First 10 minutes PC Xbox 360 PS3

For a while now, developer Criterion has given up the Burnout franchise to work on another successful arcade racer: Need for Speed. After Hot Pursuit which turned out to be an excellent title, they are back with Need for Speed: Most Wanted, a sort of reboot of the game which was available at the 360 launch. Because the PC version suffers from a few framerate issues for the moment, we can't show you any 1080p/60fps gameplay footage of the game but Miguel took *a few* screenshots to accompany our videos of the 360 version. Enjoy!
Update: Added three PC videos at 30 FPS with still some slowdowns.

Some US websites have been very enthusiastic about this new installment, we are a bit less, not so much because the game isn't fun, but mainly because some areas are a bit disappointing in our opinion. For example, cars cannot be totally wrecked as in Burnout, even when you crash into a wall at full speed. It can clearly be explained by the fact that cars are now licensed and they must look good. Moreover, there's a bit of latency in the controls that makes gameplay a bit awkward in the beginning. When you get used to it, you tend to forget about it, but it feels a bit odd at first. Finally, not everyone will like the rubber band AI, as it will always be impossible to lose your opponents even when your driving is at its best. All in all, Most Wanted is still a good game, with a good amount of content, and you'll especially enjoy it if you miss the good old Burnout vibe.

PC Screenshots

  • Our videos of NFS Most Wanted - PC Screenshots
  • Our videos of NFS Most Wanted - PC Screenshots
  • Our videos of NFS Most Wanted - PC Screenshots
  • Our videos of NFS Most Wanted - PC Screenshots
  • Our videos of NFS Most Wanted - PC Screenshots
  • Our videos of NFS Most Wanted - PC Screenshots
  • Our videos of NFS Most Wanted - PC Screenshots
  • Our videos of NFS Most Wanted - PC Screenshots
  • Our videos of NFS Most Wanted - PC Screenshots
  • Our videos of NFS Most Wanted - PC Screenshots
  • Our videos of NFS Most Wanted - PC Screenshots
  • Our videos of NFS Most Wanted - PC Screenshots
  • Our videos of NFS Most Wanted - PC Screenshots
  • Our videos of NFS Most Wanted - PC Screenshots
  • Our videos of NFS Most Wanted - PC Screenshots
  • Our videos of NFS Most Wanted - PC Screenshots
  • Our videos of NFS Most Wanted - PC Screenshots
  • Our videos of NFS Most Wanted - PC Screenshots
  • Our videos of NFS Most Wanted - PC Screenshots
  • Our videos of NFS Most Wanted - PC Screenshots
  • Our videos of NFS Most Wanted - PC Screenshots
  • Our videos of NFS Most Wanted - PC Screenshots
  • Our videos of NFS Most Wanted - PC Screenshots
  • Our videos of NFS Most Wanted - PC Screenshots
  • Our videos of NFS Most Wanted - PC Screenshots
  • Our videos of NFS Most Wanted - PC Screenshots
  • Our videos of NFS Most Wanted - PC Screenshots
  • Our videos of NFS Most Wanted - PC Screenshots
  • Our videos of NFS Most Wanted - PC Screenshots
  • Our videos of NFS Most Wanted - PC Screenshots
  • Our videos of NFS Most Wanted - PC Screenshots
  • Our videos of NFS Most Wanted - PC Screenshots
  • Our videos of NFS Most Wanted - PC Screenshots
  • Our videos of NFS Most Wanted - PC Screenshots
  • Our videos of NFS Most Wanted - PC Screenshots
  • Our videos of NFS Most Wanted - PC Screenshots
  • Our videos of NFS Most Wanted - PC Screenshots
  • Our videos of NFS Most Wanted - PC Screenshots
  • Our videos of NFS Most Wanted - PC Screenshots
  • Our videos of NFS Most Wanted - PC Screenshots
  • Our videos of NFS Most Wanted - PC Screenshots
  • Our videos of NFS Most Wanted - PC Screenshots
  • Our videos of NFS Most Wanted - PC Screenshots
  • Our videos of NFS Most Wanted - PC Screenshots
  • Our videos of NFS Most Wanted - PC Screenshots
  • Our videos of NFS Most Wanted - PC Screenshots
  • Our videos of NFS Most Wanted - PC Screenshots
  • Our videos of NFS Most Wanted - PC Screenshots
  • Our videos of NFS Most Wanted - PC Screenshots
  • Our videos of NFS Most Wanted - PC Screenshots
  • Our videos of NFS Most Wanted - PC Screenshots
  • Our videos of NFS Most Wanted - PC Screenshots
  • Our videos of NFS Most Wanted - PC Screenshots
  • Our videos of NFS Most Wanted - PC Screenshots
  • Our videos of NFS Most Wanted - PC Screenshots
  • Our videos of NFS Most Wanted - PC Screenshots
