Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Since 6990 Days
I played my ass off yesterday on Campaign.

I started up on Normal, because I think thats the way to go with, Easy will be last. First thing I did was obviously re-watch the whole cutscenes and everything in HD after watching Blims direct feed video.
The graphics looks amazing, and it really have gone up a little bit since the E3 obviously, looks done and completed. Everything you have heard good about LP is true as hell.
The soundtrack is amazing yes, but I got some problems with it.
Most of the tracks you might have heard which I had isnt even on the soundtrack. For example I really wanted that very first track that plays when Wayne is following his dad through NEVEC, thats not in it. I guess that was the "Opening Movie" but it wasent either, neither was "NEVEC Theme". So I am gonna re-play on Hard after I complete Normal and then turn off the SFX completely and music on max and rip it off to mp3 like always. Other than that the soundtrack is amazing.

The bosses...well I can tell you that every boss in this game is freaking gigantic and epic and huge, especially the one with the worm. I had very big problems with that worm. But let me tell you guys something, if you got HD tv, which I got a 32 inch Samsung, you wont regret what you just bought even if its just for eye candy.
The story is what I expected, cinematic, and great, really has its twist and secret, oh so many secrets.
We know that 360 got achievements right, so LP got secret stuff to look for, which I personally call it "Look Outs" in this game. You really have to look out for golden plates with a letter on it which keep swirling in some very good hidden places, and because LPs design is so good you really have to go to each corner, cover...etc. to find them. I have never completed a mission with getting all of that. Its hard, I always miss couple of them.
I know that I think so anyway, on Mission 02 it gotta be "STORM" but I havent gotten it yet.
Anyway I am on Mission07 right after killing the Green Eye, and I can tell you guys this, its freaking hard, took me like 4-5 times, and I am great on LP, but damn.

Online, well online is what you expect it to be if you have played the online demo, but better. The glitches, and all mambo jumbo stuff are fixed.
Voice Mask is dumb, it doesnt add anything, so I didnt choose any. When you first go online you gotta choose character skin. There is 3 to choose one. The regular one, and then one with like a cyclops looking light and one that looks like a midget devil. For now I have the regular one, same one on the online demo.
There is also patterns, rather call it, camofluage and outfit change, meaning you change camouflage or color.
There is more to unlokc obviously, like those awesome NEVEC soldiers, andthose soldiers that are with you and your dad, the ones with red goggles and green jacket.
If you want to unlock them, you head out to the field of Ranked Matches. There is a "level up" system. When you kill you get points, and those points will raise your bar. Eveyrtime the bar raises you get a level up, meaning in a certain point you unlock stuff for you character, either character skin or pattern.

The first time I played I sucked, because the map was bullshit, and boring, but I got to level 3, but the next one was a classic for me which was, Pirate Fortress, same one on the online demo. And I always get one the 1st place when I play with highest score or the lowest is 3rd place. Anyway, on that map I got to 2nd place, and I leveled up to level 11, an I got a pattern unlock. Once you unlock a pattern every character skin gets their one pattern.
Rumour has it that on level 17 you get a new character skin, and another rumour has it if you reach around 60 and up you get Wayne, which is freaking awesome, but not so nfty if everyone over 60 has Wayne, and looks like a clone. Would be awesome if you could get like Basil, Gale (Waynes dad), Yuri...etc. characters that makes sense to fight.

Anyway, the open fields in the snow, especially when there is art structures and everything is just amazing as hell, reminds me of Gears of War, yes oyu heard me, but covered in ice. You can see like blue color from distance, but that isnt wrong or anything, but the light refplects the snow, which I think is amazing.
The lip sync is sometimes late with the sound but that isnt anything you would to go crazy about because its nothing, for me at least.

My conclusion...amazing graphics, cool guns, although I dont apporve of holding bigger weapons than your body seize is good, VS weapons only for VS. Great story, beautiful details to the environments, great enemies, freaking heard bosses and big ones., and great soundtrack, although I have to rip a track of my own, which I will. The controls are familiar to anyone who played the online demo too much and I can tell you that if you are new to it, you get used to it., clunky my ass, its just because you can play (not directed to you guys)

Score: 9/10

PS. You guys might think that his is fanboy stuff? Ehm, no it isnt. I really liked this, because it really did all the things I expected it to be, and some. For me it gets 9/10, and I hardly get games on that score.

