Since 5797 Days
New Images!

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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Since 6956 Days
Good thing for a new outfit design, looks so cool, seems to have more armored type than the first one.

Hopefully the energy depletion isnt as fast though would be great.

I cant wait to see this outfit in action, hopefully some change of animations in the gliding, abilities (like the second image with the orange colored arms)...etc. should be sweet.
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Since 5797 Days
I think is some sort of Upgraded suit

It has more stuff in it.

Awesome stuff.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Since 6956 Days
Eh noticed its the same suit, damn the angles tricked me hehe.
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Since 6493 Days
Posted by Sath
Multiplayer wont work in this game.

Boost, fastpaced, slow motion being a big part of the game, it wont work.
it would work, they just cant be bothered implimenting it or they dont have the time/budget to do it. at least not for this one. i bet you if there is a sequel it will have multiplayer. rocket knee slides and all.

the more i play it, the more i like the core combat. certainly not the best shooter i've played, 3rd person or otherwise. i wouldnt even say top 10, but it's fun. much like gears of war tho, i lose interest when it comes to bosses. i understand why they're there, break up the monotony of on-foot combat. but the boss in the demo was so lost-planet-ish, it kinda didnt leave me with much hope for subsequent bosses. just seems like a blatant "weak-spot" fest, just like lost planet and the akrid. hopefully the rest of the bosses wont be the same "shoot my glowing orange knees for massive damage"

i also worry that veriety could become an issue environment wise. i was already kinda sick of the look of the area in the demo by the 2nd go. i've seen some greenery in trailers. but i'm still not sure. i dont want it to get bogged down with the sci-fi pillars and structures. less it could feel a bit like halo and it's repetative forunner architecture.

much more interested to rent it now tho. no way in hell would i buy it, but compared to my feelings of complete indifference prior to and after the first play of the demo. i'm looking forward to blasting through its entirety. lets hope it isnt some piddly 5 hour game.
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Since 5797 Days
Name 10 3rd person shooters that are better gameplay wise.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Since 6956 Days
Multiplayer wouldnt work considering slow mo will have to go away and it wont do that because its one of the core gameplay mechanics.
If you go into slow mo, everyone around you will be slower, and you have a chance of taking out multiple enemies at the same time.

And it is definitely one top 10, and it would be pretty much high, 5 or higher, considering most generic TPS games are you just running and shooting, thats it, there is no uniqueness to its combat.
Only one I can think of that was released recently is definitely Dark Void.

The whole orange thing, it should be there because its mechanical all over the place, as a gamer we dont want to spend 10 minutes wasting our time figuring out where to shoot it, its not flesh and bones were we can just go at it.

So if you think its not on top 10, could you please name these top 10 third person shooters you think is worth more?
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Since 6493 Days
Posted by IRAIPT0IR
Name 10 3rd person shooters that are better gameplay wise.
whats the point? we all know how you feel (and sath too) what good comes from me listing a bunch of games that *I* like more, only for you 2 to say im wrong/you dont thanks, i'd rather not waste my time. you might think it's the best TPS of all time, and that's fine and dandy, we all have our opinions. but mine is that i dont thik vanquish is the be all and end all of shooters....far from it. feel free to think otherwise.

oh, and sath, slow-mo works fine in mulitplayer. they just might have to change how it is used...F.E.A.R did it, timeshift did it, i'm sure vanquish could manage too. and as i said, i bet you there will be multiplayer when a sequel is (maybe) announced. it's the natural progression for a single player only game like this.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Since 6956 Days
But Vanquish uses glide move, people use slow mo and glide move to go around fast and taking out multiple enemies.
In sequal maybe, I mean Bioshock did it with BS2.

I mean we just want to know what your OPINION is when you said it doesnt even rank top 10 in 3rd person shooters, I personally am curious to know.

What top 10 3rd person shooter games do you think offer more unique gameplay with fresh ideas than Vanquish?
You not even trying to mention 5 of them is just a lie of what you say, so why not back up your statement :)
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Since 5797 Days
You said its not the best you have played now that I can understand tastes and all but then you said its not even in the top ten and there I want to know what games you consider better than this not only that I wan to know all of those ten maybe there is one I havent played and I would like to try them.

I want to know the criteria in wich you rate your games and what criteria you used to know its not even in the top 10.

I will say using mine and its simple gameplay > all with that in mind I say Vanquish its on the top 10 and not only that its on the first spot basically the best there is.

Gameplay wise there is not a single shooter out there that could be better,3rd person that is.
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Since 6493 Days
Posted by Sath
But Vanquish uses glide move, people use slow mo and glide move to go around fast and taking out multiple enemies.
In sequal maybe, I mean Bioshock did it with BS2.

I mean we just want to know what your OPINION is when you said it doesnt even rank top 10 in 3rd person shooters, I personally am curious to know.

What top 10 3rd person shooter games do you think offer more unique gameplay with fresh ideas than Vanquish?
You not even trying to mention 5 of them is just a lie of what you say, so why not back up your statement :)
sorry, not being suckered into it. if you think i'm lying (what the fuck do i have to gain from that?) or you dont believe me? it doesnt bother me in the slightest. but i'm not going to make a list just for you and raptor to systematically go down it saying how vanquish is superioir in every way. it's pointless beyond words. and you know that is eactly what would happen.

so no, just take my statement as is. i wouldnt even put it in my top 10....let's end it at that.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Since 6956 Days
Example: If I said I wouldnt even list Killzone 2 on my top 5 FPS list and you asked me to list them, I would gladly do that because I can back up my opinion on that and you asked. I wouldnt be offended because it would be my opinion on it.

You said Vanquish wouldnt be on your top 10 3rd person shooter games interms of better gameplay, maybe your opinion has some games we havent tried or noticed, or "I" to be more personal, and maybe I was interested to actually search for it to see if I like it.

