Après des mois sans véritables informations sur la version Xbox de Sid Meier's Pirates!, voici que débarquent enfin ces 19 images et ce trailer. Le jeu parait très proche de la version PC, avec en bonus un tableau de score sur Xbox Live, et du contenu téléchargeable.
Tous les commentaires (9)
-gestion d'équipage
-combats navals en temps réel
-combat sur terre armée vs armée
-combat style jeu de baston
-gestion d'équipage*
-gestion de trerritoire et de ressource
-liberté totale (c'est ce qu'ils disent)
-jouable en live
-n'a eu que des supers notes sur Pc
-Aspect RPG
-Aspect Exploration
il ne lui manque rien pour plaire :)
(très honoré du clin d'oeil, cher Tyran
edit : tout sur le jeu version xbox
* Locate members of your kidnapped family, rescue Governors' daughters, discover ancient lost cities, become a nobleman, get married, defeat the evil Marquis de la Montalban - you decide where the story goes!
* Enter a dynamic, living Caribbean where your actions (or inaction) have a tangible impact. Sway the balance of power by sacking an enemy town, inciting a pirate attack or Indian raid, or deliver a peace treaty to end the hostilities between two nations.
* Engage in exciting action sequences on ship decks, swinging from yard arms, slashing down sails, and clobbering enemy crew as you fight your way to the enemy captain.
* Parry and slash your dueling opponents - including merchant sea captains, fearless pirates, and relentless mercenaries - into submission onboard ships, in seedy taverns, on the ramparts and even at the Governor's mansion.
* Become the top pirate in the Caribbean by defeating some of the most infamous pirates in history - including Blackbeard, Captain Kidd, Captain Henry Morgan, Jean Lafitte.
* Encounter and engage 27 different types of ships in fierce naval battles, both against single vessels and multi-ship convoys.
* Command your fleet of up to five vessels, enhanced with a variety of upgrades ranging from iron scantlings to cotton sails to grape shot. Unique ship specialists like the gunner and navigator can further increase your fleet's abilities.
* Increase your riches and impress the governor's daughter with your charm, fame, heroism - even your dancing abilities.
* Collect unique items like the Sacred Relic, Metal Cuirass, Spanish Rutter, Perfectly Balanced Rapier and Incan Mystic Salve, each providing special benefits and abilities.
* Sneak in and out of towns, escape from prisons and avoid guards (or catch them by surprise and knock them out!).
* Dispatch landing parties of buccaneers in strategic battles for control of entire cities.
* Challenge a friend to an arcade-style Versus mode ship battles, complete with 9 different power-ups, unique arenas, and intense ship-to-ship collisions.
* Upload your high scores and compare your pirating prowess with your friends and foes using Xbox Live!
* Download sail emblems, flags, and content packs quickly and seamlessly with Xbox Live!
* Unlock bonus content such as concept art and behind-the-scenes footage from developer, Firaxis Games.
Sinon c'est sûr que je vais me faire ce jeu mais il attendra sûrement un peu parce que je dois d'abord terminer Secret of Monkey Island que j'ai commencé la semaine denière :D
En tout cas c' est très laid!
Il faut mettre en concordance gameplay et graphisme. Les possibilités offertes sont telles que les graphismes ne sont pas l'argument vendeur du jeu.
Et en plus personnellement je le trouve très beau. Peut être moins qu'un pirate des caraIbes, mais ce dernier avait de grosse lacune de jouabilité!
mais ya t'il une demo pc de ce jeux pour voire s'il en vaut le coup????