Mass Effect - The Normandy

Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6980 Jours
I am sometimes bad at balacning my character and team :P
Want to cheat my way through extreme challenges :P

KOTOR made me angry for some reason, this was one of them hahaha.
Posté par dcdelgado
Remember post a pic of your Shepard! :)
I as a creator of this topic demand anyone who is gonna post here, must post a picture of their Shepard :P

Just make sure its a good one or atleast make a good excuse why it looks like Kaidan, hahahaha

*Phaethon should come here with the Kaidan picture*
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Playing: Call of Duty 4, Assassin's Creed - Xbox 360

Mass Effect - This friday!

*A New Form of Change*

Inscrit depuis 6974 Jours
A word of warning when it come to your inventory iteams, clear out all the crap you dont want on a regular basis, as if you hit the 150 item limit, then without realising you have hit your limit, you say crack open a safe and get some cool gear, your only option available to you will be to turn it into omni gel, as it dose not tell you, you have hit your limit until you access your inventory items, by which time its to late :( !!, so heed this warning and clear out all the crap weapons and ammo you know you are never going to use anyway.

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Mass Effect - Nov 07 - Start the Fight!!!


Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6980 Jours
But what if "you dont need it now, but later it sure will come in handy, but its still unsure"
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Playing: Call of Duty 4, Assassin's Creed - Xbox 360

Mass Effect - This friday!

*A New Form of Change*

Phaethon360 - Mr Pant<s>s</s>ies
Inscrit depuis 6960 Jours

I'm pretty upset he looks so different from me. Fission Mailed on the character creation. I spent five minutes, got bored, went into the game. That's why there's next time. I'll be evil and ruthless.
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"For seven hours, all we could do was sit still and listen to them hunting us. All we could do is sit, and wait for Phaethon."

Inscrit depuis 6974 Jours
Posté par Sath
But what if "you dont need it now, but later it sure will come in handy, but its still unsure"
Trust me 150 is still allot of stuff to keep, IE: lets say you have 14 mark I pistols and 13 mark II and 14 mark III, get rid of all your mark I (sell or turn into onmi gel) you will never need them.
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Mass Effect - Nov 07 - Start the Fight!!!


Inscrit depuis 6974 Jours
Cool looking Shepard!

Level 21 damn you must be flying through the game, dont think i'm level 21 yet and i'm around 25hrs in, but i must admit i am just doing the side quest at the moment and not touching the other main quest missions yet :)
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Mass Effect - Nov 07 - Start the Fight!!!


Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6980 Jours
I guess you are right, 150 is too much.

And Phaethon, that face is what you get when you spend 5 minutes with it.
Good i ama sucker for character creation...I am gonna make one that looks bad ass!

The Clint Eastwood of MAss Effect, hahaha
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Playing: Call of Duty 4, Assassin's Creed - Xbox 360

Mass Effect - This friday!

*A New Form of Change*

Phaethon360 - Mr Pant<s>s</s>ies
Inscrit depuis 6960 Jours
You're gonna spend all that time, holding a picture of yourself in one hand, wondering who screwed up the game when your character turns out looking like a Krogan's ass!
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"For seven hours, all we could do was sit still and listen to them hunting us. All we could do is sit, and wait for Phaethon."

Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6980 Jours
Posté par Phaethon360
You're gonna spend all that time, holding a picture of yourself in one hand, wondering who screwed up the game when your character turns out looking like a Krogan's ass!
Hey Krogan jokes are mine...yous stick with Kaidan :P
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Playing: Call of Duty 4, Assassin's Creed - Xbox 360

Mass Effect - This friday!

*A New Form of Change*

Inscrit depuis 6518 Jours
Posté par Phaethon360
I'm pretty upset he looks so different from me. Fission Mailed on the character creation. I spent five minutes, got bored, went into the game. That's why there's next time. I'll be evil and ruthless.
lol, he looks like he's gonna break down and cry
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7114 Jours
Hey leave Pheathon alone, he's just a sensitive guy.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6980 Jours
Korn, that is what I said...I said he looks a bit sad. I said Ashley turned him down :P

Nah but Phaethon didn't know how to use the character creation system, so lets see what he can come up next.
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Playing: Call of Duty 4, Assassin's Creed - Xbox 360

Mass Effect - This friday!

*A New Form of Change*

Inscrit depuis 7236 Jours

Thanks for the answers, I think that's all I have.
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Mods, stop changing my SIG! I'm going to end up banning you!

