Inscrit depuis 6867 Jours
Posté par LEBATO
And gamespot gave the game an 8 in graphics, and I think that's crazy. There seems to be some framerate hiccups from what I've read, but having played the demos and seeing so many videos, I think the game easily deserves a 9 in graphics.
Trust me, the game deserves a 10 for graphics, it really is that beautiful, definately up there with gears and maybe better depending on which art style you prefer.
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Phaethon360 - Mr Pant<s>s</s>ies
Inscrit depuis 6969 Jours
I'm playing it in 1080p and I haven't seen a hiccup. And yes, the gameplay is brutally unfair. Doesn't mean it doesn't take skill though. But its way too unfair. There are just too many enemies in one area. I'm on mission 7, and there are a good 25 foot soldiers carrying plasma rifles, 10 or so snow mobile mechs, and about 5 larger mechs.

Did I mention all the mechs carry rocket launchers? You have to fight your way to one large mech, but it really doesn't help much when the foot soldiers shoot out your legs, and the mechs aim for your head with missiles. These mechs seem to be able to take as much damage as you can. Not fair at all.
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Commander Shephard: Hey Shu?
Shu: What you want Shephard?
Commander Shephard: *SLAP*
*Shu hits the deck*

Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6989 Jours
Lebato you actually need skill for Extreme, its called tacticts. You can like kill the small ones, dodge them, roll to avoid their attacks, it need right tacticts to avoid their attacks, but it takes longer time because it isnt a fantasy game with magic powers with 100 of sword slashes.

In LP you need to flank them, you need to run as hell to avoid its attacks, roll away from those smaller ones, you need to kill them and how to use the thermal energy, you can NOT jump if you do your thermal runs low faster than on foot....etc.

This is why I compared it to Ninja Gaidens hardest difficulty, although NG is a cheap shit game when it comes to it.
The enemy aways gets weapons that doesnt come much further in the game, or when they attack you they sure as hell take 3-4x times more damage what it took, thats why it is so chepa in NG. Sure you need skill, but yet it is cheap way to make the AI "better".

But in LP all you need on Extreme is...tactics, bullets and thermal energy!!! Thats its, most of tactits of how to avoid them and to throw your grenade when they are full.

Nopn the less I like Lost Planet and its soundtrack a lot more than Ninja Gaiden now, because this is where I see I belong, futuristic shooter with great visuals and gameplay and story. I know that people will somewhat comment on this one, so I might as well say it now...THIS IS WHAT I LIKE.

Yesterday I beated the Worm Hunter achievement and Moth Hunter, although I REALLY want to kick their asses on every difficaulty I went on just Easy and got it. But someday I will do it.

PS. By the way I hit level 30 on ranked matches and I got a new character model. He looks like Solid Snake went to E.D.N III to kill some Akrids. HE has a long coat which comes first in grey and green camoflauge, witch blue ski mask and long scarf like Ryu Hayavusa from NG with your typical two glass sam fisher goggles.
I want to get to 40+ because then you get the "Platoons", those green jacket soldiers on the good side.
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Inscrit depuis 6729 Jours
Posté par Phaethon360
I'm playing it in 1080p and I haven't seen a hiccup. And yes, the gameplay is brutally unfair. Doesn't mean it doesn't take skill though. But its way too unfair. There are just too many enemies in one area. I'm on mission 7, and there are a good 25 foot soldiers carrying plasma rifles, 10 or so snow mobile mechs, and about 5 larger mechs.

Did I mention all the mechs carry rocket launchers? You have to fight your way to one large mech, but it really doesn't help much when the foot soldiers shoot out your legs, and the mechs aim for your head with missiles. These mechs seem to be able to take as much damage as you can. Not fair at all.
Aw man. That description of a later level makes me wanna just give up now. Im not one for really hard games. I like a challenge but this is just insane. It would be fine if it werent for that piss annoying stumble thing. Once that happens you're screwed. Im gonna maybe put it down to easy. Sath you must have some mad skills at this game. Kudos.
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Inscrit depuis 6676 Jours
Posté par LEBATO
CARB, you never said anything on why you differ. Is it unfair difficulty yes or no? Do you get juggled with by the enemies in hit after hit?

