Xbox 360

Namco has via Japanese Watch released a bunch of images from their upcoming RPG/board game Culdcept Saga. The characters look really great, while the environments maybe needs some improvements.

Watch images

  • Culdcept Saga images - Watch images
  • Culdcept Saga images - Watch images
  • Culdcept Saga images - Watch images
  • Culdcept Saga images - Watch images
  • Culdcept Saga images - Watch images
  • Culdcept Saga images - Watch images
  • Culdcept Saga images - Watch images
  • Culdcept Saga images - Watch images
Commented on 2006-06-13 17:43:20
This game will be really fun, but why with the circle shadows?
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Commented on 2006-06-13 17:52:40
Very intresting even tho graphic is lacking but hey im not graphic horny :P
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Commented on 2006-06-13 17:54:03
I hope this is a good game, there is a fine between fun and boredom with card based games.
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Commented on 2006-06-13 17:56:06 In reply to killklamer
Posted by killklamer
Very intresting even tho graphic is lacking but hey im not graphic horny :P
Sadly, I am... at least unless its an awesome RPG, (i still play the original phantasy stars)
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Commented on 2006-06-13 18:09:36
The trees look fairly realistic to me--I like the style.

If these rpgs deliver then i won't have a reason for buying the ps3!
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Commented on 2006-06-13 18:11:03
Actually looks like they'd done more with the graphics since the last trailer of gameplay. I hope this makes it overseas because I'd love to play it.
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Commented on 2006-06-13 19:05:04
I tought these images were released even before E3 ? But yeah on the visual side it could use some work but people who have played the earlier Culdcept games seem to make a strong point that graphics are definetly not the most important part in the series.
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Commented on 2006-06-13 19:08:08 In reply to Yappa
Posted by Yappa
The trees look fairly realistic to me--I like the style.

If these rpgs deliver then i won't have a reason for buying the ps3!
It's not an RPG, it's a card based battle game, although i think it has a story line of some sort.
I tought these images were released even before E3 ? But yeah on the visual side it could use some work but people who have played the earlier Culdcept games seem to make a strong point that graphics are definetly not the most important part in the series.
Yup all the previous ones were in 2D.
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Commented on 2006-06-13 19:29:21
looks fairly lame.
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Commented on 2006-06-13 19:33:48
I don't understand the gist of the game- but the Art Direction (style) sucks. The graphics are craptacular. I mean- If you want realistic 'plastic' looking models- then go for it with stunning reality. If you want 'water color' looking style... then go for it. This looks like PS2 graphics with NO bump mapping, NO complex models... they're barbaric. This sort of game actually being released looks BAD for the 360.
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Commented on 2006-06-13 19:44:20
I hoped this was a normal turn based JRPG, I know disegea is a hit and all, and that could be a reason why the board style approach..but xbox360 needs more JRPGS!! enchanted arm isn't enough!! come on microsoft!! i can't play fps shooters and oblivion all the time!
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Commented on 2006-06-13 19:55:10 In reply to Splicer261
Posted by Splicer261
I hoped this was a normal turn based JRPG, I know disegea is a hit and all, and that could be a reason why the board style approach..but xbox360 needs more JRPGS!! enchanted arm isn't enough!! come on microsoft!! i can't play fps shooters and oblivion all the time!
Far East of Eden
Enchanted Arms
Spectral Force 3
Blue Dragon
Lost Odyssey
Tri-Ace (the makers of Star Ocean) are making a game for 360.
Namco are supopsed to making a new Tales of game for 360.
Hudson are supposed to be making a new JRPG for the 360.
Square Enix are supposed to making a Final Fantasy 13 spin off for 360. (although I wouldn't hold your breathe on this one)

There is a pretty strong line up of JRPG titles coming to the 360 over the next 2 years.

