GSY Video Xbox One

The first video of the Rise of the Tomb Raider we put up had a bit of a problem and we had to remove it. We just found a bit of time to renencode it correctly, so if you missed it before, you know what to do.

Commented on 2015-06-17 23:51:02
This message is in "Boulet Time" (TM), If you still *really* want to see it, click here
Publisher of this game is Microsoft not Square Enix and they didn't say with witch platform we can play it after XBOX ONE so wright the correct information in ABOUT THE GAME section in your site ...
Commented on 2015-06-17 23:56:22 In reply to LordSooren
Posted by LordSooren
Publisher of this game is Microsoft not Square Enix and they didn't say with witch platform we can play it after XBOX ONE so wright the correct information in ABOUT THE GAME section in your site ...
If you are going to shout at the great guys here at Gamersyde, at least correct your grammar.
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Commented on 2015-06-18 00:35:07
How dare GS provide free high quality videos and make an error in their description. Sacré bleu !
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Commented on 2015-06-18 01:20:56
It's coming to both XBone and 360 for a time. published by MS. It is extremely likely that it will come to PS4 and PC afterwards, most likely published by Squeenix, so the info isn't really all that incorrect, though it could use some tweaking.
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Commented on 2015-06-18 03:48:19
Time will tell. MS did make the comparison with DR3 and Ryse and they never ended up on PS4.
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Commented on 2015-06-18 05:03:03
Sure time will tell. But if it was not coming to the Playstation platforms, they would tell that the game is console exclusive (or even "lifetime" console exclusive, like they just did with Cuphead and Ashen). And that's not even taking into account the "Neogaf insiders" that said the deal had a duration of 6 months. We'll see, but it's fair to say it will come on PS3/PS4.
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Commented on 2015-06-18 05:19:11 In reply to Westbeach
This message is in "Boulet Time" (TM), If you still *really* want to see it, click here
Posted by Westbeach
... if it was not coming to the Playstation platforms, they would tell that the game is console exclusive...

I don't know what part of XBOX EXCLUSIVE you people do not understand.

Microsoft did not purchase the publishing rights and fund the development of the game just so it could end up on PS4 six months later. Doesn't matter that Square-Enix holds the rights to the IP. That just entitles them to royalties from each sale.


Bayonetta 2 is NEVER COMING TO PS4
Dead Rising 3 is NEVER COMING TO PS4

and Rise of the Tomb Raider is NEVER COMING TO PS4!

Commented on 2015-06-18 05:31:58
That Xbox exclusive - Holiday 2015 thing has already been explained before. My God, take a pill man hahaha
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Commented on 2015-06-18 07:20:53 In reply to Stevonidas
Posted by Stevonidas

I don't know what part of XBOX EXCLUSIVE you people do not understand.

Microsoft did not purchase the publishing rights and fund the development of the game just so it could end up on PS4 six months later. Doesn't matter that Square-Enix holds the rights to the IP. That just entitles them to royalties from each sale.


Bayonetta 2 is NEVER COMING TO PS4
Dead Rising 3 is NEVER COMING TO PS4

and Rise of the Tomb Raider is NEVER COMING TO PS4!

Your first 3 facts with those games are correct, but you're completely wrong with the last claim. It is. We don't need to "deal with it". Microsoft has explicitly stated that it is NOT a first, or second-party exclusive. They have a round of exclusivity, and then it's whatever goes. They have explicitly said this, and Crystal Dynamics have confirmed, that is is 100% not an exclusive in the same way games like those you mentioned are exclusives.
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Commented on 2015-06-18 09:44:28
IMO if a game hasn't been announced for other platforms, they shouldn't be listed on those games here at Gamersyde.

If not you could just as well add PC and XBOXONE to the Final Fantasy VII remake too. That game was even presented at E3 as "Play it first on Playstation 4".
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Commented on 2015-06-18 10:13:41 In reply to LordSooren
Your avatar says it all.
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Commented on 2015-06-18 10:33:59 In reply to Melmoth
Posted by Melmoth
IMO if a game hasn't been announced for other platforms, they shouldn't be listed on those games here at Gamersyde.

If not you could just as well add PC and XBOXONE to the Final Fantasy VII remake too. That game was even presented at E3 as "Play it first on Playstation 4".
the only other platform FF might come out on is PC though? we don't know...tomb raiders timed exclusivity has a duration, but it could come second to PC too and not PS4, we don't know. it's unlikely in both instances, but we don;t know for sure...

