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Set to release on January 28, the PC version of Rise of the Tomb Raider gets some screenshots today. Get also the minimum specs and collector's eidition details inside.

Award Winning and Critically Acclaimed Adventure Coming to PCs on January 28th

REDWOOD CITY (January 5, 2016) - Following Rise of the Tomb Raider’s highly successful release exclusively for Xbox One and Xbox 360, Square Enix® today announced that the game will be available for Windows 10 and Steam on January 28, 2016.

Bringing the game’s thrilling narrative and perilous environments to PC in stunning new detail, developers Crystal Dynamics® and Nixxes Software added numerous features, including Windows 10 support and 4K resolution. Rise of the Tomb Raider® was nominated for Best Action/Adventure for The Game Awards and follows the critically acclaimed, award-winning Tomb Raider®.

“The PC release of Rise of the Tomb Raider continues the positive momentum from our highly successful partnership and collaboration with Microsoft for the launch on Xbox One and Xbox 360,” said Scot Amos co-Head of Studio at Crystal Dynamics.

“PC players are a passionate, devoted audience and we know they’ll embrace the version created for their systems,” said Ron Rosenberg, co-Head of Studio at Crystal Dynamics.

After uncovering an ancient mystery, Lara must explore the most treacherous and remote regions of Siberia to find the secret of immortality before a ruthless organization known as Trinity. Lara must use her wits and survival skills, form new alliances, and ultimately embrace her destiny as the Tomb Raider. Experience high-octane action moments, conquer beautifully hostile environments, engage in brutal guerilla combat, and explore awe-inspiring deadly tombs in the evolution of survival action. In “Rise of the Tomb Raider,” Lara becomes more than a survivor as she embarks on her first Tomb Raiding expedition.

The PC version of Rise of the Tomb Raider will be available as a digital download via Steam®, the Windows Store, Amazon™, the Square Enix e-store and other major retailers – both in-store and online. Standard edition pricing is $59.99. The Digital Deluxe edition is $89.99 and includes a Season Pass to nearly all current and future DLC.

A Collector’s Edition, which includes the Digital Deluxe version of the game, a 12-inch Lara Croft® statue, replicas of Lara’s journal and jade necklace, and a steel case, will also be available from the Square Enix e-store for $149.99.

To learn more about Rise of the Tomb Raider, please visit the official website and follow the game on Facebook and Twitter.

PC Minimum Specifications:
• Minimum OS: Windows 7 64bit
• Processor:  Intel Core i3-2100 or AMD equivalent
• GPU: NVIDIA GTX 650 2GB or AMD HD7770 2GB
• RAM: 6GB
• HD Space: 25GB
• DirectX: DirectX 11
• Input: Mouse + Keyboard

PC screens (4K)

  • Rise of the Tomb Raider: PC screens - PC screens (4K)
  • Rise of the Tomb Raider: PC screens - PC screens (4K)
  • Rise of the Tomb Raider: PC screens - PC screens (4K)
  • Rise of the Tomb Raider: PC screens - PC screens (4K)
  • Rise of the Tomb Raider: PC screens - PC screens (4K)
  • Rise of the Tomb Raider: PC screens - PC screens (4K)

PC Collector's Edition

  • Rise of the Tomb Raider: PC screens - PC Collector's Edition
Commented on 2016-01-05 17:53:05
Great!!! Can't wait to see, how the game looks in 4K and max. settings!! Considering games like Witcher 3 and StarWars Battlefront look WAY(!!) better on PC, if you have the Hardware it almost look like different games... btw. i can compare exactly, have both PC and console (PS4) versions .
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Commented on 2016-01-05 17:53:58
I´m curious about the recommended and optimal specs. Do you guys think that my i5, 16gig ram, gtx780 3gb will have a shot at all on the higher settings?
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Commented on 2016-01-05 18:26:37
This is going to look phenomenal for those that have the set-up! Game looks stunning on X1 so its great that pc owners dont have to wait too long for this release...
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Commented on 2016-01-05 18:34:26
Are they fucking crazy? $150 for a TR collection game on PC. lol When you can get it for 20 quid here Day 1
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Commented on 2016-01-05 18:34:38
This game was surprisingly excellent. I highly recommend it to anyone that hasn't played it yet. The game looked awesome on X1 so I'm sure it'll look crazy good on PC of course. Pretty fun tombs and great atmosphere.
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Commented on 2016-01-05 19:42:16
Looks good. Crazy it is coming out on PC in the second half of 2016. Probably won't get it...
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Commented on 2016-01-05 22:23:50
This game had some of the most horrendous self shadowing, judging from the Xbone version I played. I hope that is either improved upon on the PC version or that I can completely turn it off. I will definitely be getting the PC version in a few weeks.
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Commented on 2016-01-05 23:10:51

I have the PC version pre-ordered but other than it being in 4k it doesn't look much different in my opinion. What's the recommended specs? Will it feature tessellation again?

