Since 6506 Days
Posted by IRAIPT0IR
Yeah, i find both specter and vanguard are basically jedi inspired, {disclaimer: i think StarWars is very weak for SciFi, Asimov, Len and a few others have MUCH better novels}

Characters, I find no reason to limit your team, what's wrong with having a 20 character team? Not like the Normandy can't fit them. And seriously, Anderson? Thats Indiana Jones 5 fail written all over.
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When all think alike, no one is thinking very much.

Since 6842 Days
Posted by Schmooboo
Yeah, i find both specter and vanguard are basically jedi inspired, {disclaimer: i think StarWars is very weak for SciFi, Asimov, Len and a few others have MUCH better novels}

Characters, I find no reason to limit your team, what's wrong with having a 20 character team? Not like the Normandy can't fit them. And seriously, Anderson? Thats Indiana Jones 5 fail written all over.
Anderson is a fail? Have you read the very first Mass Effect book? Anderson is the real deal and his being with Shepard is all types of epic. Anderson was actually going to be the first ever Human Spectre, before even Shepard himself, but due to treachery by Saren on a mission both he and Anderson took on together, he was ultimately blamed, if I remember correctly, for a large number of deaths of innocent civilians inside of some factory of some sort. I forget the details, but Anderson is amazing. He isn't just some politician or paper pusher. He's a legitimate badass in his own right.

The fact that Bioware thought to allow Shepard to move with Anderson accompanying him and engaging in combat, even if only for a short while, is an already early sign that Mass Effect 3 is going to be, perhaps, the best in the series.
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Halo Reach using 360 tesselation unit extensively.

Hironobu Sakaguchi is coming back to reclaim the throne :)

Seeing it in motion on your HDTV, will blow your mind!!

Don't ask any questions just shut up and buy Halo : Ghosts of the Onyx one of th

Since 6822 Days
Posted by Optimusv2
Anderson is a fail? Have you read the very first Mass Effect book? Anderson is the real deal and his being with Shepard is all types of epic. Anderson was actually going to be the first ever Human Spectre, before even Shepard himself, but due to treachery by Saren on a mission both he and Anderson took on together, he was ultimately blamed, if I remember correctly, for a large number of deaths of innocent civilians inside of some factory of some sort. I forget the details, but Anderson is amazing. He isn't just some politician or paper pusher. He's a legitimate badass in his own right.

The fact that Bioware thought to allow Shepard to move with Anderson accompanying him and engaging in combat, even if only for a short while, is an already early sign that Mass Effect 3 is going to be, perhaps, the best in the series.
I've wanted to fight along side Anderson since the first game. Before Shepard became the savior of the Citadel, no one had a greater reputation in the Alliance. What's great about Anderson is that he NEVER doubts what Shepard tells him, even through Cerberus, Anderson is cautious with what he reveals but he never questions Shepard's loyalty. I hope nothing bad happens to him but he can clearly take care of himself, he's a proven soldier and he survived the attack on the Citadel. Of course the Reapers are a whole different ball game.
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Since 6506 Days
Anyone who played ME1 knows Anderson was supposed to be the 1st human spectre. Unless they explain how Anderson can keep up with the augmented Sheppard, and all the other alien supersoldiers, as all of your previous team is basically the best of their respective collective... Just feels like Anderson would hold them back. Samara is old too, but she's a Justicar, if they make a movie, i picture angelina jolie for her role as the hottest bad ass milf in existance.

Anderson is way past his prime, just saying if you can use him the whole game, it wouldnt make sense, but for a few missions i guess im fine with it.

EDIT: Despite any worries, this game does look really really good, glad cerberus are back to being dicks, im sure they didnt need much convincing to be indoctrinated, they probably asked for it, and had doubles.

Bioware did not give enough information regarding the illusive man, so they can play either card, he tries to help you, or he is a reaper sympathizer...

While playing vanguard in ME2, i felt a mele weapon would come in handy, the omni sword will have to do, i was hoping something more in the lines of a shotgun with big ass bayonet sword...

I think ME would make the perfect transition to a tactical x-com or Rainbow six type shooter. The original rainbow six, not the gears of war clone the new ones were.

Just because i would love to be able to have the TEAM out on the field, and not just sheppard plus 2. Sheppard + 2, bring on the adult entertainment.
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When all think alike, no one is thinking very much.