  • Our videos of NFS Most Wanted - PC Screenshots
  • Our videos of NFS Most Wanted - PC Screenshots
  • Our videos of NFS Most Wanted - PC Screenshots
  • Our videos of NFS Most Wanted - PC Screenshots
  • Our videos of NFS Most Wanted - PC Screenshots
  • Our videos of NFS Most Wanted - PC Screenshots
  • Our videos of NFS Most Wanted - PC Screenshots
  • Our videos of NFS Most Wanted - PC Screenshots
  • Our videos of NFS Most Wanted - PC Screenshots
  • Our videos of NFS Most Wanted - PC Screenshots
  • Our videos of NFS Most Wanted - PC Screenshots
  • Our videos of NFS Most Wanted - PC Screenshots
  • Our videos of NFS Most Wanted - PC Screenshots
  • Our videos of NFS Most Wanted - PC Screenshots
  • Our videos of NFS Most Wanted - PC Screenshots
  • Our videos of NFS Most Wanted - PC Screenshots
  • Our videos of NFS Most Wanted - PC Screenshots
  • Our videos of NFS Most Wanted - PC Screenshots
  • Our videos of NFS Most Wanted - PC Screenshots
  • Our videos of NFS Most Wanted - PC Screenshots
  • Our videos of NFS Most Wanted - PC Screenshots
  • Our videos of NFS Most Wanted - PC Screenshots
  • Our videos of NFS Most Wanted - PC Screenshots
  • Our videos of NFS Most Wanted - PC Screenshots
  • Our videos of NFS Most Wanted - PC Screenshots
  • Our videos of NFS Most Wanted - PC Screenshots
  • Our videos of NFS Most Wanted - PC Screenshots
  • Our videos of NFS Most Wanted - PC Screenshots
  • Our videos of NFS Most Wanted - PC Screenshots
  • Our videos of NFS Most Wanted - PC Screenshots
  • Our videos of NFS Most Wanted - PC Screenshots
  • Our videos of NFS Most Wanted - PC Screenshots
  • Our videos of NFS Most Wanted - PC Screenshots
  • Our videos of NFS Most Wanted - PC Screenshots
  • Our videos of NFS Most Wanted - PC Screenshots
  • Our videos of NFS Most Wanted - PC Screenshots
  • Our videos of NFS Most Wanted - PC Screenshots
  • Our videos of NFS Most Wanted - PC Screenshots
  • Our videos of NFS Most Wanted - PC Screenshots
  • Our videos of NFS Most Wanted - PC Screenshots
  • Our videos of NFS Most Wanted - PC Screenshots
  • Our videos of NFS Most Wanted - PC Screenshots
  • Our videos of NFS Most Wanted - PC Screenshots
  • Our videos of NFS Most Wanted - PC Screenshots
  • Our videos of NFS Most Wanted - PC Screenshots
  • Our videos of NFS Most Wanted - PC Screenshots
  • Our videos of NFS Most Wanted - PC Screenshots
  • Our videos of NFS Most Wanted - PC Screenshots
  • Our videos of NFS Most Wanted - PC Screenshots
  • Our videos of NFS Most Wanted - PC Screenshots
  • Our videos of NFS Most Wanted - PC Screenshots
  • Our videos of NFS Most Wanted - PC Screenshots
  • Our videos of NFS Most Wanted - PC Screenshots
  • Our videos of NFS Most Wanted - PC Screenshots
  • Our videos of NFS Most Wanted - PC Screenshots
  • Our videos of NFS Most Wanted - PC Screenshots
  • Our videos of NFS Most Wanted - PC Screenshots
  • Our videos of NFS Most Wanted - PC Screenshots
  • Our videos of NFS Most Wanted - PC Screenshots
  • Our videos of NFS Most Wanted - PC Screenshots
  • Our videos of NFS Most Wanted - PC Screenshots
Commented on 2012-11-01 18:34:53
can you say day 1? looks fantastic.
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Commented on 2012-11-01 18:53:32
Is miguel (uhh mi-guel, thats my barman name in my mexican dreams.) using FXAA on the PC Screens? It still is quite jaggy in some spots.
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Commented on 2012-11-01 19:03:07 In reply to infamouz956
I wouldn't If I were you. Just got a chance to try it out and it's a complete disappointment. Criterion's last effort, Hot Pursuit, was much better than this. Cop chases aren't as good as HP or even the original Most Wanted. It's got framerate issues (game even pauses for a split second every once in a while). It's got wtf game design elements like being able to upgrade your car or switch tires on the fly while you're driving. Graphics and track design aren't as good as Hot Pursuit. There are basically no options in the game so you can't adjust things like the hud. For some reason they felt the need to display your race position and times both in the corner of the screen and also on a rediculous looking flag that keeps popping up attached to your bumper. It only takes one hit usually to take out a cop or opponent. There are only two camera views (close chase and bumper cam). I could go on but why bother...

