Trailer PC Xbox 360 PS3

EA has put online a couple of screens and a trailer of Crysis 2 announcing its multiplayer demo set to hit the Xbox Live on January 25. You'll be able to play on one map that is Skyline and try two game modes: Team Instant Action and Crash Site.

2 screens

  • Crysis 2: Multiplayer demo trailer - 2 screens
  • Crysis 2: Multiplayer demo trailer - 2 screens
Commented on 2011-01-22 00:10:08
Look good
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2011-01-22 01:47:06
Damn you Crytek!

First a closed beta on 360 now a MP demo on 360?
Alot of 360 and PC footage but one lousy PS3 screenshot?

I have no idea what they are thinking TBH, this isnt COD were 360 gets priority, I expect them to treat all platforms equally.

360 gets a closed beta, PS3 gets a multiplayer demo and PC gets a single player demo, all wins.

I will be buying this game regardless, but I will be dissapointed if PS3/PC doesnt get any demo soon and I will be pissed if they make the PS3 version the worse considering all the praise in the interviews they gave earlier.

Awesome trailer though, very awesome.
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Commented on 2011-01-22 01:51:23
This multiplayer demo is pretty much what was included with the closed beta, so it's understandable. Also, they haven't released a lot of 360 footage, especially since a lot of the live shows at E3 have come under scrutiny leading many to believe quite a lot of the footage was from the PC.

But I fully expect the PS3 version to be a shit show. If Crytek was extremely confident in it, they'd have pulled an Id and showed all three versions simultaneously (and no, I don't consider a tech demo transparency).
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2011-01-22 01:58:07
Well the beta was something about stress test for the MP, this one I believe is a newer demo, more polished, gameplay and visually and performance.
There has been alot of PC and 360, I could have sworn during GDC or some event they said they had 360s running Crysis 2 that people could play along with PC.

Its funny that the only image we see from PS3 is a blurry shit screenshot of a view, and yet they kept going how PS3 version seemed to be better than 360, so basically PC>PS3>360.
Its annoying really because I dont want to pay for a game on a platform that sucks ass, I did that with Black Ops and I dont want to do that again with this game.

And Crysis 2 is out in March, thats soon.
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Doom_Bringer - I have terrible taste
Commented on 2011-01-22 02:47:09
This message is in "Boulet Time" (TM), If you still *really* want to see it, click here
Crysis 2 shouldn't even be on this generation of consoles...this is such a travesty!! I mean the types of games Crytek likes making (big open world FPS's with ground breaking technology) won't run well on this gen of consoles...these consoles have problem running anything that's open world

Releasing games on system you don't like and forcing yourself to work on these system is just stupid. Crytek won't become the next Epic or Bungie by releasing a slideshow with screen tearing that runs at 15 frames per second. Gamer's will probably hate the developer go back to worshiping Bungie or Infinity Ward.

Crytek should have waited for PS4 and Xbox 720 and demanded $ony and M$ to add 4 gigs of ram for their next console

OH and BTW Crytek abandoned Crysis 1 after the second patch, the third patch which was suppose to balance multiplayer was in the work but CANCELLED and now Crysis Multiplayer is full of Russian hackers (fucking punkbuster) and laggy "no cd key servers" Crysis Wars also suffered a similar fate. The chances of this multiplayer being supported down the line are ZERO.
Commented on 2011-01-22 03:51:11
kinda ironic you saying the type of games Crytek make wont run well on consoles when when Crysis hit it was a running joke that it didnt run well on the majority of pc's.

A closed platform should be perfect for them. Sure it wont look as good as the screens shots.. but then it wont on most peoples pc's either.

Crysis 2 is probably getting some 360 favourtism because its the biggest install base they're attempting to sell to. Plus MS has them working on other projects exclusively for them
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Commented on 2011-01-22 03:59:03
Well, it'll run sweet on my system.

Doom_Bringer: Are you blaming Crytek for this? Its not their fault MS and Sony havent released a new system yet. Thats all they've had to work with. Don't worry, PC version will look amazing. I do not know why you people are so hung up on graphics anyway.

My concern is the stealth option on the nano suit. Seems it would open a can of worms up with the campers out there. Hope it has some kind of balance mechanism that makes it fair to people who don't feel like sitting around the whole time waiting for someone to run in front of them.

Other than that, looks like a blast. Loved that music too.
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Doom_Bringer - I have terrible taste
Commented on 2011-01-22 04:01:25
Crytek has been sucking Microsoft's privates since the release of Crysis...the entire DX10 effects exclusive to Vista BS, it was a games for windows title and then the 360 exclusive bs...

btw I remember seeing Crysis running well in 1up's review machines back when it was released. I think Shawn Elliot said it ran well with a GT 8800 (at a certain resolution not 1080p)

These guys loving pushing technology, the ice levels in Crysis were held back due to the min specs...I remember playing Far Cry on my rig when it was released and that too ran like crap on my ATI 9800 pro...I don't think these guys are suited to work with a closed box like Naughty Dog or some of Sony's first party studios.
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Doom_Bringer - I have terrible taste
Commented on 2011-01-22 04:07:28 In reply to dystopian
Posted by dystopian
Well, it'll run sweet on my system.

Doom_Bringer: Are you blaming Crytek for this? Its not their fault MS and Sony havent released a new system yet. Thats all they've had to work with.
You don't know well this is optimized to run on PC...the game supports 8 cores on PC and for all we know it could only run well on the 8 core cpu's and the guys with 6/4/2 core cpu might get screwed. Crytek isn't known for optimization either....

I am not blaming Crytek...when their CEO is spouting stuff like "consoles are a generation behind pc" and "consoles are holding back PC" its obvious they are forcing themselves to work on limited technology.

