Mass Effect - The Normandy

Inscrit depuis 6858 Jours
Posté par GriftGFX
Oblivion suffers framerate problems with "very powerful hardware?"--the 8800 wasn't out when Oblivion was released, and you can get an 8800GT for ~$250--and trust me, if you're running a high end PC rig now, you're not going to be seeing any stutters in Oblivion. Oblivion was playable on my measly 6800GT way back when, and sure, it didn't have the most consistent framerate but that was hardly considered high end hardware even at that time.

There's no reason that Mass Effect shouldn't run better on a PC than it does on the 360 if Bioware put even a small amount of effort into it. Oh, and the game will look better too assuming you have a good enough GPU.. which can be had at this point for less than the cost of a new Xbox 360.
Really? I have an 512mb ATi X1950XTX (which is far more powerful than an 8800GT), 2GB Ram, Core 2 Duo E6600 (overclocked to 2.9ghz) and I get framerate hiccups with Oblivion at 720p with maxed settings. Although its far from the very best, I consider that to be "very powerful hardware". The card alone is worth almost twice the price of a 360.

A 360 at the very most costs around £150 to build, PC hardware is just a complete rip off.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7114 Jours
Really? I have an 512mb ATi X1950XTX (which is far more powerful than an 8800GT)
lol wut? No it's not. And that card alone is no longer twice the cost of an Xbox 360 either. I haven't seen any benchmarks that put the X1950XTX up against a 9600GT, but I'm willing to bet that little $150 wonder is faster than the X1950 as well.

Notice specifically how the 8800GT performance in Oblivion blows ATI's last generation card away. Oblivion is playable @ 1920x1200 on the 8800GT, probably with a better framerate than the 360 version and much nicer visuals. This isn't surprising at all, considering that it's faster than ATI's new products.
PC hardware is just a complete rip off.
...and no it's not. The 360's development costs have dropped significantly over the last few years. Lets try to keep in mind that the hardware is moving into its third year of production.
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Inscrit depuis 6858 Jours
Posté par GriftGFX
Really? I have an 512mb ATi X1950XTX (which is far more powerful than an 8800GT)
lol wut? No it's not. And that card alone is no longer twice the cost of an Xbox 360 either. I haven't seen any benchmarks that put the X1950XTX up against a 9600GT, but I'm willing to bet that little $150 wonder is faster than the X1950 as well.

Notice specifically how the 8800GT performance in Oblivion blows ATI's last generation card away. Oblivion is playable @ 1920x1200 on the 8800GT, probably with a better framerate than the 360 version and much nicer visuals. This isn't surprising at all, considering that it's faster than ATI's new products.
PC hardware is just a complete rip off.
...and no it's not. The 360's development costs have dropped significantly over the last few years. Lets try to keep in mind that the hardware is moving into its third year of production.
Ah my bad, I hadnt seen any benchmark comparisons, I was going on specs and original 7800GT performance. It does beat the 1950 on those tests but lets not forget it is running on an Nvidia motherboard. Either way Thats one great card, I heard the 8800GT even beats the 8800GTS lol.

Still costs as much as a 360 though, not to mention the Intel Core 2 Extreme X6800 used in that test to get that performance, last time i checked they were going for £600 - 800 LoL! Infact, that machine used to get that performance would set you back well over £1000.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7114 Jours
I heard the 8800GT even beats the 8800GTS lol.
The newer 8800GTS (G92) is actually a bit faster than the 8800GT but it's also a bit more expensive. So far as bang for your buck goes, it's still hard to beat the 8800GT. The 9600GT is a great bargain though for a sub-$200 video card, it's pretty damn fast.

It's also worth mentioning that just because they used an X6800 in those benchmarks, you certainly don't need one to get that kind of performance out of an 8800GT. You would probably see simular numbers even with that overclocked E6600, but the E8400 has taken its place as the best bargain on the market imo. The 3GHz E8400 will push that kind of performance stock, and can easily be overclocked to 3.6GHz with standard cooling (and 1:1 with your system memory). Many people have pushed the chip to 4GHz with air cooling.

