Trailer PC Xbox 360 PS3

Electronic Arts has put online this Crysis 2 launch trailer which is available today in North America and this thursday in Europe.

Commented on 2011-03-23 00:12:34
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Commented on 2011-03-23 00:14:08
I'm speechless!!

So damn pretty!!

Best console FPS ever made right here people!!!

Bow to the king!!
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Commented on 2011-03-23 00:43:11
Seems Crysis 2 on the 360 has now took the graphics crown on console' one seen that coming!
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2011-03-23 00:49:15 In reply to UkHardcore23
Great trailer, shit music, ruined the vibe for me.

That being said, game is going to be fantastic, my type of FPS by a mile, those nanosuit abilities are just perfect for me :D
Posted by UkHardcore23
Seems Crysis 2 on the 360 has now took the graphics one seen that coming!
On the 360, while PS3 already has 2 franchises (Uncharted and Killzone).
But, another great game to add to the list of best graphical games on consoles :)

And dont say "no one" when some of us knew Crytek could deliver it more or less great graphics on consoles, its now that we are seeing it fully.
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Commented on 2011-03-23 00:53:03
looks almost as good as goldeneye on the wii.
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Commented on 2011-03-23 00:56:25 In reply to Sath
Posted by Sath
Great trailer, shit music, ruined the vibe for me.

That being said, game is going to be fantastic, my type of FPS by a mile, those nanosuit abilities are just perfect for me :D

On the 360, while PS3 already has 2 franchises (Uncharted and Killzone).
But, another great game to add to the list of best graphical games on consoles :)

And dont say "no one" when some of us knew Crytek could deliver it more or less great graphics on consoles, its now that we are seeing it fully.
What i am saying is no one expected a 360 game to look better than Uncharted 2 or K3...especially not a multi platform game.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2011-03-23 01:06:10
Well be more specific next time :)
IMO, it doesnt look better, or worse, its in the same league of "best looking games on consoles" as Uncharted 2/3 and Killzone 2/3, atleast the console version of Crysis 2.
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Commented on 2011-03-23 01:28:42 In reply to UkHardcore23
Posted by UkHardcore23
What i am saying is no one expected a 360 game to look better than Uncharted 2 or K3...especially not a multi platform game.
Games shine due to the talent behind them not the hardware running them. Sony's had a good hand this gen as it's studio's have focused on getting the very best out of the ps3 hardware...where as studio's like Bungie have focused their efferts else where.

I cant say i'm surprised/shocked that the 360 versions "edged it"..we see it 90% of the time with multiplatform games. I am looking forward to seeing what they can do when focused soley on one platform though like their next 360 title will be.

And all this "new console graphics king" praise will probably last till Uncharted 3 hits. Would be very interesting to see what ND could do with the 360...we've seen ninja theorys efferts...and soon to see insomniacs
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Commented on 2011-03-23 01:44:43 In reply to bleachedsmiles
Posted by bleachedsmiles
Games shine due to the talent behind them not the hardware running them. Sony's had a good hand this gen as it's studio's have focused on getting the very best out of the ps3 hardware...where as studio's like Bungie have focused their efferts else where.

I cant say i'm surprised/shocked that the 360 versions "edged it"..we see it 90% of the time with multiplatform games. I am looking forward to seeing what they can do when focused soley on one platform though like their next 360 title will be.

And all this "new console graphics king" praise will probably last till Uncharted 3 hits. Would be very interesting to see what ND could do with the 360...we've seen ninja theorys efferts...and soon to see insomniacs
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Commented on 2011-03-23 01:55:49
Naughty dog - guys behind Uncharted
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Commented on 2011-03-23 02:58:06
It's funny everyone was hating before these reviews came out.
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Commented on 2011-03-23 03:03:26
According to reviews it is the best looking console game to date, and since it edges out the PS3 version it would make the 360 king. I will wait to see though and compare them myself soon. I have a PS3 but no 360. My little brother is bringing his 360 this week so I'll be able to compare.
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Commented on 2011-03-23 03:04:54
I hope Crysis 2 sells well. It's to unique, fresh and beautiful to compete sales wise with the Halo's and the CoD's, but whilst it may not get what it deserves I hope it does extremely well. I mean Homefront is alreadty toping charts and it is in no way near as ambitious Crysis 2.
Posted by spacemanjupiter
According to reviews it is the best looking console game to date, and since it edges out the PS3 version it would make the 360 king. I will wait to see though and compare them myself soon. I have a PS3 but no 360. My little brother is bringing his 360 this week so I'll be able to compare.
I think alot of that is conditional, I doubt it can beat Uncharted just because of the style and the nature of the game but I wouldn't doubt it the second spot for sure.
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Commented on 2011-03-23 06:22:28
Game looks fun can't see it being any different really on either console. From the comparsions so far that seems to ring true.
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Commented on 2011-03-23 06:27:05
Isn't the game sub hd no aa, af, pop ins , low settings at consoles :P

But no serisously the cryengine3 has lots of power but next-gen we will see its true potential. It will intresting to see how this game does. It should enjoy nice sales
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2011-03-23 07:45:06

According to reviews?
Dont be silly, you got eyes dont you? there are comparison shots, there are videos...etc. why listen to reviews (IGN) when there are more sources of facts right infront of you.
Atleast you are smart enough to have your brother coming with a 360 so you guys can compare :)
Also, make sure you adjust some settings for the PS3 version to get a better quality since its recommended.

Yes, Crysis 2 is "slightly" better on 360 due to a bit higher resolution (still sub-HD) other than that its pretty much the same more or less.

"360 is king" is true, its the best 360 game (non exclusive at that) released so far!