Since 6506 Days
If microsoft bought ME, we could have masterchief fighting along side commander sheppard! *drooollss* Imagine Baird and the cole train tearing some husks in two "Cole train BABY!"

Only as downloadable, obviously not in the actual campaign... But instead of the usual DLC bringing you 1-2 missions, make it a spoof where all 3 universes manage to mix up, comic book style.
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When all think alike, no one is thinking very much.

Since 6506 Days
Duno if you guys saw this one you can watch it in HD
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When all think alike, no one is thinking very much.

Since 6842 Days
Posted by Schmooboo
Anyone who played ME1 knows Anderson was supposed to be the 1st human spectre. Unless they explain how Anderson can keep up with the augmented Sheppard, and all the other alien supersoldiers, as all of your previous team is basically the best of their respective collective... Just feels like Anderson would hold them back. Samara is old too, but she's a Justicar, if they make a movie, i picture angelina jolie for her role as the hottest bad ass milf in existance.

Anderson is way past his prime, just saying if you can use him the whole game, it wouldnt make sense, but for a few missions i guess im fine with it.

EDIT: Despite any worries, this game does look really really good, glad cerberus are back to being dicks, im sure they didnt need much convincing to be indoctrinated, they probably asked for it, and had doubles.

Bioware did not give enough information regarding the illusive man, so they can play either card, he tries to help you, or he is a reaper sympathizer...

While playing vanguard in ME2, i felt a mele weapon would come in handy, the omni sword will have to do, i was hoping something more in the lines of a shotgun with big ass bayonet sword...

I think ME would make the perfect transition to a tactical x-com or Rainbow six type shooter. The original rainbow six, not the gears of war clone the new ones were.

Just because i would love to be able to have the TEAM out on the field, and not just sheppard plus 2. Sheppard + 2, bring on the adult entertainment.
True, anyone who played ME1 knows he was suppose to be the first Human Spectre, but by reading the first book, you actually find out why that is. You get actual context for how amazing Anderson is. He may indeed be older now, but I can't see someone as skilled as he is being a drawback in combat. Still, your central point is correct, the man is older and out of his prime now. Most of the game certainly wouldn't make too much sense, I suppose, but for a few missions, or maybe even just that one? I don't mind. Still, if we had him the whole game, that too could be interesting, depending on how Bioware chooses to handle it.

I'm glad I gave the Illusive Man the middle finger in ME2, more so now than ever. Seeing what the Illusive man wanted me to do, it wouldn't surprise me in the least if they had in similar careless fashion, hold on to things they shouldn't have.
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Halo Reach using 360 tesselation unit extensively.

Hironobu Sakaguchi is coming back to reclaim the throne :)

Seeing it in motion on your HDTV, will blow your mind!!

Don't ask any questions just shut up and buy Halo : Ghosts of the Onyx one of th

Since 6842 Days
Posted by Schmooboo
Duno if you guys saw this one you can watch it in HD
That was actually one of the very first Mass Effect 3 vids shown. It was shown during the EA press event, and I think at the Microsoft event, too.
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Halo Reach using 360 tesselation unit extensively.

Hironobu Sakaguchi is coming back to reclaim the throne :)

Seeing it in motion on your HDTV, will blow your mind!!

Don't ask any questions just shut up and buy Halo : Ghosts of the Onyx one of th

Since 6822 Days
Posted by Schmooboo
Anderson is way past his prime
Anderson was born in 2137, the events of ME begin on 2183. That would put Anderson at about 45-46 years old, just 5-6 years older than Zaeed Massani. Anderson was forced into early retirement, Shepard relieves him of command of the Normandy, but he wasn't Captain Pike in a wheel chair. On top of that, Anderson is an elite, so saying he's way past his prime is selling him short.
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Doom_Bringer - I have terrible taste
Since 6273 Days
If you read the second novel you'd know Anderson is STILL in his prime. ;)

He helped Kally Sanders, saved a special girl with super biotic powers and went on a deep space mission onboard a quarian ship. I might be missing a few details here on there but you guys should check it out, its a quick read.

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Doom_Bringer - I have terrible taste
Since 6273 Days
Posted by Doom_Bringer
If you read the second novel you'd know Anderson is STILL in his prime. ;)

He helped Kahlee Sanders, saved a special girl with super biotic powers and went on a deep space mission onboard a quarian ship. I might be missing a few details here on there but you guys should check it out, its a quick read.

