As usual, we encountered a bunch of issues when trying to capture 120 fps footage but we finally nailed it (at least we think so) on PS5. Now obviously with the known issue the console's video output has in SDR, videos are still darker than they should with crushed blacks but since it's not our fault, we figured we could post the following videos of Nioh Remastered - The Complete Edition and DiRT 5. In the future, we'll increase the in-game bright ess to try and compensate, just like Digital Foundry does, but this time it will have to do. Inside, you won't find all 120 fps games on PS5, one because we don't own them all and two, because of the time it would require to do it. That being said, if you're interested, we'll add some more in the upcoming weeks and will try to make it work on Xbox Series X too. Except for the FPS videos, for which we created streams, the others need to be downloaded and played on a compatible device to be fully enjoyed.