Après les sauvages que sont Vaas et Buck, Far Cry 3 nous présente dans ce nouveau trailer deux rebelles Rakyat avec Dennis le guide et Citra, la chef de cette tribu.
Tigers, Pirates and sharks got you down? Help is on the way. Dennis Rogers is the ultimate guide to Rook Island. Not only does he know his way around, he can teach you to fight back. But Dennis is more than useful backup, he’s the key to the Path of the Warrior and the gateway to the mysterious Rakyat tribe at the heart of the jungle.
Born and raised in Liberia, Dennis was no stranger to war and poverty. Seeking a better life, he eventually left his homeland, immigrating to America. But ten years later, he left, disillusioned. He returned to Liberia, but discovered he no longer fit. He was lost. After drifting from job to job he found his way to Rook Island and Citra. He embraced the Rakyat cause and proved himself as a dedicated warrior.
Jason Brody will come to rely on Dennis, who saves him from certain death. Dennis sees great potential in Jason, teaching him to follow the path of the warrior, telling him with a knowing smile that, “The ways of the jungle and of war share a common ancestry. They are the drum beats of the human heart.”
But, it will be up to Jason to prove that he can deliver, rather than end up under Vaas’s knife.
Known to the Rakyat as their warrior priestess, goddess and their queen, Citra is cloaked in the mystery of old ritual. Only the warriors deep in the jungle have seen her, far fewer have spoken with her. Charismatic and beautiful, she hungers for the power denied her people by the pirates and privateers tearing apart her island. The destiny of the Rakyat has been foretold by those at the beginning of time and Citra will see that destiny fulfilled.
After her brother, Vaas, deserted the tribe to join the pirates, she vowed to crush him. Her warriors wage a fierce battle against the pirates daily. Never wavering in her resolve, Citra has ordered the execution of countless pirates. The Rakyat live to fight and she exists as the purest manifestation of the spirit. From atop her temple stronghold, she leads the charge.
When Jason is ready, Dennis will introduce him to Citra. She has the ability to unlock great power within him. The path will be plagued with danger, but if Jason wants to defeat Vaas, it may be the only way to come out on top. As he progresses, Citra sees more in him than a great warrior, she sees a kindred spirit.
Tous les commentaires (16)
Mais bon, ça reste un détail, le jeu est alléchant, si ils ont pas repris les mécaniques foireuse du 2, alors ça sera surement un super jeu.
C'est pour moi la vidéo la moins intéressante de toutes celles que l'on a pu voir (sans compter le passage risible et linéaire du bâtiment en feu). Par contre la prochaine risque d'être corsée niveau psycho. Encore.
Loin de me déranger, ça fait un peu beaucoup de tarés sur une même île / région non ? Bon ça fera plus de monde à buter mais ça fait déjà le 3ème psychopathe, et la comm' n'est pas encore finie. Ils veulent battre le record de Dead Rising ?
EDIT: j'ai survolé la vidéo, ça semble pas mal, les phases de shoot semblent réussies, les phases en véhicules trés arcade (facon farcry 2), de belles animations, et monde ouvert facon Farcry 2/Dead island, puis trés joli pour une version console. Si l’exécution est bonne, ya moyen d'obtenir une petite bombe, cependant j'ai un gros doute sur l'IA... les mecs ont l'air super lents a réagir, a voir en direct, en espérant qu'elle ne soit pas aussi naze que celle de Farcry 2.
mais le plus navrant, c'est qu'au lieu de te tirer dessus, il fallait toujours qu'ils montent en voiture et te foncent dessus, c'était "Chrsitine" mais dans la savane !
ici au moins, y'a pas l'air d'y avoir beaucoup de véhicules^^