Trailer PS4 Xbox One

All you need to know about Final Fantasy XV in more than eight minutes, this is what Square Enix released today with the 101 trailer (extended cut) and you can find it in good quality inside. A free "Crown Update" will be available at launch (November 29), details about what it brings after the jump.

‘Crown Update’ Offers Free Launch Day Updates

LOS ANGELES (Nov. 21, 2016) – To prepare for the launch of FINAL FANTASY® XV, SQUARE ENIX® today revealed a new introduction trailer highlighting everything players need to know before beginning their epic journey through the world of Eos on November 29. The trailer delves into the game’s deep story, real-time combat system, magic spells, summons, and introduces the four main characters.

Additionally, a free “Crown Update” will also be available for players to download automatically at launch. The update is the result of some additional time for development since mastering the full game, and provides a variety of updates, minor bug fixes and new features to greatly enhance the overall story and gameplay experience.

The upgrade provides enhancements for several elements within the game including:

• Improvements to the camera with new options to better assist and track the action in tight space and to improve visibility during battles
• New event scenes and scenes from KINGSGLAIVE: FINAL FANTASY XV™ and the “Omen” trailer have also been added to the game to make the story and timeline of events easier to follow for newcomers
• The addition of an ability tree for the “Wait Mode” function which improves the strategic element of this feature
• Players can obtain the “Beast Whistle” which can be used to call monsters to battle
• A wider variety of recipes and fish with an addition of a gallery for completionist players who enjoy collecting items
• Implementation of social media support, allowing the photos Prompto takes along your journey to be uploaded to Facebook and Twitter

Following news of copies of the game going on sale ahead of the release date, Game Director Hajime Tabata issued the following message to the fans:

“The November 29th release date is approaching and I sincerely hope everyone enjoys this game with a fresh state of mind. Unfortunately, there has been an unauthorized distribution of the boxed edition of FINAL FANTASY XV in select regions and we have noticed that gameplay footage from people playing these copies has appeared online. Though this type of situation is brought on by various region specific circumstances and may not be something that is completely avoidable, we are very regretful of this situation.

One of the major goals of FINAL FANTASY XV is for everyone to enjoy the story and to discover the surprises together through the simultaneous worldwide release. Due to these recent events, videos with unexpected spoilers could potentially be posted online, so we would like to warn everyone who has been waiting in anticipation for this game.

We will also do everything in our capacity to prevent unauthorized footage from appearing online. We would also like to ask anybody that has obtained an early copy of the game to be respectful to those that are looking forward to the official release and to not spoil the surprises for everyone.

A large and dedicated team have worked extremely hard to make this game and to create a FINAL FANTASY that everyone can enjoy. It would be a huge regret for us if the excitement of the launch was to be spoiled for so many when we are so close to release.

Your understanding and cooperation would be much appreciated so we can celebrate the best possible release together.”

Commented on 2016-11-21 20:57:17
Just 8 days...

... after 10 years of waiting.
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Commented on 2016-11-21 21:10:41
That was superb! There seems to be a lot in there to get excited about and the overal visuals look pretty spectacular, especially the scale.
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Commented on 2016-11-21 21:30:42
Man I can not wait for this game, its going to own.
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Commented on 2016-11-21 21:43:50
How will the missions & side-missions hold up against other modern RPG like Witcher 3?
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Commented on 2016-11-21 21:51:47 In reply to ScarJack
Posted by ScarJack
How will the missions & side-missions hold up against other modern RPG like Witcher 3?
Most likely not as great. Final Fantasy is more renowned for its epic scale main story than the culmination of its side quests.
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Commented on 2016-11-22 02:53:38
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Commented on 2016-11-22 02:53:39
I have a feeling this game might be a bit like a next-gen FFXII. So, even if the story sucks (IMO FFXII's story was weak and not very interesting), it might still be very enjoyable.
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Commented on 2016-11-22 03:22:39
Metrosexual rockabillys on some spaced out Japanese adventure that makes no sense...
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Commented on 2016-11-22 07:33:53
@ ScarJack: I fear the Witcher has spoiled us for many, many RPG's to come. Only Cyberpunk will top it I guess.

