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SEGA has released an eleven minutes-long gameplay video of Aliens: Colonial Marines that was shown to the press at E3. Here it is now for everyone.

Commented on 2011-10-01 00:37:15
It's taken them this long to release a gameplay video from E3? Makes you wonder if it's even the same video, because obviously they felt they had something to hide. After watching this, now I realise why.

What a utter disappointment. The visuals and the atmosphere with the lighting and rain are spot on. It's captured the look of the film, but something is off here. Badly off. Two things: the voice acting is extremely cheesy and BAD! There's no sound of fear in the marine's voices. They should be swearing all over the place, but instead it's like Halo, which is just the wrong kind of vibe to give off in a game with the Alien universe as it's premise. Where's the dread and tension? It's been substituted with set pieces and scripted events that just make you feel far too safe. I mean, look at the turret event. It tells you where to set the thing, for fuck sake. An Aliens game should keep you guessing and on your toes fearing for your safety. You should be using the tracker at all times and wondering where the aliens are going to spring from next. No. Instead, let's be TOLD where they are going to come from. I'd high hopes for this game. Not any more after seeing this. Shame.
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Commented on 2011-10-01 00:44:56
Completly agree MrWhite.
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Commented on 2011-10-01 00:45:13
Kind of agree, while the atmosphere and graphics are a step up from Aliens V Predator there still seems to be a lot just not quite right about this. All seems too linear and scripted, heck I think even the animation for the xenos was better in AvP than this despite the claims of "amazing AI".

Will keep an eye on it still but with Sega the hopes for it are pretty low anyway. You just dont get many decent games with them attached.

Also the shooting seems odd, just sort of stand on the spot and spray, no need to move or any sense of danger or urgency to it.

Need to see more, but maybe expectations for an Aliens game can never be met, after AvP and this maybe nobody will ever get it right.
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Commented on 2011-10-01 01:03:26 In reply to FoxholeHunter
Posted by FoxholeHunter
maybe expectations for an Aliens game can never be met, after AvP and this maybe nobody will ever get it right.
The formula for a perfect Aliens game already exists in another game. I'm fairly certain the same people who were hyper-critical of Doom 3 will look at this and think it looks decent. Sure, Doom 3 had it's scripted events, but they were cleverly placed to make you shit yourself. Doom 3 should have been the template for an Aliens game. Whether you liked the game or not is irrelevant here. Doom 3 did exactly what it was intended to do, which was make you feel threatened, alone and on edge constantly. It pulled that off perfectly throughout, and that's exactly the kind of gameplay needed for an Aliens game. For example, substitute Doom 3's flash light (which you constantly needed and made you feel insecure at the same time because you weren't pointing your weapon) for a choice between a motion tracker or the torch on your gun and you instantly have a design choice there similar to Doom to keep you on edge constantly.

It just seems that developers are getting confused about wanting to make a game and the design choices that should come with that, or a film, because they seem to concerned about making the action in this far too cinematic and "cool" looking, which in turn completely takes you out of the experience and does the opposite of what they probably intended.
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Commented on 2011-10-01 01:25:34
It looks campy and action focused...just like aliens was. I kinda like it. I mean the cast of aliens wearnt exactly the pinacle of acting where they, they where cheesy b-movie stars. The equivilant of michelle rodriguez or jason statham nowadays. Cheesey voice acting in the game just seems to capture the cheesy nature of the franchine since the more horror focused alien. Looking forward to it. And it looks great, really captures the look of the second film.
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Commented on 2011-10-01 03:08:09 In reply to KORNdog
Posted by KORNdog
It looks campy and action focused...just like aliens was. I kinda like it. I mean the cast of aliens wearnt exactly the pinacle of acting where they, they where cheesy b-movie stars. The equivilant of michelle rodriguez or jason statham nowadays. Cheesey voice acting in the game just seems to capture the cheesy nature of the franchine since the more horror focused alien. Looking forward to it. And it looks great, really captures the look of the second film.
Have you ever seen Alien, or Aliens? If shooting wildly out of fear into a dark ceiling vent not knowing what you're shooting at is considered "action" oriented to you, then yes Aliens was heavily action oriented. Also, the acting at the time wasn't considered cheesey and wasn't bad at all, so I don't know where you were going with that. All I can say is, this is 2011, and it should be updated to have convincing voice actors just like the actors who were convincing back when these films first came out.

