
This is not much, but here is a selection of artworks for the racing videogame Mario Kart which, as of now, is in the garage while waiting to drive to the Nintendo Wii circuit. Sunday is the day of beautiful metaphors, so appreciate it.

6 Artworks

  • Some artworks for Mario Kart - 6 Artworks
  • Some artworks for Mario Kart - 6 Artworks
  • Some artworks for Mario Kart - 6 Artworks
  • Some artworks for Mario Kart - 6 Artworks
  • Some artworks for Mario Kart - 6 Artworks
  • Some artworks for Mario Kart - 6 Artworks
Commented on 2008-02-17 00:48:12
If only Wii-games really had high quality graphics like that.. I'd wish..

TF2 on my PC comes pretty close..
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Commented on 2008-02-17 03:09:32
we won't see a nintendo console with graphics like that for another 20 years.
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Commented on 2008-02-17 05:13:14
Is it really necessary for a game to look like that though? The characters are so simple and stylized it doesn't particularly impress me nor do I deeply desire it.

Trackside detail, or a game like Zelda could use this kind of detail though.
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Commented on 2008-02-17 06:51:58
I like how Nintendo is showing how the Wii would be if they hadn't been cheap and given the Wii the equivilant proccessing power of my DOG =)

Enjoy your betrayal Nintendo fans
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Commented on 2008-02-17 11:02:42
Kind of reminds me of Blue Dragon...

Graphics aren't what MK is about though, fellas!
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Commented on 2008-02-17 11:41:03 In reply to squarejawhero
Posted by squarejawhero
Kind of reminds me of Blue Dragon...

Graphics aren't what MK is about though, fellas!
Nope, Mariokart is all about taking the gameplay formula from a Snes game and releasing it again with somewhat hotter graphics.
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Commented on 2008-02-17 12:13:54 In reply to pythxvii
Posted by pythxvii
I like how Nintendo is showing how the Wii would be if they hadn't been cheap and given the Wii the equivilant proccessing power of my DOG =)

Enjoy your betrayal Nintendo fans
I prefer to pay $200 for a console, with fun games and decent graphics, rather than $600 for one with graphics that are only just above what we had with the last generation of consoles, and no games.

Seems like a very reasonable trade off to me.
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Commented on 2008-02-17 12:41:57
Urgh a bike!? What the hell!? This would be the only reason i buy a Wii, Mario Kart and only Mario Kart alone, its like the GTA of Nintendo, at the end of the day it sells consoles, on just pure hype alone.
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Commented on 2008-02-17 13:57:26
It's so boring, that Nintendo games look like the same for the last 10 years ...
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Commented on 2008-02-17 15:22:58 In reply to WinterSnowblind
Posted by Jigen
Is it really necessary for a game to look like that though? The characters are so simple and stylized it doesn't particularly impress me nor do I deeply desire it.
Just go play TF2 in 640x480 and then in 1680x1050, and see if it's a necessity.. I can tell you it makes a lot of difference.. And that's only the resolution, not even all the other graphical tricks to make games look better..
Posted by WinterSnowblind
I prefer to pay $200 for a console, with fun games and decent graphics, rather than $600 for one with graphics that are only just above what we had with the last generation of consoles, and no games.
Wii graphics decent and Xbox 360/PS3 just above last gen? Seriously, you are either a Nintendo Wii fan looking for excuses, or you really need to get your eyes checked, sorry.. Maybe you should start wearing sunglasses to avoid that wintersnowblindness he? ;)

A Wii for 200 euro I would have called reasonable aswell, at 250 euro it's overpirced, simple as that.. I wasn't surprised at all a while back when I read Nintendo makes over 50 dollar profit on each Wii sold in Europe..

