Trailer PC PS4 Xbox One

Warner Bros. has formally revealed Middle-earth: Shadow of War, the sequel to Shadow of Mordor developed by Monolith Productions. The game is set to release on August 22nd for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC. More details and the announce trailer inside.



Monolith Productions Expands on the Award-Winning Nemesis System and Offers Each Player Unique Personal Game Worlds

Burbank, Calif. – February 27, 2017 – Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment today announced Middle-earth: Shadow of War™, the sequel to the critically acclaimed Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor™, winner of more than 50 industry awards, including 2015 Game Developers Choice Awards’ Game of the Year, Outstanding Innovation in Gaming at the 2015 D.I.C.E. Awards and the BAFTA for Game Design. Developed by Monolith Productions, Middle-earth: Shadow of War features an original story with the return of Talion and Celebrimbor, who must go behind enemy lines to forge an army and turn all of Mordor against the Dark Lord, Sauron.

In Middle-earth: Shadow of War, players wield a new Ring of Power and confront the deadliest of enemies, including Sauron and his Nazgul, in a monumental battle for Middle-earth. The open-world action-adventure game is brought to life through the expansion of the award-winning Nemesis System. The robust personalization from the first game is now applied to the entire world where the environments and characters are all shaped by player actions and decisions, creating a personal world unique to every gameplay experience.

Middle-earth: Shadow of War will be available for Xbox One, Project Scorpio, Windows 10 PC (Windows Store and Steam), PlayStation®4 and PlayStation®4 Pro beginning August 22, 2017. Middle-earth: Shadow of War will be available as an Xbox Play Anywhere title.

“Monolith Productions continues to innovate by introducing deeper, more personalized gameplay experiences, coupled with authentic storytelling,” said David Haddad, President, Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment. “Middle-earth: Shadow of War truly drives the genre forward by taking the Nemesis System to new heights and allowing players to create their own personal journey within Middle-earth.”

“Following the amazing reception to Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor, we massively expanded every dimension of the game, including the world, the story, the RPG systems, the core gameplay and of course the personal player stories of the Nemesis System,” said Michael de Plater, Vice President, Creative, Monolith Productions. “As lifelong fans of Middle-earth, we are so grateful to have the privilege to bring to life the most incredible fantasy world ever created in a new way, for a new generation. With Middle-earth: Shadow of War, we can’t wait to see the amazing stories players are going to create and share.”

The innovative Nemesis System created unique personal stories through procedurally-generated enemies who remember every encounter and are differentiated by their personality, strengths and weaknesses. Middle-earth: Shadow of War expands this innovation with the introduction of Followers who bring about entirely new stories of loyalty, betrayal and revenge. The Nemesis System is also expanded to create a unique personal world through Nemesis Fortresses, which allows players to utilize different strategies to conquer dynamic strongholds and create personalized worlds with their unique Orc army.

Set between the events of The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings, Middle-earth: Shadow of War continues the original narrative of Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor. Players will be engrossed in a richer, more personal and expansive world full of epic heroes and villains, iconic locations, original enemy types, even more personalities and a new cast of characters with untold stories.

As an Xbox Play Anywhere title, players can purchase a digital version of Middle-earth: Shadow of War once and play it on both Xbox One and Windows 10 PC. Gamers can pick up where they left off on another Xbox One or Windows 10 PC, bringing all the saves, game add-ons and achievements with them at no additional cost.

For more information or to join the Middle-earth: Shadow of War conversation, visit or find us on YouTube (ShadowofWarGame), Facebook (ShadowofWarGame), Twitter (@ShadowofWarGame), Instagram (ShadowofWarGame), Twitch (MonolithLive) and our Lithium Community (ShadowOfWar).

Key Art

  • Middle-earth: Shadow of War unveiled - Key Art


  • Middle-earth: Shadow of War unveiled - Packshots
  • Middle-earth: Shadow of War unveiled - Packshots