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Commented on 2016-01-05 23:35:18
It can look the same for all I care I just want 60fps! Playing through on Xbone now and framerate (30 and under at times) makes my head hurt after awhile..maybe it's that or the shakey cam.
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Commented on 2016-01-06 00:07:24
I finished it last month and its a very well done game. Looks already amazing on xb1 so i can't wait to see how it looks maxed out on pc. I just wished the story was better. Also the puzzles while being fun were very easy and very short imo. And seriously, did nobody else notice that pretty much all the setpieces are lara running while stuff around her crumble down and explode. After 3 times it got comical for me.
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Commented on 2016-01-06 00:36:49
i can't wait
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Commented on 2016-01-06 07:03:23 In reply to jmd749
Posted by SlicRic
I´m curious about the recommended and optimal specs. Do you guys think that my i5, 16gig ram, gtx780 3gb will have a shot at all on the higher settings?
You should be fine. The engine is built off the last game, which was extremely well optimized on PC.
Posted by jmd749
Are they fucking crazy? $150 for a TR collection game on PC. lol When you can get it for 20 quid here Day 1
Yeah, compare the huge limited edition with a ton of merch to a digital download on a loss leader site. If you don't want the collector content, no problem. Don't act like the price of the game on a cheap site makes the price of the limited edition stuff crazy. It has a large figure and a bunch of other stuff that comes with. $150 isn't that bad for what it give you.
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Commented on 2016-01-06 08:55:13
The game looks really great and I love that statue/figure. There is something really weird on that compound bow. It's so HUGE on her. :-D Maybe it's because of some angle illusion, but it looks like she can't even handle that big bow. Look at these big cams.
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Commented on 2016-01-06 13:45:05
best looking current gen game in my opinion. it will look phenomena on PC if they have bothered bumping up things like they did with the definitve edition, not just bumping the resolution. Pretty please, go and buy this gem :)
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Commented on 2016-01-06 15:11:02 In reply to MordeaniisChaos
Posted by MordeaniisChaos
Yeah, compare the huge limited edition with a ton of merch to a digital download on a loss leader site. If you don't want the collector content, no problem. Don't act like the price of the game on a cheap site makes the price of the limited edition stuff crazy. It has a large figure and a bunch of other stuff that comes with. $150 isn't that bad for what it give you.
Really?! you think $150 is not bad for what you get? lol To each their own I suppose.

It's a tomb raider game; that was delayed no less on other platforms for no good reason, it's not like SE are exactly hard up for money.

I'm gonna delay my purchase till the summer or fall and get it for a fiver during a Steam Sale, £20 is far too much day 1 for me to pay. SE must not be rewarded for their stupidity. Since they delayed it for what I deem as no good reason, I delay my purchasing it even further. Bargain Bin baby. :P
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Commented on 2016-01-06 15:24:40 In reply to alimokrane
Posted by alimokrane
best looking current gen game in my opinion. it will look phenomena on PC if they have bothered bumping up things like they did with the definitve edition, not just bumping the resolution. Pretty please, go and buy this gem :)
I'm not trying to cause any quarrels but I'm curious, in what aspect is RotTR the best Graphics this gen? By all means they did a great job optimising it on the xone but it's hardly the best graphics this Gen.
A couple links for your amuseal.

The Order, rightly holds the crown for best graphics on consoles this gen to date.
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Commented on 2016-01-06 17:27:53
Individual assets are impressive in the order, but the scope of the game is tiny. Bare hallways, small room, few enemies, uneven framerates and so forth. Tomb Raider at least has a bit more open environments and stuff going for it.

The Order is a visual spectacle in ots own right, but not without major sacrifices.
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Commented on 2016-01-06 18:01:54 In reply to Megido
Posted by Megido
Individual assets are impressive in the order, but the scope of the game is tiny. Bare hallways, small room, few enemies, uneven framerates and so forth. Tomb Raider at least has a bit more open environments and stuff going for it.

The Order is a visual spectacle in ots own right, but not without major sacrifices.
I agree to a point but the scope in TR is not that much more than The Order if at all. There are open vistas in The Order as well.

Some of the pre-baked water effects in TR reminded me of Onimusha.

Don't get me wrong TR looks great, but just not on the same level as The Order, the material effects such as glass, brass etc in The Order are in a league of its own. The only major sacrifice The Order made was resolution, but that was to achieve 4x MSAA.
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Commented on 2016-01-07 01:56:34
I would still say Tomb Raider is more a technical masterpiece compared to The order 1886. The order's environments used baked lighting and global illumination.

