Mass Effect - The Normandy

Inscrit depuis 6974 Jours
A bit more info from the Bioware dev on the dlc content:
Chris Priestly

A couple of answers for you (without trying to spoil any upcoming fun).

The DLC will fit into an existing game (or will be available if you start a new game) and will appear as a new Galaxy Map location.

It takes place during the game play, not "after the game".

March 10 is for all regions afaik (if I hear different I will let everyone know). There will be localized subtitles, but not VO.

Bring Down the Sky is only available through Xbox Live. Sign up for an Xbox Live account and learn more about how to get Live Points for ME DLC.

And yes, this is the FIRST Mass Effect DLC, there will be more to come in the future (but we aren't talking about that just yet). :)
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Mass Effect - Nov 07 - Start the Fight!!!


Inscrit depuis 6974 Jours
bit more from the dev
A couple of quick comments:

1) No there is no "patching" in this DLC. It concentrates on the "Bring Down the Sky" story/worlds/batarians, etc. Should we ever do a patch, it would not be something we would charge for.

2) The batarians as they are not changing from our current DLC. They are slightly different than they were as described in Drew's book, but the way they are in the game is the "final" version. When I asked Drew why, he said "Remember how in Star Trek klingons from Star Trek looked different from klingons in Star Trek the Next Generation? Yeah, it's kind of like that".

3) Will there be new armor, weapons, mods, etc and how will it fit into the whole story...sorry, I can't say. No spoilers here.
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Mass Effect - Nov 07 - Start the Fight!!!


Inscrit depuis 6641 Jours
Nice. Cant wait...

According to what i readed, we need start a new game, and reach the part of the game where we take control the Normandy, to travel to this new planet...

Well glad i got a saved game with my Adept, on the middle of the story ^^
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Inscrit depuis 6974 Jours
Posté par UrukHaiPT
Nice. Cant wait...

According to what i readed, we need start a new game, and reach the part of the game where we take control the Normandy, to travel to this new planet...

Well glad i got a saved game with my Adept, on the middle of the story ^^
*** I think this is how it will be accessed? ***
For those who've already finished the game, it should be remembered that completing Mass Effect will take your character to the beginning of the game. BioWare co-founder Ray Muzyka said that this is where the DLC comes into play.

Once you've reached the start again, Muzyka said that Commander Shepherd should be placed in control of the Normandy ship once more, past the game's Eden Prime and Citadel sequences.

The co-founder added that the DLC elements will become visible in the galactic map after one has done several explorations into the universe worth a couple of hours. Given this, we hope you guys haven't deleted your savegame files yet.

But if you have, you need not worry as you still have a couple of weeks more to finish Mass Effect and be ready for the additional content come March.
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Mass Effect - Nov 07 - Start the Fight!!!


Inscrit depuis 6974 Jours
My Mistake, you just need access to the galaxy map.
3) The DLC will take place during the current storyline. Once downloaded, you will need to access a saved game where you have access to the Normandy's galaxy map or you will need to start a new game until you reach that point.
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Mass Effect - Nov 07 - Start the Fight!!!


Inscrit depuis 6974 Jours
new codex entry with gif animation and info.

A race of four-eyed bipeds, the batarians are a disreputable species that chose to isolate itself from the rest of the galaxy. The Terminus Systems are infested with batarian pirate gangs and slaving rings, fueling the stereotype of the batarian thug. It should be noted that these criminals do not represent average citizens, who are forbidden to leave batarian space by their omnipresent and paranoid government.

In 2171, humans began to...

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Mass Effect - March 10th - Continue the Fight!!!


deftangel - Hot stuff!
Inscrit depuis 6982 Jours
Cool, might start my second playthrough tonight in preparation for this
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XBL/PSN: deftangel. Views are my own and not representative of my employers. Boulets aren't the end of the world, you will get over them! Reading and constructive discussion classes are available, enquire via PM :)

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Hironobu Sakaguchi is coming back to reclaim the throne (c)

Most Wanted: Ninja Gaiden 2 - Too Human - Deus EX 3 - Mass Effect 2 - Tomb Raider Underworld - Final Fantasy XIII - Final Fantasy Versus XIII

Inscrit depuis 7236 Jours
Lol, that was funny, but a bit too long.
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Mods, stop changing my SIG! I'm going to end up banning you!

Inscrit depuis 6974 Jours
Posté par ACEfromRussia
lol that was hilarious!
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Mass Effect - March 10th - Continue the Fight!!!


Inscrit depuis 6974 Jours
Posté par deftangel
Cool, might start my second playthrough tonight in preparation for this
Hopefully this guy from the Mass Effect forums is correct, i'll know tonight when i play through it.
If you were expecting BDtS to be a whole new main quest planet, you'll be disapointed, if you were expecting it to be just another UNC, you will be pleasently surprised.
this UNC actually has story and cutscenes and original stuff, it is FAR from the UNCs found elsewhere in the game. THis is more like what the UNCs should have been like. This is an UNC done right.
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Mass Effect - March 10th - Continue the Fight!!!