Pre-Order Bonus

  • Middle-earth: Shadow of War unveiled - Pre-Order Bonus

Gold Edition

  • Middle-earth: Shadow of War unveiled - Gold Edition
  • Middle-earth: Shadow of War unveiled - Gold Edition
  • Middle-earth: Shadow of War unveiled - Gold Edition
  • Middle-earth: Shadow of War unveiled - Gold Edition
Commented on 2017-02-27 17:45:30
The first one was simply amazing. it was all I hoped for. the combat was everything the Arkham series started but failed to polish and build upon. I'm eagerly looking forward to this one.
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Commented on 2017-02-27 18:02:56
For me Shadow of Mordor seemed solid but still lacking something, lots of ground to improve on. It was short, the fights were too easy (as any other Arkham-style combat brawlers), and it had only one real boss fight, the other was a stealth segment and the final boss was a quick time event. I really liked the Nemesis system and I hope they'll improve and expand it. All in all if Monolith repeats the formula and doesn't do anything stupid it should be good. After all they're a company with a good game record, they've made F.E.A.R., Condemned, Tron 2.0, Aliens versus Predator 2 and No One Lives Forever, all great games.
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Commented on 2017-02-27 18:25:14
This message is in "Boulet Time" (TM), If you still *really* want to see it, click here
Although adding a token black guy for political correctness checklist is... yeah. Especially considering the source material. I believe it's the first black in LotR universe.
Commented on 2017-02-27 18:30:06 In reply to MinorDespera
Posted by MinorDespera
Although adding a token black guy for political correctness checklist is... yeah. Especially considering the source material. I believe it's the first black in LotR universe.
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Commented on 2017-02-27 18:38:12
This message is in "Boulet Time" (TM), If you still *really* want to see it, click here
ahh they fu**ed it up, and im not going to say how here. Pass
^guy up there said it
fu** political correctness man, dum**** liberals, cancer they are
Commented on 2017-02-27 19:05:10
"waaaaah waaaaah a black guy waaaaah" Seriously this generation of closet racist gamers are friggin' annoying, spamming the comments sections everywhere with all their immature xenophobic whinings and paranoia about sjw agendas. I can't find a single gaming website now that's devoid of their constant cry me a river baby cries.
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Commented on 2017-02-27 19:12:51
Can't wait. I really liked the first one but it had some issues i hope they ve fixed
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Commented on 2017-02-27 19:40:54 In reply to Yarost
Posted by Yarost
paranoia about sjw agendas
Oh, come on. It's not paranoia, diversity is something companies and people strive to nowadays. This year's Oscars for example, after 2 years of #oscarssowhite hashtag shaming on twitter Jimmy Kimmel gleefully says "I want to say thank you to president Trump, I mean, remember last year when it seemed like the Oscars were racist?" implying that Oscars not being diverse enough in the past was a racism prejudice problem.
Back to videogames, Naughty Dog said that character diversity is as important as gameplay (although come on, everyone laughed at how ridiculously Mary Sue they've made Nadine, they went overboard with that)
And I'm not going digging for these examples, either, I'm just showing that it's not some /pol/ lunatics seeing conspiracies in everything, it's an actual directives and guidelines people follow. And it's okay, writers and artists should be able to put whatever they want into their creations. I'm not saying anything about Finn and Rei in new Star Wars movies because they fit and are enjoyable characters, but when diversity issue is handled so hamfisted as in Battlefield 1 or this game with no regards to source material, then it's bad.
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Commented on 2017-02-27 21:30:48
I too was a bit baffled by the black guy. I'm pretty sure there aren't any black people in Gondor. Unless, the dude is a descendant from the Men down south.

But anyway, I don't really care much. This was just a CG announcement trailer anyway.
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Commented on 2017-02-27 21:50:58
Im curious who is writing the game this time. I don't think Christian Cantamessa (red dead redemption, mordor) will be back for the sequel and John Gonzalez left to do Horizon. Im hoping there is more story this time since it seems they are going the alternative universe route
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2017-02-27 21:57:13
I never liked the character head design, Aragorn wannabe tbh hopefully we can swap or add (beard).

I also hope its not repetitive since first one became that and freaking boring, though fantastic combat.
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Commented on 2017-02-27 23:06:08 In reply to Sath
In the first dlc he had a glorious beard. I wish they would keep it in this game too
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Commented on 2017-02-28 00:35:55
When I heard the whole black guy thing in the comments I was a little concerned... until I watched the video. Clearly they are taking more liberties with the lore than just race of one guy. A guy bound to the spirit of an elf forging a ring of power at mount doom? Clearly not 100% true to Tolkien's fiction in any event.

That said I seem to have noticed a trend where it seems as though they are trying fill people of various genders/races etc in as many places as possible.

While I think it is important that there be more diversity in general I don't there HAS to be. For instance, it is important that there be more black people, asian people, women etc I don't think it should become a numbers thing. For instance, I don't think there HAS to be female protagonist of GTA by force. If the creators want to and had an interesting concept? Sure. Or I don't think that Lara Croft has to become a Black woman/man or any other thing just for the sake of diversity.

When I was younger I used to long deeply for more black characters in films and also felt that black people I saw in films were different from my own local culture (I am a Nigerian). At a point, it got so bad that it even became resentment against white people for "suppressing, oppressing and stealing our culture." I am glad I got away from that mindset.

That is not to say that I am not happy and glad to see black characters well rendered in various media or hear of a high quality film made by a black person. I very much am. All I am saying is that passion and creativity should be guiding force of any creative pursuit not playing to demographics.
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Commented on 2017-02-28 01:00:40
This should replace the last sentence above. I find it more accurate and honest.

