Sony released the Killzone 2 demo a couple of days ago, and thanks to a very busy week at the University the video has had to wait until now. Enjoy this video of the full (short) demo, and feel free to share your impressions in the comments section.

Demo images

  • Killzone 2 demo video - Demo images
  • Killzone 2 demo video - Demo images
  • Killzone 2 demo video - Demo images
  • Killzone 2 demo video - Demo images
  • Killzone 2 demo video - Demo images
  • Killzone 2 demo video - Demo images
  • Killzone 2 demo video - Demo images
  • Killzone 2 demo video - Demo images
  • Killzone 2 demo video - Demo images
  • Killzone 2 demo video - Demo images
  • Killzone 2 demo video - Demo images
  • Killzone 2 demo video - Demo images
  • Killzone 2 demo video - Demo images
  • Killzone 2 demo video - Demo images
  • Killzone 2 demo video - Demo images
  • Killzone 2 demo video - Demo images
  • Killzone 2 demo video - Demo images
  • Killzone 2 demo video - Demo images
  • Killzone 2 demo video - Demo images
  • Killzone 2 demo video - Demo images
  • Killzone 2 demo video - Demo images
  • Killzone 2 demo video - Demo images
  • Killzone 2 demo video - Demo images
  • Killzone 2 demo video - Demo images
Commented on 2009-02-07 19:06:51
Looks cool to me
If PS3 received a price drop and another great game I'd consider picking it up

How are you guys feeling on controls for this? Everyone who has played it in the forum seems to dislike the control/responsiveness
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Commented on 2009-02-07 19:12:16 In reply to Tinks
Posted by Tinks
Looks cool to me
If PS3 received a price drop and another great game I'd consider picking it up

How are you guys feeling on controls for this? Everyone who has played it in the forum seems to dislike the control/responsiveness
The controlls feel a bit stiff, that's the problem. Adjusting the sensitivity might help, but I haven't tried it yet.;)
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Commented on 2009-02-07 19:34:44
I have played the demo about 30 times.

It's simply the most awesome FPS ever made.
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Commented on 2009-02-07 19:41:00
I'm not saying the controls is perfect, but that "heavy" feel is a part of the experience in Killzone 2. I mean, it was similar in the first Killzone, that everything have a bit of a slow, heavy feel to it. Every movement take the time it would take in real life :)

I think the feel is nice, even if its as "responsive" as Gears 2. But it was never meant to be. You have to work for your headshots, as a reviewer wrote. ;)

I didnt have any problem with the controls =)
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Commented on 2009-02-07 19:57:26
I don't think you need to bring Gears 2 into this like every Killzone 2 or Gears of War 2 thread has done for each other.
I haven't really played a fps or 3rd person game to have a weight feel to their weapons, ever.
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Commented on 2009-02-07 20:00:14
It looks good to me, but it's definitly not the visual revelation. Characters doesn't look better than in any other shooter, textures are horrible and also the fire effects looks really outdated. Sure, overall the game looks harmoniously. But we are just at the beginning of 2009. I doubt that anyone is talking about Killzone 2 at the end of the year.
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Commented on 2009-02-07 20:01:22
the controls remind me alot of the bad company beta..where you were fighting against your gun in the name of realisim. That changed for the full release..prefering to focus on fun. Whilst i cant see it being altered for killzone2, i do think you'll get used to it. To be honest all fps's feel awkward with the playstation pad anyway...certainly compared to the 360 pad.

This demo was great though.. stunning production values. I do think behind the trickery of the "blur effect" there are some weak textures though. And i also think theres more visually impressive games still to come... operation flashpoint 2 for one...and then theres modern warfare 2 which is bound to up the anti in set pieces. But having played the demo they certainly have their work cut out.
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Commented on 2009-02-07 20:05:35 In reply to Milhouse
Posted by Milhouse
It looks good to me, but it's definitly not the visual revelation. Characters doesn't look better than in any other shooter, textures are horrible and also the fire effects looks really outdated. Sure, overall the game looks harmoniously. But we are just at the beginning of 2009. I doubt that anyone is talking about Killzone 2 at the end of the year.
I would imagine it's contender for GOTY already on PS3 for 2009, if not a clear winner (from what we know about upcoming games, which we know little)
The game LOOKS great. Sure it's not revolutionary, but if it had come out when it was supposed to, it certainly would have been.
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Commented on 2009-02-07 20:23:39
So far this looks like a fantastic game, and I really love the art style of it. It's really too bad that it wont get released for the Xbox since I think that the Xbox controller is much more suited for shooter games than the PS3 controller.
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Commented on 2009-02-07 20:41:25 In reply to Tinks
Posted by Tinks
I would imagine it's contender for GOTY already on PS3 for 2009, if not a clear winner (from what we know about upcoming games, which we know little)
The game LOOKS great. Sure it's not revolutionary, but if it had come out when it was supposed to, it certainly would have been.
Obviously I've only played the demo, but I saw nothing in it which would make it GOTY material. It's just a standard FPS with excellent tech. There are far more innovative and interesting games due this year, such as Heavy Rain and Alan Wake. And even in the land of sequels for my money Resident Evil 5 is leagues ahead of Killzone. Better graphics, better universe, better gameplay, and all based around online co-op.
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Commented on 2009-02-07 20:53:41
Awesome game. Simply the best fps so far. Graphic (unique effects, textures, characters animation, art style), realistic control (you feel that your character is a real human, not a doll which is doing everything extremly fast), superb action and (just like in first one) weapons. I don't know how they made it, but the feel of weapon power is simply the best (thanks also to enemies death animations). And it's only part of first level. Oh and number of languages:o
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Commented on 2009-02-07 21:07:55
The controls have me worried. I was hoping they'd be smooth as COD4's, but the reports seem to suggest the opposite. I appreciate Killzone's attempt at not being a twitch shooter, but awkward aiming has nothing to do with that.

