The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Since 6650 Days
I just saw the scans and i :

So excited!

Here's the info, from Gaf | Gameinformer:
On leveling:
Totally revamped, no more class selection at the start of the game, every skill you level contributes to your overall level. And each time you level you get extra health plus the ability to get either more health, magicka or stamina.
Each level also brings you perks. Cool abilities I guess like in Fallout 3.
Also, the leveling was moved from 1-25 or something like that to 1-50, but 50 is soft-capped, you just advance really slow after that.

On skills:
Mysticism is gone.
18 skills, down from 21 on Oblivion, and 27 on Morrowind.
Tries to accomodate players who want to specialize in a certain proffesion (like mage or thief), while at the same time giving room for players who like to do plenty of everything. They want to keep a special care so that this feels good, not prone to cheating and organic.

On the story and lore:
200 years after Oblivion. Set in Skyrim, a region north of the imperial city, where the Nords live.
The dragons are returning, as it was prophetized. You are gonna be trying to stop the wicked dragon god. You are a dragonborn, a dragon hunter. Your mentor is one of the last blade, voiced by some old dude from Shutter Island and Minority Report.
Also, there is a civil war, since the king is dead.
Enemies include were-yeti's, giant spider, dragons and other cool creatures.

On combat:
They want to make it more dynamic and tactical. You have to assign each hand with a function I think, either magic, 2 weapons, a weapon and a shield, etc.
You can also waste stamina by sprinting, allowing you to get access to tactical postitions.
Emphasis on really improving the combat this time around.
They are also putting care on how each weapon feel on your hand.

Third person view has been improved
5 massive cities, more variation in caves and underground stuff.

On quests:
Quests are much more dynamic now.
The quests are now more determined by how you build your chracter, individual actions and overall much more dynamic. Examples provided: If you are more of a magic user, some other mage may approach you who may not have had if you were just a melee character. Or if you killed some dude who owned a store that was gonna give you a quest, his sister would inherit the store, but she may resent you before giving you the quest. Also, if you drop a weapon in the street instead of selling it, it may just dissapear, some kid may get it and give it back to you, which would lead to a series of stuff, or some dudes may fight over who gets it.
Also, it said that the quests you are given would be modified by how you have played (I guess like scaling the quests). For example, the location of a rescue mission would be determined by which location you have visited (it will try to give you a dungeon you haven't been in) and I guess also giving you appropiate enemies to your level.

I can add that there is an option for no HUD.

On Conversations:
Conversations aren't done in a zoomed in static shot anymore.
Start a conversation with some and they will act like someone would in real life, looking at you occasionally and walking around a bit and also continue doing a task if they were doing one while talking.

On Weapon smithing:
Go to a forge and carve a new weapon out of red hot metal.

Recap from raphier

Dual-wielding: you have two hands now in combat and you can wield anything to both hands. You may assign a dagger on left hand and use a mace with right hand. The choice as they say is yours.

Duel: You may duel any NPC on the streets western style.

Inheritence: When you kill a shopkeeper, his/her family member will inherit the shop and will be angry about you, but stil give you missions.

Level-scaling: It is coming back

18 skills: supposedly even less skills to play with?

No mysticism

Perks: Rumored to be in Skyrim. I may have understood it wrong.

Boosts: Pick stamina, health, magic boosts on level up.

Enchanting: This skill makes a return.

"Radiant storytelling" or Level Scaling 2.0: "The game eventually logs a huge storehouse of knowledge about how you've played, and subsequently tailors content to your capabilities and experiences. Entering a city, a young woman might approach you and beg you to save her daughter from kidnappers. The game will look at the nearby dungeons you've explored, automatically set the mission in a place you've never visited, and designate opponents that are appropriately matched to your strengths and weaknesses."

Fast-Travel: As you probably expect, you can instantly travel to previous locations with a tap of the button

Sprinting: You can now sprint about!

Town visiting: You may do more in towns, like tailor weapons, cooking, farming or mining. Not much details about this or how detailed they are as jobs.
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Since 6982 Days
SWEET MOTHER OF GOD!!!! I cant wait!!!!!!!!!!
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** Yes We CAN!! **

Since 5830 Days
"Level-scaling: It is coming back"

What does that mean?

That everything will scale with me?

