Since 5977 Days
very light! its no Uncharted or Heavy Rain.
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Prepare To Drop!!

Since 7020 Days
I mentioned QTE and Gears as two separate things.

This game has to operate more like Gears to achieve any sort of co-op experience. A horde mode would make this even more of a fact. That video also looks more Gears action oriented.
Realize I'm beating a dead horse here.

By QTE I am talking about button presses but I'm also talking cinematics. More "watching" and less choosing from conversation trees for example. Akin to Uncharted or Heavy Rain.
To them I'm sure it means more immersion.

They're falling into just about everything that's popular right now which was never a concern of Bioware's in the past. It's what made their games so good. The fact they were different.
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Since 5977 Days
Wrong there will be even more dialog choices and conversations than the previous 2 games combined, the sp will still be a brilliant action rpg game.
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Prepare To Drop!!

Since 7020 Days
This whole idea of choice is something too.
I'm kinda tired of this being a selling point for video games. Having two different endings to a video game scripted is not "choice". Nor does it make me feel any more free with the outcome of the game.

The concept of choice is a cool one. Maybe I'm just too old to be entertained by it. To me in this generation it mainly comes off as a gimmick.

Sorry, don't mean to whine or be a downer
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Since 5977 Days
True but atleast its a start, hopefully with time the devs will get better at implementing story choices, all the fans rave about the choices and implications in the Witcher2, so it can be done very well in some instances.
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Prepare To Drop!!

Since 6963 Days
You know this would have actually mattered more to me IF it was something that we actually asked Bioware for, BUT WE DIDN'T. LOL!

When I think of all things that we DID ask for, and didn't get..............well it's just another reminder of just how much Bioware isn't really listening to us anymore. Bioware never needed MP function for it's games before, it's SP campaigns used to be masterpieces and never needed any extra filling.

I will say this, it looks interesting and it doesn't hurt that you can go solo in the co-op missions. That basically keeps people like me from having any excuses to rant about it negatively, Bioware covered all of their points with this so it's cool. Just one more point............the PC gamer version will require Origin to play it.

Yeah I know :P
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Since 6950 Days
Posted by Dacs
Not a fan of this tacked on to get more sale MP, but as long as the SP is not compromised i'm good.
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** Yes We CAN!! **

Since 7034 Days
Posted by dcdelgado
Not a fan of this tacked on to get more sale MP, but as long as the SP is not compromised i'm good.
it always is :(
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GT: ManThatYouFear
Real Life: ThatTwat

Since 5278 Days
Posted by dcdelgado
Not a fan of this tacked on to get more sale MP, but as long as the SP is not compromised i'm good.
It wont be, a complete different team is working on the MP in fact because they have more time due to MP being added, and me3 being pushed back the SP will be more polished.
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Since 6963 Days
Posted by sanex
It wont be, a complete different team is working on the MP in fact because they have more time due to MP being added, and me3 being pushed back the SP will be more polished.
More polish huh? Well, that's certainly one way of looking at it. I still can't get over the fact that they gave us something that virtually no one asked for. I mean I've seen a ton of wishlists at BSN and none of them had fans asking for any kind of MP.

Anyway I recently re-checked the list for things that they have confirmed for the SP campaign, and it looks like the ORIGINAL role playing elements of Mass Effect1 are ALMOST COMPLETELY restored. Gun mods, loot, inventory. Even the Mako might make a return! But they're still going with stupid things like ammo powers, so not all of the crud of ME2 has been washed away.
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Since 7034 Days
ammo powers? they was in the first dude.
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GT: ManThatYouFear
Real Life: ThatTwat

Since 6963 Days
Posted by ManThatYouFear
ammo powers? they was in the first dude.
lol Uh.....I know it's been awhile since anyone probably played the first game, but there weren't ammo powers in ME1. All ammo types were available(some purchased in shops) and upgradable through weapons modding.

I think you're confusing the talent table that you had to invest points into in order to get more damage values out the weapons you used.
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Since 7034 Days
by ammo powers i ment, where you could put say cryo on your bulletts to freeze them increase dmg blah blah blah same as the weapons with decrease the heat etc
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GT: ManThatYouFear
Real Life: ThatTwat

Since 6847 Days
I saw some leaked beta screens and it looks really, really great. However, it's hard for me to get excited... Mass Effect 1 was my third favorite Bioware game (after BG1&2), despite being very, very flawed. The story was told in a way that grabbed me every single time (I played through it 3 times). When ME2 came out, I only saw really high metacritic score but didn't read any of the reviews, so I expect ME1 but better. Instead I got a game stripped from overarching narrative, instead focusing on short, 20-30 minutes long, typical shooter missions with (usually) interesting ministories. I mean, it worked pretty well for what it was, the missions were just short enough where I could just say to myself "OK, this will be the last mission I'll play today" and wind up playing for 5 hours instead of 1, however it's not really an experience I am particularly looking forward to play again. Bioware being Bioware, I just don't know what kind of game they'll ship this time around.
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"That just happened 'cause that was awesome" - Randy Pitchford, Gearbox

