GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7124 Days
This recieved a pretty harsh review from 1up and EGM, not the most reliable review sources I know, but still a little disapointing.
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kenshin2418 - Junior Detective
Since 7099 Days
Not surprising, Luke was bashing the game since the E3 demo.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7124 Days
Posted by kenshin2418
Not surprising, Luke was bashing the game since the E3 demo.
EGM uses three editors to review the games, none of them seemed to LOVE it, seems like a pretty average review. And the E3 demo had a lot of flaws, but I can't imagine that anyone reviewed the game based off of a demo that came out like a year before hand..

This one is getting too many average reviews, I might just have to rent it to be sure.
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kenshin2418 - Junior Detective
Since 7099 Days
Yea, I'm just saying that Luke was bashing the game ever since it got that "Japan's Halo" tag. I wasn't expecting a good score from 1UP or EGM, because of that. However, I've read user Impressions who own the Japanese version, and most have been pretty positive.

Still I could care less, the game is still going to be mine in 2 more days. They could of gave it a 2, and that still wouldn't have killed my interest. I was sold after I played the E3 demo.

Still renting it isn't bad. I hear MP is the way to go. Kind of funny since before people thought that SP was the way to go. Seems they've fixed and improved from the MP demo they released.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7124 Days
Posted by kenshin2418
Still renting it isn't bad. I hear MP is the way to go. Kind of funny since before people thought that SP was the way to go. Seems they've fixed and improved from the MP demo they released.
That's certainly suprising. I'll probably pick it up eventually, but February/March have too many releases I want/need to spend my money on. I wasn't expecting to pick up Crackdown over Lost Planet, but given the rather average reviews of LP thus far and the marketing of Crackdown (Halo 3 beta with bonus Crackdown!) I may have been tricked into my next 360 title ;)
In reply to
kenshin2418 - Junior Detective
Since 7099 Days
You mean, Halo 3 beta featuring Crackdown :P

But yea I was planning on Gameflying Mr. Crackdown, but now with the MS marketing move, looks like I too will have to buy it :/
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Since 7016 Days
I was worried about something like this happening with Lost Planet. Once you got past the initial shock of how crazy the game looked at times with the giant enemies and the amazing use of motion blur with the cool look particle effects and explosions you realized its a very pretty book cover with nothing interesting inside.

If that makes any sense. I still kinda expect it to sell over 800k, but its disappointing that the game itself didn't live up to expectations. It's funny who would've thought Dead Rising was the better of the 2 games? :)
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Hironobu Sakaguchi is coming back to reclaim the throne :)

October 20th 2007 (A good day)

kenshin2418 - Junior Detective
Since 7099 Days
Matter of opinion, Optimus, buddy. Matter of opinion.

I'll hold off saying whats better or not, until I actually play the full game. Don't forget how reviewers bashed and said how crappy Enchanted Arms was. ;)
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deftangel - Hot stuff!
Since 6992 Days
I'm still confused how everyone can be so hyped after the demo, having played it themselves! Then a couple of average reviews come out and everyone seems to be on a downer about it again!

Then again I was expecting averages of low 8s not 9s. Perhaps I had different expectations.

I liked the demo enough to make my own mind up on this one. I definitely expected 1up to be harsh with it already. Edge gave it a pretty decent score.
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Since 7070 Days
I never and I mean never take intoconsideration EGM's review scores. They gave twilight princess at perfect 10. 10 from all of the three people reviewing it. It's a good game but I dont think it deserves 10 straight across the board.
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SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Since 7147 Days
Well the demo wasn't entirely awesome, it just did a damn good job implying awesomeness. Any faults with it people understandably expected would be fixed.

But, but, but... EGM's scores HAVE to be at least moderately trustworthy. They're the first to review Hotel Dusk and give it 8, 8, 10 :O :O :O

If that's accurate I'll.. I dunno.. cover myself in cream.
In reply to - AETOA Gamespot

gmulis - blames poor<br>marketing
Since 6912 Days
getting this game no matter what the reiews say
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mess with the best die the like rest

Since 6868 Days
Posted by Optimusv2
If that makes any sense. I still kinda expect it to sell over 800k, but its disappointing that the game itself didn't live up to expectations. It's funny who would've thought Dead Rising was the better of the 2 games? :)
Actually... I find this game more enjoyable than and more impressive than Dead Rising, trust me, it just gets better and better.
In reply to
kenshin2418 - Junior Detective
Since 7099 Days

Only thing I don't get is why neither of them mentioned the MP? I mean come on GI, I actually like your magazine. That's just stupid, since reading user impressions, MP is suppose to be the stuff.
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Since 7054 Days
The eurogamer Review is up (7/10 as I expected)
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SHUUUUUUUUU ... Blue Dragon!!!!!

Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Since 6990 Days
Ok guys wish me good luck on E.D.N III, because I am going to the next Arctic.

The manager of Game screwed up when I wanted to pre-order and did not list me on the CE list, but on the regular. So GAME called me and said that the game is here, and they said that I cant get the CE because the manager screwed it up. After couple of minutes of talking and convincing about the misstake, they said its fine to pick up the CE version.
Went through the heavy rain and snow weather in dark light, and got there picked it up, and when I entered GAME, they had the Main Theme for LP playing up, great!

Anyway, I am now gonna delete 1 years demos of LP, both online and E3 one. And I can say that its the best damn ever given out, and I was happy to keep it on my HDD for so long.
Reviews my ass, its gonna be awesome.
OMG the soundtrack, OMG!!! haha

PS. It is said that the soundtrack is on mp3, so I am gonna try it out.
PSS. The cover quality is amazing, so freaking much better than Gears CE.