I wouldnt take it personally if you mentioned them, I mean I respect your opinion, did you think I would say "dude they suck, Vanquish still offers more than any of them".
I may not agree, but that doesnt mean I dont respect your opinion on it.
What would be weird to me is that you say top 10, saying 10 is a pretty big list, but not even trying to mention 5 is kind of like "he must be joking because he cant even backup his statement".

Sorry if you think like that, but my attitude hasent reached to the level of asshole-ness on forums.
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Since 6848 Days
Are there even 10 quality TPS to consider? Hell if I can think of them. Anyway, there is no way you can know if it's the best without playing through it. What if the Pacing blows? What if the Boss in the Demo is the best one? What if it's only 2 hours long( not likely, but you never know) without cutscenes? What if, after extended play, you just feel it gets boring? You can argue that it could be the most compelling for you right now( not me- the AI is just too dumb for that, IMO), but to say it's the best TPS before a complete playthrough seems silly...
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Oooh, Profound, isn't it?

Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Since 6956 Days
We only said the gameplay, we didnt say the entire game LOL.

Gameplay being to be able to quickly glide very fast cover to cover, slow mo, punch them in typical japanese fashion and glide out and still shoot...etc.
Thats all we are talking about.
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Since 5797 Days
I even said in my initial question "Gameplay Wise!

I want to know what other 10 games are better gameplay wise thats all.
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Since 6493 Days
i know what you want, i'm just not giving you it.

raptor has it in his mind that vanquish is the best TPS since the dawn of man. and who am i to argue with him. BUT such a situations doesnt make for much of a discussion. our minds are made up. then comes the clasification of games in the first place. while i would label dead space and even infamous as shooters. some may not.

as i said, if you think i can't back up my own opinion (what is there to back up? it's an opinion. listing games doesnt make it more legitimate) then that's fine by me. as long as it ends this pointless debate i'm all for it :D
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Since 6956 Days
So your top 10 is a joke you made, got it.

Unlike Raptor, I have my doubts, but not that much considering I agree with him interms of gameplay being the best because it just doesnt cover "run, cover, shoot, run, cover shoot". Maybe Mass Effect 2 being the other one with the whole biotic stuff going on which is really awesome.

But I am willing to let this go because its not going anywhere because you are not even mentioning 5 3rd person shooter titles you think is better.
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Since 6493 Days
Posted by Sath
So your top 10 is a joke you made, got it.

Unlike Raptor, I have my doubts, but as that much considering I agree with him interms of gameplay being the best I have played. Maybe Mass Effect 2 being the other one with the whole biotic stuff going on which is really awesome.

But I am willing to let this go because its not going anywhere because you are not even mentioning 5 3rd person shooter titles you think is better.
"better" is subjective and doesnt add to the discussion. if there was a scientific way to rate gamplay then, sure, a list would have meaning, but in this case. it's a list for you (and raptor) to pick at. you say that isnt the reason you want it, but we all know that's what would happen.

i'll give you 1 game tho for being a persistant, (and trust me, i have plenty more that i'm not going to list, far more then 10)

earth defense force 2017 -

does it have high production values? nope
does it have great graphics? nope
does it have a deep core gamplay mechanic? nope
does it have a great story? nope
does it have great voice acting? nope
does it have awesome animations? nope
does it have a cover system? nope
does it have iron sights? nope

does it have giant robots? giant ants? giant spiders? giant spaceships? a giant walking godzilla rip off? thousands of weapons? split screen co-op? can you level an entire city with amachine gun? is it fun as all hell? yes. a million times yes!

will everyone se the appeal of the game? nope

just one of a long list of games i found more fun from a core gameplay standpoint. it isnt fancy. it isnt pretty, but i found it a damn sight more fun then what i experienced in the vanquish demo. but that's just me.
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Since 5797 Days
You must be joking man seriously.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Since 6956 Days
earth defense force 2017

I heard about it, I like the idea of alien invasion, you can really feel the idea they are invading considering how damn big their ships are when you look up.
Kind of reminds me of very very old school sci-fi movies in black and white hehe.

I remember when I had a 360 I really wanted to try out the demo, no idea what happened, but I never played it.

But hey again, interms of gameplay mechanics, its straight forwardfun, but interms of concept those giant beasts invading and what vibes it gives me, yes definitely looks fun.

Now was that damn hard? :)
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Since 5797 Days
I palyed it man,and while I think its fun its nowhere near this level of fun I mean not to underappreciate that game I liked it alot back in the day but to say it has better core gameplay not a chance.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Since 6956 Days
Posted by IRAIPT0IR
I palyed it man,and while I think its fun its nowhere near this level of fun I mean not to underappreciate that game I liked it alot back in the day but to say it has better core gameplay not a chance.
Gameplay no, but concept and how it looks like with all those big bastards coming down and all, definitely seems fun and chaotic.

But its all good, his opinion :)
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Since 5797 Days
Posted by Sath
Gameplay no, but concept and how it looks like with all those big bastards coming down and all, definitely seems fun and chaotic.

But its all good, his opinion :)
Yes it was awesome I must say but not this awesome.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Since 6956 Days
Posted by IRAIPT0IR
Yes it was awesome I must say but not this awesome.
I agree, but its his opinion as we asked him, so lets just leave it at that :)
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Since 7074 Days
Tried the demo. Best TPS? For me, nope! An important part of a good shooter for me is good-feeling, visceral gunplay. The weapons and the enemies' reactions to said weapons don't feel hefty and reactive. Couple that with movement I don't really enjoy(the standard run animation and the slide), and there's no reason it'd be the best. Looks good though, and I can see peoples' attraction to the style of it.
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