This game really looks like nothing spectacular, which is a shame since series has always had great potential but has always been wasted by shitty developing companies such as the company making this game.
"just look at the detail of this room!"
if you call that detailed then this game is really going to suck. Also, whats with the music? why is there upbeat, adrenaline pumping music? shouldn't it be dark and suspenseful?
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Commented on 2011-10-01 03:12:19 In reply to MrWhite
You should be making this game ;)
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Commented on 2011-10-01 04:42:51
Dead Space is more like an Alien movie inspired game than this
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Commented on 2011-10-01 04:46:30
The game is shaping up really well. Are people expecting a movie remake of Aliens or a game that takes place after the events of the second movie. I love how the aliens move, and the atmosphere is just right. I don't see why anyone would want an aliens game to play like Doom 3
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Commented on 2011-10-01 05:43:14
AvP for PC was the best alien game ever.....well, it IS....
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2011-10-01 08:33:07
Predators>>>>>>>>>>Aliens, in general
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Commented on 2011-10-01 10:28:07
The problem is the source material i think. I mena, what made the first movie great was the xenomorph. One of the best movie monsters ever. It was mean looking, smart and it wanted you dead. So along comes two that totally reduces that by making 1 bazillion aliens and then instead of having one that's incredibly badass and very dangerous, they become cannon fodder. Still an alright movie but the xenos feel a bit hollowed out tbh. Okay, then add the player level on top of that. Almost all drama and tension will be gone since the game can't be directing you all the time and there you go. You probably could make a pretty cool game out of a movie like Alien, but it'd only sell to the niche market of people who like stuff like clocktower...i guess. This looks alright if you just want a shooter i guess, but it certainly lacks the creepy feeling i associate with Alien.

It is nice to see them ignore tha goddamn predator for once though. I never liked the crossover.
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Commented on 2011-10-01 11:05:41 In reply to mustacio
Posted by mustacio
Also, the acting at the time wasn't considered cheesey and wasn't bad at all, so I don't know where you were going with that. All I can say is, this is 2011, and it should be updated to have convincing voice actors just like the actors who were convincing back when these films first came out.
You are talking like acting is better today than 30 years ago. Are you serious? Have you even seen any of the Hollywood movies from the 90s and up, they are all shit!
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Commented on 2011-10-01 13:10:22
First I read the comments here,and I expected really something bad,then I watched the video...and I must say IT'S GOOD !

Don't know why so much negativity about this game.
Sure it's not Perfect,but it's better then many other Games out there !
And for sure it's a better game then some of the other Aliens Games.

Sure a few things like placing the Gun Turret hand holding is out of Place,
but this and what we saw is just a short frame from a bigger picture.
Looking at the amount of Detail they already have put in here to build up this Aliens experience,I am sure there will be many of the things the people complaint about not being in ,later in the game in !

Dont forget ,this is just a small portion of the Campaign,and you need to Design well and not all in one place !

For me,I can't wait to see more...looks promising !
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Commented on 2011-10-01 14:09:57
yea, I don't really know why people are being so negative. It looks may a bit generic as games go, but it looks pretty entertaining none the less.

The set piece with the queen looked great, I thought.
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Commented on 2011-10-01 15:19:22 In reply to Sath
Posted by Sath
Predators>>>>>>>>>>Aliens, in general
Predators>>>>>>>Everything in general.

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Commented on 2011-10-01 15:25:48
"sophisticated AI" yeah sure they jump directly into his line of fire looool
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Commented on 2011-10-01 15:31:09 In reply to mustacio
Posted by mustacio
Have you ever seen Alien, or Aliens? If shooting wildly out of fear into a dark ceiling vent not knowing what you're shooting at is considered "action" oriented to you, then yes Aliens was heavily action oriented. Also, the acting at the time wasn't considered cheesey and wasn't bad at all, so I don't know where you were going with that. All I can say is, this is 2011, and it should be updated to have convincing voice actors just like the actors who were convincing back when these films first came out.

