Trailer Xbox 360 PS3

Zombie slaughters run in the Starling family. You already know Juliet, now meet her two sisters: Cordelia and Rosalind. Lollipop Chainsaw wil be out for Xbox 360 and PS3 on June 12 in North America, June 15 in Europe.

Starling Sisters

  • Lollipop Chainsaw: The Starling Sisters - Starling Sisters
  • Lollipop Chainsaw: The Starling Sisters - Starling Sisters
Commented on 2012-04-20 21:05:58
"fuck me it's the coolest thing ever!" roflmao
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Commented on 2012-04-20 21:42:05
the blonde chick looks exactly like Pain from FF10-2, lol
In reply to
Commented on 2012-04-20 21:57:37
That Voice sounds so familiar, Hahahahaha...
If you catch my drift....
In reply to
Commented on 2012-04-21 10:39:04
June 15 ((( The gameplay looks like jerky, but the model is the main character charms me.
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Commented on 2012-04-21 15:55:51
stupid google translator
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Commented on 2012-04-21 17:25:01
Ugh, this is everything I can't stand about certain segments of our population... I just can't see how it appeals to the audience that this is supposed to be for (18+). 14-year-olds, maybe...
In reply to
Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2012-04-21 18:41:25 In reply to Frozpot
Posted by Frozpot
Ugh, this is everything I can't stand about certain segments of our population... I just can't see how it appeals to the audience that this is supposed to be for (18+). 14-year-olds, maybe...
Anime and Japnophile fappers, they love shit like this.
Not saying all of them, but most of them.

Looks like shit to me.
In reply to
Commented on 2012-04-21 19:23:16
There is something wrong with both those statements but I will not bother to address it.

Let's say there is always something for someone even if for us may seem the most ridiculous thing ever.

The fact that someone can be disgusted or just plaindon't understand why some people may find it cool shows a lack of a broaded view of things or in other words a narrow mind.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2012-04-21 19:36:56
Not really, Japan loves their quirky sexy girls from anime and video games that is very anime-ish to fap to them and then get the toys in sexual positions. Its too obvious, hell thats why they even went the extra stretch to make Hentai lol.

But whatever, not everyone is into that and like it for what it is, but still, its a nerd fapping dream lol.
Its my cosplayer dream to see sexy (Jessica Gigri) pose as them :D
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Commented on 2012-04-21 19:51:22 In reply to Sath
Posted by Sath
Not really, Japan loves their quirky sexy girls from anime and video games that is very anime-ish to fap to them and then get the toys in sexual positions. Its too obvious, hell thats why they even went the extra stretch to make Hentai lol.
I don't see what in this counters what I said, somepeople like things thats it, no other way around that.

Being Japanese, Chinese, European, Latinamerican, it doesnt matter, people like sometimes weird things for us but for them is not weird at all.