You don't need an X6800 (or any extreme edition CPU) to build a killer gaming rig. Naturally, a complete gaming rig will still be more expensive than a 2+ year old console.. but you can build an affordable gaming PC and lets not forget about the many other applications that such a computer has.

Personally I don't get too hung up on graphics. PC games are designed to scale for a reason. The pace that hardware moves forward is faster than most software can even keep up with. You can pretty much max out COD4 for example with that X1950XTX, despite it being a "last generation" GPU. Performance always takes priority over eye candy for me.. but it's not that difficult to obtain system specs that go beyond what the current consoles offer you at this point.

It will still cost you.. but some people enjoy PC gaming. I got three years+ gaming out of an AMD 3200+ and a 6800GT. Does that rig blow anything out of the water? Hardly, but it plays everything up to COD4 pretty competently. I wouldn't play Crysis on it, but that's pushing the boundaries of most current hardware. On the other hand, Crysis on medium settings still looks better than most other games on the market, and while I still wouldn't play it on this rig, it's not like you need a super computer to pull that off.
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Inscrit depuis 6858 Jours
Posté par GriftGFX
Personally I don't get too hung up on graphics. PC games are designed to scale for a reason. The pace that hardware moves forward is faster than most software can even keep up with. You can pretty much max out COD4 for example with that X1950XTX, despite it being a "last generation" GPU. Performance always takes priority over eye candy for me.. but it's not that difficult to obtain system specs that go beyond what the current consoles offer you at this point.

It will still cost you.. but some people enjoy PC gaming. I got three years+ gaming out of an AMD 3200+ and a 6800GT. Does that rig blow anything out of the water? Hardly, but it plays everything up to COD4 pretty competently. I wouldn't play Crysis on it, but that's pushing the boundaries of most current hardware. On the other hand, Crysis on medium settings still looks better than most other games on the market, and while I still wouldn't play it on this rig, it's not like you need a super computer to pull that off.
Yeah my card handles COD4 pretty well, you max the settings excl AA, but it wont run at 60fps at 720p, more like 30/40fps. Crysis actually does pretty well with my card, you can get 30fps with half medium and half on high, But I wouldnt say everything on medium looks better than most games.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7114 Jours
I've actually run COD4 on that same card on a friends rig (granted, he has two dual core 3GHz Xeon's backing it up) at much greater than 720p and it can easily maintain ~60fps. It's no perfect lock, but it's plenty stable @ 1280x1024 with AA.. and @ 1680x1050 or 1920x1200 you don't need AA to make the game look quite a bit better than it does running at 600p on the PS360 with a drop of AA applied.

If you actually ran the game @ 1280x720 w/ 2XAA, I imagine the game would begin to approach the console versions performance. Of course, with COD4 the truth is it's 125fps or bust. You're much better off sacrificing additional detail if needed to reach 125fps (most likely candidate = lighting/shadows) in COD4 because of the way the engine works. 60fps isn't enough to perform many jumps in COD4. The higher your framerate, the higher and longer you jump. It's a bit of a flaw in Quake's physics, I suppose.

Then again, a casual player would never notice the difference between playing at 60fps (85fps being the default cap) or 125fps, and most FPS jumps are illegal in competition play for Call of Duty 4.. so maybe it doesn't matter that much in the end. For many autoclimb spots that only trigger at 125+fps you can just raise the cap to 125 and look straight up or straight down to hit max fps anyway.

Phew, talk about a tangent.

Crysis on medium does indeed hold up @ 720p against most 360 shooters imo.. this is very much what I expect the console version to wind up looking like:

^^ medium, 720p on an HD set. "Better than most" may be an exaggeration, but it still holds its own.
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Inscrit depuis 6858 Jours
Posté par GriftGFX
I've actually run COD4 on that same card on a friends rig (granted, he has two dual core 3GHz Xeon's backing it up) at much greater than 720p and it can easily maintain ~60fps. It's no perfect lock, but it's plenty stable @ 1280x1024 with AA.. and @ 1680x1050 or 1920x1200 you don't need AA to make the game look quite a bit better than it does running at 600p on the PS360 with a drop of AA applied.
Are you talking about COD4 in Multiplayer or Single player? Because on Multiplayer its runs at 60fps no problems on my card but in the single player its a different story, especially when alot is going on.