The slow pickup/acceleration of the aiming is what has ruined many shooters for me and very few games actually get this right. To clarify, it's not about slow turning/aiming speed, it's about the acceleration of that speed and the responsiveness of the moment you move the stick, and which the gun responds.

I'd have to try it out myself to see exactly what's up, but these reports do have me worried. Why can't these devs get this right?!
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Commented on 2009-02-07 22:02:29 In reply to moroboshi
This thread has already two nominees for the sour grapes award, and both of their user names start with an M. After getting used to utterly nonsensical Halo and Gears comparisons in basically every discussion on this game it is now also pitted against RE5, which of course makes TOTAL sense given that both games have conceptually A LOT in common. Let's just compare Killzone 2 to every computer game that was ever made so we can pick out all the things it fails at. If that doesn't result in enough niggles, let's mention the lack of co-op for the 1237th time, which suddenly seems to have become the darling of gamers ever since GG announced months ago, that KZ2 won't have any such feature.

As for the demo: I have never played one for a good dozen times in a row. It's simply fantastic even though I too wish the controls were be a bit more responsive. Having sticky crouch in there (for ALT2) and decreasing the deadzone would help a lot but this won't be sorted out before the release, so people need to adjust to them and stop whining (or, alternatively, not buy the game and play the marvelous, fantastic and flawless RE5 instead -- which -- just to point it out one more time -- has co-op, the be all and end all of modern computer gaming).
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Commented on 2009-02-07 22:09:23
Demo was one of the best games i have ever played! sorry but it is...
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Commented on 2009-02-07 22:19:29 In reply to Schroedinger
I agree, the game is getting a lot of flack, more than a lot of other games that have similar flaws...but with all the hype it as been getting, what do you expect? Every little flaw and missing feature will be amplified by tenfold because: A. More people are aware/care about the game B. Extremely high expectations.

"Complaining" about awkward aiming, if true, is nothing but completely valid. This is THE FOUNDATION for a good shooter. It's like having this fantastic looking car that can do 300+ km/h, but handles like shit. And like it or not, everyone's permitted to point out the flaws just as much as people praise the game for every single thing it with it.
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Commented on 2009-02-07 23:26:09
Graphics are amazing not the best but to my surprise the controls are, trust me it's the numerous quantites of people playing CoD and Halo, great games in there own right that are complainint, these games have been experienced to such degrees the when something unique and in my opinion superior comes along they fail to see the evolution and pin it as a flaw as in this case the controls of killzone. Mindless running and gunning be GONE Killzone 2 brings real strategic gameplay. Killzone 2 is, brace yourself FUN and just from the demo and how it handles it's in my top 3 FPS's, I'm no blind fanboy as I understand that Killzone probably cannot and most likely will not surpass the bar the half life series has provided, but as an exclusive next generation title that has recieved so much hype, in my eye it has achieved and surpass expectations. Killzone 2 is the stuff I'm so happy Guerilla ignored all those complaints about the games controls not feeling right (from an amateur player of CoD Killzone 2 controls are perfect), those same criticisms have already ruined one sequel for me (*Cough* Resistance 2*Cough*). Anyways looking forward to a game that can only exceed my expectations.
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Commented on 2009-02-07 23:38:50 In reply to Tinks
Posted by Tinks
I would imagine it's contender for GOTY already on PS3 for 2009, if not a clear winner (from what we know about upcoming games, which we know little)
The game LOOKS great. Sure it's not revolutionary, but if it had come out when it was supposed to, it certainly would have been.
It wont be a GOTY winner, but definately a contender for me the greatest games are compelling , KIllzone 2 delivers on the entertainment and immersion of battle but will undouubtably fall short on the story telling which to me is the richest component of any GOTY winner, this year I think GOTY will be Heavy Rain or RE5 (less because I think so and more because reviewers have seen something that requires the praise they are giving it, great game though), I've kind of contradicted myself considering the fact that I've nominated RE5 but lets just say if it was up to me Heavy Rain from my impression and exprerience of indigo prophecy AKA Fahrenheit would be my GOTY.
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Commented on 2009-02-08 00:07:41
It looks like another very high budget AAA shooter game, in the same league as CoD4-5 and GoW2 etc (I'm a bit proud it's made in my country).. The gameplay experience looks a lot like CoD to me, but in a Sci-fi setting.. A setting which looks pretty damn nice with all the cool effects..

