Red Dead Redemption! IT'S HERE!

Inscrit depuis 6864 Jours
Shoot him a couple times in the body with the buffalo rifle, then roll to the side when he charges..proceed with the slashing!!!
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Oooh, Profound, isn't it?

Inscrit depuis 6966 Jours
anyone tried the free coop dlc yet?
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** Yes We CAN!! **

Inscrit depuis 5813 Jours
Problem is that even if I dodge he still manage to hurt me and one slash for that demon and thast it Im dead.

Will try more tonight,it has become a war between those bastards and me.

You should see me, thunderstorm at night creepy sounds all around and me looking for those beasts!!


really epic
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Inscrit depuis 6864 Jours
Just make sure you shoot him a few times first! I think it was 3 or 4 shots to the body with the bolt-action rifle. Remember to lock on with your knife, and you can roll in different directions with A, I think...
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Oooh, Profound, isn't it?

Inscrit depuis 5813 Jours
Will try that tonight,I will not do anything till I have completed that challenge I want so bad my Legend of the West outfit,it has become and obssesion to me

Also whats your favorite horse?

Mines is the all black badass that is found in West Elizabeth,he looks so magnificient!!

have you got the US Army outfit? how badass it looks,for you whats the best looking? for me has to be the Bollards Twins,why well it has the look of a true cowboy with the leather chaps and all that

Also you know where is the wagon that a manzanita post lady lost? she said its somewhere in the south area?
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Inscrit depuis 6864 Jours
I like my Legend outfit, personally :) I don't have the black horse. Every time I catch one, it ends up not being the 3 star American whatever. I use the Hungarian one- he is fast and has great stamina. I don't have the military one. I really liked my poncho too, just because I like the cloth simulation :D...
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Oooh, Profound, isn't it?

Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6972 Jours
I bought the last Limited Edition copy today (PS3) I was lucky they had it, so far I am liking it quite alot.
Though some of the controls are annoying...why the hell is the triggers for aim/shoot on PS3!? :( They should be on the bumpers.

But the rest is awesome so far.
I entered the codes I got for War Horse, Deadly Assassin (searching for scraps, some are hard to find) and Golden guns (I hate gold).

I do find Marston a man with nice choices of words, very cool.
He always knows when to be polite, when to be cocky...etc. nice job.

But that is my impressions from the 2-3 hours of gameplay LOL

I will write more, but so far, so good :)
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Inscrit depuis 5813 Jours
Awesome,if you want some tips let me know :)

You will like a lot Marston he is a badass!!

Some of the music and where they put it its just breathtaking.

Just wait till start to rain!

Also Sath there this social club that have stats and 100% guide if you attemt at that,its alittle buggy though so far Im at 77% and in the site shows Im at 0% LOL

Buts its worth a look,you just link your PSN.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6972 Jours
Alright man I will.

I have sharpshooter 3 now but when can I use the dead eye target? do I have to change the aiming difficulty? Mine is on casual (yes auto lock, yes its fun :P)

The music is pretty cool, but I have gathered my favorite ones from RDR, For a Few dollars more, the good the bad and the ugly.

Also...I have found 4 scraps for Deadly Assassin, but I can't find the last 2. I heard I need to do some shootout challenge, but nobody talks shit to me yet LOL

My last question...for some odd reason my War Horse died...thats it? no more War Horse?

PS. Marston is badass, I freaking love those close combat quarter kills, quick and brutal hehe.
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Inscrit depuis 5813 Jours
You can use Dead Eye since the beginig,level 2 is a little further in the story and the best level 3 its in Mexico.

What it say in the scraps that you need?

There must be a war horse deed in your inventory no?
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6972 Jours
Well maybe I am misstaking it with "sharpshooter"? I thought that was my dead.
I am talking about the precision pin point slow motion targeting, thats the one I want, I havent gotten it yet.

I did all the scraps except the final one, forgot which one, but its #5.

Also, I did see something about a War Horse deed whatever, some sort of a paper in my inventory but I can't find it anymore.

I also tried the co-op DLC, so FREAKING AWESOME!
I seriously can't get enough of the co-op its awesome for sure, pretty much like a objective missions with tons of enemy, get XP and start ranking up :)

But yeah so far I love it, at first I thought the whole riding cross the landscape would be boring, but its not. The horses are super fast for a game (unlike AC), animals, bandits...etc. so you have always something to do.