Problem is people expect too much from JRPG's in terms of graphics it's never been their strong point, but if people decide not to get a game on it's looks they will miss out on some really good games, and stop any chance of continued Japanese support for the 360.
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Commented on 2006-06-13 22:38:09 In reply to Kethmach
Posted by Kethmach
I don't understand the gist of the game- but the Art Direction (style) sucks. The graphics are craptacular. I mean- If you want realistic 'plastic' looking models- then go for it with stunning reality. If you want 'water color' looking style... then go for it. This looks like PS2 graphics with NO bump mapping, NO complex models... they're barbaric. This sort of game actually being released looks BAD for the 360.
Chill out. Maybe thats the art style they are going for.
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Commented on 2006-06-13 22:50:54 In reply to Jollipop
Posted by Jollipop
Square Enix are supposed to making a Final Fantasy 13 spin off for 360. (although I wouldn't hold your breathe on this one)
You mean us fans are DREAMING that Square-Enix are even considering making a FF13 spin off... we all know it's not happening otherwise they would of said something at their E3 conference... Chances of it happening are super low we're talking less then 5%.....
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Commented on 2006-06-14 00:59:43
Well I loved Culdcept on the PS2 and shinier, 3D graphics are good enough for me. The damn doesn't have to look like Oblivion. I'm sure they're putting it on the 360 for the amazing Xbox Live capabilities. Money says this comes out at a bargain, too.
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Commented on 2006-06-14 02:07:51
I really like the art.
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Commented on 2006-06-14 02:36:55
All I know looking at this game is that once again the japanese companies that stood along playstation all of these years are jst playing with Xbox360 and that can only harm the console! Someone has to tell Namco that a game even a Role playng one can also look amazing and not like a PS2 title!i hate that! Ridge racer 6 looks crapy and now ridge racer 7 wil be a true next-gen ridge racer for PS3 Frame city killer had started to look pretty good with all those people being around in the city.. But now Its cancelled! We will have to stick with the only few games left.. Well if it was only one game to buy in xbox 360 and that game was Culdcept Saga, then i would probably go and buy a PS2 ! Microdoft what the0 f%*$!! Having stupid looking japanese games is like haveing NONE!
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Commented on 2006-06-14 04:38:45 In reply to Sidons
Posted by Sidons
All I know looking at this game is that once again the japanese companies that stood along playstation all of these years are jst playing with Xbox360 and that can only harm the console... Blah, Blah, Blah, ...japanese games is like haveing NONE!
Look six posts up to find direct contradictory evidence to your hypothesis.
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Commented on 2006-06-14 05:51:00
To say that fans of Culdcept take the game very seriously would be an understatement of large proportions; and while we can never condone the more violent acts of its disappointed protagonists we can certainly understand why they're so dedicated in the first place -- as Culdcept is incredibly fun, deceptively deep, and always entertaining.

Let's just say from the outset that Culdcept is without a doubt the single greatest board game ever created for the console and PC medium. It's worlds better than any of those terrific Sierra ports of popular Parker Brothers tabletop games and most assuredly superior to titles created specifically for television sets (including but not limited to Catan, Hikaru no Go, and others). What makes Culdcept so particularly enthralling, though, is its immense ease of playability and difficulty to master. Play the game only a few times and you'll already have the tools necessary to take on tougher and more advanced players be they human or computer; play it for months, however, and you still won't be good enough to beat intermediate opponents each and every time out. Now that's replayability.

So dedicated and loyal is the game's fan base, that art books, strategy guides, and DVDs are sold and traded on the secondary market with as much brutality as Panzer Dragoon Saga and Suikoden II are on over here (luckily without the price hikes). Some player's obsessions have been so extreme, for instance, that one runner-up in a regional Culdcept tournament a few years back actually drew a revolver and shot almost a dozen people after losing a critical round in the finals. When's the last time you remember something like that happening in a friendly contest of Yu-Gi-Oh?

