start the Fight!!!


Since 7057 Days
Posted by Optimusv2
They don't seem to have much confidence in the games
Can you blame them with last gens attempts at new IPs just look at brute force fusion frenzy and co, just absolute, pure, solid yet at times runny shit ( i actually like BF lol but only because its badness is rather enjoyable) and after sequring the likes of enchanted arms for timed exclusive among MANY others, you look back and go wow ... fable, halo, pgr ..... thats it, the others are epic failures
they have lost faith in there own IP purchases and it shows most the hardcore market see this, and if the seller is unsure of there product, how should we feel..
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  • Loakum

    Loakum Ugh….scratch that previous comment. The upcoming Game of Thrones video game is a F’in mobile phone game. Why can’t they came an open world GoT game, like Witcher 3 or God of War? (9 Weeks ago)

  • Loakum

    Loakum By FAR, the upcoming Game of Thrones King’s Road was the Game of the Show! It plays like God of War Ragnarok! :) (11 Weeks ago)

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    Loakum @Driftwood Awesome! I’m loving it! It does show a much crisper picture and the frame rate looks good! I was playing Stella Blade and Dragonball Soarkling Blast! :) (> 3 Months ago)

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    Driftwood @Loakum: enjoy, the one Sony sent us will be there on launch day. Coverage will follow asap. (> 3 Months ago)

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    Loakum *takes a large sip of victorious grape juice* ok….my PS5 pro arrived early! So much winning! :) (> 3 Months ago)

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