What is so dificult to understand?
In reply to
Commented on 2012-04-21 22:39:35
Most people do not understand people like you, and call a person who plays in the console - a looser. I wanted to say that the concepts are different, do not shoot from the hip and vilify anyone who does not meet your requirements
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Commented on 2012-04-21 23:43:11 In reply to IRAIPT0IR
Posted by IRAIPT0IR
The fact that someone can be disgusted or just plaindon't understand why some people may find it cool shows a lack of a broaded view of things or in other words a narrow mind.
Not liking something doesn't make you narrow minded either. It's not the weirdness, it's the vapid, party-girl attitude that is a turn-off, IMO. Being disgusted by something doesn't make you narrow-minded either. It just means you have a standard. I don't understand people that like child porn either. Should I accept that just because it's not what I'm into? It's a matter of distinctions, and where you set the bar.
Thankfully this isn't on that extreme a level. I just don't get who they are appealing to. It's obviously an M rated game. Maybe it's for the college kids who haven't outgrown the shallow party scene?
I'm not trying to look down on anyone for being interested in the game- I'm just trying to understand...
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Commented on 2012-04-22 01:21:05
And I think they're simply trying to make a good trash game, possible cult classic even. I kind of think that this head on Juliette belt is totally retarded and her sisters are unnecessary (16 yo girl saying "fuck", I stay away from this kind of kids in real life, but I find it kinda funny in a game), but overall this game stands out and that's good. Also I can't create a perfect character for myself, since I'm not a game designer, but if, let's imagine, I was given a choice to pick between some Chris Redfield from Resident Evil or a Ryu from Street Fighter and Juliette, I'd go with Juliette without even thinking for a second. None are perfect but she's at least much more fun.
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Commented on 2012-04-22 02:47:55
I don't see why people have a problem with this when Anglo-Saxon Fascist games where you go around killing brown people in the name of honor, heroism, and freedom are the most popular and some of the best selling game currently. Personally, I find the xenophobic and racist undertones that always come up when wacky Japanese games come up more disgusting, but that's just me.
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Commented on 2012-04-22 20:01:53
Anglo-saxon Fascist? lol. That's an actual conflict against some nasty people. There is quite a bit of helping those "brown" people in that conflict as well. It's not about Race (or religion on our side for that matter). That just happens to be what the people look like in that region. The only person with race colored glasses on appears to be you :P
Having personal experience in said conflict, I know first hand that you are over-evaluating to a point of distortion.
No one is really talking disgust with the game anyway, just confusion and a lack of appeal...
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Commented on 2012-04-22 21:05:32 In reply to Sath
Posted by Sath
Not really, Japan loves their quirky sexy girls from anime and video games that is very anime-ish to fap to them and then get the toys in sexual positions. Its too obvious, hell thats why they even went the extra stretch to make Hentai lol.

But whatever, not everyone is into that and like it for what it is, but still, its a nerd fapping dream lol.
Its my cosplayer dream to see sexy (Jessica Gigri) pose as them :D
Wow what an ignorant comment, I guess you think Buffy the Vampire Slayer was created by the JAPANESE ZOMG!!
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2012-04-22 22:32:53 In reply to Akumajo

PS. Joss Whedon...bring back Firefly!
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Commented on 2012-04-23 04:48:49 In reply to Frozpot
Posted by Frozpot
Anglo-saxon Fascist? lol. That's an actual conflict against some nasty people. There is quite a bit of helping those "brown" people in that conflict as well. It's not about Race (or religion on our side for that matter). That just happens to be what the people look like in that region. The only person with race colored glasses on appears to be you :P
Having personal experience in said conflict, I know first hand that you are over-evaluating to a point of distortion.
No one is really talking disgust with the game anyway, just confusion and a lack of appeal...
Point is so painfully missed. Can't say it's surprising given your initial post though.
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Commented on 2012-04-23 10:02:06
Posted by Sath
Anime and Japnophile fappers, they love shit like this.
Not saying all of them, but most of them.

Looks like shit to me.
I don't see how this game has any connection to anime or Japanese stuff. The writer is American, published by an American company, with roots in campy American zombie movies. Which have a lot of campy sex and nudity.

You guys sound like teens trying too hard to be adults.
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Commented on 2012-04-23 10:49:14 In reply to IRAIPT0IR
Posted by IRAIPT0IR
There is something wrong with both those statements but I will not bother to address it.

Let's say there is always something for someone even if for us may seem the most ridiculous thing ever.

The fact that someone can be disgusted or just plaindon't understand why some people may find it cool shows a lack of a broaded view of things or in other words a narrow mind.
Couldn't have said it better myself dude. Like some people are actually going to buy Prototype 2 even though its ass like the first one. It reminds me of Crackdown with the laziness involved. It took them 3 years to make a game set in the same place again lol. Suda 51 take my money now unless Lollipop chainsaw uses the same environments and levels from No More Heroes that is.
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Commented on 2012-04-23 16:50:40 In reply to Frozpot
Posted by Frozpot
Sounds like you're taking this game entirely too serious.