And gamespot gave the game an 8 in graphics, and I think that's crazy. There seems to be some framerate hiccups from what I've read, but having played the demos and seeing so many videos, I think the game easily deserves a 9 in graphics.
(i was in a bit of a rush to post ...sunday afternoon drinking ;))

ive not noticed any frame rate problems even when the action gets going
and jin i agree with you 10 for grafix from me too, it realy is a beautiful game

about the difficulty, hmmm tough one its hard very hard even on normal setting
and some times yea you gan get "bounced around" when you get hit by missile
but then i wouldnt attempt to go against a VS without being inside one yourself,
i would say everything is balanced the foot soldiers put up a good fight when your on foot, and when you are in a VS the other VS's put up a good fight aswell.
its when you get to boss fights some (if not all ) can be damn hard, i had a hard time with the massive "wasp" green eye took a fair few goes, and the boss battle at the end of mission 8 was mental

imo its the best game ive played in a long time , very rewarding...if a little hard
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Inscrit depuis 6680 Jours
Lost Planet 10 for graphics, are you playing a different game? LOL, did you notice the leg animations on the main character, its pathetic. alot of the buildings have sharp corners and are very cubicle. the monsters are huge, but their not very sharp. 8 is more than fair. the only good thing in LP is the smoke and explosions, but that isnt enough, not to mention all explosions look the same. Geez, and gameplay, cmon, its a run and gun, except you have to fight non stop cos you need energy, the ennemies are as dumb as Dom in GoW. But GoW had amazingly good enemy ai... so far i havnt yet got the satisfaction you get from killing mere drones in GoW. The music is plain, theres no emotion to it. This game is an 8 and thats what it got and deserves. i think it could have been a 9, but its still a wanabee and nothing breakthrough.
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GoW, War3, Halo, MYST, Civilazation

Inscrit depuis 6676 Jours
Posté par Schmooboo
Lost Planet 10 for graphics, are you playing a different game? LOL, did you notice the leg animations on the main character, its pathetic. alot of the buildings have sharp corners and are very cubicle. the monsters are huge, but their not very sharp. 8 is more than fair. the only good thing in LP is the smoke and explosions, but that isnt enough, not to mention all explosions look the same. Geez, and gameplay, cmon, its a run and gun, except you have to fight non stop cos you need energy, the ennemies are as dumb as Dom in GoW. But GoW had amazingly good enemy ai... so far i havnt yet got the satisfaction you get from killing mere drones in GoW. The music is plain, theres no emotion to it. This game is an 8 and thats what it got and deserves. i think it could have been a 9, but its still a wanabee and nothing breakthrough.
does every game have to be a break through ????
and saying lost planet is "only run and gun"....hmmmm gears, run stop gun, call of duty , run and gun....so on and so forth.
music plain ..what ever !
and yes i hold fast that its a 10 on the graphics..and the animations of the main character are better than the ones in gears of war by far.

and buildings by their very nature have "sharp corners and are cubicle" what do you live in, a sphere ? *runs out side looks at front of my house....sharp corners..check, cubicle looking...check!"

the "giant worm" level is simply breath taking the sence of scale is amazing.

gears of war is a walk in the park compaired to lost planet . so i dont know what game YOU were playing ;)
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Inscrit depuis 6729 Jours
You said you wouldnt attempt to fight a VS on foot but mine gets blown up straight away so I have no chance. Man im starting this level again on easy. I just dont have the patience to try this over and over and over.

Edit : Ok so I just this minute beat the girl in the VS on mission 3 on normal finally. And now I see your point of the feeling of achievement. Im gonna keep playing this on normal. Phew that was tough.
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Inscrit depuis 7069 Jours
Posté par CARB
does every game have to be a break through ????
and saying lost planet is "only run and gun"....hmmmm gears, run stop gun, call of duty , run and gun....so on and so forth.
music plain ..what ever !
and yes i hold fast that its a 10 on the graphics..and the animations of the main character are better than the ones in gears of war by far.

and buildings by their very nature have "sharp corners and are cubicle" what do you live in, a sphere ? *runs out side looks at front of my house....sharp corners..check, cubicle looking...check!"

the "giant worm" level is simply breath taking the sence of scale is amazing.

gears of war is a walk in the park compaired to lost planet . so i dont know what game YOU were playing ;)
I say the graphics are impressive, aswell and the scale of the levels are nice and big. People always say how gears' graphics are good looking but you also have to remember that you are in such a small and closed environment! The draw distance in Lost Planet is amazing, you can really see the extent of this affect in the 3rd mission.
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kenshin2418 - Junior Detective
Inscrit depuis 7099 Jours
Question, I still haven't got the game yet, should be getting it sometime this week. But in the MP, how quick is it to find a match? I remember in the online demo it would take me like 5+ tries for me to actually get in a game and start, since most of the time the host would cancel or something. So is it still like that, or is it different?
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Beckham to MLS, and Americans still don't care for MLS :P

Inscrit depuis 7069 Jours
It's a lot faster finding online matches and people dont drop out, well not in ranked matches.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6989 Jours
Yesterday I "cheated" myself up to level 45, which means I got finally the character model I been wanting since day one...Platoon soldier. The one that have goggles and green jacket in the campaign and cutscenes. There is only black pattern and green camoflauge pattern but you have to unlock 2 other patterns before knowing yothe next one can be a new character model.