All I am saying is you don't to make your game, comic, film about fitting every ethnicity and gender in any corner possible. I personally like things to be a bit more flexible.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2017-02-28 08:07:27 In reply to AndreasZ94
Posted by AndreasZ94
In the first dlc he had a glorious beard. I wish they would keep it in this game too
they better :)
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Commented on 2017-02-28 21:09:47 In reply to asdfg
I spit my tea, when I saw Lifespan section. That's the dorkiest dorkiness I've ever dorkened.
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Commented on 2017-02-28 21:12:36 In reply to Yarost
This message is in "Boulet Time" (TM), If you still *really* want to see it, click here
Posted by Yarost
"waaaaah waaaaah a black guy waaaaah" Seriously this generation of closet racist gamers are friggin' annoying, spamming the comments sections everywhere with all their immature xenophobic whinings and paranoia about sjw agendas. I can't find a single gaming website now that's devoid of their constant cry me a river baby cries.
Racism - prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.

Not sure how not wanting Y in your X is racism. Lore notwithstanding.
Commented on 2017-02-28 21:19:04 In reply to Sath
This message is in "Boulet Time" (TM), If you still *really* want to see it, click here
I honestly believe that American white guilt and craving for media buzz are ruining artistic integrity hard. It's also the absolute worst aspect of Americanisation and Globalization. People from Finland start believing that their ancestors owned slaves and they are somehow in debt to the Middle East or Africa. It's probably funnier than anything else, though. For now.
Commented on 2017-02-28 21:21:53 In reply to lumzi23
This message is in "Boulet Time" (TM), If you still *really* want to see it, click here
Posted by lumzi23
When I heard the whole black guy thing in the comments I was a little concerned... until I watched the video. Clearly they are taking more liberties with the lore than just race of one guy. A guy bound to the spirit of an elf forging a ring of power at mount doom? Clearly not 100% true to Tolkien's fiction in any event.

That said I seem to have noticed a trend where it seems as though they are trying fill people of various genders/races etc in as many places as possible.

While I think it is important that there be more diversity in general I don't there HAS to be. For instance, it is important that there be more black people, asian people, women etc I don't think it should become a numbers thing. For instance, I don't think there HAS to be female protagonist of GTA by force. If the creators want to and had an interesting concept? Sure. Or I don't think that Lara Croft has to become a Black woman/man or any other thing just for the sake of diversity.

When I was younger I used to long deeply for more black characters in films and also felt that black people I saw in films were different from my own local culture (I am a Nigerian). At a point, it got so bad that it even became resentment against white people for "suppressing, oppressing and stealing our culture." I am glad I got away from that mindset.

That is not to say that I am not happy and glad to see black characters well rendered in various media or hear of a high quality film made by a black person. I very much am. All I am saying is that passion and creativity should be guiding force of any creative pursuit not playing to demographics.
American blacks have ruined it for all of us.


White American liberals did :P
Commented on 2017-02-28 21:27:32
This message is in "Boulet Time" (TM), If you still *really* want to see it, click here
Almost forgot. I'd love to play a good action game, set in Sub-Saharan Africa. But I doubt that shoving "african-Americans" in every game will make me less racist than I already am.
Commented on 2017-02-28 22:40:28 In reply to ManCrush
Posted by ManCrush
waaah argumentation waaah
White colored people not wanting dark skinned people to be represented in a setting that also has fans amongst said dark skinned people ( Yeah there are many black fans of Middle-Earth ) is racism to me. Also, you "that's a liberal agenda" folks always whine about how it's a diversity master-plan being pushed by white devs and ignoring the fact that there ARE many black video game developpers that work in this industry and who would like to have people of colors fairly represented in this medium.
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Commented on 2017-02-28 22:52:31 In reply to ManCrush
Posted by ManCrush
I doubt that shoving "african-Americans" in every game will make me less racist than I already am.
Oh, you seem plenty racist, i don't doubt that for a second.
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Commented on 2017-03-01 10:09:57 In reply to KORNdog
This message is in "Boulet Time" (TM), If you still *really* want to see it, click here
Posted by KORNdog
Oh, you seem plenty racist, i don't doubt that for a second.
I'm a moderate racist then :P
Commented on 2017-03-01 10:14:48 In reply to Yarost
This message is in "Boulet Time" (TM), If you still *really* want to see it, click here
Posted by Yarost
White colored people not wanting dark skinned people to be represented in a setting that also has fans amongst said dark skinned people ( Yeah there are many black fans of Middle-Earth ) is racism to me. Also, you "that's a liberal agenda" folks always whine about how it's a diversity master-plan being pushed by white devs and ignoring the fact that there ARE many black video game developpers that work in this industry and who would like to have people of colors fairly represented in this medium.
Less of a plan, and more of a cattle herd doing what's cool these days. With marketing teams being their shepherds.
Commented on 2017-03-01 11:06:00 In reply to KORNdog
Posted by KORNdog
Oh, you seem plenty racist
Posted by InigoMontoya
You keep using that word. I don't think it means what you think it means.
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About the game
Published by
Warner Bros. Int...
Developed by
Monolith Product...

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