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It's now become a habit, Konami and Kojima Productions sent us another super high quality video of Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, and once again broke the file size record at a healty 6.6 GB. Needless to say that only the torrent and the stream are available!

Commented on 2015-08-06 14:40:17
Awesome demo. Can you get the Gamescom trailer as well?
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Commented on 2015-08-06 14:43:07
looks like such a boring and annoying distraction. i'm glad it's optional.
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Commented on 2015-08-06 15:25:04
GSY, you are the best! Waited for this HQ demo since began GC2015!
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2015-08-06 15:27:27 In reply to KORNdog
Posted by KORNdog
looks like such a boring and annoying distraction. i'm glad it's optional.
Exactly my thought.

Seems too much of micromanagement for something that adds nothing valueable tbh.
It would make sense if a gamer could invade to your actual free form mission and ruin the mission for you or steal intel faster or kill you...etc.
So you can customize a base and you can run around in it and get invaded from is that fun?

Anyways, good its optional to give a damn about this. I rather just focus on doing various missions, customize weapons and keep doing missions.
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Commented on 2015-08-06 15:40:26
Thx for great quality.
This so far is the best feature of the game , base management and Souls invasions 2.0.
But its really weird how devs these days show this huge portion of the game and say it's optional. If you do not expand new structures and recruit new NPC etc. you will not get better gear , weapons , items , secret items , just like in Peace Walker , you had to do all that stuff to get better stuff.
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Commented on 2015-08-06 15:44:18 In reply to Kouzmich
Posted by Kouzmich
Thx for great quality.
This so far is the best feature of the game , base management and Souls invasions 2.0.
But its really weird how devs these days show this huge portion of the game and say it's optional. If you do not expand new structures and recruit new NPC etc. you will not get better gear , weapons , items , secret items , just like in Peace Walker , you had to do all that stuff to get better stuff.
it took 15 hours for someone to be able to make their first stealth weapon (silenced sniper). i'm not sure it's as vital this time around. if you want new gear then you can do it. if you're ok with the basic equipment, then you don't have to do all the micromanagement. it's what i disliked about portable ops and peace walker. so i'll be doing very little of it. the whole invasion thing though i won't be touching at all.
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Commented on 2015-08-06 15:48:52
This message is in "Boulet Time" (TM), If you still *really* want to see it, click here
Chech out this video.If you like leave a like!!!
F2sPaB9k" target="_blank" >
Commented on 2015-08-06 15:58:33 In reply to meori
Take your spam somewhere else meori!!!!
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Commented on 2015-08-06 16:59:19
Although it has become a habit in the past two years, this is very likely to be the last time. There won't be another MGS title produced by Mr. Kojima anymore.
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Commented on 2015-08-06 17:07:09 In reply to KORNdog
Posted by KORNdog
it took 15 hours for someone to be able to make their first stealth weapon (silenced sniper). i'm not sure it's as vital this time around. if you want new gear then you can do it. if you're ok with the basic equipment, then you don't have to do all the micromanagement. it's what i disliked about portable ops and peace walker. so i'll be doing very little of it. the whole invasion thing though i won't be touching at all.
In Peace Walker first stealth weapon you have is the Mk. 22 and most enemies where positioned with they're backs at you so the controls would be easier on PSP. Second was for me silenced M10 submachine gun.
and how the hell do you even play stealth games without silenced weapons ?
as for micro management in Peace walker you just put the fultoned guys in they representing categories what are they best at and select new research in R&D that are unlocked after placing those guys.
The horrible thing was in Peace walker the farming aspect of those NPC and vehicles. Witch by everything here is even stronger the GMP that you get from plants and diamonds. Seems like you spend that on everything support , gear upgrades and maybe new gear etc.
The invasion thing is the alternative to farming those resources in missions. You slave away farm, build then some douchebag comes and steals everything
But each of us have they time and play styles and fully understand that.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2015-08-06 17:16:37
I wish they would add octocamo from MGS4 in this as a special/bonus/extra outfit, i would love to use it again.
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Commented on 2015-08-06 20:19:31
Where's the trailer? Wasn't there a trailer they released for Gamescom?
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Commented on 2015-08-06 20:42:17
I love this FOB feature because it put the gamer to how it feels living in Detroit. Every time you leave your house...your neighbors try to steal your shit. You go to a restaurant, the waiter is trying to steal your food. You plant a lemon tree in your yard, whores try to steal your lemons. It's just like real life! That last part was real too! Sometimes we encounter people that stink to high heavens. It's only natural to throw water on them, and tell them they stank. This is the next evolution in gaming.
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Commented on 2015-08-06 23:10:44 In reply to Sath
Posted by Sath
Exactly my thought.