Back to topic: looking forward to FFXV, this is just what my Pro needs.
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Commented on 2016-11-22 10:37:08 In reply to Eamon
Back in Final Fantasy's good days the side quests were incredible. I think you mean to say you wouldn't be holding your breath for a main series FF game to have good side quests THESE days. There is a huge difference.
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Commented on 2016-11-22 11:25:01 In reply to CloudXIV
Posted by CloudXIV
I have a feeling this game might be a bit like a next-gen FFXII. So, even if the story sucks (IMO FFXII's story was weak and not very interesting), it might still be very enjoyable.
...are you kidding? XII had the closest thing to good writing that the FF series has ever produced. It was just not weeaboo bullshit aimed at 12 year olds :)

Well, ok with Tactics also being an exception but that's more of a spinoff.
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Commented on 2016-11-22 11:46:38
I think I'm good to play this. Put 20 hours into the recent demo which is more than a lot of full-priced games and it was very difficult to put down so I think it is safe to say that I'll get at least 500 hours out of FFXV.

Roll on 29th November.
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Commented on 2016-11-22 15:25:08 In reply to Megido
Posted by Megido
...are you kidding? XII had the closest thing to good writing that the FF series has ever produced. It was just not weeaboo bullshit aimed at 12 year olds :)

Well, ok with Tactics also being an exception but that's more of a spinoff.
While I agree with you on FF12 - very underrated game - and Tactics, you clearly forgot about Final Fantasy 4, 6, 7*, 8, 9, 10 and Crisis Core, which had really great stories.

* FF7's story got really messed up by the horrible official translation which made the story more convoluted and inconsistent than it actually is. Look for a fan's translation project if you want to know more. I highly recommend anyone to play FF7 again with the fan translation, it's almost a completely different story.

PS. I might be forgetting some FF spin-offs that have great stories. And while I haven't played it, people say FF14's story and lore is really great.
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Commented on 2016-11-22 17:21:32 In reply to Megido
I liked both Vagrant Story and FFT stories, but I couldn't care less about FFXII. Also, when I'm playing a jrpg I kinda expect an overdramatic, crazy story for 12 year olds, I like it. If I want something well written and serious, I'll play the Wicther or something.
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Commented on 2016-11-22 19:32:57 In reply to CloudXIV
Posted by CloudXIV
I liked both Vagrant Story and FFT stories, but I couldn't care less about FFXII. Also, when I'm playing a jrpg I kinda expect an overdramatic, crazy story for 12 year olds, I like it. If I want something well written and serious, I'll play the Wicther or something.
Well, light hearted stories aren't the same as being poorly written. You can have a silly, over the top story that is still well written. I just can't really think of many well written jRPGs. I'd say Chrono Trigger is an excellent example of consistent and good wiriting in a jRPG without it being all too "dark" and "mature" and what not. It has likeable characters, they all have working motivations and the same goes for the villain. The story is pretty consistent thorugh out and it's just enjoyable. Contrast that to the utter clusterfuck of writing that FF8 is, and maybe you understand what i mean. Brevity is the soul of wit, as Shakespeare said, and i think that's where most of these games tend to massively fuck up.
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Commented on 2016-11-22 20:22:42 In reply to Megido
I'm not defending bad writing. I enjoyed FFVII and VIII very much, but I'm not a native English speaker and back in the day I was just happy to understand the story. I was not fluent enough in English to assess the quality of writing. The writing in FFVII obviously sucks (it might be due to bad translation), but I still like the story and (most) characters to this day. FFVIII is kind of cluster***k though, but overall it's still a good game. FFXII's writing might be good, but for me the story was completely forgettable, literally, the only thing I remember is the intro. I do remember the awesome world, quests and gameplay though.
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Commented on 2016-11-23 02:48:45
I'm placing a bet that there is a hidden boy band music video mini-game inside this game... it is inevitable... now YOU can be a pretty boy, so pretty in fact that you will question your self when you look at the scale and look in the mirror.
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Commented on 2016-11-26 15:42:55
gonna wait until next year before picking this up, the whole sausage fest puts me off this game with no chance to have other characters in the party
Posted by Megido
...are you kidding? XII had the closest thing to good writing that the FF series has ever produced. It was just not weeaboo bullshit aimed at 12 year olds :)

