Xbox 360

Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts was announced a bit more than 2 years ago, and certainly has been much awaited ever since. You've certainly all played the demo, so you know more or less exactly what the game is like. This demo is a rather good representation of what this new Banjo is all about, and while the fans of the previous games might be annoyed by the focus on vehicles, I can at least say that so far after a bit more than 30 Jiggies I never had to create a contraption from scratch to get a Jiggy, but just modified slightly an existing blueprint.

Commented on 2008-11-05 18:37:51
since i played the demo this game was a buy so im ignoring this :)
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Commented on 2008-11-05 18:50:29
no thanks. not after that demo. too much to read, too much to collect
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Commented on 2008-11-05 18:53:40 In reply to inzerillo
Posted by inzerillo
no thanks. not after that demo. too much to read, too much to collect
no guns, no blood... f*ck this crap! (right?)
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SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Commented on 2008-11-05 18:58:17
I suspected this would be the case; challenges having a pretty low bar to accomodate for those (kids?) that can't quite delve as deep into the customisation like us manchildren.

I'd like to know, Blimblim, if there is some sort of leaderboardesque component to the challenges at all? Can you check other people's times/records on everything? Either that, or if there are achievements to reward the player for getting into it more?
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Commented on 2008-11-05 19:47:50
dont like racing mode
good look graphic
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BlimBlim - Tyrannosaurus
Commented on 2008-11-05 20:00:02 In reply to SimonM7
Posted by SimonM7
I suspected this would be the case; challenges having a pretty low bar to accomodate for those (kids?) that can't quite delve as deep into the customisation like us manchildren.

I'd like to know, Blimblim, if there is some sort of leaderboardesque component to the challenges at all? Can you check other people's times/records on everything? Either that, or if there are achievements to reward the player for getting into it more?
Game gets pretty hard on the later challenges.
As for leaderboards, yes of course there are. You can also share replays.
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Commented on 2008-11-05 20:00:03
This was Microsoft/Rare's chance to nail a good platforming game which the 360 desperately needs, but wait...they go and make another car game, hooray!
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Commented on 2008-11-05 20:18:33 In reply to Woah
Posted by Woah
This was Microsoft/Rare's chance to nail a good platforming game which the 360 desperately needs, but wait...they go and make another car game, hooray!
I don't see why it's their last chance. And Kameo was great, it just needed to be longer and more fleshed out. But yes, this definitely shouldn't have involved the vehicles.

But it's still a great game.
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SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Commented on 2008-11-05 20:29:17 In reply to BlimBlim
That sounds pretty ace to be honest. Hmm. We'll see if I feel compelled to pick it up next week or not.
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Commented on 2008-11-05 21:13:02 In reply to SimonM7
I'm anxiously awaiting the first 10 minutes of Gears of War 2, any word on when that's going up.
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Commented on 2008-11-05 21:26:09
I honestly don't understand what the big fuss is about the vehicles. It's not as if all of the mechanics are like a regular car... you can jump, fly, etc. just like getting new abilities in the old games. It's imaginary. Take the visual representation of the vehicles away and implement the same game mechanics in a way that didn't appear that you were using vehicles, and we wouldn't be hearing the complaining. It's not a racing game. It's not a car sim. Just because it has vehicles doesn't really change the platforming part of it that much. Yeah, it has more track and obstacle oriented stuff, but that fits perfectly in line with what old school platformers were about.

I constantly see people echoing the same thing over and over like parrots every time this game is shown. There will be 15 more people in this same article saying "I wish there weren't vehicles." Well, there are. Let's judge the game based on how well it was handled based on the game that they wanted to make, rather than what you wish the game was. It is what it is.