A much more powerfull Xbox 360 Arcade can already be bought for 299, and I wouldn't be surprised if you could get a Xbox 360 for less then a Wii soon.. Because MS will probably drop it's prices again soon (just before GTA-IV comes out?), and Nintendo has no reason at all aslong as this many people are willing to buy Wii's at the current pricelevel..
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Commented on 2008-02-17 15:31:17 In reply to waxenpi
Posted by waxenpi
we won't see a nintendo console with graphics like that for another 20 years.
I was just going to say that lol. They`re NEVER in-game for definate. Nice if they were though.
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Commented on 2008-02-17 17:46:12 In reply to WinterSnowblind
Posted by waxenpi
we won't see a nintendo console with graphics like that for another 20 years.
I can,t wait to see what Nintendo do with there next system..... It just sames they always leve something out of there systems. Last gen it was "Online will never take off" WRONG!
Now its all BLAH BLAH BLAH about HD which is sad becuase if on the 360 or Ps3 them artwork shots could really be in game renders.
Posted by WinterSnowblind
I prefer to pay $200 for a console, with fun games and decent graphics, rather than $600 for one with graphics that are only just above what we had with the last generation of consoles, and no games.

Seems like a very reasonable trade off to me.
A trade off LMAO your telling me Last year 360 had NO GAMES and last gen GFX OMG nintendo fanboy (BLIND) sorry but theres no point me maken a list of games but i will tell you one thing theres been more good games out for 360/ps3 NOW. than there will be in the life time of the Wii. As for fun games =S swingin a control about all day anit fun ....give me DEVIL MAY CRY, MASS EFFECT , CALL OF DUTY 4 , HALO 3, lost odyssey , Assassins Creed ............ yay even if they have last gen GFX LOL maybe you want to upgrade your B/W tv?
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Commented on 2008-02-17 19:33:27 In reply to type105x
Posted by type105x
A trade off LMAO your telling me Last year 360 had NO GAMES and last gen GFX OMG nintendo fanboy (BLIND) sorry but theres no point me maken a list of games but i will tell you one thing theres been more good games out for 360/ps3 NOW. than there will be in the life time of the Wii. As for fun games =S swingin a control about all day anit fun ....give me DEVIL MAY CRY, MASS EFFECT , CALL OF DUTY 4 , HALO 3, lost odyssey , Assassins Creed ............ yay even if they have last gen GFX LOL maybe you want to upgrade your B/W tv?
My comments were obviously in regard to the PS3, not the 360.

My simple point was that I'd rather pay less for a console, that focuses more on gameplay, rather than a lot for one with a lot of useless features. Are you guys honestly trying to tell me that graphics are the only thing that are important to games, ignoring the fact that Mario Kart has always been one of the most enjoyable games *ever*?

And I have to laugh at you guys throwing terms like "fanboy" at me, simply for defending a console against this kind of crap. You may have noticed that the majority of my comments on here are for 360 games. :P
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Commented on 2008-02-17 20:42:13 In reply to WinterSnowblind
Posted by WinterSnowblind
My comments were obviously in regard to the PS3, not the 360.

My simple point was that I'd rather pay less for a console, that focuses more on gameplay, rather than a lot for one with a lot of useless features. Are you guys honestly
of course not, but games on the ps3 and 360 have great gamplay AND great graphics...this game, and wii games in genral, have tired gamplay that i supose fans of the series will enjoy, and crap graphics. i mean, every zelda game has been the same as the previous, do you enjoy PAYING FOR and playing the same game over and over and over again? metroid prime 3 was metroid prime 1/2...again. resi 4, was, well, resi 4...AGAIN...and this game will be the same thing all over again. you might see nintendo as innovators and gamplay focused develppers. but i just see them as what they are. cheap. enjoy playing super smash bros...for the third time.

end of the day. i can get a comparable console to the wii with the same/ better games....and for aprox. 1/6th of the price of a wii. and that console it the GC. graphics are the same...i can still play a mario cart game that looks and plays like this version. i can play resi 4, SSB, metroid prime, zelda....etc etc.

wake me up when the wii actually does something remotely innovative with that waggle stick of theirs.
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Commented on 2008-02-17 21:09:07
yay sorry WinterSnowblind was.nt havin a go go at you but to tell the turth if games where all about gameplay we would still be playin the Mario Kart on the snes =P not really a graphics whore myself.... but it does help =)