I am now on Mission 07, so I will continue my kick ass snow journey, and then level up to get NEVEC soldiers and those soldiers with green jacket.
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Since 7054 Days
Thanks Sath for all the feedback and I must your excitement is reason enough for me to ge the game now! ;)
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SHUUUUUUUUU ... Blue Dragon!!!!!

Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Since 6990 Days
Posted by alimokrane
Thanks Sath for all the feedback and I must your excitement is reason enough for me to ge the game now! ;)
Makes sense dude, makes sense. But I promise you, if you have followed up to the game since day one announcement you wont get dissapointed. I am loving the game now, but damn those "Look Outs" are bullshit, I cant even find one of them, need walkthrough as soon as possible, then I am gonna try it again.
I am on Mission 08 so it feels like I am going towards the end soon, so after that I am going to Hard which to some it is called "Extreme" so I will be recording the first track, I need it.
I also realized that some of the tracks in the game is not even on the bonus CD. It says "Soundtrack from selected Stages" and its 15, and I can not believe they havent included the very best ones. Anyway, I hope you like it when you get it.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7124 Days
Posted by Sath
Makes sense dude, makes sense. But I promise you, if you have followed up to the game since day one announcement you wont get dissapointed. I am loving the game now, but damn those "Look Outs" are bullshit, I cant even find one of them, need walkthrough as soon as possible, then I am gonna try it again.
I am on Mission 08 so it feels like I am going towards the end soon, so after that I am going to Hard which to some it is called "Extreme" so I will be recording the first track, I need it.
I also realized that some of the tracks in the game is not even on the bonus CD. It says "Soundtrack from selected Stages" and its 15, and I can not believe they havent included the very best ones. Anyway, I hope you like it when you get it.
Good thing I never go for collectables, hated it last generation, and it's my least favorite style of achievement! I can tell you like your achievements though, so go for it :)

I'm sure the game is well worth playing without doing that though, right? I can't wait to play it, but I think I'll have to..for now. Thanks for the impressions though, sounds like you're enjoying yourself.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Since 6990 Days
Grift i am not a achievement junky at all, but I just want to see what the letters say, might be a spoiler or some secrets like those words right after the webisodes you know.
And of course the game is still a blast without the achievements as well. But you get a achievement after each boss anyway, I think =S.

But yeah, it is great and addictive. I am on Mission 10 now, so far you guys who dont have it know it is up to 10 missions which is good. But I know I am near the end, I think 2-3 missions left, atleast.

But yeah gonna continue the gaming!

PS. The skin in HD looks awesome, and there is a scene were Basil is talking to Wayne in private, duh...for some reason Basil looks beautiful! haha
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Phaethon360 - Mr Pant<s>s</s>ies
Since 6970 Days
I just got home, and got this game. Gonna eat, then play it. Can't wait! It's in 1080p too. Can't wait to check it out!
In reply to

Commander Shephard: Hey Shu?
Shu: What you want Shephard?
Commander Shephard: *SLAP*
*Shu hits the deck*

gmulis - blames poor<br>marketing
Since 6912 Days
is it true that lost planet has sold over million copies already. can someone confirm this???
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mess with the best die the like rest

Since 6831 Days
Posted by gmulis
is it true that lost planet has sold over million copies already. can someone confirm this???
WOW if true!!! (but is this even possible already)...unless you are confusing it with the News about the demo and the multiplayer, which have been downloaded over 1 million times.
In reply to
Since 7136 Days
How long is the game?
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Yeah, im a fanboy, dont like it?

t('-'t) U
The FF13 trailer is not real-time gameplay, if you think its real, you are a dumbass.

[quote=griftfx]Sony is the devil[/quote]

Phaethon360 - Mr Pant<s>s</s>ies
Since 6970 Days
It's taken me an hour to beat the first two missions. Not sure how many there are total. Sath is putting me to shame with his "gamerscore whoring" abilities .
In reply to

Commander Shephard: Hey Shu?
Shu: What you want Shephard?
Commander Shephard: *SLAP*
*Shu hits the deck*

gmulis - blames poor<br>marketing
Since 6912 Days
Posted by a_vasi
WOW if true!!! (but is this even possible already)...unless you are confusing it with the News about the demo and the multiplayer, which have been downloaded over 1 million times.
heres a link to the news:
In reply to

mess with the best die the like rest

Since 7054 Days
Posted by gmulis
You have gotta be joking, it cant be possible surely. that would make it the fastest selling GAME EVER! and that's just not POSSIBLE.
In reply to