If you want cops with your racing stick with HP. If you don't need them do yourself a favor and pick up Forza Horizon instead, which is an infinitely better game than this. I really hope that Criterion can redeem themselves with their next release.
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Miguel - Kimi Räikkönen
Commented on 2012-11-01 19:11:09 In reply to nostradamus
Nope, it's only the game's AA (there's no AA option in the game, looks like it uses its own FXAA), I could have used some FXAA or SMAA injector on top of it but I forgot :D
While moving it's not that noticeable :)
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Commented on 2012-11-01 19:58:13
It looks like someone got his PrintScreen key stucked. :-D Great. Thanks for screens and videos.
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Commented on 2012-11-01 20:30:16 In reply to Zat
Posted by GS
Some US websites have been very enthusiastic about this new installment, we are a bit less, not so much because the game isn't fun, but mainly because some areas are a bit disappointing in our opinion.
A 9.0 by IGN ? On par with Forza Horizon ? Really...
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Commented on 2012-11-01 20:51:08 In reply to SplitTongue
Posted by SplitTongue
A 9.0 by IGN ? On par with Forza Horizon ? Really...
I think this looks more fun...but maybe a bit too much like paradise.
In reply to
Commented on 2012-11-01 21:05:21 In reply to KORNdog
Posted by KORNdog
I think this looks more fun...but maybe a bit too much like paradise.
Looks more fun? Horizon will play more fun...Horizon is incredible fun you should get on it!
In reply to
Commented on 2012-11-01 22:12:16
Pretty cool game so far. I dont like couple of things tho : only 2 cameras and they both sucks, no replays, shit damage physics ( ya ya I know licensed cars etc but still..) Gameplay is good tho, AI is brutal and gfx are ok.
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Commented on 2012-11-01 23:30:26
Game is cool. No framerate issues so far. Only thing which sucks big time is no option for manual shifting. Pussies!
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Commented on 2012-11-02 01:35:18
i pass... stay with my Forza H. :)
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Commented on 2012-11-02 07:56:02
Well....I think the previous Most Wanted was better, but these sounds.....LOVE IT!!! Best engine sounds from Underground 2. I wish those sounds would be in Gran Turismo 5.
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Commented on 2012-11-02 09:37:28
Did you had any problems regarding the framerate? there is a big topic on neogaf about problems with really big rigs that have still have framerate issue's.
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Commented on 2012-11-02 09:46:22 In reply to Senaxx
Posted by Senaxx
Did you had any problems regarding the framerate? there is a big topic on neogaf about problems with really big rigs that have still have framerate issue's.
The only veeery slight problem is in tunnels. You can feel there is some lagging, dont know why, but I must say, otherwise it runs perfectly. And my comp is far from high-end. AMD Phenom X4 965 Black Edition. 4GB DDR2 RAM and GTX 560 Ti OC, 1 GB, Windows 7 64 bit.

But I dont know, how it runs on consoles.

