First 10 minutes Xbox 360 PS3

After Itagaki left Tecmo a while back, fans of the Ninja Gaiden franchise started to worry about Ninja Gaiden 3. Although newcomers to the series might appreciate the new approach the game has taken, hardcore fans will undoubtedly reject this third installment. In a series where skills have always been rewarded, it is certainly difficult to see that there is so little left of the past in Tecmo latest game. As we haven't had the chance to play the game for too long, your comments and feelings about it are welcome, so don't hesitate to share.

Commented on 2012-03-21 12:15:58
I didn't play it yet,but if its not like the previous ninja gaidens then I will be disappointed
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Commented on 2012-03-21 13:35:28
its nothing like the previous ninja gaidens .
its sooo bad . ninja gaiden 3 is a mere shadow without itagaki .
i never knew how bad a franshise can get after the main developer leaves.
now i know . now i'm waiting for itigaki's new game "devils third".
looks promising
In reply to
Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2012-03-21 13:49:20
As a Ninja Gaiden game, its really bad with lack of content, but as a action game its solid.

Its a shame so much content that should be in a NG game is removed, sure there is free DLCs coming and thats a pain in the ass, should have been in-game unlockables.
Ah well, seeing the new DLC trailer, I am waiting for the scythe and hopefully they add Vigoorian Flail and Kitetsu and the dual swords.

Got the game early so in the overal experience its solid but unless you are not a diehard NG collector fan, it should be bought atleast at bargain bin. At its core its still Ryu with tweaked ninja sword action, its just the content and the alot of SP QTEs that makes this bad unfortunetly.
I love Ninja Trials AKA Mission Mode though, good thing its solo this time around.

Anyways, hopefully Hayashi learned. As as they say, you got to fail once to see the mistakes so you cant do it again and succeed. And considering this is Hayashi's first full NG game, I hope he takes every critisism of the fans (not new audiance) and learn from it. this is a good player showing the NG3 combat at its maximum level.
I used 99% Dragon Sword in all NG games so I dont mind, but those who didnt, a big shame and sad time.
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Commented on 2012-03-21 13:51:44
I felt that Hayashi won't deliver. This looks so boring and without any edge. I hope Bayonetta 2 will show everyone how to make a slasher game.

Also I have high hopes for Devil's Third. I think Itagaki learned his lesson on NG2 and that's why the development takes so much time.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2012-03-21 14:02:21
I hope Bayonetta 2 takes it easy on the stupid cheesy japanese fap stuff they had in the first, and hopefully we get a outfit worth looking at without puking. (who am i kidding, its gonna continue with this nonsense for virtual fappers).
Only thing Bayonetta has going for IMO that I can remotely be interested in is the combat, but then again, the combat in Bayonetta is so much aerial and juggling, like DMC, I am not into that so much (not saying its bad, just a preference).
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Commented on 2012-03-21 14:11:31
Bayonetta shits on this game from great heights.
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Commented on 2012-03-21 14:12:23
Ninja Maiden.
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Commented on 2012-03-21 14:18:56 In reply to Sath
Posted by Sath
Only thing Bayonetta has going for IMO that I can remotely be interested in is the combat, but then again, the combat in Bayonetta is so much aerial and juggling, like DMC, I am not into that so much (not saying its bad, just a preference).
Lol, of course it's all about pure gameplay - combat. Just like in every NG game. I skip all of the cutscenes, because the story in these games is garbage at best. :P

yep Bayo -> NG3 by huuuge mile. :))
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Commented on 2012-03-21 15:58:53
Can't call myself a big NG fan but I pre-ordered CE just to have all 3 NG CE on the shelf. And since I was buying this not for its gameplay (which is far from being great in previous games as well IMO) but for the story (silly me, eh?) I will be fine with it probably.
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Commented on 2012-03-21 16:00:54 In reply to VegaMan
Posted by VegaMan
(which is far from being great in previous games as well IMO)
In my opinion you are wrong.

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Commented on 2012-03-21 16:31:37 In reply to IRAIPT0IR
Posted by IRAIPT0IR
In my opinion you are wrong.

