Inscrit depuis 7008 Jours
Posté par IRAIPT0IR
Im more than sure this game will be awesome in motion 100% sure in fact I will bet my 360 on it.

Same engine as bayonetta, but upgraded, same developer. Yep, it will look insane in motion.
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Halo Reach using 360 tesselation unit extensively.

Hironobu Sakaguchi is coming back to reclaim the throne :)

Seeing it in motion on your HDTV, will blow your mind!!

Don't ask any questions just shut up and buy Halo : Ghosts of the Onyx one of th

Inscrit depuis 5824 Jours
Yep Optimus that engine is a beast.
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Inscrit depuis 6469 Jours
Just watched the gameplay vids at gametrailers, I must say the shooter/sliding/cover action does indeed look really well paced and pretty interesting. I'm curiuos as to how much aim assist the game will be using to give the player more of a chance to keep on the fly more often.

I must say though, between the art style, frantic pace, and overall design this game keeps going higher and higher on my hype o' meter.
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Inscrit depuis 5824 Jours
Yes it hyped me really good

I didnt see any AIM assist in the video in fact I think that has to be some kind of medium speed aim,the reticule moved a little too slow for my taste,I really hope the game has Slow Medium and High aim speeds modes like other games.

If the game is fast as hell I sure want my aim to be fast as hell too.
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Inscrit depuis 6993 Jours
I don't know if it was just Gametrailers's trademark poor videocompression or not, but the graphics are a bit underwhelming to me. Or atleast, it's all just a bit 'messy' or something...I don't know. I was expecting it to look better in motion.

The environments are crazy though, I'm really digging that. The scope in some sections of that video is very impressive. Hope to see some proper footage soon!
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-- "Bob Loblaw Lobs Law Bomb" --

-- "You're under arrest, and I'm breaking up with you..." --


Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6983 Jours
I noticed in the train section that the rail was going upwards were you could see the entire city in the background from its side in the air, pretty neat.
Took me a few times to watch it to notice it.

But after I watched the video for like 5 times or so I am starting to like how fast paced the animation, transformations, movements are, really fast and neat.
I just hope the whole aiming and such keeps up or else it will kind of break the pace.
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Inscrit depuis 7008 Jours
Gameplay seems intense. Need to see more, though.
En réponse à

Halo Reach using 360 tesselation unit extensively.

Hironobu Sakaguchi is coming back to reclaim the throne :)

Seeing it in motion on your HDTV, will blow your mind!!

Don't ask any questions just shut up and buy Halo : Ghosts of the Onyx one of th

Inscrit depuis 5751 Jours
I honestly think this game looks awful.. i don't understand what it is you guys are liking about this but to each his own as always.
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Currently playing: Uncharted 2, CoDMW2 (PS3), Torchlight (PC)

Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6983 Jours
Posté par scoobs0688
I honestly think this game looks awful.. i don't understand what it is you guys are liking about this but to each his own as always.
I am not hyped as most, but I do think it is pretty good interms of animations and the speed of movement, but thats it.

I definitely need to see AND play (demo) to make up my mind for a purchase.

Shinji Mikami said there will be a pre-release demo so I am looking forward to that.
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Inscrit depuis 6976 Jours
Not impressed with what i have seen so far, need to see more.
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** Yes We CAN!! **

Inscrit depuis 7008 Jours
Posté par scoobs0688
I honestly think this game looks awful.. i don't understand what it is you guys are liking about this but to each his own as always.
Precisely why I said the obvious, gameplay seems intense. Saw how fast and chaotic that thing looked? However, I added the cautionary, "Need to see more, though"

It would appear, so far at least, that Bayonetta is the crown jewel from Platinum Games, and this game may not necessarily end up as incredible. However, with that said, early Bayonetta trailers, besides a few cool moments, didn't impress all that much at the start either. It was only once people got some hands on time or footage with straight up, non sliced up game play that they became believers. Maybe that'll be the same case with this title.
En réponse à

Halo Reach using 360 tesselation unit extensively.

Hironobu Sakaguchi is coming back to reclaim the throne :)

Seeing it in motion on your HDTV, will blow your mind!!

Don't ask any questions just shut up and buy Halo : Ghosts of the Onyx one of th

Inscrit depuis 5751 Jours
Yes but bayonetta was also a game that the developers had experience making before (DMC series obviously) and this is a shooter... that looks like it's gonna have one of the single worst stories in a game in decades lol :)
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Currently playing: Uncharted 2, CoDMW2 (PS3), Torchlight (PC)

Inscrit depuis 5782 Jours
Not sold on that footage, and with no MP the SP is going to have be brilliant.
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Inscrit depuis 6520 Jours
lol, seeing it in motion just made me think of lost planet. only running at 2X speed and looking like it has an even worse story/voice acting (if that's even possible). sure some of the fast acrobatic stuff looks relatively cool. but i'm still not sold. as i said at the begining, eastern dev trying way too hard to be western.

this has flop written all over it imo. i dont see this doing well at all. maybe critically, but even then i'm not sure.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6983 Jours
Gameplay footage - awesome punch melee attack.
FM" target="_blank" >http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rLxVt6qFM

ARS suit

Official site

If the game lets me keep going in and out of melee attacks to shooting and dodge stuff with style and fast movement, AWESOME.

I LOVED the quick slide to the enemy and then punching the enemy and ending it with a nice airkick and doing a backflip.
Though I HATE QTEs', rotating the analog...etc. meh.

If the game lets me do this type of stuff, but much more, I am buying it!
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Inscrit depuis 6873 Jours
Combat looks about as "engaging" and "exciting" as Mass Effect 2. QTEs on top of that.

