We don't know yet if Hours of Darkness will get very exciting after a few hours, but the very beginning is quite the opposite actually. Liberating camps or prisoners is getting old after so many games in the series, and though it makes sense in the context of the Vietnam war, it's made even less interesting thanks to the blind AI. Check ou the first 20 minutes of this first additional content for Far Cry 5 and let us know what you think.
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After you get most or all of the Perks - which happens very fast, it just becomes a very mind numbing boring grindfest, and worst of all, for nothing. Basically, your only incentive to do missions is to just get money, which is quite stupid since that's not really necessary since you can get far more money faster and easily by killing animals and selling their skins.
Also, once you buy the best weapons and vehicles, money becomes unnecessary - unless you really want to buy everything. The mission's "Resistance Points" are also not necessary, since just by doing civilian hostages rescues, blowing trucks and other always generating side activities, I ended up getting too much RP even when I didn't want it, since I was trying to keep my wanted level in the regions very low.
At least in Far Cry 3 and 4, you got experience points instead of money and you had to actually hunt animals to get better gear and inventory, which helped alleviate the fatigue by a lot imho. When you remove those things from the equation and distill the Far Cry formula to just the most basic essence - go to a location, destroy something, rinse and repeat - it truly gets mind numbingly boring real fast.
It was the first Far Cry game I ever just finished the main story - which itself is absolutely terrible, has no point or message to it and goes nowhere in the end, an ending which is also shit and makes everything you did in the game be for nothing even more - and left about 50% incomplete.
Of course, it's the best selling game in the franchise and also the best selling game of 2018 so far, so I already see Far Cry 6-ad infinitum will use the same dumbed down for casuals mechanics.