Inscrit depuis 7814 Jours
So does Shadowrun have a party system implemented, like it was promised?

Deftangel? Wasn't this game supposed to have the newest features (ala Halo2) in it? I thought this was supposed to have the latestest greatest LIVE features... you know like that old Xbox1 title had Halo2.
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Inscrit depuis 6722 Jours
Well despite what I said I caved in and bought this game. The only reason I did was because in the blockbuster near here they had a deal where you traded GRAW 2 or another game from a selection and got shadowrun for 8 quid.

So far I've only played a few training games but it is great fun. I've also convinced 2 friends to go out and get it in the same deal so I think we will be playing this a lot tonight.

To the above poster the game does have a party system. In a recent interview with bungie they basically admitted that they stole halo 2's online system. There are no ranked games so you can play with your friends in whatever game you choose and get achievements together!
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Inscrit depuis 7814 Jours
I thought since both studios belong to Microsoft Game Studios, the code belonged to MS, and not a particular studio, and MS was implementing many of the sought after features of Halo2, that yet have to show theirselves... into future game titles, not just Halo3.
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Inscrit depuis 6722 Jours
Perhaps that is the case. Its a good system though and the game is a lot of fun. There is a lot of stuff to take in but the way the training missions stagger this makes it easier to manage.
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Inscrit depuis 7009 Jours
Gamespot gives it a 6.9 can't say I'm surprised I expected the game to end up like this.

They totally butchered the license.
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Hironobu Sakaguchi is coming back to reclaim the throne :)

October 20th 2007 (A good day)

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7117 Jours
Posté par Optimusv2
They totally butchered the license.
What does the license have to do with weather or not it's a good game though? I sorta figure that shouldn't be figured into the review score at all. Deserves mention in the text though.. for fans of the pnp game. Fans of the pnp Shadowrun already know this isn't necessarily what they're looking for either.

Can't say 6.9 is a particularly bad score either. Sounds to me like Jeff liked the game but took up issue with the value of this package.. another factor that normally shouldn't even be that heavily considered in a critical review.. but something that definitely deserves mention when MSG is charging $60 for a first party game that's extremely light on content. Every category scores a seven, outside of value. Not bad.

Hopefully they patch things like stat tracking into the game eventually. Everyone I know who has the game thus far is really enjoying it. I'm still staying far away until it's at most $40.
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Inscrit depuis 6943 Jours
Could buy the game cheap at my i give it a try....

I am really surprised by the fun i am having with this game...and so far i am really liking it....even when the reviews are so bad i think this game doesn''t deserve a 6.9.....would rather give at an 8....

Yes....the value could be an issue....but as soon as the price is more reasonable give it a try....:)
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...If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with stupidity...

Wii-Code : 5377 1661 9266 4265

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7117 Jours
Supposedly Jeff doesn't have the achievement for completing all of the levels.. but I'll give him the benefit of the doubt on that one. He probably has a different tag he uses at work or something.. I hope.

And yea RodmanSan, this game isn't going to get a fair shake, regardless. It could be the best damn game to come along in a long while, but there are so many things working against it. It's almost like MS doesn't care if this one flops. Shame.

I'll pick it up when it drops in price. Value is an actual issue.. though it has nothing to do with the lack of a campaign.

Another review, from a player.
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Inscrit depuis 6722 Jours
After more playtime the game is certainly fun but pretty damn difficult. I can't settle into any set of magic/tech and weapon. There are also achievements which encourage tea-bagging. Something that annoyed the hell out of me in halo 2.
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Inscrit depuis 7239 Jours
"Every category scores a seven, outside of value. Not bad."

Yes, because it's so hard to find a better shooter than that. The game is crap and that's it. And no I haven't played it and don't want to.
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Inscrit depuis 6722 Jours
Posté par LEBATO
"Every category scores a seven, outside of value. Not bad."