Kenshin, it is very fast to find matches. But it is obviously like this...once the match is on you can not quite except going to the 360 dashboard, one of the things I dont like about the online battle.
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Inscrit depuis 6680 Jours
LP better than GoW, you must be joking, well sry if most people and reviewers dont seem to think so.
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GoW, War3, Halo, MYST, Civilazation

Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6989 Jours
In my opinion the online kills Gears...Gears is about shotgun massacre , while LP got random as hell, and have a freaking world war 3. I am not saying Gears sucks or anything, it is amazing, but I prefer LP. It actually depends on the mood really.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7123 Jours
Posté par Sath
In my opinion the online kills Gears...Gears is about shotgun massacre , while LP got random as hell, and have a freaking world war 3. I am not saying Gears sucks or anything, it is amazing, but I prefer LP. It actually depends on the mood really.
Bold words, I'll have to check this out..bit behind.

Do you still have to join a pre-game lobby in multiplayer, btw, or can you join matches in progress?
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6989 Jours
If the match begins you cant join. It says how many players there are in the room. I have only played ranked matches to you will go to main lobby when the match is over, but in player match I am not sure.

You can not quit and go to lobby, you have to go to the 360 dashboard and restart the game, which sucks, the only bad thing for online.
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Inscrit depuis 7053 Jours
Posté par Sath
If the match begins you cant join. It says how many players there are in the room. I have only played ranked matches to you will go to main lobby when the match is over, but in player match I am not sure.

You can not quit and go to lobby, you have to go to the 360 dashboard and restart the game, which sucks, the only bad thing for online.
I think the two things I highlighted are actually a very good thing to have for Ranked matches. thanks to the 2nd feature, people will have a hard time trying to quid the game .... I hate it SO MUCH when people do quit in ranked Gears matches.
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[b]Blue Dragon FTW!!![/b]

Inscrit depuis 6729 Jours
I dont think quitting would be nearly as big a problem in lost planet. In gears it happens more cause its only 8 players where as lost planet is 16 the majority of the time so people dont feel the need to quit cause theres always enough going on.
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Inscrit depuis 6676 Jours
Posté par Schmooboo
LP better than GoW, you must be joking, well sry if most people and reviewers dont seem to think so.
yep. I think LP is better than gears. gears is good, but I think LP is better

and from what IV'E read from people who have the game....they love it,

meh! reviewers paning the game because its too hard, double meh!
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kenshin2418 - Junior Detective
Inscrit depuis 7099 Jours
Finally got it, just beat Mission 1 :P
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Beckham to MLS, and Americans still don't care for MLS :P

Inscrit depuis 6996 Jours
Did the 're-done from the demo' lighting in the cave own or what?
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kenshin2418 - Junior Detective
Inscrit depuis 7099 Jours
Yup, loving the game so far.
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Beckham to MLS, and Americans still don't care for MLS :P

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7123 Jours
Posté par CARB
yep. I think LP is better than gears. gears is good, but I think LP is better

and from what IV'E read from people who have the game....they love it,

meh! reviewers paning the game because its too hard, double meh!
I have to play it yet, but Gears has that 15 seconds of fun thing down. The multiplayer mode is, in my opinion, hard to beat right now. If Vegas didn't steal me away from Gears, I doubt Lost Planet will.

I want this game for the campaign. It's good to hear that it's pretty challenging, I appreciate that.
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kenshin2418 - Junior Detective
Inscrit depuis 7099 Jours
Well that was fun, went into a match all lvl 30+s, I was so pro with my level 1 :)

But yea I suck nuts, only got 100pts :(
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Beckham to MLS, and Americans still don't care for MLS :P

Inscrit depuis 6680 Jours
Hmm, i doubt revieweres arent good at games to finish them. Also if you dont find that GoW has enough strategy in Mplayer and 1 weapon is stronger than the other, i reccomend you give it a 2nd chance in ranked games. even the handgun is deadly, shot-bash-shoot is a very effective combo, shotgun is only as strong as a shotgun should be, but has a long cooling time and is limited in range, i find the mplayer is amazing. true doesnt have all the gamemodes like halo, but in halo i usually played DM anyway... its the most played game apart from CTF. CTF might not work in GoW.
Anyhow, i guess we should be happy we have all these great games on teh 360...
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GoW, War3, Halo, MYST, Civilazation

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