but frankly, who cares. ditch the platform thing entirely, i rarely even notice it.
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Commented on 2015-06-18 11:38:01
Some titles claimed "Xbox One Exclusive" at the beginning. Rise of the Tomb Raider: "Xbox One Exclusive, Holliday 2015". Also, IGN and almost all well known websites, talk about the game as a Microsoft timed exclusive. And, be exclusive for a few months to be launched on PC later, doesn´t make so much sense. PC is not Xbox One´s enemy. For sure, this game will be on PS4 too.
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Commented on 2015-06-18 12:58:13 In reply to squeek
Posted by squeek
If you are going to shout at the great guys here at Gamersyde, at least correct your grammar.
Yeah, gotta second this. Poor grammatical structures are more annoying than texture hiccups, between the two of which, the similarity is that they usually both occur in abundance.
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Commented on 2015-06-20 16:37:50 In reply to sebasrd24
Posted by sebasrd24
Some titles claimed "Xbox One Exclusive" at the beginning. Rise of the Tomb Raider: "Xbox One Exclusive, Holliday 2015". Also, IGN and almost all well known websites, talk about the game as a Microsoft timed exclusive. And, be exclusive for a few months to be launched on PC later, doesn´t make so much sense. PC is not Xbox One´s enemy. For sure, this game will be on PS4 too.
There is no guarantee it will from what i gatthered from Ninja theory it would seem when a publisher publishes a game they get the code and thus the developer would have to use new codes should they decide to do other platforms without the publishers consent. If MS refuses to consent or seizes the code. The game might take a lot of time effort and money to bring to the PS4 this could certainly hamper a PS4 version. On the other hand we could get something along the lines of Ninja Gaiden in which MS published NG for X360 and Tecmo had to release Ninja Gaiden Sigma for PS3 which was similar but different.
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Commented on 2015-06-21 21:56:14 In reply to melodeon
Posted by melodeon
There is no guarantee it will from what i gatthered from Ninja theory it would seem when a publisher publishes a game they get the code and thus the developer would have to use new codes should they decide to do other platforms without the publishers consent. If MS refuses to consent or seizes the code. The game might take a lot of time effort and money to bring to the PS4 this could certainly hamper a PS4 version. On the other hand we could get something along the lines of Ninja Gaiden in which MS published NG for X360 and Tecmo had to release Ninja Gaiden Sigma for PS3 which was similar but different.
Only if the publisher is paying for full ownership of the product.... Sometimes publishers demand IP ownership. We know that isn't the case here. Sometimes they retain ownership of engines and assets. But we know that isn't the case either. Either MS has paid for full exclusivity, which would have cost a LOT to essentially compensate for lack of sales on a more popular system (PS4) or it's timed. I'm pretty confident i'll be playing this game on PS4 by this time next year.
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Commented on 2015-06-22 15:48:59 In reply to KORNdog
Not so and how do you know what deal MS signed with SE. In the case of NG MS did not pay for exclusivity but still Tecmo was not able to release a straight port for the PS3. Perhaps you should check out Ninja theory's blog on some of their early games. MS also published Ryse and Sunset yet they did not retain ownership but those games will not be released or ported to the PS4 most probably due to the code also The Gears franchise was not owned by MS until recently certainly the franchise could have been bought by someone else had MS not scooped it up.
In anycase I'm not saying the game isn't going to PS4 but there will be differences should it probably similar to NG and NGS.
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Commented on 2015-06-22 16:02:36 In reply to melodeon
Posted by melodeon
In anycase I'm not saying the game isn't going to PS4 but there will be differences should it probably similar to NG and NGS.
well that's kind of obvious. it'll be the definitive edition. with all DLC up to that point.

the difference with the likes of ryse and sunset was they where flat out exclusives, called so from day 1 and fully funded by MS. the same as ratchet and clank and resistance on sony platforms. essentially fully funded development by an independant developer.

the thing with tomb raider is the wording. if this was a full exclusive, they'd have said so. they have everything to gain by saying so. so the fact they're not is telling. hell, they've even said themselves that the exclusivity deal has a duration, you can't get any clearer then that without them saying "it's out on PS4 in march 2016" which they're going to avoid saying for marketing purposes.

it's launch is exclusive to Xbone. but the game as a whole isn't. they don't own the tomb raider IP, and they havn't paid for full exclusivity (otherwise they'd have said so) which leaves one option. it's a timed exclusive.

now, if they'd have been so vague in regards to the exclusivity deals for say, dead rising, titanfall, ryse or sunset overdrive, then you might have a point. but they never have. the moment they secure an actual exclusive, they shout it from the rooftops...and rightly so. it becomes a legitimate selling point for the console if you have a big name exclusive...tomb raiders delayed release however is more a minor inconvenience to PS4 owners then a selling point for Xbone.
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Commented on 2015-06-22 23:16:04 In reply to KORNdog
They didn't own all the afore mentioned titles as well and they never announced NG as exclusive. The thing here is they are publishing this title which changes the scope somewhat they can decide to fund additional ideas from the developer or not and the code probably stays with them. After the exclusivity ends SE can decide to publish it for ps4 if they so choose but I'm certain it will not be this version and is certain to cost more than simpy porting. May be SE already has a team working on another version for ps4 like in NG's case only time will tell. Also this time exclusivity could be just that in which case there may be no ps4 plan or port in the works but an open window for a publisher to come in and publish a different version. MS will probably publish this for the PC. Until then you're free to make up whatever you want. After this game releases on X1 I will see how SE intends to move forward with it, maybe they'll wait 6 months or not or maybe Sony will decide to foot their own version and publish it.
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About the game
Published by
Square Enix
Developed by
Crystal Dynamics

$135 of $400 per month

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