First 10 minutes PC Xbox 360 PS3

Thanks to a French member who works at a retail store, we managed to get our hands on a Xbox 360 version of Crysis 2. Here are then the first 10 minutes of the game, the opening credits and a second gameplay video (to be available ASAP) showing a bit of the beginning of the avdenture. As you will see, the game looks good, though it also comes with a few framete and opo-up issues. Let's not, however, compare it with its PC counterpart.
Update 5: We added a short bonus video just because it looked nice.

PC homemade images

  • The First 10 Minutes: Crysis 2 - PC homemade images
  • The First 10 Minutes: Crysis 2 - PC homemade images
  • The First 10 Minutes: Crysis 2 - PC homemade images
  • The First 10 Minutes: Crysis 2 - PC homemade images
  • The First 10 Minutes: Crysis 2 - PC homemade images
  • The First 10 Minutes: Crysis 2 - PC homemade images
  • The First 10 Minutes: Crysis 2 - PC homemade images
  • The First 10 Minutes: Crysis 2 - PC homemade images
  • The First 10 Minutes: Crysis 2 - PC homemade images
  • The First 10 Minutes: Crysis 2 - PC homemade images
  • The First 10 Minutes: Crysis 2 - PC homemade images
  • The First 10 Minutes: Crysis 2 - PC homemade images
Commented on 2011-03-23 15:13:54
To buy or not to buy. That's the question.

Will you guys make a review?
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Commented on 2011-03-23 15:20:10
I want to see it but in teh other hand I want to see it my screen when I get it this saturday.

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Commented on 2011-03-23 15:36:42
Apparently if you install it then it runs even better! (The Xbox 360 version I mean, people with the PS3 version don't have a choice as it's another mandatory install game.)
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Commented on 2011-03-23 15:50:53
One game you don't want to miss...
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Commented on 2011-03-23 16:08:38
i'm tempted to purchase just a little .. but so many damn shooters in my library .. it's getting to be an old song
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GangStarr - Inhibited Sony Lover
Commented on 2011-03-23 16:20:07
hmm tempted to watch
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Commented on 2011-03-23 16:41:02
Maximum Console >_>.
And iam not gonna buys this game because there is no weapon grab animation *-*.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2011-03-23 16:59:47
I have it on PC, but can't play it because the official release is tomorrow and I got my copy today!
Damn this serial key nonsense!

Game is awesome though!
In reply to
Commented on 2011-03-23 17:04:40
I can't believe I'm about to say this about a Crysis game, but, damn, I was pretty friggin impressed with what I saw. Even makes me want to buy and play the damn thing.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2011-03-23 17:19:20
Buy it damn it, best FPS on the market IMO!
The nanosuit and real time weapon modification is what makes this game standout :)
In reply to
Commented on 2011-03-23 17:30:47 In reply to Sath
Posted by Sath
Buy it damn it, best FPS on the market IMO!
The nanosuit and real time weapon modification is what makes this game standout :)
Haha, personally I wouldn't go that far as the best FPS, or even best console FPS on the market, but yeah it's a good game for sure. Personally I wasn't a fan of the suit modification, didn't feel the differences it introduced were great enough, for the most part.
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Commented on 2011-03-23 17:42:52
Could you please provide a PS3-video, so we can download and see wether or not it suffers more slowdown etc. than 360? Some sites also talk about slightly less dynamic lighting on PS3. Have to see this for myself. There is no website at this moment which offers (HD) proof of said problems...
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2011-03-23 17:46:26
The reason why I say that is because how many FPS games do you know were you can approach a situation in various ways, or your character having abilities that goes beyond human abilities?

I can think of 3, Crysis, Bioshock and Bulletstorm.
I love games were your character has abilities, and not the typical run, shoot, reload, cover, run, shoot, reload...etc. thats it.

Sure, there are times I can accept that the character dont have such stuff, but majority of the time, I want special abilities for my character, changes the traditional shooting mechanic to something new and unique.