Crysis 2 overal looks fantastic, seen some PC images and its amazing what they have done IMO.
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Commented on 2011-03-23 08:09:21 In reply to Sath
Posted by Sath

According to reviews?
Dont be silly, you got eyes dont you? there are comparison shots, there are videos...etc. why listen to reviews (IGN) when there are more sources of facts right infront of you.
Seems to be the consensus.

"Crysis 2 does run on consoles, and it does so beautifully. We're calling it now: Crysis 2 is possibly the best-looking console game ever." - Gamesradar "

best looking shooter on PlayStation 3" - PSU

"Crysis 2 on Xbox 360 has taken the crown for best graphics in a console game" - IGN

"best looking fps ever" - CVG

"I find Crysis 2 visuals to be superior to similar shooters like Call of Duty: Black Ops or Killzone 3." -

"Crysis 2 is definitely the best looking game on consoles and PC" -

"I honestly think that this may well be the single best looking FPS I've ever seen, on any platform. It really does look that good." - denofgeek

"Possibly the most visually impressive game you'll play this year" - 1up

They can't all be delusional. But yes I'll have a chance this week to compare them myself. I could go by the demos, which seem to be pretty accurate in describing the full versions judging by complaints in PS3 reviews, but I'll wait. I will make sure my PS3 version looks good though. I'm always adjusting things. I'm also secretly going to make sure my PS3 version is running on the better quality monitor. But eventually I'm going to run them side by side on the same monitor with the PiP feature it has. It will run two same size windows side by side and if i turn the monitor vertical, I'm pretty sure i can run them both at 1:1 pixel resolution.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2011-03-23 08:22:37
No no, I agree that Crysis 2 is one of the best games ever made, I never said otherwise.
But knowing IGN they always exagerate to praise the 360 more, but if you look at what other sites said they are praising ALL versions and not one specific one, makes you go "hmm".
And you seem to take in more what IGN said more than other sites, dont know why.

Also, COD Blacks is great looking and is in the same segment as Killzone 3? LOL, such a joke.

The demos were OLD builds, and the original Crytek did not work on MP, Crytek Uk (AKA Free Radical "Haze") team worked on it.
Original Crytek did only the SP part of the game, so compare the SP only. Thats why the SP looks much better than MP.
Many gamers who bought the game has said the retail version looks better compared to the demo, and they said it runs better.

Good idea with PiP, I did that too when I had a 360, compared DMC4 back in the day LOL

Anyways, I can't wait for my PC copy, hopefully it arrives today, gonna be fantastic!
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Commented on 2011-03-23 10:27:03
While it's true that this is far from the best looking console game ever made (Uncharted 2/3, KZ2/3, GT5, Heavy Rain etc.), and also a big let down (hence the lower review scores)in comparison to the first crysis, it still looks like a solid game with better than average graphics for sure. I still dislike the direction the gameplay has gone in, becoming much more COD player sympathetic, but I still enjoy it :)

Oh and for the people stating it's the best looking console game ever made, they obviously don't have functioning eyes. The game is sub-HD, has terrible pop-in, a huge lack of AA, poor texturing for the most part and awful artifacting due to temporal, ineffective, AA. You're comparing it to games that don't have any of these problems... of course it's going to come up short. Doesn't make it less enjoyable, however.
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Commented on 2011-03-23 10:38:35
Did anyone play it on a 3D-TV yet?

COD Blacks looked great on a Samsung 3D with active Shutter - after some tweaking... and as Crytek said, they worked for 2 years on the 3D-TV support of Crysis 2. So is it that good??

Thanks for any replies in advance! regards ScarJack
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Commented on 2011-03-23 10:46:26
Yeah I've got the PS3 version hooked up and it's a pretty underwhelming 3D effect - still has the same problems the beta had in that regard - it just doesn't have that depth to it like a lot of other 3D games, you know? Crytek used their own 'revolutionary' technique for the 3D. Turns out the final product, the 3D, didn't look as good as they promised.
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Commented on 2011-03-23 14:27:41 In reply to UkHardcore23
Posted by UkHardcore23
What i am saying is no one expected a 360 game to look better than Uncharted 2 or K3...especially not a multi platform game.
Call me crazy but i don't think that killzone 3 has one of the best graphics so far on consoles. I totally agree on uncharted 2 , but killzone...???? No way! Gears has better graphics than KZ3!
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Commented on 2011-03-23 14:31:30 In reply to shazui
Posted by shazui
While it's true that this is far from the best looking console game ever made (Uncharted 2/3, KZ2/3, GT5, Heavy Rain etc.), and also a big let down (hence the lower review scores)in comparison to the first crysis, it still looks like a solid game with better than average graphics for sure. I still dislike the direction the gameplay has gone in, becoming much more COD player sympathetic, but I still enjoy it :)

Oh and for the people stating it's the best looking console game ever made, they obviously don't have functioning eyes. The game is sub-HD, has terrible pop-in, a huge lack of AA, poor texturing for the most part and awful artifacting due to temporal, ineffective, AA. You're comparing it to games that don't have any of these problems... of course it's going to come up short. Doesn't make it less enjoyable, however.
Crysis 2 does things in real time those games dont even dream of doing, also the scale is bigger.

So its not too crazy to say that.
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Commented on 2011-03-23 14:38:53
Great video , lame soundtrack though!!! I've already ordered my copy. I am ready for some new action instead of that buggiest multiplayer-game ever made for the next generation consoles named Black Ops! I felt fooled by Treyarch. Hope this one to work properly!
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Commented on 2011-03-23 15:59:16
cool trailer ...
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About the game
PC X360 PS3
Published by
Electronic Arts
Developed by

$135 of $400 per month

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