Obviously everybody's entitled to their opinion, but there's no reason to have KornDog or whatever his name is come in and say that he doesn't like the game because of the vehicles after hearing him say it in the last 10 articles already lol.
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Commented on 2008-11-05 21:32:03
Thanks for the videos, BlimBlim. The game looks and sounds fantastic which I already knew anyway from playing the addictive demo. I don't care what anyone says, this seems to me to be a Banjo-Kazooie game, the only difference being that levels are much larger and instead of travelling around on foot, you're in a vehicle. The platforming element looks present and correct in Showdown Town and the vehicle building adds a new and fun element to the rest of the game. I really cannot wait to play this next week... I wish I hadn't watched those videos now! Damn!
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BlimBlim - Tyrannosaurus
Commented on 2008-11-05 21:48:28 In reply to Slickman
Posted by Slickman
I'm anxiously awaiting the first 10 minutes of Gears of War 2, any word on when that's going up.
Microsoft decided not to send the games to French (European?) press, so it's not going to happen until Friday. Sorry.
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Commented on 2008-11-05 21:56:29 In reply to BlimBlim
Posted by BlimBlim
Game gets pretty hard on the later challenges.
As for leaderboards, yes of course there are. You can also share replays.
i know im really tired of people thining the game is early


now im sorry if a game is crushing you during the first 10 minutes then that game just isnt worth it, games especially platformers are made to ease people into it and then progressively get harder and like you said and from what i've heard this game ramps up quite nicely in difficulty.
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Commented on 2008-11-05 23:05:02
Wow thats a Nintendo64 on the ground there. Nice, and weird.

I've tried defending this game on some forums and it gets a lot of s**t. Some even dislike the graphics. I dont know what exactly has gone into people but I urge Rare to keep doing their own thing just to piss off those worthless gamers.
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Commented on 2008-11-05 23:38:51 In reply to Joergen
Posted by Joergen
Wow thats a Nintendo64 on the ground there. Nice, and weird.

I've tried defending this game on some forums and it gets a lot of s**t. Some even dislike the graphics. I dont know what exactly has gone into people but I urge Rare to keep doing their own thing just to piss off those worthless gamers.
I don't really understand this either.. I can certainly understand fans of the classic Banjo games being a little annoyed by this, but the amount of hate Rare gets these days is just ridiculous. They've not made anything really revolutionary lately, but I'd challenge anyone to point out a time where they have.

Most of their recent games have still been very enjoyable, Kameo, Viva Pinata and now Nuts and Bolts are, in my opinion, easily amongst their best ever work. Where as Donkey Kong Country 2+3, Starfox Adventures, Killer Instinct and even Banjo 2 were pretty terrible games.

Most people just seem to remember Rare as some God-like developer from their child hood.
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Commented on 2008-11-05 23:40:52 In reply to zomfg
Posted by zomfg
I honestly don't understand what the big fuss is about the vehicles.
Easy answer, when the game was first announced and shown on video (CGI) they showed Banjo jumping around so people expected to get a new platformer.

Their's a reason why fantastic platforming games like Jak / Ratchet only include very few vehicle based missions. It's because those kind of missions get boring really fast.

This game makes zero sense to me, the graphics and art style is aimed for younger gamers , yet the gameplay most definitely requires the user to being a hardcore/veteran gamer. As well the game has way to much reading (for a younger gamer) and the goals for each mission were poorly presented and were not clear.

Why I'm not excited about this game is because all of these fetch quests, timed races and what not I've done a million times already this year with games like GTA4/Saint's Row/Crackdown/Simpsons etc...

On top of that the physics system while it seems realistic is not fun to play, everything seems floaty and unresponsive.