So to be specific, personally, I think Crysis is the best FPS yet because its like the game was catered to my style (except I want it to be in alien planets, space...etc.) but gameplay, its perfect for me.

I can tell you this, if someone who can use the suit modes perfectly in any given time, you might have a change of heart for it.
I personally love SPEED, keeping that momentum of super ruuning, super jump shoot in the air and then if there are others, airstomp and sprint away and do slide shooting...etc.

And use cloak for being a Predator.
My favorite thing is to sprint off a high level and then cloak myself in mid-air! Kind of like in AvP!

Anyways, the suit is just great IMO and I love it in the game.
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Commented on 2011-03-23 17:48:13
"best looking fps ever"

"But it is a world whose intricacy and realism will cause you to stop and stare long after the first drop of the jaw. The sway of tree-tops; the spray of a decorative fountain; the flames erupting from a burst gas pipe: incidental details that grab your attention for their quiet, shocking realism. Who knows how Crytek managed to squeeze Cry Engine 3 onto the consoles while maintaining such extraordinary level of detail? But this world sits next to Uncharted 2's as the most detailed and well-expressed yet seen on our TVs."

"Crysis 2 on Xbox 360 has taken the crown for best graphics in a console game"

"best looking shooter on PlayStation 3"

"Crysis 2 is outstanding in almost every department, not least its visuals, which are the very best either PS3 or Xbox 360 has to offer right now"

"Crysis 2 does run on consoles, and it does so beautifully. We're calling it now: Crysis 2 is possibly the best-looking console game ever."
"I find Crysis 2 visuals to be superior to similar shooters like Call of Duty: Black Ops or Killzone 3."
"Crysis 2 is definitely the best looking game on consoles and PC"

"I honestly think that this may well be the single best looking FPS I've ever seen, on any platform. It really does look that good."

"The games visuals were just jaw dropping and I have to agree when Crytek says it is setting the bar in console gaming graphics. Just wow."

But if you're coming to Crysis 2 expecting Crytek to raise the bar and blow you away all over again, you might be disappointed with the way the console versions perform."

Though about the millionth FPS built around a plot of an alien invasion, give or take a few, it's also the most beautiful.

Naturally, the gameplay is all wrapped up with some of the most gorgeous visuals you'll see in a videogame.

Crytek wisely sticks to the traits that made the first game successful while simultaneously pushing the boundaries of graphical fidelity.

"Possibly the most visually impressive game you'll play this year" -
"I honestly think that this may well be the single best looking FPS I've ever seen, on any platform. It really does look that good." - denofgeek
Crysis 2 is just as visually impressive as its predecessor, even on PS3 and 360.

The game looks utterly stunning and is arguably one of the best-looking shooters on consoles. I'm still undecided whether Crysis 2 looks better than the original game, but the fact that there is a discussion about which looks better speaks volumes on what Crytek was able to accomplish with their engine.

It might come up slightly short compared to Killzone 3 in raw mettle, with an occasionally inconsistent framerate on our PS3 version, but the game is leagues ahead in terms of artistic accomplishment.

Crysis 2 is bloody gorgeous, and by far one of the most polished games we've ever played. Watching the cityscape come crashing down around you in all its HD glory is quite the sight, especially in some of the more open areas midway through the main campaign. Whether you've diving across rooftops or making your way into the heart of an alien hive, it's all jaw-dropping throughout.

Better Looking than Killzone 3
CRYSIS 2 is visually elite FPS which pushes the genre into regions no-one else on PS3 has explored.

