Trailer PS4 Xbox One

The latest trailer of Metro Redux gives a comparison between the original titles and the upgraded versions for the new gen consoles. Both remastered titles from 4A Games will be bundled and available on August 26.

Commented on 2014-08-08 18:05:56
Putting the same comment I made on the shoutbox:

"Really impressed by the amount of work 4A Games is doing for Metro Redux, have bought and played both already, but that's a very exciting trailer. Made me want to double-dip, plus it's a steal at that price."
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Commented on 2014-08-08 18:38:01
God not more Metro. Average game that does not deserve a remake.
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Commented on 2014-08-08 18:42:16 In reply to Xoar
Posted by Xoar
God not more Metro. Average game that does not deserve a remake.
You gonna bitch and moan about every gaming news post today? :P
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Commented on 2014-08-08 19:06:24
For that price i'm sold. I played Last Light & thoroughly enjoyed it. Highly recommend to anyone who misses a good sp campaign with gorgeous visuals.
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Commented on 2014-08-08 20:50:49
This looks like a great remaster, though I never finished 2033 it felt kind of broken & I didn't play Last Light, I just don't like the whole monster thing in these games.
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Commented on 2014-08-08 21:29:10
I played and finally beaten the first game a couple months ago, after owning the game for two years. it's a great game but it's hard as nails to play.....on normal difficulty, it's even harder at higher settings.

The game's got a real great story!! the game takes place on Russia in a very, very poor condition. money is in it's shortest supply ever and ammo is your only real currency. you'll be super thankful when you get ammo in this game; because that also is in limited supply.

That being said, I'll definitely be getting this double pack!! the game had next gen graphics way back. even still being years old now the graphics look great, even better now. definitely can't wait for this.
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Commented on 2014-08-08 21:51:31
never had last light and 2033 ran like a dog on my PC so i don't mind buying at again and playing it with far better graphics (metro is one of those games where graphics are every bit as important as the game play) and more importantly that 60 fps sweet spot.
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Commented on 2014-08-08 22:14:10
Just got round to watching the video, Like the Halo games this is how you do a remaster.
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Commented on 2014-08-09 01:07:04
Looks like a nice upgrade a PC version at high settings. Not sure about the Redux PC version though unless it is super optimized
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Commented on 2014-08-09 04:57:40
I had like to see Crysis and Crysis Warhead with upgraded gfx TBH. This seems a good upgrade too but dark, gritty corridor shooter. Not sure this is for me
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Phaethon360 - Mr Pant<s>s</s>ies
Commented on 2014-08-09 07:19:51 In reply to Xoar
Posted by Xoar
God not more Metro. Average game that does not deserve a remake.
Posted by Xoar
Just got round to watching the video, Like the Halo games this is how you do a remaster.
Ok. ...
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Commented on 2014-08-09 09:50:06 In reply to Phaethon360
Posted by Phaethon360
Ok. ...
lol, typical.

This is why I get my multiplatform games for PC, these console remastered versions are all just the same game running at higher PC settings. They make you buy the same game several times. For example, I can play every released Assassins Creed game at 1080p 60fps with max settings and never have to worry about buying a newer or "Next Gen" version, and then there are Mods. :)
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Commented on 2014-08-09 11:03:22 In reply to jmd749
Posted by jmd749
This is why I get my multiplatform games for PC, these console remastered versions are all just the same game running at higher PC settings. They make you buy the same game several times. For example, I can play every released Assassins Creed game at 1080p 60fps with max settings and never have to worry about buying a newer or "Next Gen" version, and then there are Mods. :)
"They" aren't making anyone do anything. And this particular remaster is not just pumped up graphics; did you watch the video?
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Commented on 2014-08-09 11:36:46 In reply to b0vril
Posted by b0vril
"They" aren't making anyone do anything. And this particular remaster is not just pumped up graphics; did you watch the video?
I did look at the video, those enhancements are nothing more than a simple patch for the PC version. I've played both games at 2560x1440 max details, rock solid 60fps and it looked better than what that video showed, with PC exclusive features such as Physx cloth simulation. and the Cherry on top, is that I paid peanuts for both games during a fantastic Steam sale. :P

Again, just like Tomb raider remastered, my PC runs it with more crisp textures, fluid framerate and higher graphical settings and resolution than the ps4 version.