Seems too much of micromanagement for something that adds nothing valueable tbh.
It would make sense if a gamer could invade to your actual free form mission and ruin the mission for you or steal intel faster or kill you...etc.
So you can customize a base and you can run around in it and get invaded from is that fun?

Anyways, good its optional to give a damn about this. I rather just focus on doing various missions, customize weapons and keep doing missions.
You realize that some people might enjoy it, right? This gives you an infinite number of MGS2-esque scenarios while, for the first time, we also get to play the side of the people being infiltrated. It's kind of a big deal.

Also, plenty of games allow for house customization. Trust me, you don't want to know how much actual money people pay to have their MMO homes furnished and they're never as intricately detailed and made like MGSV's Mother Base... Which is FREE. I can imagine plenty of people liking this.

There's also the fact that people have been wanting this since MGS Peace Walker, lots of people were saying how cool it would be to run around Mother Base rather than just manage it. And the point of managing Mother Base is because you're running an Army, it's central to the story of Big Boss and it leads up to the events of Metal Gear 1 and Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake. Wouldn't make sense if Big Boss supposedly had this giant army and base but we were totally divorced from it because it's not a big deal for the game. If it pretty much runs itself without him and he never even interacts with it, then they don't need him and he doesn't need it.
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Commented on 2015-08-07 04:36:38 In reply to meori
Posted by meori
Chech out this video.If you like leave a like!!!
F2sPaB9k" target="_blank" >
Someone ban this dickhead.
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Commented on 2015-08-07 07:45:20
The PvP may become a killer feature, and may also be an annoying feature as well
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2015-08-07 08:13:29 In reply to zeuanimals
Posted by zeuanimals
You realize that some people might enjoy it, right? This gives you an infinite number of MGS2-esque scenarios while, for the first time, we also get to play the side of the people being infiltrated. It's kind of a big deal.

Also, plenty of games allow for house customization. Trust me, you don't want to know how much actual money people pay to have their MMO homes furnished and they're never as intricately detailed and made like MGSV's Mother Base... Which is FREE. I can imagine plenty of people liking this.

There's also the fact that people have been wanting this since MGS Peace Walker, lots of people were saying how cool it would be to run around Mother Base rather than just manage it. And the point of managing Mother Base is because you're running an Army, it's central to the story of Big Boss and it leads up to the events of Metal Gear 1 and Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake. Wouldn't make sense if Big Boss supposedly had this giant army and base but we were totally divorced from it because it's not a big deal for the game. If it pretty much runs itself without him and he never even interacts with it, then they don't need him and he doesn't need it.
They can like whatever they want, but i dont like it not my thing. But since its optional, its a win-win on both sides.
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Commented on 2015-08-07 11:26:11
Stopped early on when he built R&D and game said 35mins to build. Assuming you can speed that up with real money. Bullshit.

35minutes not "too bad" but bet anything they are going to test you psychologically and greater upgrades will be many hours, pretty much cornering you into paying if you don't want to go insane waiting for upgrades.

Fuck this. I get Kojima games are expensive and they need some way to make money back - Just make skins and design pattern for money, not core things like that.

Lost complete interest after I saw that. My mother base will be very basic by the looks of it. I'm not playing a shitty mobile waiting 'game.'
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Commented on 2015-08-07 11:35:12 In reply to masteratt
Posted by masteratt
Stopped early on when he built R&D and game said 35mins to build. Assuming you can speed that up with real money. Bullshit.

35minutes not "too bad" but bet anything they are going to test you psychologically and greater upgrades will be many hours, pretty much cornering you into paying if you don't want to go insane waiting for upgrades.

Fuck this. I get Kojima games are expensive and they need some way to make money back - Just make skins and design pattern for money, not core things like that.