Well, ok with Tactics also being an exception but that's more of a spinoff.
12 like RE4 is where the genre went garbage, that is why everything after FF10 was shit, everything after RE3 was shit until RE revelations 1 & 2

this game looks like it will be continuing trend in crap from SE, but as always not every game is for everyone, so i hope at least it is good and stable for everyone that is looking forward to it
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Commented on 2016-11-26 16:29:14
I think RE4 is one of the best RE games along with 1 and 2, and while 5 still had fun gameplay, the story was complete garbage. 6 is just a smoking heap of trash imo. I think its very unfair to call RE4 bad, because it's not a bad game, it just dropped the classic survival horror sensibillities that fans were expecting. Might not have been what you wanted out of RE, but it's not a bad game

Same with FF12, from my perspective it just fixes like 90% of all the gripes i had with the series up until that point. Especially with games like 7 and onwards. All of a sudden we have a fairly grounded, fleshed out world, characters that fit in it with reasonable motivations and a straight forward plot with the power struggle in Ivalice as the centerpiece. Not to mention the fast and fluid combat system. It was so refreshing to me to see a jRPG that didnt just blatantly waste my time with bullshit combat transitions. I bet you could knock like 5 hours off of the playtime of any given FF on ps1 and onwards if theybjust skipped the transitions an obligatory showing off of the models every single time you enter combat. Yet still kept all the supposed depth of thebtraditional system. It was just streamlined in all the right ways.

I understand if 12 is, again, perhaps not what you expected from FF but it's not a bad game. It's just a bit different compared to the other main line FF games. I think lumping 12 together with the abominations that is 13 and onward is not quite justified, much like with RE4.

There is no accounting for taste, but i think many FF fans are dismissing a great game for the pretty bad reason of "it's not exactly like it used to be!"
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Commented on 2016-11-27 18:33:57 In reply to Megido

what would be Ur top 6 list for FF Megido?

mine is 7-6-10-9-8-tactics

anyway different tastes for different people, at the end of the day, we all like what we like, and that is all that matters :)
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Commented on 2016-11-27 19:23:09
It'd be very tough for me to list a top 6 of FF games tbh. I used to like them all, but i've had to re-evaluate those opinions after revisiting some of the games. It'd be easier for me to fill that list up with other jRPGs. like Suikoden 1 and 2 and Phantasy Star IV, as i find they hold up much better, for a bunch of reasons. Add Chrono Trigger to that list as well. But my love for Final Fantasy has pretty much faded away over time. I still look back at 7 with nostalgia, but i can't honestly call it a good game, or even a particularly well told or interesting story.

Tactics and 12 are at the top, i think i'd put tactics at the #1 spot because it acutally has a fun combat system that requires you to use...well, tactics. Unlike all other FF games. But 12 isn't far behind, because the world and story is good, and the combat is the least intrusive it's ever been in a FF game, quite posibly even in a jRPG in general. But i find that to be one of those funny "positives" that just goes to show that the genre needs major refreshing. In my opinion at least.

Turn based combat in games like FF is just tedious. Normal encounters is nothing but a simple and almost pointless exercise in either grinding or overly simple resource management. Bosses some times need a little bit of strategy to beat, but it's usually just a matter of healing often enough, and perhaps knowing that one elemental weakness. Hence i tend to look favorably on systems that either do something smart (chrono cross being one good example, with the slots and color stuff) or combat systems that are just as fast as possible (ie PSIV, Suikoden) so that they don't waste my time with the boring shit.

I suppose the older FF games like 4, 5 and 6 are probably the ones i'd like most today. They are simpler and ultimately better crafted games than the clusterfucks of pseudo-philosophy and world championship levels of religious reference that later games turned in to.
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About the game
Published by
Square Enix
Developed by
Square Enix

$135 of $400 per month

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