Bye, gonna play.
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Since 7054 Days
Posted by Sath
Ok guys wish me good luck on E.D.N III, because I am going to the next Arctic.

The manager of Game screwed up when I wanted to pre-order and did not list me on the CE list, but on the regular. So GAME called me and said that the game is here, and they said that I cant get the CE because the manager screwed it up. After couple of minutes of talking and convincing about the misstake, they said its fine to pick up the CE version.
Went through the heavy rain and snow weather in dark light, and got there picked it up, and when I entered GAME, they had the Main Theme for LP playing up, great!

Anyway, I am now gonna delete 1 years demos of LP, both online and E3 one. And I can say that its the best damn ever given out, and I was happy to keep it on my HDD for so long.
Reviews my ass, its gonna be awesome.
OMG the soundtrack, OMG!!! haha

PS. It is said that the soundtrack is on mp3, so I am gonna try it out.
PSS. The cover quality is amazing, so freaking much better than Gears CE.

Bye, gonna play.
Glad you got the game ;) make sure you post some impressions here :)
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SHUUUUUUUUU ... Blue Dragon!!!!!

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7124 Days
Cool Sath, I want it..but I think I might have to wait a few weeks. To many damn games coming out soon!
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Since 7054 Days
Posted by GriftGFX
Cool Sath, I want it..but I think I might have to wait a few weeks. To many damn games coming out soon!
Add to that, all the games I have already lined up waiting to be played. Viva Pinata, Rainbow Six, Dead Rising ..... Too many!
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SHUUUUUUUUU ... Blue Dragon!!!!!

Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Since 6990 Days
I even pre-ordered GRAW 2 and Army of Two when I picked it up, and I was the only one on the list.

And sure guys, I will post some personal impression. There is Easy, Normal and HArd, so far I am on Normal, Easy will be the last difficaulty I will play. I even got that special map code, obviously, so I havent played online yet.

Back to gaming!

PS. I got a email from someone called "Dan Mitchell" about me saying that Lost Planet was so good that its the next Halo.

Here is what he said


Sorry, but had to ask this: REALLY??? The new Halo????

Lost Planet is ok, the screen tears like some amateur developer's first game, but if you can take that (i can't, seriously) then the game is good. Not up to Capcom's usual standards maybe, a bit generic and lazy at times, but an above average game i guess. But, Halo? Not even in the same league i'm afraid, I think even Capcom wouldn't claim that.

I think you may have got a bit over-exited there!

Halo 3 will be the next Halo, not this.

Peace. Dan."

Was it any of you guys called Dan or what?

I replied something like this...

"First of all you are an idiot. Second of all LP is THIRD person while Halo trilogy is FIRST perosn. Sure both of them are sci-fi shooters, but they arent in the same category to be compared. I dont know at all, and have no idea how you got this emial, but dont replay because this conversation doesnt make any sense."
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Since 6990 Days
Nevermind the email stuff, he sint even registered here, because its nerdy.
Anyway...I sort it out with him.

Still playing, but damn that worm boss is just way too hard, its freaking gigantic and epic battle, but c'mon!!!!!
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kenshin2418 - Junior Detective
Since 7099 Days
Maybe it was Luke, he hates the fact that some people are calling LP, the next Halo, or Japans Halo, if you will :P

Glad you enjoying it, Sath. I will be picking my copy up on Friday or Saturday.
In reply to


Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Since 6990 Days
Posted by kenshin2418
Maybe it was Luke, he hates the fact that some people are calling LP, the next Halo, or Japans Halo, if you will :P

Glad you enjoying it, Sath. I will be picking my copy up on Friday or Saturday.
Hey Kenshin I am gonna add you to my friend list alright, because we both are in love of LP, though I have played the full version =P.
But make sure to get the CE you wont regret it. I have no idea how to pick those other character skin that goes up on the rank, and I really need help, and wish there was a FAQ and guide for this game.

One warning though, auto aim is on, but I turned mine off, because that is for suckers who cant aim. Although I was on Mission 3 on some flying bug, my damn 3560 froxe, then when I wanted to continue I restarted and there was no continue option for me, so I have to re-play all the missions and stuff again, which for its own right sucks, because it was somewhat hard, though I am only playing on Normal, but I turned my auto aim on just to get to that flying bug faster, then I am going to turn it off and continue my kick ass game.
And no, I havent tried online yet.

Beisde in each mission you go to, there is like 5 rounded plates you gotta get, each one is a achievement, and I have gotten one mission to get all, which sucks, thats why I need the guide FAQ. Its not like Gears were you can see a crimson logo and know that the COG tag is near, here you have to really open your eyes and search your ass off to find it.
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kenshin2418 - Junior Detective
Since 7099 Days
cool, I'll accept it 2morrow. 360 is packed up for now, since I'm moving back into the dorm early 2morrow mourning.

What a busy day 2morrow will be, gota move in, buy books, pay account payments, go to a bunch of stupid dorm meetings, visit people, take a piss in the dorm complex pool, try and hunt down a copy of LP CE, and buy a new headset since cousin lost mine.
What fun :)

also Sath, have you tried multiplayer, yet?
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Beckham to MLS, and Americans still don't care for MLS :P

Since 7102 Days
I don't really care about reviews anymore. Granted that the games are expensive, I guess its the risk I have to take when a game is good or not. But from what I have played on the demos, LP is my kind of game! My limited edition LP should come in tomorrow! Besides every sale this game makes will help Capcom bring DMC4 to the XBOX 360 ^_~

Btw, I heard that the boss monsters here are very hard! I can't wait to fight them! I get more satisfaction in beating a game with hard bosses! There are also some sidequests right?
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