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Far Cry 2 will be released next week but last Wednesday, Gamersyde faced the terrible dangers of the Parisian jungle to give the game's multiplayer mode a try. More info inside.

Since we already wrote a full article about the game's map editor a few weeks ago, today's article will simply present you with a few basic facts about the game and our first impressions on the multiplayer mode. The campaign mode will provide us with 50 square kilometers of open world in the savanna, the desert or the jungle. I must confess that I have a thing for games that allow free wandering in the midst of nature like Oblivion (that was "only" 30 square kilometers big), Test Drive Unlimited and even Grand Theft Auto IV - that was more about concrete jungle than nature but well. It doesn't mean I have no ground rules as to what more the game has to offer to become part of my favorites.

Unfortunately, I won't be able to give you much more information about the story and the exact content of the campaign mode since we were actually only shown the multiplayer mode. However, I still mentioned the fears that some of you guys have concerning the way the game is built and how good the scenario is going to be. I was told there will be multiple twists in the plot and that there will be some intense sequences to experience in the final game. All we know for now is that the main character has been hired to find the Jackal - neither the animal nor Bruce Willis... though after all, who knows? - and he will have to go through 25 missions to reach the end of his adventure. Since each mission will supposedly last about an hour it should be pretty honest in terms of longevity. Added to those 25 hours, you'll be free to complete 70 secondary missions that will add 45 hours of gameplay. Do the math, that's a promise of 70 hours but as we don't know much about the type of missions that will be available, let's just hope they will be less boring and more varied than in Assassin's Creed... We want to believe but we won't take anything for granted until we see it.

Aside from its impressive graphic engine called Dunia, Far Cry 2's big new feature is obviously its powerful map editor on consoles - and not only on PC for once. I won't go into details again but, since we got to see the 360 version this time around, I can tell you that it really seems user-friendly. The console versions offer the exact same tools than the PC so the possibilities will be similar, which is good news. Everything seems pretty easy to use despite an incredible amount of different options. I guess it will be a bit less practical than with a good old mouse but it works out well anyway and after a few minutes, we were presented with a functional map: sure it wasn't always really coherent on an "eco-logical" standpoint, but Patrick Awad - the guy who was showing us the editor - was not a registered landscape gardener after all.

Like I said in the previous article, your maps will be available to anyone and a ranking system will make it possible to see who the best architects on the market are. The team at Ubisoft Montreal really did a good job at giving us all the necessary tools to be able to offer a bug-free gameplay experience. For example, when you visit your creation, you will always be told if the area you're in runs smoothly enough thanks to a small bar in the top right corner of the screen. Basically, the cursor goes left (red) or right (green) depending on how the game performs so you know in real time if you put too many objects in one place and if there's a risk it might make the game stutter. You'll still need some patience and skills to build something that is as imaginative and interesting as what we saw in yesterday's trailer but if the community is active and talented, it might just be one of the strongest assets of the multiplayer part of the game.

After this brief presentation we were thrown into multiplayer matches on Playstation 3, Xbox 360 and PC. We played the usual Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch and Capture the Flag - where the flag is actually replaced by diamonds. Nothing really innovative, which might disappoint some of you guys, but it still is effective and what's more, very pleasant as the game runs very smoothly on every system. The maps were obviously smaller than what you find in the campaign but there still is room for fun. We found some of the weapons were maybe not precise enough sometimes but overall you get the job done in no pain - if you're not the one burning to death that is. The different guns don't have a lot of ammo though so you'll often need to get to the closest supply point before you're shot like a dog. Still talking about the weapons, you get the classic package but it's always nice to burn down everything - everyone? - with a flame thrower. Be careful not to get... fired yourself.

One thing that you might not like is the fact that you can't pick up other weapons once you've started a game which means you have to stick with those of your selected class. It is still possible to change your class at each death however so it's not really a big deal in the end. It is also possible to be put back on your feet when you're badly wounded but your teammates must get to you before the end of the countdown - you can also choose to commit suicide to get back to business faster. Contrary to Call of Duty 4 though, you can't shoot an enemy when you're down. When you've just gotten shot or burnt but you're still on your feet, you can fix yourself with the LB - or L1 - button provided you find a safe spot to cut yourself open to find that Dum Dum bullet in your leg. There is also a system of experience that allows you to upgrade the different classes that are available so like I said, the usual stuff but the good stuff anyway.

There were a couple of things that were a bit annoying like respawning because you are invincible for a few seconds and it gives you an unfair advantage. The CTF mode also seemed a bit messy to us. Maybe it was due to the fact that we were new to the game and when it's released we realize we were wrong but it felt we didn't have enough info as to who had gotten the diamond and where it was etc... There are some good ideas too like the possibility to choose a certain number of maps to play on for the upcoming rounds. That way you don't need to be back to the lobby all the time and as you can also vote for the maps you prefer, there's a good chance that you won't get to always play on the same ones.