I wish we could play co-op Ratpor, too bad we dont have the same console because its great fun :(
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Inscrit depuis 5813 Jours
Yes I know :(

Dead Eye its the one you want just click the right stick and its there.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6972 Jours
Okay I played of the best games I have ever played!

Now I am not into western as much as sci-fi or fantasy but if the mood calls for it and it is done well then I am definitely into it.
This game hits all the right notes and it is like orchestra to my ear, fantastic game.
I seriously can't praise it enough, great game.

I love the idea that bandits randomly spot you and tries to kill you and from a calm ride becomes a edgy intense action, very awesome.

Only thing I dont like is that we have to see Marston carve the skin out of the animals, takes a bit too much tme on the bigger enemies. But that is the only complaint I have right now.
Posté par IRAIPT0IR
Yes I know :(

Dead Eye its the one you want just click the right stick and its there.
I didnt know what Select button did LOL
I saw War Horse so I called for "Shadow" to arrive, because he always arrives when you need him.

Also...Duster god that is the perfect outfit for me, badass.
I have been checking forums and images to see if there is anything close to that but I didnt find any until I randomly got a message telling me I had it, among some other stuff like Gentlemen ooutfit and some other things but I am definitely sticking with Duster Coat.

I am playing like this badass bounty hunter that hunts bad men for money and justice and helping the innocent as much as I can.
Kind of like a mysterious hero LOL, if this only was fantasy like Dark Tower :D

I also met the Elixir salesman, the one you help before. He asks you to help him to become his partner.
He pretty much gives you one bottle and you have to demostrate to other people to convince them, thats when you get the pin point precison ability :D

I also went from Casual aiming to Normal, I need to shoot hats, guns and their legs for stylish shooting LOL
Casual is pretty much locked on, it doesnt allow me to move it, its like a magnet.

I also played some multiplayer, pretty fun for sure, take a bit time to learn the controls but I would say I am average...for now ;)

I created a Social Club account as well so I will look more into that.

Anyways, the game is just fantastic so far.

This is IMO is one of those games that once you play it for atleast a few minutes and you get the hang of it you dont want to stop, you always want to do one more thing before you quit but after that you get tempted to do another thing LOL.
Basically this game is pulling you in no matter how much you try to get out LOL

Rockstar* (friend :P) thank you!

PS. John Marston has been added to my "awesome character" list, he is just awesome.
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Inscrit depuis 5813 Jours
You seem to get it perfectly Sath and Im glad you did!!

Duster outfit was given to you when the honor bar filled to peacemaker I think.

You should put expert aiming this way you could shooot legs,arms,disarm them,you can pretty much play like clint eastwood LOL.

Yes the game always gives you something to do and it becomes addictive like hell,if you get hook with bounties you do exclusive those but if you get hooked with ambient challenges you will not rest untill you cant advance because of the area you are,and so fort.

If you want to shoot things just for fun you wear teh bandana and you go wild in a killing rampage murdering entire towns LOL its awesome.

Glad you are enjoying it a lot like me,currently the best open world game I ever played.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6972 Jours
But I kind of want auto lock on but when I move the aim I want to be able to move it, Normal allows me to do this...I havent tried Expert, might give ti a shot.
Nothing beats to shoot the hat and the gun at the same time and then on third shot go for the leg, go close and tie them like an goat and take them to the sheriff and get money LOL

I can see myself play this MANY times, months just having fun as hell.
And it is true that the game has always something there for you to do which is great.

I do wonder what happens when you complete the game...any new game+? If so...great! including side missions and finishing the rest of the bous stuff? even better!
On top of that, MP, co-op...etc. god so much!

I have a gutfeeling this game is one of those games that is just a kepper, its beautifully crafted.

I seriously need a bandana for some fun time, but I would feel guilty to kill innocent people (i know its a game, but still).

One thing that would be great is to play the music track "Dead End Alley" and just have a campfire in the night with a few other character and share sad stories, great stuff.

I just can't stop listening to "Dead End Alley" it is so sad, loney, mysterious...just a perfect track to ride in normal speed during sundown.

