UT3 timed exclusive for Xbox 360

Inscrit depuis 7128 Jours
Despite appearing for some considerable time as a console exclusive on the PlayStation 3, it now looks as though the Xbox 360 will get the game first.

According to new information released today from Midway, Unreal Tournament 3 (formerly Unreal Tournament 2007) will be released in the second half of 2007 for PC and Xbox 360. PlayStation 3 owners will have to wait until 2008.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6990 Jours
Haha...first PC and then PS3 and PS3 fanboys kept saying UT3 wouldnt come to the 360, and now that it is coming, 360 is getting it first. Haha
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Inscrit depuis 6984 Jours
hmmm there are some big hitters in the second half of 2007, it would not surprise me if this also got defered till 2008 for the 360?
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Halle Berry: Delgado i am feeling really reall dirty tonight, shall i call Jessica Simpson for a threesome?

Delgado: HALLE what have i told you about bothering me when i'm playing Mass Effect!!! now get out and dont come back for 2 months!! (Slams door

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7124 Jours
Atleast the definitive version will still hit this year. Potentially bad news for PS3 only gamers though, if they're anxious for more FPS action. Hopefully they atleast get HL2 before 2008. Get to work EA!
Posté par dcdelgado
hmmm there are some big hitters in the second half of 2007, it would not surprise me if this also got defered till 2008 for the 360?
Would help explain the name change ;)
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Inscrit depuis 7016 Jours
lol no way talk about irony.
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Hironobu Sakaguchi is coming back to reclaim the throne :)

October 20th 2007 (A good day)

Phaethon360 - Mr Pant<s>s</s>ies
Inscrit depuis 6970 Jours
Wow. Sony can't catch a break. And it proves my PS3 only = Blu-Ray player theory.
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Da Afro Samurai

Inscrit depuis 6871 Jours
haha, i can not believe this, the exclusive launch game for ps3 becomes the time exclusive for 360, bizarre :)

I bet that a 360 version of UT3 is already running on epic dev kits.
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Phaethon360 - Mr Pant<s>s</s>ies
Inscrit depuis 6970 Jours
Posté par lukasblue
haha, i can not believe this, the exclusive launch game for ps3 becomes the time exclusive for 360, bizarre :)

I bet that a 360 version of UT3 is already running on epic dev kits.
Re-read the article now.
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Da Afro Samurai

Inscrit depuis 6681 Jours
Hmm since they already worked on GoW on the x360, im pretty sure UT3 will benefit from their experience with the system, that could also explain why it will come 1st to the x360.
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GoW, War3, Halo, MYST, Civilazation

Phaethon360 - Mr Pant<s>s</s>ies
Inscrit depuis 6970 Jours
Is nobody re-reading the article? Fine I'll just quote it.
It appears that wires have been crossed between Midway and Epic Games. Contrary to the game's latest fact sheet, Epic Games state that "there is no formal SKU plan yet for this product."

At this time all versions of the game are intended for release in the second half of 2007, and Epic Games has not decided on the exact
Nobody knows.
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Da Afro Samurai

Inscrit depuis 6681 Jours
Ce message est en mode Boulet Time (TM). Pour l'afficher, cliquez ici
I have both Graw and RSV, and i have to say great job Ubi. BUT, should they take more time with their games? i mean too many releases, seriouly, Graw 2 feels more like Graw 1.5 .All im saying is that it feels publishers are releasing too many games and dont make a game as good as it can be, 1 shooter releas a year would be good enough...

PS i love shooters... just wish Ubi wasnt in a rush to turn into EA

EDIT< SO SRY< wrong thread, meant for GRAW 2 lol. my bad guys.

GoW, War3, Halo, MYST, Civilazation

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7124 Jours
Posté par Phaethon360
Is nobody re-reading the article? Fine I'll just quote it.
It appears that wires have been crossed between Midway and Epic Games. Contrary to the game's latest fact sheet, Epic Games state that "there is no formal SKU plan yet for this product."

At this time all versions of the game are intended for release in the second half of 2007, and Epic Games has not decided on the exact
Nobody knows.
People blowing negative PS3 news out of proportion..here?! Nevar!
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Inscrit depuis 6871 Jours
Posté par Phaethon360
Re-read the article now.
ah, errata

edit: is Midway talking differently than Epic
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Inscrit depuis 6997 Jours
Midway always does, they were saying UT3 (when it was 2007) was coming to 360 well before E3 and Mark Rein came out and said Midway and Microsofts own listing at Xbox.com wasn't right

1) The press release probably is correct
2) Mark didn't exactly deny a delay, just 'we haven't confirmed any dates yet'
3) They're probably in Ubisofts boots when they delayed Double Agent to October
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Inscrit depuis 7136 Jours
I wonder if UT3 will end up looking like the original demo, I bet it wont.
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Yeah, im a fanboy, dont like it?

t('-'t) U
The FF13 trailer is not real-time gameplay, if you think its real, you are a dumbass.