Even Deatshpank(an Arcade game) doesn't have that shit.
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Real Madrid C.F. fan.

Since 6454 Days

My most anticipated game ever. Sorry, but I'm like a little girl again (wait, what?)!
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Since 6448 Days
Posted by IRAIPT0IR
"Level-scaling: It is coming back"

What does that mean?

That everything will scale with me?

Even Deatshpank(an Arcade game) doesn't have that shit.
Oblivion had it, and obviously they don't have the braincapacity to fathom that it's a stupid idea that wrecks exploration. PC version it is again, in other words.
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Chanticleer Hegemony

Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Since 6989 Days
Saw the scans, fantastic!

It seem they have overhauled the game which is nice, can't wait for more fantasy RPGs, I want gameplay video!
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Since 6879 Days
Megido, Fallout 3 also had it and I didn't see any complaints. Oblivion implementation was just bad, but in itself it's not a terrible idea.
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"That just happened 'cause that was awesome" - Randy Pitchford, Gearbox

Since 7052 Days
am I the only one who actually liked how Oblivion adjusts is difficulty with your leveling? I thought it kept the game challenging at all times. I have not played the fallout series, so I dont know if that's any better but I didnt have any issues to begin with the way Oblivion works.
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Since 7066 Days
Posted by alimokrane
am I the only one who actually liked how Oblivion adjusts is difficulty with your leveling?
Yes you are, as someone who grew up on games where "your not allowed here till your harder" i despise oblivions layout
FF8 trying to get stronger so you can go to the heaven and hell islands was ace, not oblivion no, you go where ever at level 1, the fact you could complete the game as a level 1 says it all, it ends up been like mass effect 2 where leveling was pointless and meaningless
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Santa better bring me what i want...

Since 6879 Days
I understand that Oblivion has busted level scaling, where normal thugs start wearing legendary armours once you reach level 20 (or whatever). Fallout 3 had much more subtle scaling. For example if there was no level scaling cockroaches (first enemies in the game) wouldn't be able to touch at the end of the game, yet in the actual game they still can be bite you quite hard when they're attacking en masse. Enemies has minimal as well as maximal stats they can have depending on you level. So these cockroaches I used as an example don't get stronger at infinitum. It worked pretty well IMO, it only makes sense that armed enemies can hurt you when they stab you or shoot at you, no matter how high your stats are. Normally in an RPG you would be untouchable.

Gothic series/Risen uses no level scaling and it has both advantages and disadvantages. It makes exploration quite interesting, you learn hard not to come into some monsters' territory if you're too weak and you respect them that much more, it also feels great once you're able to kill them. On the other, it makes exploration frustrating at times as you have to look for narrow paths you can safely use rather than simply relax and watch the beautiful world.
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"That just happened 'cause that was awesome" - Randy Pitchford, Gearbox

Since 6448 Days
The scaling wrecks the exploration aspect though, you'll constantly find the same enemies scaled to your own level and with the same boring ass loot. In Morrowind, you could sneak past and outsmart enemies and still walk away with some damn cool stuff, but you had to fight hard for it. Exploring a cave was fun and worth it because there might be something good in it, not the same damn iron short sword every time because of your level. Scaling sucks, kills the best part of this type of game imo. That said, oblivion was still enjoyable but it doesn't get fun for real until you play it with something like Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul.
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Chanticleer Hegemony

Since 5830 Days
Posted by ManThatYouFear
Yes you are, as someone who grew up on games where "your not allowed here till your harder" i despise oblivions layout
FF8 trying to get stronger so you can go to the heaven and hell islands was ace, not oblivion no, you go where ever at level 1, the fact you could complete the game as a level 1 says it all, it ends up been like mass effect 2 where leveling was pointless and meaningless
Posted by Megido
The scaling wrecks the exploration aspect though, you'll constantly find the same enemies scaled to your own level and with the same boring ass loot. In Morrowind, you could sneak past and outsmart enemies and still walk away with some damn cool stuff, but you had to fight hard for it. Exploring a cave was fun and worth it because there might be something good in it, not the same damn iron short sword every time because of your level. Scaling sucks, kills the best part of this type of game imo. That said, oblivion was still enjoyable but it doesn't get fun for real until you play it with something like Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul.
Agreed too.
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Real Madrid C.F. fan.