Lost complete interest after I saw that. My mother base will be very basic by the looks of it. I'm not playing a shitty mobile waiting 'game.'
the game does have a day night cycle though. so time may pass at an increased rate, making those "35 minutes" actually only 5 in-game?
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Commented on 2015-08-07 13:16:45 In reply to masteratt
Posted by masteratt
Stopped early on when he built R&D and game said 35mins to build. Assuming you can speed that up with real money. Bullshit.

35minutes not "too bad" but bet anything they are going to test you psychologically and greater upgrades will be many hours, pretty much cornering you into paying if you don't want to go insane waiting for upgrades.

Fuck this. I get Kojima games are expensive and they need some way to make money back - Just make skins and design pattern for money, not core things like that.

Lost complete interest after I saw that. My mother base will be very basic by the looks of it. I'm not playing a shitty mobile waiting 'game.'
There's a fine line between good amount of waiting and way too much, I agree, but it's unfair to say "fuck this", "lost complete interest after seeing that" when it's based on pure speculation on your part.

If it turns out that your assumptions are true and you don't want to pay, then you might as well not buy the game based on reports on the game. There's missions where you can't progress without having certain equipment and that requires time and GMP. According to the person who reported on the game after playing for a long time, their biggest problem with upgrading their base wasn't time, but GMP since everything costs a lot and you have to grind side missions to get them. Once you get more soldiers, you can send them out on missions too which wll also give you GMP, so there's that.
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Commented on 2015-08-07 13:33:49 In reply to zeuanimals
Posted by zeuanimals
There's a fine line between good amount of waiting and way too much, I agree, but it's unfair to say "fuck this", "lost complete interest after seeing that" when it's based on pure speculation on your part.

If it turns out that your assumptions are true and you don't want to pay, then you might as well not buy the game based on reports on the game. There's missions where you can't progress without having certain equipment and that requires time and GMP. According to the person who reported on the game after playing for a long time, their biggest problem with upgrading their base wasn't time, but GMP since everything costs a lot and you have to grind side missions to get them. Once you get more soldiers, you can send them out on missions too which wll also give you GMP, so there's that.
god this game sounds more and more awful the more i hear about it. are we sure it's not a mobile game masquerading as a retail console release?
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Commented on 2015-08-07 23:56:55 In reply to KORNdog
Posted by KORNdog
god this game sounds more and more awful the more i hear about it. are we sure it's not a mobile game masquerading as a retail console release?
Lol. Again, you're entire premise for why it sounds terrible is all in your head. If there was evidence of there being anything to worry about, then worry, but you're taking it a bit far saying it's terrible without any evidence. It's the same line of thinking that makes people act irrationally from hearsay and rumors. Wait for more information before making a decision.

And the entire premise of the mobile games that have systems like you're describing is to wait... There's literally nothing else to do. MGSV is kind of doing some things that no other game has ever done and it's also a solid Metal Gear Solid stealth action game. Even if it did have the shitty mobile game stuff, it's still unfair to compare them with all of the stuff its doing. I'd probably not pick it up if that stuff were true because I'd hate waiting so damn long, but there's no evidence of this and the people who've reported on it haven't suggested anything like this.

Grinding GMP to improve your base is nothing like a mobile game and there's plenty of games that require a lot of grinding. Hell, pretty much every big game coming out that we know about will require a lot of grinding in some aspect. The good thing about MGSV is that the grind will be accompanied with great gameplay and a lot of ways to approach every encounter, essentially meaning each grind is never the same. The problem with grinding is doing the same thing over and over and it tending to not be fun, is it really a grind in the first place if it's a different experience each and every time and (assuming it's fun) if it's fun? I don't think so.
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Commented on 2015-08-08 04:34:19
You people are some of the most buzz-killing, cynical gamers I've ever seen. You're always anticipating and hating on some form of trying to push a boundary, and allowing skepticism to override any positive emotion possible within yourself.

Just actually try playing the game, trying the online portion for a bit, not downplaying it before you even really know what it is. (When the game releases of course. )
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marklola25810 - Grouchy Smurf
Commented on 2015-08-08 14:05:15
I thought we got over the stupid running motions from this series, and yet here he is running and looking like he has shit in his pants, the game looks bland too graphics wise
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2015-08-08 14:18:36
Run/sprint animations is definitely one of the best i have seen in a game. You want bad? look at AC unity/Syndicate, ME2 and 3...etc. those are bad.
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About the game
Published by
Developed by
Kojima Productions

$135 of $400 per month

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