I got scared though that people said the controls were bad, I have no idea what they are talking about. I guess I am just good at adapting to any controlscheme given to me.

I actually changed the direction from the horse to camera, much improvement, quicker turns.

This is easily one of my favorite games.

This is how i feel like right now :)
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Inscrit depuis 5813 Jours

Yeah I have no problem at all with the camera,I have it little slightly up in the sensivity to a more quick aiming,also play around with the video settings I find that putting the saturation up a few notches makes teh overall image quality an art stand out more qith more beatifull sunsets and vistas.

Have you seen rain yet or thunderstorms,the atmosphere it creates its just unmatched by any game ever,like I said a few pages back I could almost smell the damn wet dirt LOL.

gang hideouts reset for more fun to be had,I had cleared the gaptooth breach like 10 times

And yes you get to do everything after you complete the game kinda like game+ I will do the achievements after I finish it but 100% before.

Nice avy!!
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Inscrit depuis 7091 Jours
Just got the game today. Lovin' it so far!
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"It is such a quiet thing, to fall. But far more terrible is to admit it." ~ Kreia in Kotor2

Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6972 Jours
I havent touched the aiming sensitivity, it is pretty good IMO. The aim locks on anyway so you dont need super aim :P
About the saturation I havet played with it, but I think if you take it up a few notches it will be too bright on the blacks, just me. Maybe the 360 version is darker? I will check it out.

I saw slight rain, pretty cool. But no thunderstorms LOL.
Now I would say its the best atmosphere in gaming, mine is still from Killzone 2, thats crazy atmosphere. But maybe when I am further more into the game I will see more variety in levels.

Thank god for new game+...such an fantastic feature in games :D

PS. Thx :)
Posté par lumzi23
Just got the game today. Lovin' it so far!
LOL I know how you feel :)
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6972 Jours
Laughing my fucking ass off x10!!!

That is the most funniest glitch I have ever seen in a game!

I guess this was the "fantasy" part I wanted LOL
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6972 Jours
I started playing LAN multiplayer to start unlocking stuff (yes glitch stuff), doing gang hideouts is AWESOME, though some of them is hard because some of the bastards.

Also Raptor, I did change the aim to Expert, I want Normal LOL, more fun to me IMO with dead eye precision targeting :)

Okay I got one problem that I wish it was in the game...cover system being better. They should have made the cover-to-cover automatically.
Basically like Gears of War were if you are in cover you can push the direction and you see a marker on the next cover and when you press a button your character will automatically run as fast as possible and slide into cover, that would be awesome.

That feature is in it, but the cover has to be VERY close to work.
That is my only problem so far interms of gameplay.
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Inscrit depuis 5813 Jours
Got my legend of the west outift !!!best one of all by far!!

Im now doing strange missions and collecting scraps for outfits I want that US Army one it looks badass!!

The list of things I have left to fo its getting smaller :(
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6972 Jours
Why not delete your gamesave and do it all over again in a different approach, being pure evil maybe?

Also, in free roam I went all the way up to north, damn those cougars, damn them to hell!
they always come in gangs, crazy stuff. One challenge wants me to kill one with atleast one knife LOL, same goes to bears.

I also increased Satursation up with 3-4 notches, looks much better than before.
I was lucky doing that while there was a strong sundown when I was in the south. I was on top of a mountains and I saw myself below and OMFG damn!
It was something like this but with better and stronger colors, very great stuff. Thanks for the tip Raptor :)
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Phaethon360 - Mr Pant<s>s</s>ies
Inscrit depuis 6951 Jours
Guess I should play this. Alright, I'm convinced.
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Don't you know who I am? I'm the goddamned Banman.

Inscrit depuis 6633 Jours
Posté par Phaethon360
Guess I should play this. Alright, I'm convinced.
What you didn't played it already? Fail!
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6972 Jours
IMO when I bumped the satursation up a few notches it started to look like this!
Stronger colors, really started looking like those classic western movies :)

PS. Yes my MP character actually looks a bit like John Wayne (but mine has blue shirt on with no vest, forgot which "faction" he is in).
I will change as soon as I get more "John Marston" awesome look, if there is any?
Posté par Phaethon360
Guess I should play this. Alright, I'm convinced.
I thought you had it by now, definitely buy it :)
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