Since 6454 Days
Posted by Megido
That said, oblivion was still enjoyable but it doesn't get fun for real until you play it with something like Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul.
Not really. I have it for my 360 and have spent 100+ hours on it; never once has it been anything less than great fun.
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Since 6526 Days
the leveling stuff sounds awfull tbh. but the combat sounds like demon souls. which is great. i just hope it's a world worth exploring, which oblvion wasnt. more like morrowind in that regard please. different, visually unique regions please. not endless green feilds and trees ala oblvion.
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Since 6454 Days
Posted by KORNdog
but the combat sounds like demon souls.
I kinda thought more of Bioshock when I heard about the combat, with the whole combination of weaponry and magic being akin to the plasmids and weapons in 2K's game.
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Since 7152 Days
Dismissing the level scaling before we've seen how it is structured is pointless. Fixed level enemies also cause a lot of problems, especially with truly open games.
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Since 6526 Days
Posted by blmbox
I kinda thought more of Bioshock when I heard about the combat, with the whole combination of weaponry and magic being akin to the plasmids and weapons in 2K's game.
i dont use magic in these games, so i saw shield and sword and thought demon's souls. assuming it's as good as demon's souls. it could just be like oblivion again, which would be dissapointing as hell.
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Since 6454 Days
Fundamentally it'll obviously be like Oblivion, but after reading the GI issue they're definitely putting the combat near the top of their list of improvements.

I still can't get over how beautiful it looks.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Since 6989 Days
One of the scans shows a character wielding a sword and a staff, so awesome.
I dont know any RPGs that has that, when Gandalf was doing that in the LOTR movies I was like damn thats awesome hehe.
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Since 5830 Days
Posted by Slabs
Dismissing the level scaling before we've seen how it is structured is pointless. Fixed level enemies also cause a lot of problems, especially with truly open games.
What problems?

Fixed level enemies and loot makes exploration interesting and makes you feel powerfull when you are high level.
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Real Madrid C.F. fan.

Since 6448 Days
Posted by blmbox
Not really. I have it for my 360 and have spent 100+ hours on it; never once has it been anything less than great fun.
'So because you like vanlla that instantly means that OOO doesn't fix the crappy parts? I played vanilla oblivion for 200+ hours, playing it on the PC with OOO added was still way better. If anything i wish i would have played oblivion with OOO form the start. I think you don't understand how huge the difference is with mods applied.
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Chanticleer Hegemony

Since 6454 Days
Posted by Megido
So because you like vanlla that instantly means that OOO doesn't fix the crappy parts?
Erm, no - did I actually say that anywhere?
Posted by Megido
I think you don't understand how huge the difference is with mods applied.
You would think wrong then.

I'm fully aware of the difference mods can make, not just to Oblivion but to many other games as well. By your own admission, just because applying mods can make a significant difference, doesn't mean the 'vanilla' version can't be enjoyed immensely - to the point where you don't particularly feel the need for it to be improved through the implementation of mods.
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Since 6448 Days
So what exactly did you mean with the whole "Not really, i played it on the 360 bla bla bla"? I just said OOO makes oblivion way more entertaining. I said it was enjoyable vanilla but that the OOO mod makes it a whole lot more enjoyable. When i say it doesn't get fun for real until you mod it, that doesn't mean that it was boring before. The mods bring oblivion from enjoyable to a really good experience, removing a lot of the annoying things that hinder the unmodded version to some extent. Vanilla is allright, but adding mods is what pushes the game from good to great imo...and judging form the modding community, i'm not the only one that think the game needs a helping hand.
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Chanticleer Hegemony

Since 6454 Days
Posted by Megido
So what exactly did you mean with the whole "Not really, i played it on the 360 bla bla bla"?
I'll make it easy for you.
Posted by blmbox
I'm fully aware of the difference mods can make, not just to Oblivion but to many other games as well. By your own admission, just because applying mods can make a significant difference, doesn't mean the 'vanilla' version can't be enjoyed immensely - to the point where you don't particularly feel the need for it to be improved through the implementation of mods.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7122 Days
lol level scaling...
Posted by Megido
Oblivion had it, and obviously they don't have the braincapacity to fathom that it's a stupid idea that wrecks exploration. PC version it is again, in other words.
Oh, come on... like anyone with a PC built in the last three+ years should be playing this on a console regardless.
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