Phaethon360 - Mr Pant<s>s</s>ies
Inscrit depuis 6960 Jours
Posté par KORNdog
lol, he looks like he's gonna break down and cry
After my last mission in the story, he just might. I won't say any more than that.
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"For seven hours, all we could do was sit still and listen to them hunting us. All we could do is sit, and wait for Phaethon."

kenshin2418 - Junior Detective
Inscrit depuis 7089 Jours
The music in the game is just awesome loved the tracks that played when you are promoted to Spectre status, and when you give the speech on the Normandy

Then the cutscene that plays when you first arrive at the Citidal after gaining Ashley is just Wow.
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Jeanne D'Arc is the Best RPG this year

Inscrit depuis 7820 Jours

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Inscrit depuis 6974 Jours
Posté par LEBATO

Thanks for the answers, I think that's all I have.
Posté par kenshin2418
The music in the game is just awesome loved the tracks that played when you are promoted to Spectre status, and when you give the speech on the Normandy

Then the cutscene that plays when you first arrive at the Citidal after gaining Ashley is just Wow.
Yeah i was hoping you would see it everytime you go back there, so i could take a picture, but you dont :(
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Mass Effect - Nov 07 - Start the Fight!!!


Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6980 Jours
Cool Shepard Spectra :)

Kenshin, I managed to get all the tracks from the Collectors Edition, and a couple of them is just pure awesome, really feels like your typical 80s sci-fi blockbuster movie score.
I just want the entire OST, its so awesome!

Samples that IGN put up

I am gonna get a phone call from GAME today saying my copy is here to purchase it, but has to be tomorrow (friday).
Gonna ask them if there is any possibility if I can pick it up today...which I doubt they will
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Playing: Call of Duty 4, Assassin's Creed - Xbox 360

Mass Effect - This friday!

*A New Form of Change*

Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6980 Jours
A casual review while unwrapping the Collectors Edition.
Two idiots but still, awesome CE box...can't wait until mine arrives.

I hope mine doesn't have that bottom destroyed shit...gonna look at it carefully before buying it.
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Playing: Call of Duty 4, Assassin's Creed - Xbox 360

Mass Effect - This friday!

*A New Form of Change*

Inscrit depuis 6821 Jours
@ vspectra06, Phaethon360 and dcdelgado: Seriously, I love the Shepard you created! He look awesome!!

As for me,
well my sister is playing the game while I am watching. So, Commander Shepard looks more like my sister then me.
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Blue Dragon --- August 28th 2007!!!
Lost Odyssey --- Holiday 2007!!! XD

Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6980 Jours
I hate the fact that I dont have the fucking game right now!!!!

Pisses me off seriously, why can't GAME break the street date for one damn day...just ONE day!

I am gonna beg them to sell if today, if not...biatches!
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Playing: Call of Duty 4, Assassin's Creed - Xbox 360

Mass Effect - This friday!

*A New Form of Change*

Inscrit depuis 6974 Jours
Nice Avatar Sath :).

Seriously make sure you speak to the squad after every outing, the writing is so well done and the stories they have to tell are amazing, Wrex just told me one that sent a chill down my spine, i wont spoil it here, but it results in a new side quest, and Ashley is such a cool gal, i'm so enjoying flirting with her, so much so that i'm constantly turning down Liara who is not shy when it comes to coming onto you ;), and Garuss has also just told me a cool story resulting in another sidequest, i have not felt this engrossed in a game since KOTOR.
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Mass Effect - Nov 07 - Start the Fight!!!


Inscrit depuis 6641 Jours
Posté par Sath
I hate the fact that I dont have the fucking game right now!!!!

Pisses me off seriously, why can't GAME break the street date for one damn day...just ONE day!

I am gonna beg them to sell if today, if not...biatches!
Im even worst :)
Pre ordered LE from, and they didnt even dispatch it yet... And on their site says: Despatched in time for delivery on release day. This is LIES. (usually takes 3 days...)Maybe for UK residents but for rest Europe (i live in Portugal btw).

Im guessing wont arrive tomorrow, only monday meh :(

ANyway nice Shepards guys :)
Glad you guys are enjoying it.
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Inscrit depuis 6974 Jours
GS have a very good summary of Weapon and Combat Skills - Party Members and Classes, that will help with tactics when playing the game.

Weapon and Combat Skills:

Party Members and Skills:

Character Classes:
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Mass Effect - Nov 07 - Start the Fight!!!


Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6980 Jours
I called GAME, and the assholes wont sell it to me ONE day in advanced, even if I pre-ordered it. I guess I have to make this the best and probably the most fastest day I ever.

Meaning I am gonna play my ass off with AC and COD4 as always so time passes by very quickly :P
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Playing: Call of Duty 4, Assassin's Creed - Xbox 360

Mass Effect - This friday!

*A New Form of Change*

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