OH...and full detail, of course. 1920x1080
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Commented on 2012-11-02 10:37:12
I often get 25-30 FPS in this game at 720p, constant 20 at 1080p. I had 40-50 in Warfighter at 720p, and constant 30 at 1080p on max settings, so this is ridiculous.
I only have a HD 7770, but 720p30 is the absolute minimum for this card, and most games run at 1080p30.

I cannot play this game at the moment. I hope they fix it.
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Commented on 2012-11-02 10:51:01 In reply to THU31
Posted by THU31
I often get 25-30 FPS in this game at 720p, constant 20 at 1080p. I had 40-50 in Warfighter at 720p, and constant 30 at 1080p on max settings, so this is ridiculous.
I only have a HD 7770, but 720p30 is the absolute minimum for this card, and most games run at 1080p30.

I cannot play this game at the moment. I hope they fix it.
Well is looks like it runs differently on every machine.
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Commented on 2012-11-02 12:14:33
I don't like the smudgy look of it. Looks messy.
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Commented on 2012-11-02 14:32:28 In reply to Xoar
Posted by Xoar
Looks more fun? Horizon will play more fun...
horizon looks dull as dish water compared to this. horizon look more fun then, say, test drive unlimited...
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Commented on 2012-11-02 14:38:18
I've gotta say; the lighting and amount of shadow casting lights is pretty darn impressive. Way more complex than I was expecting. Reflections on the ground, too. There is a lot going on. I remember the first most wanted not having the best frame-rate, and it was still fun...
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Commented on 2012-11-02 17:38:09 In reply to KORNdog
Posted by KORNdog
horizon looks dull as dish water compared to this. horizon look more fun then, say, test drive unlimited...
If you think Horizon looks dull it would suggest your not really into driving games unless it's got stuff like wacky jumps in it or police car chases. Which if thats the case Horizon certainly isnt for you.
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Commented on 2012-11-02 17:43:54 In reply to Xoar
Posted by Xoar
If you think Horizon looks dull it would suggest your not really into driving games unless it's got stuff like wacky jumps in it or police car chases. Which if thats the case Horizon certainly isnt for you.
i said it looks more "FUN". those wacky jumps and police car chases you mention are what make it more fun. it might not be as good of a bog standard racing game...but i'd rather it be less "H4RDC0R£ R4C3R" and more fun...hell, throw in deployable weapons and loop da loops and it's even MORE fun. and that's what i want a racer to be...this looks more fun then horizon. simple.
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Driftwood - Dictateur en chef
Commented on 2012-11-02 17:50:16 In reply to KORNdog
Plus Horizon is on 360 so by definition you can't like it. :joking:

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Commented on 2012-11-02 17:59:29
Weapons in a racer lol, it's not racers you like it's arcade games.
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Commented on 2012-11-02 18:03:07 In reply to Xoar
Posted by Xoar
Weapons in a racer lol, it's not racers you like it's arcade games.
arcade racers...yes, well done. horizon is an arcade racer, as is this. which is more fun? this. what arn't you getting?
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Commented on 2012-11-03 11:57:36 In reply to KORNdog
Posted by KORNdog
arcade racers...yes, well done. horizon is an arcade racer, as is this. which is more fun? this. what arn't you getting?
Come on now... Most Wanted is like Modern Warfare with cars ! (NFS:MW = Need for Speed: Modern Warfare) By all means, Horizon is trying to be the exact opposite. Might as well say: Forza Motorsport 4 is an arcade racer. The driving physics in FM4 have been adopted 1:1 to Horizon, the devs confirmed, only difference being the driving aid intervening more actively (which btw is very scalable or you could turn off completely) and the absence of a more sophisticated damage model like in FM4. The mainstream-ish Horizon festivities doesn't turn it into an arcade racer automatically... It's all about handling (which btw sucks in MW for being an arcade racer). Anyway, i like both racing genres, i just don't think the 2 games are on par content-wise.
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About the game
Published by
Electronic Arts
Developed by
Criterion Studios

$135 of $400 per month

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    Loakum @Driftwood Awesome! I’m loving it! It does show a much crisper picture and the frame rate looks good! I was playing Stella Blade and Dragonball Soarkling Blast! :) (> 3 Months ago)

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    Driftwood @Loakum: enjoy, the one Sony sent us will be there on launch day. Coverage will follow asap. (> 3 Months ago)

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