Since 5270 Days
Xbox live dashboard beta testers have got the beta demo to me3 early, check out the offscreen vids below (select the 720p vers) the part2 vid is my fav it shows much more conversations and cutscense's and the end of that video pulled on the heartstrings, cant wait for this game.
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Since 5270 Days
Bioware quote regarding beta leak, very interested in this RPG mode??
We'd like to stress that the leaked code is in a rough, unfinished state and was not meant for public release. The content is not final, and is not reflective of the quality of the finished, polished game due for release on March 6, 2012 (March 9 in Europe).

One feature that was present in this early build is a set of game play modes that are in development. In the beta code they are referred to as "action mode", "story mode" and "RPG mode". We want to stress that these features are still in the early stages of development and will receive considerable iteration and refinement. These modes are designed to give players an even finer degree of control over their game experience than ever before. Whether it be someone who finds the combat difficult but wants to experience the amazing story, someone who wants to focus on the action and combat game play, or fans who want the rich, story-driven RPG Mass Effect experience they've come to love – Mass Effect 3 will support all of these options. We'll have more info in the days ahead!
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7091 Days
Don't be silly. They're just including a "story" mode that does all the actual "game" bits for you, or an action mode that does most of the game bits for you.
In reply to
Since 5977 Days
Posted by fabreezwait
Bioware quote regarding beta leak, very interested in this RPG mode??
We'd like to stress that the leaked code is in a rough, unfinished state and was not meant for public release. The content is not final, and is not reflective of the quality of the finished, polished game due for release on March 6, 2012 (March 9 in Europe).

One feature that was present in this early build is a set of game play modes that are in development. In the beta code they are referred to as "action mode", "story mode" and "RPG mode". We want to stress that these features are still in the early stages of development and will receive considerable iteration and refinement. These modes are designed to give players an even finer degree of control over their game experience than ever before. Whether it be someone who finds the combat difficult but wants to experience the amazing story, someone who wants to focus on the action and combat game play, or fans who want the rich, story-driven RPG Mass Effect experience they've come to love – Mass Effect 3 will support all of these options. We'll have more info in the days ahead!
Hmmmmm interesting.
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Prepare To Drop!!

Since 7212 Days
That is worrying.
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Mods, stop changing my SIG! I'm going to end up banning you!

Since 5270 Days
Posted by GriftGFX
Don't be silly. They're just including a "story" mode that does all the actual "game" bits for you, or an action mode that does most of the game bits for you.
Yep, i watched the video (first 13mins of the beta) and it seems to be nothing more than difficulty levels, with rpg mode leaving you to select conversation replies manually and combat set to Normal, but it also looked like it could al be tweaked to you pref?
In reply to
Since 6847 Days
Posted by LEBATO
That is worrying.
Yeah, if the creators don't believe some players won't have patience to navigate through the menus, when this is normally considered the fun part of RPGs (if done right), it's really, really worrying.
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"That just happened 'cause that was awesome" - Randy Pitchford, Gearbox

Since 6950 Days
Posted by fabreezwait
Yep, i watched the video (first 13mins of the beta) and it seems to be nothing more than difficulty levels, with rpg mode leaving you to select conversation replies manually and combat set to Normal, but it also looked like it could al be tweaked to you pref?
Watched the footage also, even in beta it's cinematic's are so epic!! :)
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** Yes We CAN!! **

Since 5977 Days
Yeah it was great, i had to watch it all. :)
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Prepare To Drop!!

Since 6963 Days
This thread is long overdue for some updates. The source for all of this comes straight from Hudson's tweets and some industry publications.

-The Normandy is now capable of bombing runs and engagements. Well I guess it would be considering it BLEW UP a damn Collector ship single handedly.

-EVERY weapon can now be customized with up to 5 mods. Even the restrictions against DLC and special weapons has been lifted. You can mod everything but heavy weapons, and there's going to be ALOT of them to choose from this time. Including lasers and other area of effect weapons.

-ALL DLC armor and weapons will be available whether you purchased them or not. So if you were one of those people who didn't buy anything, consider yourself one of the smart ones. You're about to get it ALL for nothing.

-Choose your OWN weapons. Want to be a Biotic Adept that wields a sniper rifle? It's cool. Just as long as you understand you only get to choose 3 weapons, so choose wisely. The soldier class is the only one who gets them all, even the SMG this time.