Crysis does hold its own on medium setting, looks pretty good but definately not better than most. I expect the console version to look like Crysis with everything on High.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7114 Jours
Posté par Jin187
Are you talking about COD4 in Multiplayer or Single player? Because on Multiplayer its runs at 60fps no problems on my card but in the single player its a different story, especially when alot is going on.

Crysis does hold its own on medium setting, looks pretty good but definately not better than most. I expect the console version to look like Crysis with everything on High.
1) True, I didn't consider the difference between mp performance and sp. Last generation GPU's are still capable of pushing the game to a visual level that exceeds the PS360 version. 8800's and 3850's etc kick that games ass.

2) It won't, but I'm sure loads of people will try to claim it does. Crytek said their goal was "medium-high"-- people will just drop the medium from that statement and claim their Xbox 360 is pushing high end PC graphics.
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Inscrit depuis 6858 Jours
Posté par GriftGFX
1) True, I didn't consider the difference between mp performance and sp. Last generation GPU's are still capable of pushing the game to a visual level that exceeds the PS360 version. 8800's and 3850's etc kick that games ass.
Well, the X1950XTX is probably the best DX9 (Last Generation) card around and thats pushing half the framerate of the 360/Ps3 version so I would have to disagree.
2) It won't, but I'm sure loads of people will try to claim it does. Crytek said their goal was "medium-high"-- people will just drop the medium from that statement and claim their Xbox 360 is pushing high end PC graphics.
If its done right, I think it is easily achievable, atleast on 360. My card can run cryisis at 30fps with half on medium and half on high and GPU/CPU certainly isnt as powerful as a 360.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7114 Jours
Did you try running the game @ 600p below maximum settings?

30fps probably doesn't describe your average framerate BTW--Crysis has an especially nasty habbit of running @ its max framerate when things are relatively calm and then dropping quite a bit (below half) at other times. But whatever.. I get it.. consoles rule and they're obviously more powerful than PC's. ;)

Bioware would have to seriously muck this up for it not to perform extremely well.
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Inscrit depuis 6858 Jours
Posté par GriftGFX
Did you try running the game @ 600p below maximum settings?

30fps probably doesn't describe your average framerate BTW--Crysis has an especially nasty habbit of running @ its max framerate when things are relatively calm and then dropping quite a bit (below half) at other times. But whatever.. I get it.. consoles rule and they're obviously more powerful than PC's. ;)

Bioware would have to seriously muck this up for it not to perform extremely well.
Sorry, I missed the part where this turned into a console vs pc war? My point is simple, Crysis runs on avg at 30fps, meaning it runs at 40fps most of the time but when, for example, I go deep into forest in the middle of a gun fight, it drops to 15/20fps when thing explode, especially during motion blur.

So, all I'm saying is that if my GPU/CPU can handle crysis on medium/high 50/50, then I really dont see why the 360 which has a more powerful GPU/CPU would have problems running it with everything on High. Especially when you consider the fact that consoles generally require much less hardware resources as they dont have full operating systems running in the background.

p.s. You do know that Crysis can go up to 'Very High' which looks considerably better than 'high'.
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Inscrit depuis 6641 Jours


DLC - Bring Down the Sky will be released for free, when game get released on PC...

Why didnt i wait :(

I think i will buy ME for PC. Looks like they are doing some really cool new stuff, like individual squad commands, hotkeys etc.

ME was a great game. Soundtrack, Graphics, story were all really great. But gameplay was bit meh. Side quests sucked, look for minerals?? Too much Mako, too much shooting.

For ME2 just hope they just take off most uncharted worlds, and put fewer worlds but with nice cities, cool stories and side quests, not just bunch driving around with Mako...

Anyway bring ME for Pc! Im waiting :)
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Inscrit depuis 7236 Jours
The DLC should have been free. As for uncharted worlds, I think they are awesome, but ALL the freaking structures look the same, which annoyed me and made the game repetitious.