That's the exact reason I will enjoy this game while you won't.
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Commented on 2012-03-21 16:44:36 In reply to VegaMan
Posted by VegaMan
That's the exact reason I will enjoy this game while you won't.
Yes, that's exactly the reason.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Commented on 2012-03-21 16:45:48 In reply to VegaMan
Posted by VegaMan
but for the story (silly me, eh?)
People play games for stories? ;)
In reply to
Commented on 2012-03-21 16:59:32 In reply to GriftGFX
Posted by GriftGFX
People play games for stories? ;)
For most gamers, completing the story in their playthrough is their only sense of motivation and accomplishment.
In reply to
Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2012-03-21 17:27:16 In reply to VegaMan
Posted by VegaMan
That's the exact reason I will enjoy this game while you won't.
As long as you are enjoying the game thats great, dont let anyone tell you any different.
I am enjoying the game as well, many issues, but it still has some cool stuff going for it.
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Commented on 2012-03-21 17:40:09
Itagaki ruined NG and DOA long before, so stop with this without-Itagaki-blah. As a hardcore NG and DOA player this game looks solid enough with some fresh features for the series. Yeah it's not a strict sequel to NG2, with even more double and tripple versions of weapons and ninpos, but it's still a gem of its own in the action genre. The combat system plays good (they haven't really touched it which is good). Free weapon DLC...dont understand why it's not on the disk. At least it's free.
And DOA5 (Demo) has more improvements (especially in terms of in-depth gameplay) than DOA4.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Commented on 2012-03-21 17:40:52 In reply to Ellipsis
Posted by Ellipsis
For most gamers, completing the story in their playthrough is their only sense of motivation and accomplishment.
That seems unfortunate to me.
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Commented on 2012-03-21 18:09:35 In reply to GriftGFX
Posted by GriftGFX
People play games for stories? ;)
Not JUST for stories. But that's a part of the overall package I value.
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Commented on 2012-03-21 18:31:56 In reply to GriftGFX
Posted by FemaleTengu
Itagaki ruined NG and DOA long before, so stop with this without-Itagaki-blah. As a hardcore NG and DOA player this game looks solid enough with some fresh features for the series. Yeah it's not a strict sequel to NG2, with even more double and tripple versions of weapons and ninpos, but it's still a gem of its own in the action genre. The combat system plays good (they haven't really touched it which is good). Free weapon DLC...dont understand why it's not on the disk. At least it's free.
And DOA5 (Demo) has more improvements (especially in terms of in-depth gameplay) than DOA4.
Without Itagaki there would be no Ninja Gaiden at all so your whole argument has no value whatsoever.

WIthout Itagaki's games there would be nothing for Hayashi to ruin.

Hayashi only took away the meat and the core of what a Ninja Gaiden should be, good luck with that.
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Commented on 2012-03-21 18:33:06
Is it just me or do I not see a combo meter, meh.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2012-03-21 20:16:42 In reply to FemaleTengu
Posted by FemaleTengu
Itagaki ruined NG and DOA long before, so stop with this without-Itagaki-blah. As a hardcore NG and DOA player this game looks solid enough with some fresh features for the series. Yeah it's not a strict sequel to NG2, with even more double and tripple versions of weapons and ninpos, but it's still a gem of its own in the action genre. The combat system plays good (they haven't really touched it which is good). Free weapon DLC...dont understand why it's not on the disk. At least it's free.
And DOA5 (Demo) has more improvements (especially in terms of in-depth gameplay) than DOA4.
Itagaki has a more sense of designing NEW stuff than Hayashi's designing OLD data to new game and calling it NEW.
Majority of hardcore NG fans, me included hate how it turned out, most of us was sane and smart enough to notice it from the very first gameplay video and the announcements he kept pulling out of his ass.

A sequal should evolve the combat as much as possible, and be as fresh as possible, NG3 has neither whatsoever. The only new is some tweaked sword moves, slide and SOB, thats it.

The combat has its moments, but thats the thing, thats sword only, and some of the moves from NG2 Dragon Sword is gone, especially those Y (X360) moves, and you dont even get True Dragon Sword in the game, its basically a tradition to have that in all NG games near the end fight.