Btw the multiplayer will me dead within a year IMO. Once Battlefield 3 and the next CoD is released, no one will care about Crysis 2
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Commented on 2011-01-22 04:59:16 In reply to Doom_Bringer
Posted by Doom_Bringer
btw I remember seeing Crysis running well in 1up's review machines back when it was released. I think Shawn Elliot said it ran well with a GT 8800 (at a certain resolution not 1080p)

These guys loving pushing technology, the ice levels in Crysis were held back due to the min specs...I remember playing Far Cry on my rig when it was released and that too ran like crap on my ATI 9800 pro...I don't think these guys are suited to work with a closed box like Naughty Dog or some of Sony's first party studios.
I played the game on high on my 8800gt with 1920X1200 res, got 30 frames which is plenty for a tactical shooter.
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Doom_Bringer - I have terrible taste
Commented on 2011-01-22 05:05:04 In reply to plmko
Posted by plmko
I played the game on high on my 8800gt with 1920X1200 res, got 30 frames which is plenty for a tactical shooter.
I refuse to believe this!! I have a HEXA core CPU water cooled to 4 GHZ and a 5850 that's overclocked and also cooled to within 60c (not water cooled) and I hate running Crysis at 1080p as I get a lot of frame drops!!!

I play at 720p with MAXIMUM settings (and some custom settings) with 2X wide tent AA and the game still drops frame rate heavily in certain areas (looking at village from top of the hill for instance) those areas aren't well optimized!? The game designers put too many objects so the frame rate drops....

I have played the game on TWO computers!! One with dual core and second hexa core and two gpus (512 vram vs 1gig vram) IT IS UNOPTIMIZEDDDD (uses 1.5 cores, abandoned after release!!!)
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Commented on 2011-01-22 05:25:48
So whats your point Doom? You are just frustrated that consoles are holding back PC gaming?
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Commented on 2011-01-22 05:44:17
It looks pretty darn good. I guess i will try the demo out on 360.
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PlumbDrumb - Still drinking
Commented on 2011-01-22 05:49:03 In reply to dystopian
Posted by dystopian
So whats your point Doom? You are just frustrated that consoles are holding back PC gaming?
apparently PC's are holding back PC gaming, if Crysis is anything to go by.
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Commented on 2011-01-22 06:29:34
Could everyone just shut up about politics, and talk about how awesome the multiplayer could be with these abilities? But wouldn't it get unbalanced and broken?

Guess the demo will explain it all.
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Commented on 2011-01-22 08:48:30
despite all the negativism here, i 'd like to point out that this was one hell of a cool trailer. modestly blew my mind :)
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Commented on 2011-01-22 13:05:27
This message is in "Boulet Time" (TM), If you still *really* want to see it, click here
lol who plays games on pc nowadays? pc gaming is dead and this game wont change thats. but pc gamers love wasting money haha. a thing that will never change. and who buys this game for MP anyway? dont need it when KZ3 is out.
Commented on 2011-01-22 13:20:20
I had little interest in this before, but that trailer was fucking sweet.

When is the 360 demo coming out?
In reply to
GangStarr - Inhibited Sony Lover
Commented on 2011-01-22 13:21:13
cant wait for the demo, that will decide if i buy it on release or later in the bargain bin
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Commented on 2011-01-22 13:23:45
4 ghz on water cooling? That's weak, my i7 980x is stable at 4,02 ghz on air cooling man.

Forgot the 0.
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GangStarr - Inhibited Sony Lover
Commented on 2011-01-22 13:24:36 In reply to Sath
Posted by Sath
360 gets a closed beta, PS3 gets a multiplayer demo and PC gets a single player demo, all wins.
all wins? what you on about, that would be awful for 360 gamers. its hard to get into closed beta's you know...

a demo for each would be fair, what you suggested is awful lol
In reply to
Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2011-01-22 13:27:55 In reply to GangStarr
Posted by GangStarr
all wins? what you on about, that would be awful for 360 gamers. its hard to get into closed beta's you know...

a demo for each would be fair, what you suggested is awful lol
LOL yes, but idea indeed. I was upset when I wrote that :P

A multiplayer demo on all platforms at the same time.
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Commented on 2011-01-22 13:32:12 In reply to blmbox
Posted by blmbox
When is the 360 demo coming out?
Never mind - only three days, nice.

Compared to most of the FPS games I've been playing, this looks like a refreshing change gameplay-wise.
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Commented on 2011-01-22 13:50:35 In reply to jackdoe
Posted by jackdoe
This multiplayer demo is pretty much what was included with the closed beta, so it's understandable. Also, they haven't released a lot of 360 footage, especially since a lot of the live shows at E3 have come under scrutiny leading many to believe quite a lot of the footage was from the PC.

But I fully expect the PS3 version to be a shit show. If Crytek was extremely confident in it, they'd have pulled an Id and showed all three versions simultaneously (and no, I don't consider a tech demo transparency).
Weird then how Crytek said that the PS3 version would be the best out of the bunch and the lead platform, or were they smoking crack at the time? Probably the latter.......
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Commented on 2011-01-22 14:37:56 In reply to aphex187
Posted by aphex187
Weird then how Crytek said that the PS3 version would be the best out of the bunch and the lead platform, or were they smoking crack at the time? Probably the latter.......
The same reason why bioware went full on with PR Lies as "New Mass Effect 3 Engine, all reworked, best version" and in the end performs worse, and the new (and only) tweaks are done to cutscene light sources and makes the game even more bland lighting wise.

When you know wich version is most likely to sell worse or bomb, you jump on its legs like a mad horny dog ... maybe the more gullible userbase my bite it. Even if its based on Huge lies (Ghostbuster: The Game Developers).
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About the game
PC X360 PS3
Published by
Electronic Arts
Developed by

$135 of $400 per month

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