Video games adapted from movies usually are to be avoided at all costs, but sometimes we are pleasantly surprised. The Amazing Spider-Man is one of those games, and though it has some flaws, it is also a very fun title to play. Web-swinging around New York is incredibly addictive, even when simply looking for comics pages. Obviously, the side-quests should have been more varied, and there is still room for improvement in the technical department, but overall it's a nice combination of open world gameplay and more straightforward sequences in which Spidey can fight his way to his objective, or decide to lay low and sneak in. Beenox sure borrowed a lot from the Arkham games, but we have enjoyed every single bit of this new Spider-Man adventure.
Note: Activision just announced that the PC version will be released on August 10 in Europe - so most probably on August 7 in North America.