I'm not dogging on the consoles, but rather the idea of these multiplatform remakes that make you re-buy so many games. I have purchased the Last of US Remastered for PS4, so I'm not totally against the idea of remakes myself. However "IF" the Last of Us had a PC version(like Tomb Raider did), I certainly would not have bought a remastered version for the PS4.
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Commented on 2014-08-09 12:24:34
I really hope the knife throwing in 2033 Redux stays the same as in the original.
Hate the automatic type used in Last Light.
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Commented on 2014-08-09 12:33:02 In reply to jmd749
Posted by jmd749
I did look at the video, those enhancements are nothing more than a simple patch for the PC version. I've played both games at 2560x1440 max details, rock solid 60fps and it looked better than what that video showed, with PC exclusive features such as Physx cloth simulation. and the Cherry on top, is that I paid peanuts for both games during a fantastic Steam sale. :P

Again, just like Tomb raider remastered, my PC runs it with more crisp textures, fluid framerate and higher graphical settings and resolution than the ps4 version.

I'm not dogging on the consoles, but rather the idea of these multiplatform remakes that make you re-buy so many games. I have purchased the Last of US Remastered for PS4, so I'm not totally against the idea of remakes myself. However "IF" the Last of Us had a PC version(like Tomb Raider did), I certainly would not have bought a remastered version for the PS4.
Only problem is that the Definitive Edition of Tomb Raider has better looking effects than the PC-version on max. Only advantage your PC has over it is the resolution and texture filtering. Possibly framerate. TressFX in the PC-version cuts the framerate in half as soon as you're up close to Lara as well. PS4-version runs at an almost rock-solid 60fps even in those scenarios.

You're missing the point here. The latest 4A engine is superior to that used in the original 2033 and Last Light. It has effects which aren't present in the originals and thus the originals doesn't look as good.
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Commented on 2014-08-09 13:51:49 In reply to jmd749
Posted by jmd749
I did look at the video, those enhancements are nothing more than a simple patch for the PC version.
I think that's a bit unfair, I mean it looks like the studio is putting a good bit of effort into rebuilding these games. It's not like they are just turning up the gfx slider for the new consoles.
I've played both games at 2560x1440 max details, rock solid 60fps and it looked better than what that video showed, with PC exclusive features such as Physx cloth simulation. and the Cherry on top, is that I paid peanuts for both games during a fantastic Steam sale. :P
yea, but I bet you didn't pay peanuts for your gaming PC did you? :D
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Phaethon360 - Mr Pant<s>s</s>ies
Commented on 2014-08-09 14:46:21 In reply to jmd749
Posted by jmd749
lol, typical.

This is why I get my multiplatform games for PC, these console remastered versions are all just the same game running at higher PC settings. They make you buy the same game several times. For example, I can play every released Assassins Creed game at 1080p 60fps with max settings and never have to worry about buying a newer or "Next Gen" version, and then there are Mods. :)
Yeah you completely missed what I was highlighting with those quotes...

Anyway they did more than just turn up the graphics settings with this. They've added new geometry to the maps and graphical features to the actual engine. Which means that the PC release of this will look even better.

At the low price this is the best Remaster yet for sure.
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Commented on 2014-08-09 14:57:49 In reply to b0vril
Posted by b0vril
yea, but I bet you didn't pay peanuts for your gaming PC did you? :D
true. :P I paid £500 for my GTX780 TI, but when I weigh up the savings I make on steam for the most part definitive versions of multiplat games in the long run it more than pays for itself. having one large library on Steam is also great for me, I only buy console exclusives.
Posted by knerlington
Only problem is that the Definitive Edition of Tomb Raider has better looking effects than the PC-version on max.
My point is, it could be simply fixed with a patch, and certainly not worth a new purchase especially from a PC gamer's perspective.
Posted by knerlington
You're missing the point here. The latest 4A engine is superior to that used in the original 2033 and Last Light. It has effects which aren't present in the originals and thus the originals doesn't look as good.
You speak as though it's a new engine being used, it's the same engine but better optimised. Similar I guess to Titanfall running on source engine. It was said in the video that " the previous console versions had to compromise on graphical fidelity, but with the advent of the ps4 and xbox1, the hardware in the living room is now capable of delivering that original High end PC experience." the experiance I was telling you I had of the game. The only benefit to PC gamers is newly added 4K resolution support and further graphical features that any ole patch or mod could have easily done.
Posted by b0vril
I think that's a bit unfair, I mean it looks like the studio is putting a good bit of effort into rebuilding these games. It's not like they are just turning up the gfx slider for the new consoles.
But it seems that that is exactly what they are saying in their video, i quoted it above. The only thing that remotely interests me about this new re-release is the new hidden areas and secrets and new gameplay encounters.