SHUUUUUUUUU ... Blue Dragon!!!!!

gmulis - blames poor<br>marketing
Since 6912 Days
Posted by alimokrane
You have gotta be joking, it cant be possible surely. that would make it the fastest selling GAME EVER! and that's just not POSSIBLE.
i guess will have to wait for an official annoucement from capcom
In reply to

mess with the best die the like rest

Since 7001 Days
That article states that over 1 million copies have reached the shelves, it states nothing about 1 million copies being sold...
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Since 6990 Days
Ok I completed the game on Normal and there is 11 missions. the last one is hard and have to have a good tactic on him, which I got. So after Normal I went to go for Extreme and I can tell you this...dont mind on this one, its freaking impossible. Your thermal energy runs as fast as if you were on a VS which you arent. One hit will decrease it so fast that you wont be able to recover it back up again.
I am now stuck on the same boss which was on the demo as well, but on Extreme mode, there is 4 Dango Akrids on there.
so now imagine the tight area with 5 Dangos rolling and slashing you all over the place with one of them being big as hell.
I can tell you this to...there is no VS and no PDA data post what so ever. VS is now and then, and because I havent passed the first boss after 5+ times I dont know whats next. but there is no PDA post.

The Extreme is like Lost Planets own Master Ninja, and it is truly hard, it really pisses me off so much, atleast NG you could use Ninpo, but you cant use anything "special" in LP. I am gonna do Extreme and Hard I dont care.
This only means that LP will keep me busy as hell, exactly like NG has in these few years since launch.
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kenshin2418 - Junior Detective
Since 7099 Days
Good impressions, Sath. Glad you enjoying it.

Sadly, I wasn't able to find a CE copy today. Going to try tomorrow :(

I hate San Antonio with a passion. I really do
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Beckham to MLS, and Americans still don't care for MLS :P

kenshin2418 - Junior Detective
Since 7099 Days
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Beckham to MLS, and Americans still don't care for MLS :P

Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Since 6990 Days
Like everyone knows here I am a soundtrack freak and everyone knows how freaking much I wanted the soundtrack for it and how much I posted couple of tracks now and then.

Now like I said the bonus CD has 15 tracks, and they are "regular ones" not so famous but yet couple of them famous.
Here is the thing, today I have been since 10 in the morning to like 2 in the afternoon been going fast through the entire game with no SFX on easy and music on max, just to record in great quality from the game tracks.
I have not recorded in like 3 tracks which I think was not important to have because they werent good at all, but the rest is in it.
I names them by its description by the map or battles, for example "NEVEC Infiltration" which is one of my favorites. That track plays exactly on the very first moment were you have to follow Gale and the rest of the Platoons and then you see Green Eye, that one is also in it.

So 15 official tracks form the bonus CD, and 16+ which is up to around 35 is my own rip, pure great quality with mp3 file format with customized track titles and numbers right after track 15.
Some of the REALLY feels like they are from MGS 2 or MGS 3.
I will obviously get the full released soundtrack once its out there, but for now, this is a "offiicial" soundtrack, which I wanted on the first place on the bonus CD.
These ones that I ripped feels like they were too exclusive to be put on the bonus CD.

Non the less, the soundtrack to the game is so amazing!!!

Kenshin, dont worry about it, you are gonna get it =D.

PS. I completed the game on Normal yesterday it was awesome. After that I wanted to see how "Extreme" was, because obviously Hard is not Extreme, it gets unlocked.
Anyway, I tried it out, and I can tell you guys this much.
Anyone who have played Very HArd or Master Ninja on Ninja Gaiden knows how hard a game can get, and Extreme is just ridiculous.
For example you thermal energy runs low so damn fast that it feels you are in a VS using its "potential", thats how dumb it is.
There is no data post, meaning no radar help or upgraded thermal. And if you blow up cars, cans...etc. there is no thermal energy there, only on enemies.

The funny thing about the enemies are that if there is like 30 of those flying Akrids called "Trilid" there will be like 60 on Extreme, maybe even more.
Bosses have help now, just like Ninja Gaiden, it damn bullshit.
I am gonna go with HArd first just to get my finger trigger smooth and happy, then its Extreme.

Non the less, it is a amazing, beautiful game overall, with great soundtrack!.