Free DLC is good, but it should be on disc, especially for those who dont have internet, and the sense of process of unlocking something after you beat as a REWARD, this game has zero reward, unless you check Ninja Trials for typical armor and headsets and Kanji which IMO is useless as crap compared to a full on clothing design that is noticeable during combat.
And the free DLC is just a copy and paste from NG2 with tweaked NG3 combat, thats lazyness at best.

I played NG2/NGS2 for hours with those weapons, I want brand new weapons, and stuff i already mastered and know by heart.
I know its extremely hard to come up with martial arts weapons for Ryu to use, NG has practically the most important and famous ones there is, but if creativity is there they can be refreshed from ground up.
I look at smoe anime fights and their style of fighting, or even games like Sengoku Basara 3, the sword combat and movement is just leaps and bounds anything Ryu can do, even in a cutscene.

I am having some fun now and then with the Ninja Trials, but i want MORE!

So yeah, I disagree with you entirely.
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Commented on 2012-03-21 20:43:39
Without Itagaki there would be no Ninja Gaiden at all so your whole argument has no value whatsoever.
what? He made NG2. Proof enough.


I simply dont agree. Hayashi made Sigma 2 to a game what NG2 should be from the beginning with. A playable and challenging game with new stuff.

And in terms of design Itagaki made shit to te DOA franchise. He also tooked out things people loved from both franchises. No improvements whatsoever (NG2 had gore and some new weapons....a dumb story, dumb characters, no mission mode but DLC with even less missions etc. yeah great design....)
Itagaki and Hayashi are on the same level but I prefer Hayashi's style more. I see NG3 as a solid NG cauz I like what I see an I dont see much of a difference here from NG2.
In reply to
Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2012-03-21 21:05:59
Sigma 2 is a game that was already made, called Ninja Gaiden 2.
Again, Hayashi can only tweak the already stuff, he cant make something good from very ground to up.

There is a quote from Jeff Goldblum in Jurassic Park that is spot on to what Hayashi is doing, during the dinner scene.
He says one cant take someone elses job and expect to be successfull. You havent earned it, no discipline behind the creation, you are just taking something that is already there, tweaking it to give it your own and then packing it and letting it go out and sell.

That is describes Hayashi PERFECTLY.
He only tweaks someone elses hardwork somewhat so he can say "he did it", while majority of the work was by someone else and he expect it to sell alot of units which isnt the case.

All NGs has terrible characters overal, though I did like Regent of the Mask, better than Murai and Doku anyways.
IF you cant see the difference in combat from NG2 and NG3 then you are not a loyal hardcore of NG as you claim to be when majority of hardcore vets are having the same opinion on it.
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Commented on 2012-03-21 21:24:01
Who cares if NG2 already existed. What's your point? He made a better game from it, THIS is what counts because I am the one who buys the game, not some dude from Team Ninja staff.
And I think I have to remind you that Itagi did nothing alone. There is always a team behind a game. So yeah..

And I dont know what you mean. Combat is the same engine with over 30 different properties of stuns + SOBs - delimbs. I dont play NG for stupid delimbing. I never liked it. NG1 was the best and Sigma 2 and NG3 are a good direction to that feeling.

Fan =/= same opinion.
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Commented on 2012-03-21 21:29:48 In reply to FemaleTengu
Posted by FemaleTengu
Who cares if NG2 already existed. What's your point? He made a better game from it
No he didn't.
THIS is what counts because I am the one who buys the game, not some dude from Team Ninja staff.
And I think I have to remind you that Itagi did nothing alone. There is always a team behind a game. So yeah..
Yes that team left with him to form Valhalla.
And I dont know what you mean. Combat is the same + SOBs - delimbs. I dont play NG for stupid delimbing. I never liked it. NG1 was the best and Sigma 2 and NG3 are a good direction to that feeling.
No they aren't.

NGB was the best, NG2 had the best combat engine and the best god damn feeling in killing enemies.
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About the game
X360 PS3
Published by
Developed by
Team Ninja

$135 of $400 per month

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