Video PC Xbox 360 PS3

EA released a new video of Medal of Honor showing a short extract of the campaign mode. Nothing too exciting here if you ask me but since your opinion is the one that matters, you should probably take a look.

Commented on 2010-10-02 21:05:53
God,that asshole destroyed the poor Taliban's sun shield protector !
How many holes did he shot in ???
No wonder he is angry and shoots at him..would do the same if some guys just comes up and wants me in the heat ! :)

Anyway,looks like some solid FPS action here,nice grafix,but I think the animation could be a bit better when they start moving at the beginning.
But thats nothing big,just mention it cause the rest looked so nice.
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Commented on 2010-10-02 21:22:36
Looks good I guess but animation could be better indeed. Gotta try it soon ;]
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Commented on 2010-10-02 21:31:41
It may sound hypocritically (since I enjoyed CoD: MW 1 & 2 ) but I don't like the fact that you're fighting the Taliban.
In CoD they at least were just some generic middle eastern soldiers, who wore uniforms, had tanks etc.. These enemies however are meant to resemble the real people fighting over there, dressed with turbans and and hiding in those little villages...

It just gives me the feeling that the game has a propagandistic purpose... A bit like those Palestinian anti-Israel games.
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Commented on 2010-10-02 21:41:53
Finally some SP gameplay. Very nice and cool sounds. I wouldnt care about some anti this and anti that things. You can apply this theory on many many other games. Its just game and I think that every reasonable player knows it. I know its very present scenario for a game, but still....its just a game.
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Commented on 2010-10-02 22:42:41
"it's just a game" argument is very fast losing steam. With modern-day graphics and animations, it's hard just to shrug off this new art of videogames when they portray real-life scenarios.
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Commented on 2010-10-02 23:14:26 In reply to Anvil
Posted by Anvil
It may sound hypocritically (since I enjoyed CoD: MW 1 & 2 ) but I don't like the fact that you're fighting the Taliban.
In CoD they at least were just some generic middle eastern soldiers, who wore uniforms, had tanks etc.. These enemies however are meant to resemble the real people fighting over there, dressed with turbans and and hiding in those little villages...

It just gives me the feeling that the game has a propagandistic purpose... A bit like those Palestinian anti-Israel games.
fear not my oversensative friend, for they are not the taliban, they are the "oposing force". EA buckled under the pressure....sadly

PS. this game looks and sounds really good. everything sounds so meaty.
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Commented on 2010-10-03 00:48:21
I think "OpFor" is just what they are going to call the US opposing team in multiplayer, so no one "kills" GI's as a taliban.
The Singleplayer stays untouched.

Anyway: Looks solid but I also don't like "real" scenarios... probably because the real situation in Afghanistan is much more complex than "US rolling in, killin da bad guys with turbans".

Unfortunatly I highly doubt the game will go into "political" semantics like terrorist, taliban, afghans, al-kaida, pashtuns and so on.. They are all bad guys. They live in Afghanistan and they wanna take away our hot dogs and baseball... get em boys!
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Commented on 2010-10-03 01:37:08
Going to try this tomorrow with the open beta.
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Commented on 2010-10-03 02:02:37 In reply to PShizzl3
Posted by Anvil
It may sound hypocritically (since I enjoyed CoD: MW 1 & 2 ) but I don't like the fact that you're fighting the Taliban.
In CoD they at least were just some generic middle eastern soldiers, who wore uniforms, had tanks etc.. These enemies however are meant to resemble the real people fighting over there, dressed with turbans and and hiding in those little villages...

It just gives me the feeling that the game has a propagandistic purpose... A bit like those Palestinian anti-Israel games.
Propaganda? Have you not heard the controversies?
Posted by PShizzl3
Unfortunatly I highly doubt the game will go into "political" semantics like terrorist, taliban, afghans, al-kaida, pashtuns and so on.. They are all bad guys. They live in Afghanistan and they wanna take away our hot dogs and baseball... get em boys!
I doubt they'd be so blatantly stupid as to do something like that. Actually, I've seen cut scenes that seem to show the main US military characters co-operating with Afghans.
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Commented on 2010-10-03 02:56:30 In reply to PShizzl3
Posted by PShizzl3
I think "OpFor" is just what they are going to call the US opposing team in multiplayer, so no one "kills" GI's as a taliban.
The Singleplayer stays untouched.

Anyway: Looks solid but I also don't like "real" scenarios... probably because the real situation in Afghanistan is much more complex than "US rolling in, killin da bad guys with turbans".

Unfortunatly I highly doubt the game will go into "political" semantics like terrorist, taliban, afghans, al-kaida, pashtuns and so on.. They are all bad guys. They live in Afghanistan and they wanna take away our hot dogs and baseball... get em boys!
You say you don't like the "real" war scenarios, but then you say "unfortunately" they won't be going into the political aspects of war. Which is it?