Digital Trends:
Crysis 2 is the best-looking game ever made for consoles. There really isn’t anything that compares to it. When it comes to consoles, there is a ceiling to the graphical quality–there is only so much a console can do. You won’t come home and pop in a game on your 360 and suddenly be fooled with graphics so good you think they are live-action, the hardware just isn’t up to it. That being said, Crysis 2 does things I simply didn’t know where possible on a console. The game looks stunning, but beyond that, the most impressive thing is the level of detail.
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Commented on 2011-03-23 18:18:06
"In terms of visuals Killzone 3 is better, at least on consoles"

and use your eyes for this one

In any event, it's only my opinion. I'm not saying the visuals weren't great btw! just far from the best available on consoles. Also, overall, it's a great game. Highly recommended!
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Commented on 2011-03-23 18:18:49
this title demonstrate that in the current gen the best games, techonologically speaking, are multiplatform games, exclusives wont have the weight they had...
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Commented on 2011-03-23 18:28:57 In reply to shazui
Posted by shazui
"In terms of visuals Killzone 3 is better, at least on consoles"

and use your eyes for this one

In any event, it's only my opinion. I'm not saying the visuals weren't great btw! just far from the best available on consoles. Also, overall, it's a great game. Highly recommended!
From the same link you gave:

"Since Crysis 2 is going to have global illumination models and Killzone 3 will have to fake it, Crysis 2's graphics actually are better."
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Commented on 2011-03-23 18:31:27 In reply to shazui
Posted by shazui
"In terms of visuals Killzone 3 is better, at least on consoles"

and use your eyes for this one

In any event, it's only my opinion. I'm not saying the visuals weren't great btw! just far from the best available on consoles. Also, overall, it's a great game. Highly recommended!
Not very convincing, especially considering those comparisons are bunk. One was before even KZ3 came out, and the other compares KZ3's SP with Crysis 2's MP demo. KZ3 has a very large number of visual flaws( not that it doesn't look good though), so it's amazing how immune to criticism it is. I can't comment too much, as I have the PC version. That being said the pc version seems to be a clean, smoother Console version and won't truely shine until the DX11 support comes out. THAT being said, from the vids on Youtube of the console version, it definitely has an edge on KZ3, imo...
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Commented on 2011-03-23 18:41:54
i'm only about a half hour into it (ps3 version) and i have to say, i'm thoroughly impressed. after the embarrassment of a demo crytek released last week, i was questioning my pre-order. needless to say, i'm happy i stuck with it. the visuals are on point, the sound is crisp, the gameplay mechanics are easy to adapt to and the open world is not something you can take in all at once. i've often found myself wandering around and looking at the backdrops instead of approaching guards! the script/voice acting could use a bit of work, but everything else (including the fresh take on multiplayer that the Call of Duty series has already perfected) will make you forget about it. a must buy! enjoy!!!

* cloak engaged *
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Commented on 2011-03-23 18:54:44
it's really strange that crytek didn't think that a SP demo was a necessity, and showing a MP Demo of the same game/engine made by a second team with no hand in the core SP development, was all that was needed.
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Driftwood - Dictateur en chef
Commented on 2011-03-23 19:05:16 In reply to Anvil
Posted by Anvil
To buy or not to buy. That's the question.

Will you guys make a review?
Sorry I did not answer sooner. Don't know yet if I'll have time to write a review but it won't be this week anyway.
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Commented on 2011-03-23 19:38:45 In reply to johnc
Posted by johnc
it's really strange that crytek didn't think that a SP demo was a necessity, and showing a MP Demo of the same game/engine made by a second team with no hand in the core SP development, was all that was needed.
I know what you mean, the PS3 MP demo was so lackluster it left me very wary of how PS3 SP the point where I think I need a demo of SP to convince me.
In reply to
Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2011-03-23 19:42:51 In reply to munkini
Posted by munkini
I know what you mean, the PS3 MP demo was so lackluster it left me very wary of how PS3 SP the point where I think I need a demo of SP to convince me.
MP was old demo and Crytek UK did it.
The MP got the same treatment as GRAW games got, SP looking great which is made by the real original Crytek while MP was made by some other team with not the same good visuals.

But as far as MP goes, I really enjoyed it, both on PC and PS3.
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Commented on 2011-03-23 20:12:30
mehdino, you are an enemy of my wallet. I am now determined to purchase this game for the Xbox 360 solely because of your post with all those reviews :)
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Commented on 2011-03-23 21:12:51
Can't watch it. It's in the mail.
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About the game
PC X360 PS3
Published by
Electronic Arts
Developed by

$135 of $400 per month

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