They take this VERY serious in japan and based on what they say the game is incredible. This game isn't too much about the graphics its all about the gameplay and alot of people really do think its the best board game ever created for a console or pc so i'm all over it.
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Commented on 2006-06-14 10:39:59
Not posted in a while, the japanese will love this title as people have mentioned, so ultimatley will be a positive step for MS in Japan. My only grip is the quality of the graphics, if Capcom can pull their finger out and produce quality stuff then namco really should try harder, especially if they have the licensed the UR3 engine.
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Commented on 2006-06-14 11:06:28 In reply to Jollipop
Posted by Jollipop
Far East of Eden
Enchanted Arms
Spectral Force 3
Blue Dragon
Lost Odyssey
Tri-Ace (the makers of Star Ocean) are making a game for 360.
Namco are supopsed to making a new Tales of game for 360.
Hudson are supposed to be making a new JRPG for the 360.
Square Enix are supposed to making a Final Fantasy 13 spin off for 360. (although I wouldn't hold your breathe on this one)

There is a pretty strong line up of JRPG titles coming to the 360 over the next 2 years.

Problem is people expect too much from JRPG's in terms of graphics it's never been their strong point, but if people decide not to get a game on it's looks they will miss out on some really good games, and stop any chance of continued Japanese support for the 360.
Cry on is also one of the top JRPGs that is coming.. and the FF13 spin off is FF versus or something i believe, i thought that was a ps3 exclusive..but anyway i know those games will come out over the next 2 years.. it's just that Enchant arms is being released towards the end of August, and it would take another long time for another one. I tried my best to enjoy Oblivion, the art direction menu screen and old knights like tale just was hard to like.

But the amount of FPS and racing games are massive, i just wish xbox360 pumped out more action/adventure or RPG titles.. i know it's because FPS and Racing are the best for xbox's the waiting i can't stand.
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Commented on 2006-06-14 18:38:13 In reply to Brandino
Posted by Brandino
You mean us fans are DREAMING that Square-Enix are even considering making a FF13 spin off... we all know it's not happening otherwise they would of said something at their E3 conference... Chances of it happening are super low we're talking less then 5%.....
Well come TGS/X06 be prepared to eat your words, maybe MS wanted them to wait till TGS or X06 to announce it. (by which time they would have more to show of it)

When a reporter asked Peter Moore about this he said that he was surprised that SE didn't announce anything for 360 because he was under the impression that they were working on siomething, maybe SE have had a change of heart, I wouldn't be over surprised to see something announced at TGS though.
Cry on is also one of the top JRPGs that is coming.. and the FF13 spin off is FF versus or something i believe, i thought that was a ps3 exclusive..but anyway i know those games will come out over the next 2 years.. it's just that Enchant arms is being released towards the end of August, and it would take another long time for another one. I tried my best to enjoy Oblivion, the art direction menu screen and old knights like tale just was hard to like
It's not versus, FF13 will have many titles in it's series spanning over the next 10 years, or so SE have said.

The english version of Far East of Eden should be out toward the end of this year also.
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Commented on 2006-06-17 05:05:03 In reply to Jollipop
Posted by Jollipop
I hope this is a good game, there is a fine line between fun and boredom with card based games.
Tis true. This game visually looks like garbage, but it could be damned fun. The first was supposed to be really good, so lets hope it stays that way or gets better.
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Commented on 2006-06-18 16:49:59 In reply to munkieNS
Posted by munkieNS
Tis true. This game visually looks like garbage, but it could be damned fun. The first was supposed to be really good, so lets hope it stays that way or gets better.
The original was very good. Its a good series and people should give it a try. Youll probably get a better overview from a review but its something like a cross between MTG and Monopoly. You have a hand of creatures and when you land on a space you can place a creature down. Then you sorta have to either pay rent or fight the creature if you land on it. It actually plays out very well.
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About the game
Published by
Bandai Namco Ent...
Developed by
Bandai Namco Stu...

$135 of $400 per month

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