I'm sure the game will be a decent renter, but I think most people are disappointed because of the missed potential. The game *could* of been huge for the console, though now it will be an after thought and a bargain bin game within 6 months.
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Commented on 2008-11-05 23:51:21 In reply to Brandino
Posted by Brandino
The game *could* of been huge for the console, though now it will be an after thought and a bargain bin game within 6 months.
Let's be honest with ourselves now, this was never going to be huge on 360, in fact no Rare game will ever be huge on 360 due to their art direction. 360 is full of hardcore 20+ years of age gamers who want realistic graphics.
If you put any Rare game in front of the average 360 gamer then they'd pass on it based on their first impression, which is graphical style.
The audience Rare would thrive on simply don't own a 360 so even if this turns out to be a masterpiece, the likes of Gears 2 and Fallout 3 would still over shadow it.
The only possible reason for hanging onto Rare is in the hope that Nintendo drive away their old audience due to focusing on the casuals too much, meaning 360 would be their next best home.
Other than that, they've been a waste of MS's money, and not due to a lack of quality games, but due to MS not being able to lure in the audience these games need to do well.
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Commented on 2008-11-06 00:26:37 In reply to blinx01
Posted by blinx01
Let's be honest with ourselves now (...)
don't agree 100%, but i find hard to disagree for the most. well put.
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Commented on 2008-11-06 00:38:27
If Mario game can have a tennis game, gokart game, tetris-style game (Dr. Mario), party game, just to name a few, I don't see the problem of altering Banjo a little to add something different. I understand peoples' sentiments that if they were going to alter the game mechanics then they should have just made an all new property, but the fact is that making an all new IP is hard to push to people. This still has many many many of the aspects that people remember about the Banjo games, but just with a slightly different game mechanic.

I'm behind rare 100% on this one, despite what other people say. In this day and age, people demand something different beyond the typical platformer formula. If it were the typical "Jump, hover for a few seconds, and swim to collect things" scenario, it would have been charged with not progressing after all these years.
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Commented on 2008-11-06 02:12:48 In reply to donkeyman
Posted by donkeyman
no guns, no blood... f*ck this crap! (right?)
No! But thanks for the patronizing reply.

I was a Nintendo fan for YEARS and played most of the Rare games, including the original Banjo. In fact I used to play the Ultimate games back in the 80s. BUT the idea of playing through another over-cooked Banjo game, with TOO many things to collect and hunt down just bores me. Im not saying it's a bad game, but Rare and this particular style just bores me now.
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Commented on 2008-11-06 02:17:40
i played the demo and i felt like banjo was tiny as hell..... then the vehicle part didnt feel like it was completed but more like it was rushed into the game... the worlds felt waaaaayyyy to oversized; they could have gotten the same banjo feel with a smaller world instead of the ridiculously large things they have now.... ill take the demos advice and buy the original (cartridge) cuz its like 25 cents at most. the xbl arcade is waaaayyy to overpriced... and takes up more space than i have on my hard drive cuz i have the tiny original hard drive....

all in all i didnt really like the demo, oversized world, and to much emphasis on vehicles is a no go for me; i wanted a platformer not banjo racing.... at least make vehicles optional but u HAVE to drive them cuz the world is so freakin huge... :/

i was excited about this game to..... but that was like 3 years ago before the official announcement... now i couldnt care less... sorry
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Commented on 2008-11-06 05:00:42 In reply to blinx01
Posted by blinx01
Let's be honest with ourselves now, this was never going to be huge on 360, in fact no Rare game will ever be huge on 360 due to their art direction. 360 is full of hardcore 20+ years of age gamers who want realistic graphics.
I disagree, Fable 2 has a similar cartoony graphics style and it's sold extremely well.

Platforming games on other systems like Mario, Jak, Ratchet, Lego Star Wars all sell very well despite having a cartoonish exterior.

The main reason why the 360 crowd more then likely won't pick this up isn't because of the graphics... it's completely because of the gameplay.

Their's a reason why MS is blowing this out the door with a cheap price and the free xbla game...
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Commented on 2008-11-06 10:00:11 In reply to Brandino
Posted by Brandino
Their's a reason why MS is blowing this out the door with a cheap price and the free xbla game...
Stop with the bullshit. It's cheap because your country is in the shithole, lol

where in Euroland is it being sold... cheap, hun?
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Commented on 2008-11-06 17:35:42
This game is gonna be great!! pre ordered right after I played the demo! just rated it a A-! The Rare we knew and loved is back. There review scores have slowly been rising. Cant wait to play.
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About the game
Published by
Xbox Game Studios
Developed by
Rare Ltd.

$135 of $400 per month

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