Microsoft put up a new batch of content on the Marketplace today, and while there was no new demo in sight, this montage of upcoming Xbox Live Arcade titles was released.
Microsoft put up a new batch of content on the Marketplace today, and while there was no new demo in sight, this montage of upcoming Xbox Live Arcade titles was released.
Also announced during X06, here are a couple of images from the weird-looking TotemBall, a kind of Eye Toy-Katamari (you control the little roundy animal by moving your arms in front of the Xbox Live Vision). Mutant Storm Empire is also back with some images.
The very nice Mutant Storm Reloaded was one of the Xbox Live Arcade launch titles, but was a bit in the shadow by the awesome Geometry Wars. The developers at PomPom Games still must have been satisfied with the sales since they are now working on a sequel exclusively for 360. First screens inside.