The Elotrolado forum found who knows where these first images from Dead or Alive 4. Since their site is almost impossible to reach I've mirrored the images here, but I could have to remove them when they will be back online. I must say that I was hoping for a bigger evolution from DOA3/U.
Edit: Some people are actually saying that these are images from DOA4, but running on Xbox (the current one) hardware. I really don't know what to say anymore.
Edit2: Confirmation, this is indeed from the Xbox360 version of the game.
Edit3: According to Tecmo these screens are not official and should not have been released. Maybe these are from an old build of the game ?
All comments (17)
Running on current gen Xbox hardware? At what framerate? =)
But I am glad to see more characters being added to the roster.
Maybe it's the art design of the game holding them back...
Well, maybe we can expect incredible facial expressions or something like that? :p
A damage model...? =)
Nice graphics but not that impressive if they are from next-gen hardware - Like others, i would have expected more...
I mean, we have seen all these screens from X360 games, and I think none of them have been a quantum leap over modern Xbox (or PC) games. Some developers are also saying that Xbox 360 won't be anything special. So maybe we are expecting too much. It should be pointed out that developers "lose" lot of power when they make games running at HDTV resolutions and wide-screen.
Yeah, Xbox couldn't handle that game with that much detail and high resolution.
Also Hakkiz I agree with 100% from what we've seen so far out of 360. Nothing Groundbreaking...