Also make sure you read the third book which pretty much confirms he is still kicking ass along with Kahlee Sanders. I don't want to spoil anything so make sure you read it before play ME3

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Since 6506 Days
Yeah, but during the whole ME2 we are only recruiting the cream of each species, Grunt for example is a super Krogan, as if a regular Krogan wasnt bad ass enough. Jack, Samara, ALL of them are elite, and theyre in their prime...

But yeah, Im sure he is there for some missions, which is fine. I kinda got jack killed off in my final mission cos i had to chose between her and miranda after one of their loyalty missions... bullocks LOL

I think i might replay ME2, never beat it on insanity, and keep everyone alive for a change, glad i kept rachnii alive, i expect "zerg" allies :P

Ohh sorry, I was planning on toughing out and NOT watch any videos of ME3, but you guys were enjoying the news so much it got contagious hihihi, thanks tho, loved every video.

9 whole months :(
EDIT: we could all have a new born by then, which would lead to difficult decisions between the newborn and finishing the fight LOL

Edit2: I duno, are the books any better than the halo books? cos i read the halo books, and the writing skills of the author, Nylund? were not impressive, Ive been reading since an early age, having read all the Asimov and Lem in my teens... I tend to be very harsh on SciFI novels
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When all think alike, no one is thinking very much.

Since 6048 Days
Posted by Doom_Bringer
Also make sure you read the third book which pretty much confirms he is still kicking ass along with Kahlee Sanders. I don't want to spoil anything so make sure you read it before play ME3

No, don't read the third book. It was absolutely awful. The first two books were alright in a teen novel sort of way.
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Doom_Bringer - I have terrible taste
Since 6273 Days
I liked it :(

There's a fourth book on the way, Mass Effect Deception. I mean if you like the universe of Mass effect why not read the books? They are a quick read anyway. Drew Karphyshn <3
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Since 6842 Days
Whoa, didn't read the second novel. I will def check it out now. Thanks for the recommendation.
In reply to

Halo Reach using 360 tesselation unit extensively.

Hironobu Sakaguchi is coming back to reclaim the throne :)

Seeing it in motion on your HDTV, will blow your mind!!

Don't ask any questions just shut up and buy Halo : Ghosts of the Onyx one of th

Since 6048 Days
Nothing in the third novel made any sense at all. There was no coherent plot, villain, or drama. The pacing was horrible and one setting never really flowed into the next. I don't expect much from a light novel based on a video game, but at the very least it should let me suspend my disbelief and get into the story. The first two novels at least did that much. That's about all I can say about it without getting into spoilers.
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Since 6822 Days
Ok someone finally posted one of the vids that I wanted to link here last week. It shows some of the improvements in combat but not all of things I saw in a much longer vid.

I suggest you get a look at it quickly before EA takes it down, and they probably will take it down if it's been linked to too many game sites.
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Since 6810 Days
In that vid they are def trying to show it can be played all out action, but rest assured i'll still be pausing bringing up the action wheel and issuing squad commands and actions :)
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** Yes We CAN!! **

Doom_Bringer - I have terrible taste
Since 6273 Days
wow the level design is very bland compared to the other big budget third person shooters. The areas look so static and boring :/ that was my main problem with ME2
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Since 5137 Days
wow everything ive seen and heard thus far makes me happy, more RPG elements, tighter combat, more worlds and places to explore, massive choices to be made... :), this will be the best Mass Effect yet!
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Since 6893 Days
Posted by sanex
wow everything ive seen and heard thus far makes me happy, more RPG elements, tighter combat, more worlds and places to explore, massive choices to be made... :), this will be the best Mass Effect yet!
I personally hope the last chapter in the current story.
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Santa better bring me what i want...

Since 5836 Days
But not in the Universe, i need plenty more Mass Effect!!!!
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Prepare To Drop!!

Since 6893 Days
Posted by BLackHawkodst
But not in the Universe, i need plenty more Mass Effect!!!!
yes defo, but i want this story to end now.. hate shit been dragged out.
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Santa better bring me what i want...

Since 5836 Days
A trilogy is not shit being dragged out, its a trilogy, a 3 part story arc... just like the other 1000 franchises out there doing the same.
In reply to

Prepare To Drop!!

Since 6893 Days
i know that, what i mean is i want this current story to end, i want to see teh finaly before i die of old age lol
i dont want the universe to stop, start new story.. i just want the reapers dead and done, or else it ends up like one of these tv series that never ends.. and i am not one to keep following the carrot.
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Santa better bring me what i want...

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