I guess part of me is mad because i feel Nintendo have forgot about hardcore Gamers. There is like 1-2 games comin out for the Wii I want =(

As for the PS3 all its good for is the Blu-Ray player even at that Price its a great deal now that its the only HD-format.
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Commented on 2008-02-17 22:16:16 In reply to type105x
Posted by type105x
yay sorry WinterSnowblind was.nt havin a go go at you but to tell the turth if games where all about gameplay we would still be playin the Mario Kart on the snes =P not really a graphics whore myself.... but it does help =)

I guess part of me is mad because i feel Nintendo have forgot about hardcore Gamers. There is like 1-2 games comin out for the Wii I want =(

As for the PS3 all its good for is the Blu-Ray player even at that Price its a great deal now that its the only HD-format.
the problem with nintendo is the fact they still seem stuck in the 80's. its rare you get a genuinely decent original IP from them anymore. they just cash in on their old franchises year after year like EA and their sports games. people always state how innovative and original nintendo are, but in all honesty i've played more original and interesting games on the psp then i have the wii.

i agree graphics arnt everything. hell, they count for less then half a games overall worth for me personally, but imagine if games like mass effect, bioshock, gears of war, uncharted etc where on the wii. do you honestly thing they would have been as immersive and gripping as they currently are on the 360? cos personally i dont. graphics arnt everything but as type105x said....it does help. when there is a generation leap from old console to new console ala ps2 to ps3 and xbox to 360...i expect a graphical overhaul. we've been given it before so why didnt they give us it again. why did ninty go against what they've been doing themselves since the NES?? even if it did cost more the gimmick controller would have still drawn in teh punters.
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Commented on 2008-02-17 23:17:38
Adding bikes should be interesting. Other than that, in terms of gameplay, if it ain't broken, don't fix it.
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Commented on 2008-02-17 23:22:10
Mario Kart one of the most enjoyable games ever? Not really. I wouldn't put the series in the top 50. They need to fix a lot of things from that bastard game of MKDS. Snaking, which is going to be in there so there's already a failure, better item distribution(i.e. just because I'm in first doesn't mean I should only get damn bananas), better a.i., better courses, new items, etc. etc.
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Commented on 2008-02-18 00:43:32 In reply to WinterSnowblind
Posted by WinterSnowblind
I prefer to pay $200 for a console, with fun games and decent graphics, rather than $600 for one with graphics that are only just above what we had with the last generation of consoles, and no games.

Seems like a very reasonable trade off to me.
You payed $200 for the what, 4 ACTUAL games on the wii? cuz lets face it....the rest are just ports, remakes, or (the majority actually) minigames...

its not just about graphics. The Wii was made for every day people, not gamers.
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Commented on 2008-02-18 01:02:24
There are plenty of games to justify owning a Wii. Though I'm more then happy with a PS3 instead.
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Commented on 2008-02-18 04:28:48
Am I too late for the war?
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Commented on 2008-02-18 04:38:59 In reply to FormlessLikeWater
Posted by FormlessLikeWater
Snaking, which is going to be in there so there's already a failure
Snaking existed since the second Mario kart game(N64) didn't it?
better item distribution(i.e. just because I'm in first doesn't mean I should only get damn bananas)
First place doesn't need red shells, blue shells, boosts(for a huge disadvantage), stars(another disadvantage), Boo ability, and maybe a few others. having first place receive bananas and green shells to defend oneself is more about balance than item distribution.
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Commented on 2008-02-18 06:55:20
Snaking has always been in Mario Kart, but was NEVER at the level it was in MKDS. Sure you could in the N64 version, but it wasn't even worth the effort. I should not be punished because the other players suck. I can understand not getting a rocket or star, but you will never get 3 green shells, you will ONLY get bananas from what I remember in MKDS. Fix the damn A.I. so you and that one computer won't be the only people battling for first, and I'm using the term battle loosely.
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