-The Quartermaster RETURNS. Remember the guy who sold and bought weapons on the Normandy 1? He's back and ready to fill your orders.

-No......there is another. Besides Vega and the Protheon DLC character, there's a third permanent squadmate, a female. No we don't know who she is yet.

-The Reapers have FUCKED WITH EVERYTHING. They've played mix and match parts with just about anything in the galaxy that flies, walks or crawls. Get ready for some real odd-ball combos. If you see something resembling a Volus-Hanar walking around saying "this one is a "biotic god", don't say you weren't warned.

-Entering areas of space controlled by Reapers will trigger a "mini game" No specifics were given, but I seem to recall in KOTOR1 flying around in certain areas of space would trigger an Ebon Hawk vs Sith Fighter mini game. It might be something like that.

-You will be given ALL THE TIME YOU NEED to complete sidequests, there is no play clock forcing you to "go for it" on 4th down. Just be aware that main quest missions are what triggers many of ME3's snowball events, and once they start rolling they won't stop. Be Prepared.

-Planet scanning and mineral mining is GONE. Thank God....or the Darwin monkey....or whoever you want. Instead the same function will have search and rescue mission quests with drop zones on the planet map reader.

-IF you let the Council die in ME1, Earth could be screwed. Sure this was mentioned before, but more snippets reveal that such a decision will have the odds VERY VERY heavily stacked against your Shepard when he comes around asking for help. Some tweets even suggest that you should be prepared to lose Earth because of that scenario. :( Hope you had more than Renegade saves for THAT decision.

-Even the minor things you did in ME2 could come back to help or haunt you in ME3. Lives you spared, people you helped OR People you pushed out of windows or just gunned down because you wanted the Renegade points. You may have had fun being an ass in ME2, but now it's time to pay the check.

-The Rachni Queen IS now revealed as an antagonist. Not necessarily to Shepard, but to other races. After all, the Salarians (with the Council's blessing) brought the Krogan into the Rachni Wars. Her presence probably effects the tender alliances that Shepard is trying to put together. Look at it this way-

Quarians+Krogans+Asari = /Largest Fleet/Brute Force/Powerul Biotics......... Strong Alliance that will work well together.

Quarians+Geth+Turians = Largest Fleet/Self Aware Droid Army/Militaristic Culture......Tough Alliance. The Geth and Quarians will be at war, Turians are still getting over their butthurt from the First Contact War

Krogans+Salarians+Rachni = Brute Force/Tech Infiltrators/Overwhelming Numbers and Brute Strength..........................Impossible Alliance. These people HATE each others GUTS!!

I'm going for Rachni+Geth+Asari on my first run through. The Rachni Queen doesn't seem to mind communicating through Asari, and the Asari may be open to such an alliance. The Geth and the Rachni don't have any history and they are the only ones the Reapers can't indoctrinate. The Asari Counselor will probably see reason and I don't think it will be possible to sway all of the Council members anyway, especially the Turian. IF I can't get the Quarians to drop their beef with the Geth then that will just be extra gravy on the plate.

But we're already being told that none of this is going to come without major sacrifices. Earth both sponsoring and demanding that the Quarians' Council seat be returned to them seems a likely scenario. I'm not sure what the Geth will ask for. I hope they don't ask to share the Quarian Homeworld, I can only imagine what the Admiralty Board would say if my Shepard came to them with that. LOL!

I haven't heard anything new on the Multiplayer. We know that there will be no PVP and that it's really just a clone of Gears' Horde mode.
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Since 7034 Days
i read that, and a lot of it sounds like mass effect 1.. which is good :D
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GT: ManThatYouFear
Real Life: ThatTwat

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  • Loakum

    Loakum Ugh….scratch that previous comment. The upcoming Game of Thrones video game is a F’in mobile phone game. Why can’t they came an open world GoT game, like Witcher 3 or God of War? (6 Weeks ago)

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    Loakum By FAR, the upcoming Game of Thrones King’s Road was the Game of the Show! It plays like God of War Ragnarok! :) (8 Weeks ago)

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    Loakum @Driftwood Awesome! I’m loving it! It does show a much crisper picture and the frame rate looks good! I was playing Stella Blade and Dragonball Soarkling Blast! :) (> 3 Months ago)

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    Driftwood @Loakum: enjoy, the one Sony sent us will be there on launch day. Coverage will follow asap. (> 3 Months ago)

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    Loakum *takes a large sip of victorious grape juice* ok….my PS5 pro arrived early! So much winning! :) (> 3 Months ago)

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    Driftwood @reneyvane: non ils l'ont publié le 1er octobre et je crois que tu l'avais déjà linkée. ;) (> 3 Months ago)

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