Just to bad it's on the wrong platform for me as I don't own a PS3, and I'm not planning to get one (to expensive and simply not enough time to play everything on every platform).. I still prefer the PC for these type of games (because of the most powerfull hardware = best graphics, and most importantly for me the best suited controls for the genre).. But if I had a PS3 I would definitely buy it, just like I did with GoW2 on the Xbox 360..
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Commented on 2009-02-08 00:07:51
KZ2 is a great looking game and it's nice to have realistic physics.

Uncharted 2 is going to take GOTY though.
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Commented on 2009-02-08 00:29:29
The demo is... It's. Yeah it's awesome! Can't wait for the game to come out.
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Commented on 2009-02-08 00:38:43
i played the demo a few times and it never grabbed me. the graphics are awesome! some of the best ever! but the gameplay was a bit, meh! and i really was looking forward to it :(

Uncharted 2 will be my GOTY (for the PS3)
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Commented on 2009-02-08 01:19:17
The demo gave me the same goose-bumps moments as COD4. The graphics while great isn't the best part of the game, it's actually the gameplay and the sound. The weapon, the control (use Alt 2 and make sure to tinker with x + y sensitivity) and AI are all top notch. The game isn't perfect but this is a demo after all. Right after playing KZ2 for about the 10th time, I went back to COD4 and while it's stll a great FPS, KZ2 just take it up another notch.
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Commented on 2009-02-08 02:32:30 In reply to masteratt
Posted by masteratt
I have played the demo about 30 times.

It's simply the most awesome FPS ever made.
while i still think half life 2 is still king (at least untill i play the whole of killzone 2), its definately overtaken what was my second fave FPS (cod4) its very VERY good, and while the awesome graphics artnt everything, they definately help convay a better atmosphere and cinematic feel.. cant wait to play more tbh. AI surprised the hell outta me, was very impressed by that aspect.
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Commented on 2009-02-08 02:55:04
Well congrats to Sony for making another game that makes me wish I owned a PS3... this and LBP... far from enough to compel me to spend all that money for only 2 titles... but for those that own a PS3... I'm sure it will be an AAA title. Storyline is the only thing yet to be determined. Maybe in a year or two when I feel the need to own a Blu-ray player I'll snag a PS3 and be able to finally play this game... It looks very good. Doesn't match that old E3 vid in years past, but still looks mighty fine.

And doesn't it have a lean and peak mechanic for shooting?

Oh and with great AI... something most developers don't seem to be able to nail... I'm glad to hear it has some very good AI... maybe they'll set the bar for others to match or surpass.
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Commented on 2009-02-08 03:41:51 In reply to anm8rjp
Posted by anm8rjp
Well congrats to Sony for making another game that makes me wish I owned a PS3... this and LBP... far from enough to compel me to spend all that money for only 2 titles... but for those that own a PS3... I'm sure it will be an AAA title. Storyline is the only thing yet to be determined. Maybe in a year or two when I feel the need to own a Blu-ray player I'll snag a PS3 and be able to finally play this game... It looks very good. Doesn't match that old E3 vid in years past, but still looks mighty fine.

And doesn't it have a lean and peak mechanic for shooting?

Oh and with great AI... something most developers don't seem to be able to nail... I'm glad to hear it has some very good AI... maybe they'll set the bar for others to match or surpass.
it has a cover system, yes.

AI isnt quite F.E.A.R 1 level (that AI has impressed me the most out of all games tbh, but i think that was down to them calling out everything they where doing/ if they saw your flashlight they'd should out "FLASHLIGHT", probably not that wisest of a decisions considering they're trying to kill you, but cool to hear) but it is better then most...just simple things like them moving along cover beffore popping up their heads. it makes a lot of difference. in other cover focused games it tends to be a case of just keeping your crosshair where the enemy popped up last and waiting for him to do it again. killzone 2 actually makes it a bit more unpredictable.

they flank you really well too.
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About the game
Published by
Sony Computer En...
Developed by

$135 of $400 per month

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