Let's finish with the geek's corner, that's to say comment on how the game looks and runs. Keep in mind that our impressions are only based on the multiplayer, not the campaign. It is of course the same engine but the scale of the environment is smaller when playing online so there might be minor differences. Other than that, it really looks similar, with a lush vegetation that reacts to the wind, the fire and even the many explosions you cause. The PC version obviously look sharper than the console versions but it is still an impressive game. What's more, the game runs perfectly well and we didn't witness any slowdowns of any kind. Like I said when I came back from Leipzig, it won't be possible to blow buildings up like in Battlefield Bad Company but don't worry, explosions are still a feast for the eye anyway. The fire engine seems like a cool feature though we'll need to see if it's not simply a gimmick that does not come in handy that much. I wish there were more interaction with the vegetation, like when you go through a bush for instance. There's a bit of aliasing too, some textures aren't that great but again, overall the game looks fantastic and on top of that, varied - you'll visit the savanna, the jungle, villages, camps, palaces etc...

That's it for today. I will simply add that we couldn't really see any differences between the PS3 and 360 versions apart from the fact that we find Microsoft's controller much easier to handle in FPS but you might beg to differ. We're hoping to offer you some 720p footage of the game as soon as next week and maybe give you our first impressions of the mysterious campaign mode. Word on the street is that it turns out to be really good so we'll just have to wait and see. Don't hesitate to ask us questions if you feel like it, we'll try to answer if possible.

Fanday photos

  • Far Cry 2 Fanday: We were there - Fanday photos
  • Far Cry 2 Fanday: We were there - Fanday photos
  • Far Cry 2 Fanday: We were there - Fanday photos
  • Far Cry 2 Fanday: We were there - Fanday photos
  • Far Cry 2 Fanday: We were there - Fanday photos
  • Far Cry 2 Fanday: We were there - Fanday photos
Commented on 2008-10-17 14:22:00
hmmm.. the whole 360 user created maps is still a grey area for me as i dont think its been properly addressed. Knowing how restrictive Microsoft is with xboxlive, how its not an open server...how do ubisoft plan to get around allowing gamers to upload their creations on the platform? or download other peoples? Given how much of a ball ache epic were put through with UT3...which still has no user created content on the 360 version.
In reply to
Commented on 2008-10-17 14:23:43
Are the different classes well balanced?!

I hate it when everyone takes the same class, because of the simple fact that its by far the best
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Commented on 2008-10-17 14:30:02 In reply to bleachedsmiles
Posted by bleachedsmiles
hmmm.. the whole 360 user created maps is still a grey area for me as i dont think its been properly addressed. Knowing how restrictive Microsoft is with xboxlive, how its not an open server...how do ubisoft plan to get around allowing gamers to upload their creations on the platform? or download other peoples? Given how much of a ball ache epic were put through with UT3...which still has no user created content on the 360 version.
Well they have already done it with Far Cry Instincts on the first xbox and then Instincts:Predator on the 360. This map editor is the same concept but greatly improved so it will work just fine.
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Commented on 2008-10-17 14:34:46 In reply to TheBeagle
i'm not talking about how to get the map editor to work.. we've already seen footage of that working perfectly. I'm talking about sharing those created maps online.
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Commented on 2008-10-17 14:55:18 In reply to bleachedsmiles
Posted by bleachedsmiles
i'm not talking about how to get the map editor to work.. we've already seen footage of that working perfectly. I'm talking about sharing those created maps online.
Which they've already done with those two already =)
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Commented on 2008-10-17 15:27:59 In reply to Haig07
Posted by Haig07
Which they've already done with those two already =)
Yes, thank you.
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Driftwood - Dictateur en chef
Commented on 2008-10-17 15:34:48 In reply to Redneck
Well it's true that when you have a flame thrower you don't need to aim as precisely as with a firearm but it still takes some time to kill someone that way.

It may look easier but in the end I did not get more wins when using it. :)

I'm not sure all classes are equally balanced but I think you can get the most of each of them if you're skilled enough. ;)
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Commented on 2008-10-17 16:07:27
Thanks for the info! I was wondering if the ragdoll physics were impressive when you killed enemies and do they have the gun jamming mechanic in multiplayer too? How much of an impact did vehicles have on the matches? Are the grenades effective/powerful?
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Driftwood - Dictateur en chef
Commented on 2008-10-17 17:10:58 In reply to ASURAshadow
The gun jamming mechanic is indeed present in the multiplayer though it only happened to me once. The grenades are effective if your target is close enough when they blow up - I found aiming was rather good. The vehicles are "useful"in CTF when you want to reach the other end of the map quickly and it can be pretty fun to run over the other players or crash into another car. Othan than that I didn't get a chance to use them that much.