The whole thing is a satire and a joke.
No More Heroes was the same way. Game still kicked ass too.
In reply to
Commented on 2012-04-23 18:47:50 In reply to Tinks
Posted by Tinks
Posted by Frozpot
Sounds like you're taking this game entirely too serious.

The whole thing is a satire and a joke.
No More Heroes was the same way. Game still kicked ass too.
Eh, I think things outside of games just got out-of-hand. It's hard for me to separate the game-play from the story (unless it's multi-player). It's just full of character personalities that annoy the shit out of me (and make me sad) in real life...
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Commented on 2012-04-24 02:19:10 In reply to Frozpot
Posted by Frozpot
Ugh, this is everything I can't stand about certain segments of our population... I just can't see how it appeals to the audience that this is supposed to be for (18+). 14-year-olds, maybe...
I read some of your comments but I don't want to argue, I just wanted to ask you if you ever watched the first season of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, even though this game is on the extreme with the swearing... then again imagine if "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" was made for a cable channel like Starz or AMC (makers/producers of Spartacus and The Walking Dead)

There is even the idea of the Buffy the Vampire Slayer videogame, the first one on Xbox 1 that sadly was game of long ago and limited by the tech of back then, but the idea is almost similar... some little skinny blond barbie cheerleader that kicks all kinds of ass.

Now I'm not saying this game is good, but I understand its influences, its more American influence than Japanese which is kind of funny as there were some fools making ignorant comments on here...

There also was a live action American movie, I forget who made it, I think it was Quentin Tarrantino... where there was a tv commercial titled "Hot Chicks with Guns" as a parody of a parody of American Gun culture where hot chicks in bikinis were armed to the teeth with assault rifles, etc... I think the ad even said they will blow you away.... lol
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Commented on 2012-04-24 03:19:37
It could have been made by martians for all I care. I'm not sure what country it was made from really has anything to do with it.

Buffy was different though (especially the TV show). They worked (satired) the valley girl thing but had her grow out of it, demonstrating how she realized she WAS a shallow doofus. This comes across as a waay smuttier version, imo, and revels in the persona. Of course maybe there is more to it than we see in vids.
I guess the game is trying to be satirical, but it's poorly executed in what I've seen. Well, obviously it's not my thing, But I DID like Buffy when I was a teenager :P

I think the skinny girl whooping ass thing is silly, but it doesn't really bother me. What I don't like here is there actually are people who act like that, and I'm not sure if this is satire or saying that these girls are cool (ugh). Kinda like Jak on Mass Effect. I'm not offended by it or anything, though (why would I be?). Ah well...
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Commented on 2012-04-25 02:49:36
Frozpot... Buffy became a hit in the first couple of seasons, mainly season 1 and 2, the later seasons got out of the high school life because obviously they could not really convince viewers that most of the cast and extras was really in a high school.
Yeah there was "Valley girl" wackyness mixed in with kicking ass aka not being a damsel in distress but do you really think most guys who were watching were really watching for that reason and not because Sarah was smoking hot in seasons 1 and 2, specially in a cheerleader outfit spitting one liners as she killed monsters and vampires while wearing skimpy outfits, remember this is regular TV and limited budget and tech for what was essentially the late 90s.

The buffy show was not really aimed at teenagers btw, alot of the stories were very much comic book type in nature with tv self contained episodes for fear of long complex story arcs, even though they tried...

thats why I said this videogame specially being a product of 2012 and aimed at gamers (think about it, its really mostly boys with raging hormones) who have grown through the 2000s with alot of stuff that would have been extremely shocking back in the 90s...

I agree the vulgarity is a bit over the top but you know, I also recognized alot of elements from 80s and possibly 70s horror/scary movies, did you ever watch "Return of the Living Dead 1 and 2"? there is a valley girl in that movie as well as stereotypes... all American made...

And most important of all is that yes, alot of USA entertainment has influenced Japanese culture so its easy to mistake Japanese influence if you live in a bubble of ignorance.
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About the game
X360 PS3
Published by
Warner Bros. Int...
Developed by
Grasshopper Manu...

$135 of $400 per month

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