I personally would love a game that dealt with the realistic aspects of war. Seeing the Taliban stone women to death while buried up to their necks in sand because they hailed a cab or allowed themselves to get raped would be sickening, but would also give a strong motivation to kill them. Then you could come across situations where the same enemies are using innocent civilians as human shields. Would make for some very difficult decision making, and allow people to see what kind of hell our soldiers actually go through. Maybe even having to deal with fellow soldiers who have lost it and are taking things out on civilians. I realize these things would be damn near impossible to implement in a game, but it would be very interesting.

I am just sick of all the war games that totally black and white. Kill this guy, but don't worry there are no civilians to worry about. Or if you do accidentally kill a civy, it is mission over and restart at a checkpoint. Not very realistic...
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Commented on 2010-10-03 05:35:50 In reply to michaelob
Posted by michaelob
Then you could come across situations where the same enemies are using innocent civilians as human shields. Would make for some very difficult decision making, and allow people to see what kind of hell our soldiers actually go through. Maybe even having to deal with fellow soldiers who have lost it and are taking things out on civilians. I realize these things would be damn near impossible to implement in a game, but it would be very interesting.

I am just sick of all the war games that totally black and white. Kill this guy, but don't worry there are no civilians to worry about. Or if you do accidentally kill a civy, it is mission over and restart at a checkpoint. Not very realistic...
Good call. I personally made some suggestions along those lines on EA's forum, but never heard back. It was sad as people where getting replies for less important matters. I even suggested that they implement civilians of sorts in the multiplayer aspect.

Like protect the VIP. One random person is selected to be a VIP which the Coalition forces protect, and the Opposing forces try to kill. The VIP would have full control and ability to run or crouch, but only be equipped with a pistol.

But alas no one really listens to the gamers! Dice was probably too busy anyway.
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Commented on 2010-10-03 07:50:30
makes me laugh there is no outrage at when these western developers are killing germans and japs, and russian, but as soon as they are killing taliban wow battern down the hatches boys the worlds going to end,
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Commented on 2010-10-03 09:11:17
If the Taliban is called 'oposing force', then they should call the US soldiers 'invading force'.

I rather wait for BlackOps.
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PlumbDrumb - Still drinking
Commented on 2010-10-03 09:38:15
or "proposing force"
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2010-10-03 09:48:08 In reply to IIGrayFoxII
Posted by IIGrayFoxII
If the Taliban is called 'oposing force', then they should call the US soldiers 'invading force'.

I rather wait for BlackOps.
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Commented on 2010-10-03 09:48:50 In reply to michaelob
Posted by michaelob
You say you don't like the "real" war scenarios, but then you say "unfortunately" they won't be going into the political aspects of war. Which is it?

I personally would love a game that dealt with the realistic aspects of war. Seeing the Taliban stone women to death while buried up to their necks in sand because they hailed a cab or allowed themselves to get raped would be sickening, but would also give a strong motivation to kill them.
Then you could come across situations where the same enemies are using innocent civilians as human shields. Would make for some very difficult decision making, and allow people to see what kind of hell our soldiers actually go through. Maybe even having to deal with fellow soldiers who have lost it and are taking things out on civilians. I realize these things would be damn near impossible to implement in a game, but it would be very interesting.

I am just sick of all the war games that totally black and white. Kill this guy, but don't worry there are no civilians to worry about. Or if you do accidentally kill a civy, it is mission over and restart at a checkpoint. Not very realistic...
And this comment is exactly the finest example I could think of why I don't like real scenarios.

A lot of people and devs are just missing what we in Germany call "Fingerspitzengefühl". It's this fine touch you need, to hit exactly the sweet spot for what you should show and do and what you shouldn't.

And it are comments like this that are absolutly missing this fine touch.

You want more civilians implemented in the game? Well that would be a bad choice because it would turn YOUR character into a dick.
That's right a ... HUGE DICK.

Because despite american belief, the GI's over there aren't saving the day, doing humanitarian aid and shit. Well at least not the Tier 1 operators. Infact they are called upon by their commanders to stay out of any civilian shit going on.

Your mission is "Bla" don't you dare deviate and get it done.

Showing all aspects of war is something that pretty rarely can be done without demonizing both partys of war. Including the main character.
A feat, easily and often done in movies, but somehow developers seem to struggle a lot harder with. Probably because they don't want to turn their protagonist into a dick.
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Commented on 2010-10-03 10:08:42
I love when people say 'i'll wait for Black Ops', it's like people can't enjoy two MP games at the same time or they will humanly combust via a killstreak.

Buying this and i will buy BO, plus the Vietnam ex pack for BF:BC 2.
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Commented on 2010-10-03 17:16:23 In reply to PShizzl3
Posted by PShizzl3
And this comment is exactly the finest example I could think of why I don't like real scenarios.

A lot of people and devs are just missing what we in Germany call "Fingerspitzengefühl". It's this fine touch you need, to hit exactly the sweet spot for what you should show and do and what you shouldn't.