Inscrit depuis 6641 Jours
Just played the mission it was cool. Better than most side quests :P

Why all side quests of game couldnt be as interesting as this?

But i sure hope rest of DLC is better than this. I want more intense missions, like Virmire.
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Inscrit depuis 6974 Jours
Yep i loved it :), i thought this was quite intense, cutsceans were well done and interesting, played a bad ass and sacrificed all the hostages, even though one of them sacrificed there life to keep my wereabouts unknown :) couple of quid well spent, cant wait for some more, i also want big missions like Virmire and i'll gladly pay the price. Now back to LO.

PS: i'll post some pics and gif's tomorrow if i get a chance.
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Mass Effect - March 10th - Continue the Fight!!!


Inscrit depuis 6974 Jours
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Mass Effect - March 10th - Continue the Fight!!!


Inscrit depuis 6881 Jours
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Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan 2

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7114 Jours
The PC HUD seems pretty sweet. I might have to pick it up, even though I already have a copy for the 360 as well. Hopefully it's a rock solid port, UE3 should have helped make it happen.. but after all of the grief I've heard concerning the Gears port (which has probably/hopefully been fixed by now) I'm not so sure...
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Inscrit depuis 6881 Jours
I was actually thinking that I might get this too. Hmm maybe after some price drops.

I don't know what kind of problems there is with Gears. One review I read about it said it run really well.
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Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan 2

Inscrit depuis 6986 Jours
Posté par Isomac
hmmm, very low specs requirements
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7114 Jours
Posté par GrimThorne
hmmm, very low specs requirements
It's not all that surprising really. UE3 scales remarkably well. The UT3 demo ran very smoothly on my PC that sits at the very bottom of those system requirements, and it didn't look too shabby either, compared to how some games look when run at the ass end of their requirements.

I'm actually a bit surprised there's no support for Shader Model 2.0 boards. Other recent UE3 releases for PC support SM2 ATI hardware, like FFOW for example.

The fact of the matter is that you can now get a GPU capable of pushing a game like this past its original IQ for around $150 now that the 9600GT is out and in good (last I checked) supply.
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Inscrit depuis 6858 Jours
Its amazing how it requires a pc that would cost around £500 to run a game to look the same as it would on a console that costs £160
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Inscrit depuis 6881 Jours
PC costs more... nothing new and PC version will look better and have more stable framerate. 360 version have horrible frame drops it is almost unplayable sometimes. Next ME game I will get for PC. I don't care how long I have to wait...
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Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan 2

Inscrit depuis 7057 Jours
Pcs are not made on a loss.

Consoles can be made cheap with the promise of royalties, PC hardware can not work like that, if the ps3/360s worked like pc they would be a lot more expensive ..
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Inscrit depuis 6858 Jours
Posté par Isomac
PC costs more... nothing new and PC version will look better and have more stable framerate. 360 version have horrible frame drops it is almost unplayable sometimes. Next ME game I will get for PC. I don't care how long I have to wait...
Not exactly, Oblivion on PC suffered from similar 360 framerate problems even with very powerful hardware so dont hold your breath. But we'll see with Mass Effect if things change.
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Inscrit depuis 6881 Jours
I was talking about this game and I am sure it can't play as bad as on 360. Horrible performance. I really like the game but it was almost ruined by bad frame rate and texture loading issues... it also had too much shooting :/ First city was awesome, lot's of quest to do and talking and stuff. After that it got a lot more boring. Some areas had only small settlements and couple dudes to talk and after that shoot, shoot, shoot, aaarghhh...
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Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan 2

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7114 Jours
Posté par Jin187
Its amazing how it requires a pc that would cost around £500 to run a game to look the same as it would on a console that costs £160
Does that really amaze you? You do realize that PC's do quite a bit more than consoles, right? And what MTYF is quite true: PC hardware is not ever sold at a loss. You quite literally get what you pay for.

Oblivion suffers framerate problems with "very powerful hardware?"--the 8800 wasn't out when Oblivion was released, and you can get an 8800GT for ~$250--and trust me, if you're running a high end PC rig now, you're not going to be seeing any stutters in Oblivion. Oblivion was playable on my measly 6800GT way back when, and sure, it didn't have the most consistent framerate but that was hardly considered high end hardware even at that time.

There's no reason that Mass Effect shouldn't run better on a PC than it does on the 360 if Bioware put even a small amount of effort into it. Oh, and the game will look better too assuming you have a good enough GPU.. which can be had at this point for less than the cost of a new Xbox 360.
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