Guys these are the same ones that made Ranger Mode a paid for addition unless you pre-ordered the game, so you will have to forgive my scepticism with them. I would much rather new IPs than this perpetual cycle of remakes. /rant :P
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Commented on 2014-08-09 15:03:11 In reply to Phaethon360
Posted by Phaethon360
Yeah you completely missed what I was highlighting with those quotes...
I thought your quotes were to highlight him commenting before watching the video, the rest of my comment was a separate issue. :P
Posted by Phaethon360
Anyway they did more than just turn up the graphics settings with this. They've added new geometry to the maps and graphical features to the actual engine. Which means that the PC release of this will look even better.
I'm still not convinced though, perhaps when you guys release your gameplay videos I'll change my mind. :)
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Commented on 2014-08-09 15:31:26
It's me again guys, but it just so happens that digital foundry did their analysis of Redux 912p resolution on xbox1 and 1080p on PS4.

a couple interesting quotes from them

"In effect, development of Last Light on the new wave of consoles is all about 4A Games picking and choosing its battles to get the best possible balance between image quality and performance. Some of the high-end options found on PC don't make their way across to the Redux - if tessellation is utilised, it's to nowhere near the same degree as the PC version for example, and extreme rendering options like super-sampling are obviously off the table too. 4A has utilised the expansive memory of the new wave of consoles to retain the high-end detail level of the PC game, then aimed for the prettiest locked 60fps experience it can deliver."

This is why as a PC gamer I haven't been too impressed by their talks of improved geometry, when the current PC version has higher levels of tessellation than the PS4 and xbox1 versions.

and they end by saying

"And of course, this is far from the end of the story - Metro Redux is coming to PC too, where the idea of providing a truly improved experience over the original releases is much more challenging than a last-gen vs current-gen comparison. We'll be looking at that soon."

They better not release "Ranger Mode" as DLC... lol
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Commented on 2014-08-09 16:38:43 In reply to jmd749
Posted by jmd749
But it seems that that is exactly what they are saying in their video, i quoted it above. The only thing that remotely interests me about this new re-release is the new hidden areas and secrets and new gameplay encounters.

Guys these are the same ones that made Ranger Mode a paid for addition unless you pre-ordered the game, so you will have to forgive my scepticism with them. I would much rather new IPs than this perpetual cycle of remakes. /rant :P
They've rebuilt a lot of the levels from the ground up which would have had to replace the entire original if it was going to be patched. Everything they've done could not have been done by releasing a small patch. Tessellation alone also doesn't create a more impressive geometry. It only smoothes out the edges creating more polygons around them. The base geometry changes in the Redux though is like a night and day comparison to the original. It's very apparent and much more impressive than that of the original Last Light with very high tessellation. Maybe not in terms of smoothness, but in the amount of detail of the actual geometry. I.E. There's a lot more of it. That's what I saw and I also played the PC-versions on a high-end rig. I wouldn't be surprised if it's mostly 2033 redux that has better geometry though. I'd hold off with the tessellation statement until they actually compare the amount of tessellation used in the PC-version with the PS4-port.
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Commented on 2014-08-09 16:51:11 In reply to knerlington
I recommend reading my last comment with the DF article linked. :)
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Commented on 2014-08-09 16:58:05 In reply to jmd749
Posted by jmd749
I recommend reading my last comment with the DF article linked. :)
I did. And DF doesn't know if they are using tessellation or not. Once again tessellation doesn't increase the amount of geometry and that's what have been increased to a large extent. Tessellation only smoothes it out. I'm not debating whether or not the PC-version already has superior amounts of tessellation, but the increase in actual geometry which is a big step up from the current PC-version.
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Commented on 2014-08-09 17:33:15 In reply to knerlington
Time will tell, I'm tired now. :P
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About the game
Published by
Deep Silver
Developed by
4A Games

$135 of $400 per month

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