Yes, because it's so hard to find a better shooter than that. The game is crap and that's it. And no I haven't played it and don't want to.
That's a pretty ridiculous thing to say.
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Inscrit depuis 7239 Jours
Posté par TheBeagle
That's a pretty ridiculous thing to say.
I don't think so. I've seen way too many videos and they all share the same problems/lack of anything new and with the help of professional reviews I can't be wrong. Basically, if you are to pick a random FPS it'll probably be as good as Shadowrun and probably much cheaper.
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Inscrit depuis 6722 Jours
Posté par LEBATO
I don't think so. I've seen way too many videos and they all share the same problems/lack of anything new and with the help of professional reviews I can't be wrong. Basically, if you are to pick a random FPS it'll probably be as good as Shadowrun and probably much cheaper.
I dont think I've seen an FPS with all these abilities before. You could also say that about a lot of games. NFS ? Pick any other racer its probably gonna be better. If you picked another FPS on the 360 its not gonna be cheaper. Its either gonna be the same price or more expensive. Everywhere I've looked has been selling Shadowrun for cheaper than most retail 360 games. Shadowrun might be lacking in the amount of maps but that doesn't take away from the fun and the unique experience. I think I might feel a lot differently if I'd had to pay full price for it but I got it at a steal.
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Inscrit depuis 7239 Jours
Well then, good for you, but there's no way this game is worth $60. When I read it was only 9 maps I thought it was just laughable, and granted reviews think so too.

Perfect Dark is about $20 bux or so, and at the worst of cases and while drunk I would call it AT LEAST as good as Shadowrun. Quake, FEAR, the first COD, Rainbow Six (not cheaper I know) etc etc. Then you go to last gen and you'll probably find lots of other games with a lot more value and fun to be had, Counter Strike Source comes to mind.

And I'm not saying it's not fun, but it clearly does nothing impressive or above average even. And to this day and in this genre, a game like that is not simply "not bad" is just one more crappy fps that will not be remembered by anything. It might also be unique, but like with NFS, that really means nothing.
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Inscrit depuis 6722 Jours
Yeah I do agree its not worth full price. Fuck that. But saying the game is bad without playing it....come on.
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Inscrit depuis 7239 Jours
Posté par TheBeagle
Yeah I do agree its not worth full price. Fuck that. But saying the game is bad without playing it....come on.
Like I said, I can't be wrong. I don't like what I see on video and if reviews are generally bad then the game is bad. That's also my opinion and yes, I don't need to even play it to know I won't like it. I know what I like from an FPS, and I don't see it in this one.

No big deal though. Professional reviews are the ones saying it too, who cares what I say right? I could lie and tell you I have played the game too.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7117 Jours
Posté par LEBATO
"Every category scores a seven, outside of value. Not bad."

Yes, because it's so hard to find a better shooter than that. The game is crap and that's it. And no I haven't played it and don't want to.
So 7 is utter crap now. Whatever man.
No big deal though. Professional reviews are the ones saying it too
Yeah.. except that is not what they're saying. 7's not utter crap. You're just full of it.
Perfect Dark is about $20 bux or so, and at the worst of cases and while drunk I would call it AT LEAST as good as Shadowrun. Quake, FEAR, the first COD, Rainbow Six (not cheaper I know) etc etc. Then you go to last gen and you'll probably find lots of other games with a lot more value and fun to be had, Counter Strike Source comes to mind.
Well Gamespot gave PD0 a 9.0 -- so it must be great compared to Shadowrun!

Just because there hasn't been a great FPS released since Battlefield 2 doesn't mean we can't enjoy games that are less than great. I'd rather try out Shadowrun than waste my time with half of the games you've mentioned, mostly because I've already played them.