[quote=*unnamed moderator*]Sony is the devil[/quote]

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7124 Jours
CVG has since contacted Midway who told us that as of now the release dates of all three UT3 versions are standing firm at the seocnd half of 2007, so it looks like the PS3 version might not be delayed after all.

Still, if the PS3 version does slip it might not be too surprising that the 360 port exits Epic's doors first, considering that the company already has a fully optimised version of the Unreal Engine 3 left over from Gears of War development.
More like, "Midway doesn't know what they're saying."
The release schedule you posted was incorrect because there is no formal SKU plan yet for this product. Epic (who makes this decision, NOT Midway) have absolutely NOT decided whether the SKUs for this product will be released simultaneously or in staggered order and we have absolutely NOT decided (because we don't know yet) when any of them will be released. If our publisher gave you information contrary to this they did so in error.

The statement that UT3 was "a console exclusive on the PlayStation 3" in also incorrect. We have never had any console exclusivity arrangements for UT3.

Portions of UT3 will be shown on PS3 at the Game Developers Conference in March as part of our Unreal Engine 3 demonstration.
That's from the Euro fact sheet, not a Press Release.

Midway U.S. (so far) maintains it's a 2nd half '07 release for all versions.
+ UT3 already looks better (the PC version atleast) than the original demo.
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Inscrit depuis 6871 Jours
Posté par GriftGFX
+ UT3 already looks better (the PC version atleast) than the original demo.
hmm, not sure about that
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hd-dvd games hd-dvd games hd-dvd games

Inscrit depuis 7070 Jours
Well that article is wrong since Midway said so.
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Inscrit depuis 7246 Jours
Haha, that's funny if true.
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Where the crap is Shenmue 3 SEGA? Scrap that thing called Shenmue online and finish the Shenmue epic story on 360!

Inscrit depuis 7246 Jours
Seems like MS and Epic are getting to be very good friends, that can only mean great news for us.
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Where the crap is Shenmue 3 SEGA? Scrap that thing called Shenmue online and finish the Shenmue epic story on 360!

Inscrit depuis 6742 Jours
Posté par GriftGFX
More like, "Midway doesn't know what they're saying."
I think they know EXACTLY what they're saying. It seems they're trying to pull strings through the media, sort of their way of putting pressure on Epic. I don't think they believe Epic can ship all three versions simultaneously and still make 2007 deadline. They would much rather have what they think will be the better selling versions ( PC & 360) out this year, and PS3 next year.

Well that's my theory anyways :)
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7124 Jours
Posté par SilverHawk
I think they know EXACTLY what they're saying. It seems they're trying to pull strings through the media, sort of their way of putting pressure on Epic. I don't think they believe Epic can ship all three versions simultaneously and still make 2007 deadline. They would much rather have what they think will be the better selling versions ( PC & 360) out this year, and PS3 next year.

Well that's my theory anyways :)
Pull strings through the media?
That's from the Euro fact sheet, not a Press Release.

Midway U.S. (so far) maintains it's a 2nd half '07 release for all versions.
So Midway Europe (which isn't even their main branch) is trying to control Epic through the media, without any help or connection to Midway USA? And Epic admits they don't know if all the versions will ship this year. Not a single one has a release date. They did just drop 2007 from the games name. But that doesn't mean anything about any version of this game specifically. I bet a simultaneous launch is more or less out of the question for any platform, though it could happen, with the engine up and running on everything.

Tin foil hats, and all that.
Posté par lukasblue
hmm, not sure about that
Go watch some high quality video footage, it's DEFINITELY better looking than the E3 demo (nearly two years ago!). If you're not sure about it, all you have to do is look.

Hell, Gears looks better than that demo.
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kenshin2418 - Junior Detective
Inscrit depuis 7099 Jours
So it sounds like I can say it then, huh?

alrighty, Lies and Slander
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Smokin' Aces

Inscrit depuis 7059 Jours
Posté par GriftGFX
People blowing negative PS3 news out of proportion..here?! Nevar!
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Blue Dragon is an unimaginative JRPG featuring a myriad of JRPG cliches and very redundant looking characters. To even call this game "original" in any way is an insult to every great JRPG made.......all 4 of 'em......

kenshin2418 - Junior Detective
Inscrit depuis 7099 Jours
Think we will get a demo on the 360? Since they normally use to release a demo for UC before release( on the PC of course).
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The Dark Knight

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