And it are comments like this that are absolutly missing this fine touch.

You want more civilians implemented in the game? Well that would be a bad choice because it would turn YOUR character into a dick.
That's right a ... HUGE DICK.

Because despite american belief, the GI's over there aren't saving the day, doing humanitarian aid and shit. Well at least not the Tier 1 operators. Infact they are called upon by their commanders to stay out of any civilian shit going on.

Your mission is "Bla" don't you dare deviate and get it done.

Showing all aspects of war is something that pretty rarely can be done without demonizing both partys of war. Including the main character.
A feat, easily and often done in movies, but somehow developers seem to struggle a lot harder with. Probably because they don't want to turn their protagonist into a dick.
That's right, I'm missing the point. Even though my brother and two of my buddies served in infantry in Afghanistan and Iraq for years, some German knows more about what the evil Americans are doing over there than I do. Look, I know the European media loves to demonize the Americans, but we aren't as dumb and ruthless as you have been lead to believe. We don't blindly believe that all our soldiers are innocent peace keepers, but at the same time, we aren't all mowing down civilians for fun. Try to have an open mind and not stereotype everyone who is different from you.

And how exactly would adding civilians to a game make the character a HUGE DICK? Wouldn't the "dick-ness" of my character be dependent on my actions relative to those civilians? Take GTA for example. You can kill innocent people and be as big of a dick as you like. Also, COD MW2 had you acting as an American and purposely NOT stopping the murder of hundreds of civilians. The purpose of civilians in a military game would not be to kill them, but to avoid killing them. Obviously you wouldn't be able to just slaughter them, but it would add to the experience. I'm sure the military wouldn't like having civilians in the game due to the possibilities, but guess what? The military isn't making the games anyway. Although to your point, something like I am suggesting would have to be implemented into a mature sim-style game, not a COD run-n-gun affair. Something like ARMA where there aren't 12 year boys running around killing civilians for fun. You know?

To me, it doesn't sound like you are interested in "Fingerspitzengefühl" at all. But rather, for every game to have a black and white plot of bad guys vs. good guys with no gray area whatsoever. To me that is boring. The kind of games I enjoy are ones where tough decisions and actual thought are occasionally required.
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Commented on 2010-10-03 17:42:20
So, how is this game guys?
Stopped reading above.
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Commented on 2010-10-03 18:38:13 In reply to Anvil
Posted by Anvil
It may sound hypocritically (since I enjoyed CoD: MW 1 & 2 ) but I don't like the fact that you're fighting the Taliban.
In CoD they at least were just some generic middle eastern soldiers, who wore uniforms, had tanks etc.. These enemies however are meant to resemble the real people fighting over there, dressed with turbans and and hiding in those little villages...

It just gives me the feeling that the game has a propagandistic purpose... A bit like those Palestinian anti-Israel games.
You don't think the Taliban deserve to be shot? Those scum bags are the filth of humanity, treating women worse than livestock, suppressing any form of freedom of expression or thought, and stoning to death anyone who disapproves of their iron age belief system. They're right up there with the nazis, worse in fact on many levels. If anyone on this planet deserves to be plant fertilizer, it's the taliban at the top of the list, right in front of Tony Blair, George Bush, Robert Mugabe, and the Israeli government.
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Commented on 2010-10-03 19:53:45
@aphex187 why should i buy 2 MP games? i just need one im no MPWHORE and i rather buy MOH than another COD game. COD is DEAD atleast for me. and i like DICE, they always make the best MP games. and since BC the sound atmosphere is awsome. compared to MOH the COD guns sound like toys. MOH IS BACK.
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Commented on 2010-10-04 05:24:44 In reply to aphex187
Posted by aphex187
I love when people say 'i'll wait for Black Ops', it's like people can't enjoy two MP games at the same time or they will humanly combust via a killstreak.

Buying this and i will buy BO, plus the Vietnam ex pack for BF:BC 2.
It's worse when people just last year said Infinity Ward rules and Treyarch sucks.

So much for Black Ops I guess.
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Commented on 2010-10-04 18:18:02
booooom!!!!!!!!!..........shit rain
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Commented on 2010-10-04 19:23:36 In reply to plmko
Posted by plmko
It's worse when people just last year said Infinity Ward rules and Treyarch sucks.
A lot of people enjoyed World At War too. Call of Duty 4 is still better.

Treyarch still does Call of Duty better than Medal of Honor does, and you're kidding yourself if you don't think MoH isn't trying to be some weird BF/COD hybrid, while generally failing at both. That's based on the original beta though, so we'll see what happens. My dislike for MoH mostly stems from poor design choices, so I doubt that more development time is going to fix that, but there's a new PC beta out right now. Can't hurt to give it a second chance.
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Commented on 2010-10-05 04:01:26
Most pointless in-game video i ever watched.
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About the game
PC X360 PS3
Published by
Electronic Arts

$135 of $400 per month

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