But I say leave them. They should also add a mark to worlds you have been to, that way you don't have to travel all the way.
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Mods, stop changing my SIG! I'm going to end up banning you!

Inscrit depuis 6881 Jours
I read about that too but I think that at official forums thread about this was closed and marked as rumour. Still I think that it will be free for PC. I think Bioware has always added stuff to PC versions.
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Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan 2

Inscrit depuis 6974 Jours
BioWare CEO Ray Muzyka has told CVG that the developer has major plans for the next batch of download content for Mass Effect. Trouble is don't expect to see the second wave any time soon.

"We have big plans for post-release content with the franchise for both Xbox 360 and PC", Muzyka said when we caught up with him recently. "We haven't released any details on that yet, but it's something we want to actively support."

When questioned about release timings for the DLC that would follow Bring Down the Sky, he continued, "You know, it's all about the quality. So we want to make sure it's a really great experience; and we also want to do different things, we like experimenting and trying different things for post-release content."

So essentially it'll be out when it's done.

Muzyka went on to explain that BioWare has big plans for DLC across the board, including topping the updates it released for Neverwinter Nights with new content for its in-development role-playing game Dragon Age.

"We did a lot of post-release content with Neverwinter Nights, we're planning to do more on Dragon Age in the future as well and Mass Effect and other products we have in development", he said.
Excellent!! :) the end of the year would be great for a big chunk of DLC, i want 5hrs plus Bioware do you hear me!!
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Mass Effect - March 10th - Continue the Fight!!!


GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7114 Jours
Sweet, he mentions Dragon Age. I wonder when we'll see the next true epic from Bioware!
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Inscrit depuis 6974 Jours
Posté par GriftGFX
Sweet, he mentions Dragon Age. I wonder when we'll see the next true epic from Bioware!
I agree when is Mass Effect 2! :)
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Mass Effect - March 10th - Continue the Fight!!!


Inscrit depuis 6641 Jours
Today finally got my Shepard statue, it took 2 months to arrive, but its pretty cool.

Next one will be Saren, im not sure yet i will continue collection.

Here's the site:
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Inscrit depuis 6974 Jours
Sweet :)
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Mass Effect Ascension- July '08 - Continue the Fight!!!


Inscrit depuis 7236 Jours
Wow, no offense but that looks awful.
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Mods, stop changing my SIG! I'm going to end up banning you!

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7114 Jours
Looks better on your HDTV / looks better in motion / etc.

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Inscrit depuis 6641 Jours
So finally got Mass Effect on PC. Reviews were right definitive version right here.

Graphics look great, runs very smooth, didn't spot any of those horrible texture pop ins yet. If they are there, they load way faster then :p Elevators rides are slightly faster too.
Controls are awesome, now we can order each of our squad mates to diffrent places, instead like on 360 they were always together. Can assign hotkeys...

Really an awesome port here.
Having lots of fun playing the game again. After i end playing it, will start read the book Mass Effect Ascension. Then bring ME2!!
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Phaethon360 - Mr Pant<s>s</s>ies
Inscrit depuis 6960 Jours
I think I got one of those in a burger king kids meal once.
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Don't you know who I am? I'm the goddamned Banman.

Inscrit depuis 6974 Jours
All that and much more tweaks and enhancements will be coming to both 360/pc versions in ME2.
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** Yes We CAN!! **

Kaz Hirai - Sony

"We don't provide the 'easy to program for' console that [developers] want, because 'easy to program for' means that anybody will be able to take advantage of pretty much what the hardware can do" LOLOLOLOL!!

Inscrit depuis 6641 Jours
Posté par Phaethon360
I think I got one of those in a burger king kids meal once.
Don't understand what you mean by that... Oh is that pointed to the statue?
Posté par dcdelgado
All that and much more tweaks and enhancements will be coming to both 360/pc versions in ME2.
Of course. I'm just impressed how some of the problems that 360 version had were improoved in the PC version, being a port.

ME2 should be even greater.
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