In tomb raider's case, tressFX, BTAO, and volumetric lighting, all of it is being handled by real-time processing of the hardware. The game's visual qualities may change in some areas but it's clearly using the hardware for a vast majority of the rendering.

the environment lighting in the order is good but it's not being handed by raw power, instead they used powerful PCs to calculate and bake the assets into the textures. couple that with film grain and motion blur and that's what you have with the order. the game looks nice but it's static and not only that it's also linear.
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Commented on 2016-01-07 06:49:27 In reply to GunsnSwords
I disagree. The volumetric lighting TR uses in many situations is the same lighting technique that Killzone Shadowfall did before. TR also uses it in conjunction with baked lighting as well.

There are a vast number of aspects where TR on xone is inferior to TO; framerate, input lag, anti-aliasing, materials such as stone wood metal cloth etc, low resolution shadows, physics, texture resolution/filtering, animation, etc etc.
Even the AO technique used in TR is inferior to The Order, compared to

Here's NXGamer's analysis of TO just to jug your memory, I know it's been over a year after all.

Both games are linear, and I'm not being funny but I don't see what that has to do with the graphics. I also don't know what you mean by static, is it the lack of trees blowing in the wind? or the physics implemented in the game, which The Order does better.

I will maintain that Crystal dynamics did a great job optimising TR to run on xone, both games have their short comings, but when comparing TR to TO from a graphical perspective, TR is not as impressive.

Well done to even MS for managing to secure the timed exclusive deal, but SE should have known better, most of TR's fans are on playstation and PC, that's why the sales were so shit on xone(and Fallout 4's release), it just did not make any sense. I'm not against timed deals altogether, there's nothing wrong with focusing on one platform at a time, but this was a stupid choice for them, they got nothing out of it. PS fans may not bother getting TR after waiting one year, unless they release the goty edition with all the season pass DLC included, I may wait and get the goty edition for pc as well, on the cheap.
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Commented on 2016-01-07 08:06:44
I mean Tomb Raider looks great, but people pushing it as a technical "masterpiece" are kind of overdoing it. Its a great looking game. It will look really great on PC, I'm excited to play it.
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Commented on 2016-01-07 09:15:42 In reply to jmd749
Posted by jmd749
There are a vast number of aspects where TR on xone is inferior to TO; framerate, input lag, anti-aliasing, materials such as stone wood metal cloth etc, low resolution shadows, physics, texture resolution/filtering, animation, etc etc.
Even the AO technique used in TR is inferior to The Order, compared to
The baked assets in The Order enabled them to use higher multi-sampling and higher shadow IQ within the confines of performance. this is not a technical achievement, this is called a "trade off".

As explained in their Siggraph 2015 article, which also explained why the Order has no reflections as well.

"In their recently held technical presentation at SIGGRAPH 2015 on the Environments of The Order 1886, Ready at Dawn finally revealed the real reason why Galahad had no reflection in the game.

As explained by Ready at Dawn, the reason why Galahad and other Knights had no reflection was not because they were Vampires, but because of their implementation of Ambient Occlusion capsules that were used to create better shadows. They had an issue with dynamic objects and required real-time occlusion calculation. They had a set amount of capsules enabled at a time."

"During their presentation they go in much detail about the choices they made and the way they have created the baked lighting that perfectly suited their goals. All in all the general physically based approach to rendering even with static environments and baked lighting. It works pretty well in creating the incredibly realistic look."

The trade offs made in The order is no real difference than the ones for the Resident Evil Remake and RE0. The pre-rendered environments allowed them to use higher AA, post process effects, ect... RE0's visuals looked unmatched as a whole compared many in-game environments but it was not 100% hardware rendered.

In comparison to Tomb Raider it's has much more to render - larger maps, TressFX, BTAO, Subsurface scattering, tessellation, ASync volumetric lighting, high polygon models. it IS a technical masterpiece imo. Tomb raider also has the same shadow Maps as the Order.

"Like The Order: 1886 on the PS4, Rise of the Tomb Raider will also make use of the Sample Distribution Shadow Maps (SDSM) algorithm in order to allow efficient shadow map rendering. By adjusting itself to scene and camera position, the technique will enhance the overall shadow quality in the game."

As i said, Tomb Raider Is pushing even more over The Order 1886.
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Commented on 2016-01-07 10:13:15 In reply to GunsnSwords
Posted by GunsnSwords
As i said, Tomb Raider Is pushing even more over The Order 1886.
i'd argue wasn't. not even remotely. and even if it was. the order still looks better, so it's irrelevant.
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Commented on 2016-01-07 10:24:17
Why are we comparing tomb raider and the order 1886? Tomb Raider does not look any better than The Order, and it certainly doesn't look as good as Battlefront or the Witcher. Are we just doing one of those e-peen contests in here? They all look good, move on.
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About the game
Published by
Square Enix
Developed by
Crystal Dynamics

$135 of $400 per month

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