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"That just happened 'cause that was awesome" - Randy Pitchford, Gearbox

Inscrit depuis 7046 Jours
Posté par Sath
Gameplay footage - awesome punch melee attack.
FM" target="_blank" >http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rLxVt6qFM
Was that AWESOME or what! Man, its like action games merged with shooters! Brilliant, just brilliant LOVING IT!!
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Inscrit depuis 5824 Jours
Posté par alimokrane
Was that AWESOME or what! Man, its like action games merged with shooters! Brilliant, just brilliant LOVING IT!!
You said what I wanted to say!!!

Freakin awesome,I almost cant handle that kind of badassness!!!

Those animations of the main character to aproach the enemie and then kill it ohhhhhh


WTF! some of you guys are really hard to please,Im like Sath said in hyperspeed hype mode for this game now LOL and Im 100% sure this will change things just like Bayonetta.
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SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Inscrit depuis 7140 Jours
Yeeeeaaaaaaaaahhh... That youtube gameplay video sure doesn't look terribly exciting. I really like the things I saw in the gameplay trailer, where it essentially comes across as Gears + Virtual On, but this video makes the elements of gameplay seem really disjointed and over animated. The sound effect for shooting better be placeholder aswell or I'd go insane playing it.

There's a way to play any game so it looks like it's way worse than it is though, so I reserve judgement. I do genuinely feel that the way this fills the vacuum typically created by cover systems inbetween the cover potentially sets it up to be a Gears de-throner in my book, but the ground level cover stuff has to be on par for that to happen. Hopefully the gameplay in the youtube video is slow, coarse and dumb because the player is, not because you need to be.
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Inscrit depuis 6873 Jours
Posté par IRAIPT0IR
WTF! some of you guys are really hard to please,Im like Sath said in hyperspeed hype mode for this game now LOL and Im 100% sure this will change things just like Bayonetta.
Please explain me what I'm missing in that gameplay video. What I'm seeing is yawn-inducing cover system and very junky hand-to-hand combat (outside of some scripted interactions like the guy hitting the robot in the balls).
En réponse à

"That just happened 'cause that was awesome" - Randy Pitchford, Gearbox

Inscrit depuis 5824 Jours
Posté par szaromir
Please explain me what I'm missing in that gameplay video. What I'm seeing is yawn-inducing cover system and very junky hand-to-hand combat (outside of some scripted interactions like the guy hitting the robot in the balls).
You are shooting that thing right then out of nowhere you go and start to punch it with an actual melle system in there not just a punch or a kick,that alone makes it above anything else.

You can dash towards it at high speeds,you can roll insanely fast out of incoming danger,you pop out and shoot at high speed maybe 10x the speed of Gears,you jump that cover wall to the next very smooth no weird transitions to do so.

The main character doing it all that with some of the best animations Ive ever seen in a shooter that it comes really close to an action game,maybe it does but we need to see more gameplay footage to confirm that,I know it does but not everyone has the same faith in the game like me.

It may be doin things other games did in the past but this time in this game its taking it to next level,in so many words its the Bayonetta of shooters.

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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6983 Jours
I keep hearing that the games melee system is not "button mashing" rather "context sensitive".
Basically you go close, press a button and you see all the attacks being performed, is that so? If so, then its boring!

IMO, what makes this stand out is how the suit makes your character so agile and having nice melee attacks like if it was Ninja Gaiden, Bayonetta...etc.

But I need to see alot more of this shooting + melee before I decide anything. But this particular video was pretty awesome.
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Inscrit depuis 7008 Jours
Posté par scoobs0688
Yes but bayonetta was also a game that the developers had experience making before (DMC series obviously) and this is a shooter... that looks like it's gonna have one of the single worst stories in a game in decades lol :)
Very good point. They've at least made something like Bayonetta before. I honestly didn't know it was going to be THIS heavy a shooter, lol.
En réponse à

Halo Reach using 360 tesselation unit extensively.

Hironobu Sakaguchi is coming back to reclaim the throne :)

Seeing it in motion on your HDTV, will blow your mind!!

Don't ask any questions just shut up and buy Halo : Ghosts of the Onyx one of th

Inscrit depuis 6873 Jours
Posté par IRAIPT0IR
It may be doin things other games did in the past but this time in this game its taking it to next level,in so many words its the Bayonetta of shooters.
Hmmm still not seeing it. I see a standard cover shooters and things Vanquish is attempting to do don't do anything for me to differentiate it.

Each to his own I guess.
En réponse à

"That just happened 'cause that was awesome" - Randy Pitchford, Gearbox

SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Inscrit depuis 7140 Jours
Posté par IRAIPT0IR
You are shooting that thing right then out of nowhere you go and start to punch it with an actual melle system in there not just a punch or a kick,that alone makes it above anything else.
But this is so wrong? Being stuck in a flailing animation in a cover based shooter is a HORRIBLE THING, that's why sensible shooters don't do it. I go from thinking we were separated at birth when you talk about Crackdown and Bayonetta, to thinking we were separated at birth for a reason when you talk about Prototype and say things like this. :D

I think this video shows a game that has the RE4 style locking into a melee attack and having a deliberate animation play out, but at the same time tries to be a speedy, dynamic thing. I think it seems incredibly jarring that way.

Gears of War is a pretty slow paced game, but relative to that slow pace you can get quicker within its framework. It has a steady rythm that means that being faster relative to its slow pace, it feels fluid and engaging even though it isn't BLASTING SPEED IN YOUR FACE. This video to me shows a game that seems very disjointed in rythm, where you SOAR AROUND WITH YOUR CRAZY BOOST, but then you come up to an enemy and you're essentially "glued" to it with contextual animation.

How that translates to Bayonetta I have no clue. Bayonetta if anything is an absolutely masterful display of dynamism and rythm. You can't make a Bayo by sporadically fast forwarding bits of RE4.
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