By the way if you guys are wondering how I completed the game so fast and recorded the tracks, well Easy and then I just rushed as hell haha.
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Phaethon360 - Mr Pant<s>s</s>ies
Since 6970 Days
I just killed that worm. It took me so long. And then afterwards, I had to kill that crazy woman all over again. Got the achievement though. I have ridden the mighty snow worm all hail Phaethon, the Mau'dib!
In reply to

Commander Shephard: Hey Shu?
Shu: What you want Shephard?
Commander Shephard: *SLAP*
*Shu hits the deck*

Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Since 6990 Days
Posted by Phaethon360
I just killed that worm. It took me so long. And then afterwards, I had to kill that crazy woman all over again. Got the achievement though. I have ridden the mighty snow worm all hail Phaethon, the Mau'dib!
Haha yeah you went all crazy to because you couldnt "kill" it. You actually get a achievement if you kill that worm, the worm is actually called "Undeep".
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Since 6729 Days
Man I gotta come here and vent my frustration. Why is every god damn capcom game so hard ?! And please dont tell im a bad gamer cause im not. Basically I cant kill that woman because the VC blows up straight away and then when you are on foot you just keep stumbling after she shoots you so you get stuck in this endless stumbling and being shot till you die. I dont honestly think I can play another capcom game after this and Dead Rising. To hard for me.
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Phaethon360 - Mr Pant<s>s</s>ies
Since 6970 Days
I understand completely Beagle. The game is ridiculously hard. It took me nearly an hour to beat the giant worm, and then to beat Basil. So many deaths. All I can do is say, jump alot. Strafe and fire with the VS when in the air. The jump is the best way to avoid her laser.

I was not a big fan of Dead Rising's level of difficulty. I could see it being a great game if they had just toned it down a bit for the casual gamer. Ask Sath, he says Lost Planet on extreme makes Ninja Gaiden seem like childs play!
In reply to

Commander Shephard: Hey Shu?
Shu: What you want Shephard?
Commander Shephard: *SLAP*
*Shu hits the deck*

Since 7246 Days
Posted by Phaethon360
Ask Sath, he says Lost Planet on extreme makes Ninja Gaiden seem like childs play!
But from what I've heard, it's another kind of difficulty. In NG you actually need skill, lots of it, in LP you get hit by an explosion and before you can get up you are flying in the air because of another explosion or hit and it goes on and on, that's what a gamespot editor that's crappy unfair difficulty, if you were given only 1 bullet per weapon I'm sure it'll be the hardest game ever but that's not saying much is it.
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Where the crap is Shenmue 3 SEGA? Scrap that thing called Shenmue online and finish the Shenmue epic story on 360!

Since 6677 Days
Posted by LEBATO
But from what I've heard, it's another kind of difficulty. In NG you actually need skill, lots of it, in LP you get hit by an explosion and before you can get up you are flying in the air because of another explosion or hit and it goes on and on, that's what a gamespot editor that's crappy unfair difficulty, if you were given only 1 bullet per weapon I'm sure it'll be the hardest game ever but that's not saying much is it.
i kinda beg to differ, yea the game is hard...hard as hell just starting mission 9 and the boss battle at the end of mission 8 is freeking unbelievable an, hour and a half just to kill the dam "tunneling"VC!
but the level of satisfaction when you end a mission, i wish more games were like this (even gears on insane level,isnt as hard as some boss fights :) )

and the graphics WOWAWEEWA (as borat would say) i cant believe that this game hasnt been "massively" hyped on the gfx alone from what ive seen of the infamous MGS4 trailer this games "cut scenes" knock the spots off metal gear and (imo) put gears of war to shame (but that could have somthing to do with art direction). it realy is beautiful

what has annoyed me (not about the game) is some reviews knocking the game back because its hard ,.....(damn i wish more games were as hard as this) games mag's complain when a game is too easy and moan when its too hard
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Since 7246 Days
CARB, you never said anything on why you differ. Is it unfair difficulty yes or no? Do you get juggled with by the enemies in hit after hit?

And gamespot gave the game an 8 in graphics, and I think that's crazy. There seems to be some framerate hiccups from what I've read, but having played the demos and seeing so many videos, I think the game easily deserves a 9 in graphics.
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Where the crap is Shenmue 3 SEGA? Scrap that thing called Shenmue online and finish the Shenmue epic story on 360!

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