And yeah, CSS is a great value on Xbox 360. Totally. Best version of the game yet! It also doesn't have broken hit boxes or anything either. Great game.
Like I said, I can't be wrong.
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Inscrit depuis 6722 Jours
Not a lot of the reviews are saying its bad, just not quite worth full price.Stating that the game is bad is not opinion. You keep saying its bad. If you wanna share your opinion just say something like " ok game doesnt look interesting to me dont really fancy playing it." I think its quite insulting when someone states that a game is bad when others are clearly enjoying it. Im not trying to tell that this game is factually good but its certainly above FEAR multiplayer, PDZ etc and right now im enjoying it more than the halo 3 beta.
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Inscrit depuis 7009 Jours
Yea I guess its no big deal if people are out there enjoying it. Hopefully it does well for MS Game Studios it will no doubt be one of the hardest games to sell yet I think, but if this games performs like other big 360 titles have been I'll be pretty impressed.
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Hironobu Sakaguchi is coming back to reclaim the throne :)

October 20th 2007 (A good day)

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7117 Jours
Posté par Optimusv2
Yea I guess its no big deal if people are out there enjoying it. Hopefully it does well for MS Game Studios it will no doubt be one of the hardest games to sell yet I think, but if this games performs like other big 360 titles have been I'll be pretty impressed.
What? They're not even trying to sell it.. and people overestimate the effect that branding it with a pnp games history is going to have on it. It's going to fail due to its price, the lack of advertising.. and to be honest it sounds a little.. complex.

I think most console gamers like their shooters a bit more.. straight forward.
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Acert93 - Mr. Bad Cop
Inscrit depuis 7088 Jours
MS already told us they expect it to totally bomb commercially. Was I the only one who got the memo?
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The fans have spoken. Concerning the graphics of the Halo 3 Beta: "There's so many little effects and things going on that make this game pretty much 2nd only to Gears at the moment."

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7117 Jours
Posté par Acert93
MS already told us they expect it to totally bomb commercially. Was I the only one who got the memo?
They certainly sent the PC version off to die.
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PlumbDrumb - Still drinking
Inscrit depuis 7110 Jours
Yeah, look where complex fps gameplay got UC2...

Those learning curves can make or break a game.
I know most of my friends are too incompetent to play an FPS with anything more than a jump and shoot button.
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Hold on tight to the leather couch

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7117 Jours
Shadowrun is, bar none, the best game for the Xbox 360. In fact, it is the best game I have played on either Xbox system since Halo: CE.

I am absolutely captivated by the depth this game offers and the possibilities for competitive play. There are millions of ways that spells, technology and weapons could be combined across the various gametypes and maps to generate victory for a team of talented players, putting the results of every match squarely in the hands of the competitors. This game combines shooting abilities, strategy, resource management, game knowledge and teamwork to create what I believe is the perfect competitive experience for the Xbox 360.

If you already own an Xbox 360 and you are in any way, shape, or form a fan of competitive-shooting games, then you must go out to buy Shadowrun. It really is that good. If you have been biding your time playing Halo 2 and waiting to pick up a 360 when the third installment of the Halo series comes out this September, wait no longer. You will be missing out on one of the best gaming experiences available if you bypass Shadowrun. This game packs an incredible amount of fun in $60 and is well worth the purchase price.
That sounds like utter crap! But lets ignore the review posted by a compeditive gamer, and listen to Jeff Gerstmann instead.. I hear he hated all over it with all sorts of sevens!

This game is going to do awful in the main stream. Good thing for them that there are gamers out there willing to sink more time into something before making harsh judgments based on surface qualities alone.
Posté par TheBeagle
The game is complex but I think if the time is taken to master it, the game becomes very enjoyable. I haven't come across a sinlge vista player yet though. This game just aint gonna sell on PC.
That's the truth. I'm a PC gamer and I'm only even interested in trying the 360 version of the game. And for the record.. it's not hard to find a better shooter than Halo either, but that hardly means it's not worth playing.
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Inscrit depuis 6722 Jours
The game is complex but I think if the time is taken to master it, the game becomes very enjoyable. I haven't come across a sinlge vista player yet though. This game just aint gonna sell on PC.
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