This game really looks like nothing spectacular, which is a shame since series has always had great potential but has always been wasted by shitty developing companies such as the company making this game.
"just look at the detail of this room!"
if you call that detailed then this game is really going to suck. Also, whats with the music? why is there upbeat, adrenaline pumping music? shouldn't it be dark and suspenseful?
Dont agree with that at all really. I agree, alien was a suspensfull horror movie, but aliens most certainly wasnt. It went more action focused, they made the aliens cannon fodder, got a bunch of second rate actors to play the dying game, and made a campy action movie. It was the series equivilant to terminator. First one was a more subtle, tension filled movie, second film went more action focused (and generally people liked it more because of that), and the third was shit. I didnt see anything in this gameplay footage to consider it any more or less cheesy then the second film was and still is.
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Commented on 2011-10-01 19:25:52 In reply to ronroul
Posted by ronroul
The game is shaping up really well. Are people expecting a movie remake of Aliens or a game that takes place after the events of the second movie. I love how the aliens move, and the atmosphere is just right. I don't see why anyone would want an aliens game to play like Doom 3
You missed the point entirely. I didn't say it should play exactly like Doom 3, but the game design choices that made Doom 3 so scary are perfect for an Alien game.
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Commented on 2011-10-01 19:51:32
I just want to shit my pants hearing my scanner biiping just like in Jaguar's AvP
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Commented on 2011-10-02 00:26:20 In reply to exenter
Posted by exenter
You are talking like acting is better today than 30 years ago. Are you serious? Have you even seen any of the Hollywood movies from the 90s and up, they are all shit!
Uh, yes acting today is much better than it was 30 years ago. While doing casting for roles the casting directors have more demanding standards today then they did 30 years ago when they look for an actor. This happens with EVERYTHING. Example: computers. A company is not going to mass produce Windows 98 in 2011, because no one will buy it. There is a reason you don't see famous stars from shit movies in the 90s today, because you cant go from Leonardo De Caprio in Blood Diamond to John Travolta in Battlefield Earth in the same year, the latter film would be destroyed completely in the box office.

So yes, acting is a lot better over time. The 90s had great films as well, but was also a time when action movies became very popular due to new special effects. Thats a reason why actors like Arnold Schwarzenegger were able to be in movies, because the movie was action oriented, not actor/dialog focused. Arnold just had the look of a stonecold killer, and that was what casting directors were looking for. I'm a huge film geek if you haven't noticed, I can go on all day about this but I am sure by now you understand my point.
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Commented on 2011-10-02 01:12:12 In reply to mustacio
Posted by mustacio
Uh, yes acting today is much better than it was 30 years ago. While doing casting for roles the casting directors have more demanding standards today then they did 30 years ago when they look for an actor. This happens with EVERYTHING. Example: computers. A company is not going to mass produce Windows 98 in 2011, because no one will buy it. There is a reason you don't see famous stars from shit movies in the 90s today, because you cant go from Leonardo De Caprio in Blood Diamond to John Travolta in Battlefield Earth in the same year, the latter film would be destroyed completely in the box office.

So yes, acting is a lot better over time. The 90s had great films as well, but was also a time when action movies became very popular due to new special effects. Thats a reason why actors like Arnold Schwarzenegger were able to be in movies, because the movie was action oriented, not actor/dialog focused. Arnold just had the look of a stonecold killer, and that was what casting directors were looking for. I'm a huge film geek if you haven't noticed, I can go on all day about this but I am sure by now you understand my point.
Pure BS. Movies have been around for long enough that time isn't really a factor anymore. Aliens just have more of the retard elements that poeple in general like. It has the stupid comic relief characters and other crap that was, and still is, popular in more mianstream blockbuster movies. There are so many movies with complete shit actors today, not to mention a ton of old movies with great actors. There are ofc trends in movies as well, and you will obviously spot what era a movie is from by the style of it an choices made around casting and such, but to say that acting ahs gotten better in the last 30 years...sorry, but you'd have to be pretty dumb to think that.

Aliens is still a good movie, but it's far from as great as the original. The difference is that the original had inspiration, while the sequel was just that...a sequel. They can't compare and it has NOTHING to do with when it was made or anything like that. It's a monetary thing, as usual. What was real popular in the 80s? Action movies, so let's take a brilliantly executed horror movie and turn it in to an action flick for all the ADHD-kids to enjoy. And it worked. It's the usual hollywood idea that more is better and it's fucking wrong.

My imagined boardroom meeting:
"Ok so Alien was awesome, how do we make the sequel more awesome? I know! Let's add a shitload of Xenomorphs, they were pretty cool right? Yeah, but throw some Bill Paxton in there too, just in case! Shit man, this stuff is DYNAMITE!"
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Commented on 2011-10-02 01:26:08 In reply to MrWhite
Posted by MrWhite
You missed the point entirely. I didn't say it should play exactly like Doom 3, but the game design choices that made Doom 3 so scary are perfect for an Alien game.
Dead space did the doom thing better, they should at least use that as a template if anything.
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Commented on 2011-10-02 03:34:46
what we need is an open planet world alien game, were the objective is to survive until the help gets there, you have to setup real barracades and stuff, hold the xeno of during nightime period, and then go out scavaging for more supplies ect, the corridor alien style games dont really work, they never have really worked well due to having lead the player through the already know plot styles, but i do like this atmosphere of the game, and am looking foward see more of the co-op mode
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About the game
Published by
Developed by
Gearbox Software

$135 of $400 per month

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