As for the ragdoll physics I can't say I was particularly impressed. To be honest, I actually didn't pay real attention to that.
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Commented on 2008-10-17 18:21:42
Thanks for the details Driftwood. It sounds excellent. Might actually pull me away from Gears 2 for a moment :)
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Commented on 2008-10-17 18:49:36 In reply to ASURAshadow
Gears 2 is out? Or do you just spend all day dreaming about it?

Anyway I'm getting sick of seeing FC2 commercials! They're really going all out with the ad campaign
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2008-10-17 19:00:33
Well when a game is soon to be released from a high publisher and dev team and such, you expect to see alot of ads on internet.

But just don't pay attention to them, even though you can't avoid it sometimes :)

And I think ASURA meant when Gears 2 is out not that its out...unless he pirated it or got a early copy.
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Commented on 2008-10-17 19:04:30 In reply to broman
This message is in "Boulet Time" (TM), If you still *really* want to see it, click here
No it's not out yet you fucking twat! I plan on getting Fallout, Little Big Planet, Gears 2, and FC2 by next month and was just making a comparison between the two competitive multiplayer shooters that happen to be coming out within two weeks of eachother. Is that too hard for you to comprehend?
Commented on 2008-10-17 19:05:57 In reply to ASURAshadow
Whoa...easy there tiger. I don't think he meant what he said in any kind of malevolent way.
In reply to
Commented on 2008-10-17 22:02:13
This message is in "Boulet Time" (TM), If you still *really* want to see it, click here
I like how ASURA used the word "comprehend" at the end there, to appear slightly more sophisticated, but failing to realize that it has the opposite effect due to his "you fucking twat!" opening comment. ;D
Commented on 2008-10-17 22:25:35
Looks amazing as always, I still have reservations about the campaign- I hope they give you a good sense of direction/ accomplishment- A problem with open world games IMO.
And ASURA, real adults don't degenerate into rampant name calling, and fly off the handle just because someone makes a comment you don't agree with...
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Commented on 2008-10-18 00:13:55
Not being able to pick up weapons... that sucks.

What do you do when you run out of ammo?
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Driftwood - Dictateur en chef
Commented on 2008-10-18 07:04:14 In reply to INDIGO
There are several supply points on each map.
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Commented on 2008-10-18 21:08:22
I see. Well I suppose that could allow for some interesting maps, and maybe people will actually check their fire instead of running around guns blazing all of the time.
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Commented on 2008-10-19 01:35:25
ammo = supply points... and yes this is good will make for more ADULT gameplay and less kids spraying

as for the sharing maps they have already said it WORKS FUCKING GREAT! You share maps p2p and also the server tracks the top voted maps and shares them to whoever wants them direct from the manufactures servers....

u guys really need to read and be informed before u rant and whine
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Commented on 2008-10-19 02:58:46 In reply to cchance
Who was ranting and whining?

You really need to read and comprehend before you accuse people of ranting and whining.
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PlumbDrumb - Still drinking
Commented on 2008-10-19 04:42:03
back on topic please.
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Commented on 2008-10-19 05:08:52
I was soooo not interested in this game before. I thought it was going to be destroying base after base... but it really seems that it's taking a more GTA4 approach and adding some variety in there. I'm actually looking forward to it quite a bit now.
In reply to
GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Commented on 2008-10-19 05:17:55 In reply to cchance
Posted by cchance
ammo = supply points... and yes this is good will make for more ADULT gameplay and less kids spraying

as for the sharing maps they have already said it WORKS FUCKING GREAT! You share maps p2p and also the server tracks the top voted maps and shares them to whoever wants them direct from the manufactures servers....

u guys really need to read and be informed before u rant and whine
...adult gameplay? What's that supposed to mean? Gameplay for slower, more reaction impaired individuals? Or is bunny-hopping a kids affair all of a sudden?
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Commented on 2008-10-23 15:25:39 In reply to bleachedsmiles
Posted by bleachedsmiles
hmmm.. the whole 360 user created maps is still a grey area for me as i dont think its been properly addressed. Knowing how restrictive Microsoft is with xboxlive, how its not an open server...how do ubisoft plan to get around allowing gamers to upload their creations on the platform? or download other peoples? Given how much of a ball ache epic were put through with UT3...which still has no user created content on the 360 version.
sorry your on the wrong foot there UT3 was looking to import maps made ON the PC'

this will work the same way as any other 360 game with MAP edits on them .. HALO,farcry so on....... SO no problems here
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About the game
PC X360 PS3
Published by
Developed by
Ubisoft Montreal

$135 of $400 per month

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    Driftwood @Loakum: enjoy, the one Sony sent us will be there on launch day. Coverage will follow asap. (> 3 Months ago)

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